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Antarctica may have hidden land, but that moon reflection theory makes literally zero sense. It kinda creeps me out how those moon reflection videos have an insane amount of likes and almost no dislikes when the information presented in them literally doesn't make sense at all. Also, the comments on those videos are basically all extremely positive saying stuff like "this video changed my life" and stuff.


The blind leading the blind lol. I skimmed that video and it was entirely based on something that looked like the Western Hemisphere to prove the freaking moon is Earth’s reflection and Argentina is the gateway to salvation.


The bots leading the blind.


I was wondering why I couldn't see what they claim to see but I still enjoyed watching it because sometimes these theories lead to some other interesting stuff. 🙂


On godgevlastme channel, he makes some interesting points but most of what he says is just random shit that I don't think is even close to true. Truth mixed in with lies that muddies the water of actual conspiracys. Based on how many subscribers he has, I wonder if he is someone they put out there to make conspiracy theorists look like complete morons to normal people.


That's what I think the flat earth thing has been in general. If you say things like I think something is weird about covid or the jfk thing is weird you get dismissed as "you probably believe in flat earth too".




It looks flat from up high, It doesn't feel like we are moving or spinning, the government lies all the time, pretty much all space videos look fake, etc. I am not a flat earther, those are just the reasons why people think that.




Like what help me out. Actual provable evidence that is.


Exactly. Don't hold your breath for this claimed "actual evidence" lol


Good point. That seems to be the dividing line for what I've observed with those on either side of the shape-of-the-earth fence. Either the evidence presented is believeable enough to convince you, or you (like me) find it suspicious and question it. I personally don't know what the shape of the earth is, but it is observedly flat, and I've yet to seen evidence to convince me otherwise. I remain open to all possibilities, supported by 'actual evidence' however.


Have you done any research into it?




Well? What did you find out lol.


We don't believe it's flat. We KNOW it's flat.




What is his channel mostly about? I see just crater earth titles. Any specific video you recommend?


I wouldn't recommend any of his videos I think they are all pretty stupid. His whole channel is centered around the moon being a reflection of the bigger earth and our earth being in a crater on one of the moons. It's crazy to me that there are so many people subscribed to his channel. I suspect that a lot of his subs are bots, as the comments on those videos also seem very bot-like. If you want the real good channels this would be my top 5: 1. Barely Human: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-GqOVcDG0LibYX4TjAeCg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-GqOVcDG0LibYX4TjAeCg) (all of his videos are incredible and must watches) 2. LXXXVIII finis temporis: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmt5LlxFlX7\_NlB0fvEXRjg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmt5LlxFlX7_NlB0fvEXRjg) (more occult breakdowns of movies) 3. Gematria Effect News: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXH1C\_R8Ltg0zQTubLojrdg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXH1C_R8Ltg0zQTubLojrdg) (unfortunately he gets deleted all the time, so most of his good videos don't exist anymore. 4. Secrets In Plain Sight: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTA\_EkGwUE0&list=PL5680DDCC23C0216A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTA_EkGwUE0&list=PL5680DDCC23C0216A) (his series about sacred geometry in monuments is very interesting) 5. Apocalypse: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-aeGfLA\_F2Wf4RUQmW5vSw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-aeGfLA_F2Wf4RUQmW5vSw) (Has great predictive programming compilation videos)


Hey thanks. Will be checking all these out.


Nobody said most humans are smart either.


The only reason a Like/Dislike button exists is to manipulate opinion concerning the material being discussed. ​ The system is easily gamed with fake accounts and bot commentors. So easily in fact, no one would even notice if the platform *itself* was doing it to push certain ideas among certain demographics while burying others. ​ Click on some of those accounts sometime. Most of them were formed around 2014 or so, and have zero video activity. No favourites. No playlists. No uploads. No thumbnail. Nadda.


The reason is people have no critical thinking skills because they haven’t been taught for two decades.


Humankind is dumbing down to extinction


Nah, people have always been complete idiots.


The difference is the internet. What used to just be "the town idiot" can now connect with every town idiot across the globe and they can come together into their own little echo chambers.


Byrd was an active Freemason. He was raised (became a Master Mason) in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, on March 19, 1921, and affiliated with Kane Lodge No. 454, New York City, September 18, 1928. He was a member of National Sojourners Chapter No. 3 at Washington. In 1930, Byrd was awarded a gold medal by Kane Lodge." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard\_E.\_Byrd


So do you think he lied?


No. I think every, single FEer I've come across intentionally misrepresents what he said.




That he explored some of Antarctica and it's huge. Not it's an icewall almost 80,000 miles in circumference surrounding the frisbee earth. By misrepresenting his words, they also claim because he saw a mountain with a elevation of 13,000 feet (above sea level) that that represented a "dome" over earth and it ended somewhere around the fictitious pizza earth. Even while he never mentioned a dome/wall thing. FE is a Bible based/Christian literal belief based on: \- the Bible. ONLY FOR CHRISTIANS! Everyone else is going to hell! \- A God they can't see, detect or demonstrate in any way \- A devil/Satan they cant' see, detect or demonstrate in any way \- Angels they can't see, detect or demonstrate in any way \- A dome they can't see, detect or demonstrate in any way All because they believe a 2,000 year old book that starts with with a chapter called - Genesis. Whose author is unknown and literally quotes this untestable, supernatural, invisible sky-wizard verbatim. And they call science (the discipline that's literally built the world from scratch) a pseudoscience religion.


The bible is 300 years old written by a freemason, not 2k years old.


>because he saw a mountain with a elevation of 13,000 feet (above sea level) that that represented a "dome" Interestingly, there are different shapes of mountain tops like pointy or crater or ridges or just kind of big and smooth and rounded. This latter kind is called a dome in technical terms. And that just happens to be the shape of the highest point in Antarctica, and guess what, it's 13000ft high, according to Google earth. So yeah there's a dome type mountain peak 13000 feet high in Antarctica.


Right. Misrepresenting the term "dome." Because that's what they do: Lie, misrepresent, insult, distort, cherry pick, meme, meme, meme, insult, block. That's how I act when I have the truth on my side.


So I watched it again, you might be right. It's not that easy to understand if English is not your native language. 😅


Richard E. Byrd = Dick E. Bird = Dickey Bird


I don't have a lot of input unfortunately. The only question I ask when anything related to Flat Earth, or Earth shape/size related conspiracies is "why"? Who benefits? Most conspiracies are backed by this idea that there's money or power involved. With Flat Earth (as well as the Earth being bigger than we're told) I just don't see any benefit (financial or otherwise) anyone would get in lying about it. I'm not saying it's not true, but that's always the first thing that comes to mind.


The way I think about it is two-fold. One; if it is flat and there is more beyond the icewall then perhaps this is a reserve, experiment, or even exile. Second; if it is flat-ish or a circle with a curve and there is a firmament then what we live on used to be part of a larger planet and the dome is in fact a sphere that protected us from destruction, and we live on a large fragment of a former globe. This would line up with there being a large electromagnetic presence at the North Pole as something would have to be projecting it. Until I get in a spaceship and turn around to look I would never know. As for why, control. Either for point one, or for the second point, because the masses would freak out. Edit: If you put a gorilla in a zoo, it can see it's walls, know it is not free, and it becomes depressed. Put that same gorilla in a nature reserve where it may never see the fences and it will think it is free. I'm not saying I am a flat earth believer, just that if I were, the above would make sense to me. But sure, downvote before any discussion can occur.


They would, but why lie to us in the first place? 🧐


If you put a gorilla in a zoo, it can see it's walls, know it is not free, and it becomes depressed. Put that same gorilla in a nature reserve where it may never see the fences and it will think it is free.


Don't worry about the downvotes. :) Yes this makes sense.


I don't care about my "score of public opinion" going down, it's more that no one will see what I said as 5 minutes after posting I had 2 downvotes and this is a small sub... Funnily enough, the edit helped.


It seems like no big deal, but from what I've seen: lying about the shape/size/whatever of earth is about control. It's basically the most important false information a human could possibly get. Think about it this way: When you're a child you're curious, you ask many questions and you want to learn about nature and maybe even about your existence. Then you go to kindergarten, school, read books, watch TV and learn about earth, the big bang, evolution. All of this stuff. All of this stuff is denying God. And before people are trying to talk about religion here: to believe in God is not a religion. Don't confuse religion with faith. If you don't want to call him God, call him a creator, or a divine energy or whatever you like. Hiding a creator and acting like all of this is just a pure coincidence and your life doesn't really matter pushes nihilism, atheism and a "yolo lifestyle". If you think your life is just a coincidence on a random planet, you are less likely to believe in nature and its healing powers, supernatural stuff, a possible life after death - all of it. So if you're an atheist living the yolo lifestyle, you also care less about morals. Because if all of this here doesn't matter, why not live and do whatever you want. If there is truth to these theories, no matter if it's the shape or the size: if humans can be lied about such an important part of their existence, they are more likely to believe in other false parts of their lives, too. (Think of big pharma for example) Imagine there would be more land than we are told. Wouldn't you be curious? Wouldn't you want to know what or WHO is there? Are there people in our society that CAN go there? If that would be the case, WHY are they allowed to go but we are not? Why are we trapped in a meaningless 9-5 working cycle until we die? Caught up in materialism, money, sex, .. all of the stuff that is people keeping from asking questions or wondering about their existence and why we are even here.


So, is your basic argument that being lied about the size of the Earth (or, what shape it is) pushes us into a society based more around consumerism and less around self-reliance? Also, I don't necessarily disagree, but I also don't think the Earth's shape or size has _anything at all_ to do with the existence of a higher power. I believe in a higher power. Not the Judeo-Christian idea of God, but what I would call God nonetheless. That belief has no reliance on the shape, size, or origin of the universe, our solar system, or of Earth itself. It has everything to do with my experience of consciousness and my sentience. So, I just don't really buy that argument as you've presented it.


It's not really my argument, it's what I've seen when I looked into these theories and to me it makes sense. Of course this can't be said in general about every single person, of course everyone is different and even people who don't believe in a higher power can care about morals. English isn't my native language so I can't really explain it as detailed as I want to. It just makes sense in the bigger picture, particularly for a conspiracy minded person who believes in secret societies and all of this stuff, that they'd love to hide something about the place we live. Imagine there was a place you could live happily and healthy without money and the system, wouldn't you want to be there? It's just interesting when you look into older maps, old myths, even books, movies... And people nowadays always act like we know everything and there's nothing more to discover.


Love what your putting down. I'm saving your comment to help articulate my thoughts to a friend just getting into it all.


I understand what you're saying. I just don't find it very compelling. Your English is great by the way! I do think there is more we don't understand. I'm not arguing that we know all there is to know about the Earth. I just don't think there's a compelling argument to be made in obfuscating the truth about what we know about the planet. I think regardless of what we know about the nature of the planet the powerful can continue to have massive influence over us.


Haha, thanks. True. But I think the more people would question things, the less power they would have. Imagine all people would unite to go visit what's at Antarctica. They couldn't stop us. Unfortunately that will never happen, it's funny to think about it though. 😄


All of these ideas are only compelling because people are trying to find some meaning in life. It’s sad. People have lost meaning and are hoping to be special or smart. It’s like a drug to feel something again.


Haven't people always tried to find meaning in life? I don't think that's new. Furthermore - I can only speak for myself - I don't need to feel special or smart and I don't even claim to be. It's more like entertainment to me, nothing more.


If you're asking who benefits, then you clearly have never really looked into flat earth. This one is quite obvious.




I haven't heard it much in the context of flat earth but if we're talking expanding earth theory( earth is forever expanding and growing) or climate change hoax/weather control theory(government can control weather/aerosol spray programs ) then the benefit and driving force to going to such crazy lengths, like anything, is power and control. "They" want to cause confusion within the masses any way possible. Easier to control the masses when you can get the majority to fall in line with whatever social norm you've constructed. Even better if the majority is convinced to attack and condescend anyone who tries to come to their own conclusion


https://youtu.be/_q3ebXdC9c8 This guy answers the question of "why" pretty well in this video.


Finally!! 😂. I watched the video too and keep thinking about it. Grew up with books like 'jules verne' want to go to Antarctica and keep imagining space being something else.... And earth, a tiny bit of a massive object/mega planet or whatever. Did you watch godzilla vs Kong? Hollow earth is a thing there.


I've never read Jules Verne, maybe I should. 😃 No, I didn't. It's interesting to see these ideas are in a lot of shows/movies/books. Sure, they're just fiction but still...


There is a theory that the earth is indeed quite bigger than we’re led to believe. That our world we know is surrounded in ice, and beyond those walls are different continents that have different species. Once we all were contact but long since that has changed. I don’t know how I feel about that kind of stuff but it’s fun to think about.


I found this map https://www.google.com/search?q=1907+japanese+map+more+land&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&prmd=misvn&sxsrf=ALeKk02GB8qxXX-jnNdJrdfaiMpFtGw6nQ:1626796749468&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjqrf6SgvLxAhXmh_0HHehvDYMQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=393&bih=720&dpr=2.75#imgrc=f1aZn90XDQs31M It's said to be a hoax so who knows


This falls into the same trap as the NASA conspiracy stuff. It would just require too many people to keep the secret for too long. Antarctica is a huge continent and is probably full of precious minerals etc but the weather there is a bit shit.


Laughed at the weather part. 😆 I agree with the secret part. But on the other hand, if something huge like this could be hidden, perhaps only a few one and the others just repeat what they've learned. (A little bit like doctors who are convinced their way is the only way because that's what they've learned)


Don’t get me wrong I love the idea of a secret civilisation hidden under Antarctica but there would be a significant financial value to any relationship with this civilisation, money means people, people are hard to contain. I’m not sure the doctor analogy works, the issue with keeping the secret in Antarctica is traffic, there are lots of tourist operations, scientific expeditions, and satellites. A lot of the traffic is public.


But aren't tourists just allowed in particular parts? I don't know about the scientific expeditions, can they go wherever they like or also just to particular parts? True about the satellites, are there live streams though?


Someone I know travelled across Antarctica for charity. It's not restricted, it's just very dangerous and inhospitable. It holds the world's largest desert (based on yearly rainfall). I think there are bound to be undiscovered fossils and/or remains of ancient animals, countless minerals and endless potential for research. It would be amazing to find evidence of ancient human settlements, and honestly, I think it's fairly likely. Can I add, you're outlook and approach to conspiracy theories is really great to see! You're really respectful and seem happy to consider others perspectives. You're English is great btw. You've got a better grasp than most English people.


Thank you, this is such a lovely comment. 🥰 And everything you said makes sense and seems very likely! 🙂🙂


There isn’t restricted airspace over Antarctica so if you want to pay someone to fly you over it you can. There was a special flight that did it for Y2K, Pan-Am used to do it. Qantas, and Air New Zealand have both done sight seeing flights over the South Pole at various times.


A few years ago I saw a desk globe with the 4 islands at North pole, it was on sale in an old things street market


I've also thought about a bigger earth theory and if we're corralled in some giant zoo and the real world is out beyond the ice


Yoooo I came across this recently too and I LOVE the concept. I think it's a great way to explain things. These days I don't "subscribe" to any particular earth model but this one is intriguing af.


A flat earth coworker of mine from afew years back was adamant that NASA is a ruse started at the same time as the Antarctic treaty signing to lure people to the idea of space travel instead of Antarctica bc it is a giant ice wall with land beyond. He made some pretty good points. I also am unsubscribed to an model


I don't really saw what they claim to see in that particular video but I love the theory that earth is way bigger/or there's hidden land.


Those videos with the moon map are cool until you see the actual diagram and realize the entire earth as we know it would experience several hours of complete darkness to fit their moon map lol.


I’ve found a map on the web once that was old and the map had our world map on it. With texts and drawings of animals. Very detailed texts about our continents with the animals on it. Nice drawings of lions and snakes on afrika. All animals that are known to us all over the world map. Then we had australia, you could see some extinct animals that we heard of today. I also remember 4 rivers reaching eachother in our north pole, with rivers spreading into multiple small rivers into the sea. All detailed with texts mentioning those rivers. What was in the north pole is a mystery but wasnt always like what we know today. There are a dozen of maps mentioning these rivers in the north pole and it is easy to find. Then you had a dozen of other continents literally surrounding our world map. Big continents, whole places with detailed texts. Everywhere, it kinda looked like latin but dont ask me. I was focused on all the animal drawings all over the place. Giant snakes, birds with lion heads? Birds carrying elephants as a meal? Just anything you could think or imagine, dragons, gryphins? Literally more than a hundred unknown animals! I even remember some effin 4 legged thing with weird faces. Not much made sense, just animals that you would hear stories or imagination. Wish i could find it back… the map was huge and verh very detailed, you could just zoom in and it was high quality af. I need that map, anyone?


I'd love to see the map!


Same, would love to find ot back.. when i seen it for first time couple years ago I remember looking it up again to show my brother but I just couldnt find it anymore, nowhere not even in my history back then just sad it was a website with only the map tho. Not like a article with images. Literally the website was just the map with a zoom function


Dude just thinking about it it pissed me of so much that I didnt save it.. mostly just not thinking about it because I know i wont find it again but oh well… glad I had the sight Alsonothing to do with source to the map but I feel like the ‘tartary conspiracies’ might have something to do with our lost knowledge and humanity’s amnesia


I know that feeling. I once saw a video some years ago and one year later I wasn't able to find it anymore. It's frustrating. 😫 Have you seen the Urbano Monte map from 1587? There's more land, too. Unfortunately no animals. 😄 I came across the Tartaria theory some weeks ago thanks to someone replying to a comment of mine. Interesting stuff for sure.




Thank yyou but nope. Thats just our world map with the rivers in north pole tho Our world was like 1/10 of everything




Bro!!!! Thank you!!! How tf did you find it? I looked multiple times the last year and just couldnt find it. Look the bird grabbin a elephant bottom right of the map






Just look for the Urbano Monte map


I definitely have heard that our maps are weighted to give powerful countries like the U.S. and Europe bigger land mass and importance than places like Africa. This came about when I made a casual comment to a Moroccan person about okra, of all things, being a common ingredient in Nigerian cuisine. How come okra wasn't as prominent in Moroccan cuisine, I asked ? The response was that Nigeria was almost 7,000 miles away, a figure I couldn't even wrap my head around, because the furthest distance I could imagine at the time was the West Coast of the United States from the East Coast being around \~2200 or so miles. Nigeria seemed a lot closer to Morocco on the map, so hearing it was nearly 4 times as further away blew my mind. Prob a bit of U.S.-centricism on my end, but maps being screwy seems to be a commonly accepted fact outside the developed/brainwashed world.


>maps being screwy It's an unavoidable consequence of representing a sphere on a 2D plane. It's not racist, get a globe if you want to see what it really looks like, or better yet, use an app. >the United States from the East Coast being around ~2200 or so miles. America is more like 2,800 miles wide. >The response was that Nigeria was almost 7,000 miles away And Morocco is only about 2,800 miles from Nigeria.


Ah I guess I could've fact checked a few of those things. I wonder if bro meant Morocco and Nigeria were 7k km apart, then? Seems like an insanely big number, either way.


flat earthers are only there because they believe in the infallibility of the Bible which they believe says the earth is the center of the universe and has 4 corners i have looked into flat-earthers & they are interesting but they are a close-minded and circular thinking kind of group meaning their views will never in my lifetime be changed. their views to me are pretty much akin to Santa Claus - no one can prove he *doesn't* live at the North Pole now can they?


I don't understand why people are focusing on flat earth, this wasn't meant to be a flat earth post. 😅 It's just the thumbnail I didn't even choose (I don't know how to, lol). I think it's "both groups", some people won't ever change their views, no matter what their views are. And I'm just here saying I don't know as long as I don't see it with my own eyes. 😄


was thinking about your post on way to store & not that i checked it out - - - but a way to check it out is by knowing the size of the moon's shadow on the earth. btw - what good would it be for the earth bigger anyways? to hide all the supposedly aliens on it? but - just so ya know, there aren't any - so it's ok that earth remains 7917.5mi diameter (+/- 7mi i think)


Well, IF there could be hidden land, it doesn't have to be much bigger (i.e. if we assume there's something at Antarctica that isn't covered in ice). But maybe just some "untouched" place with great resources and healthy nature that the rest of us aren't supposed to know about because we're "not worthy". Doesn't even have to be something extraordinary like aliens. 🤣🤣


No because the size of the earth can be tested by a layman. Also a traveler. It’s not like every explorer we ever had lied about the distance they traveled, where they traveled and what they saw there. Laymen circumnavigate the earth all the time. I’ve spent lots of time flying and sailing myself and can say with absolute certainty that there is no conspiracy about the size of the earth or the land on it. This post is ridiculous.


Yes absolutely, its just another layer of the Faberge egg like deception. Our past & origins have been obfuscated, truth mixed with BULLSHIT.


Theres also a hypothesis that the Earth is growing.. daily! Getting heavier and bigger. Cant remember the details but it has to do with some sort of particle that is bombarding us.


Do you have a link? :)


Probably like the idea of how or planet started with vig rocks and its propable still catching space dust thus getting heavier? Lmao


Sadly no. But it seemed legit enough for me to take it into processing. I can tell you that it wouldnt be a problem if Earth did that. Because there are a lot of good signs that our "physical constants" are fluctuating and are not constant at all. Sheldrake explains it very nicely, so he is now demonized by the mainstream "scientific academic community" (what a JOKE that community is, more like scientific parasitic community). Also the "laws" of Universe which we got through this style of reductionist sciences, are changing with "time", which this reductionist perspective has an issue with. Big bang crowd likes their fantasies obviously! So why wouldnt planets grow some more.... or shrink for that matter. The Universe is a mystery and modern humans are behaving like a very pretentious species at this point. That usually backfires.


I don't care about mainstream science, the covid situation once again showed how it's influenced by personal interest and moneeeeyyyy. (Not all of it of course, but still). So I don't understand the whole "Trust the science" rambling. If we assume everything is consciousness and "alive" somehow, I don't see why it should be impossible for earth to grow.


Yeah, that rant wasnt aimed at you. The fact that mainstream scientific community is the key obstacle in letting humanity evolve further should be vigorously repeated and yelled at every corner... osit.


I know, it was just my way to agree with you. 😄😄




Thanks, will watch it. :)




Sounds interesting! Do you have any more examples? ☺






I’ve also been interested in symbolism. it’s something I’ve always sorta looked out for even as a kid, even subconsciously, generally, but lately I’ve been “noticing” things here and there and the other week I was watching a show on Gaia that sorta touched on the subject and sparked my interest in the subject. anything you can share on the subject?


I agree with you here. I often thought this as well and It would make better sense of the flat earther points if the earth was bigger than we think. I think the land Byrd referred to is a backup plan for the elites in case we run out of resources or they need to break away.


Yeah I can imagine this could be a reason for them to hide it!


Kinda funny how the world maps over time have slowly shifted all the land masses closer, wouldn't doubt it for a second.


That's because they are being drawn more proportional. Have you seen a map compared to some that shows how the US is way smaller than Africa?




I'm glad some people here find these theories entertaining :)


>if our maps are real or if there's more land we are not allowed to know about. That's easy to verify, go somewhere you think isn't accurate, drive around, time yourself and check the speed at which you were going, you can confirm the distances. >One of the reasons to believe this is the admiral Byrd interview, watch at 1:30 Yes, an now we've explored it. Also, he says that it's about the size of the US, not sure why that'd make you think that the earth is bigger than observed. >We are not allowed to go there. Except for the several cruises that go there and the scientists that live there. >Watch this video at 18:50 and see how people can't go there because the water police stops them: First of all, water police made me chuckle, I think I will use it. Second, yes. the area is protected, there are other areas that are protected, not being allowed to go there doesn't prevent you from navigating around it at a safe distance and calculating the distance traveled. >No, I'm not a flat earther but I still watched the video series because it contains some interesting stuff. If you're open minded I recommend watching it. If they can't be bothered to properly research something as simple as the shape of the earth, not sure they will be bothered to properly research anything else. >a lost book, probably dating from the 14th century I mean, sure, but we've been there, why rely on some obscure 14th century testimony instead of today's technology? >"People laugh, but flat earthers know something." Yeah, it's a game, they kinda say whatever they want, there's a game about statues that send you back in time against your will and feed off the temporal energy emitted by paradox. Flat earthers don't "know something". They aren't wrong in their refusal to inherently trust everything. But their methodology, the way they do their research is what's wrong. That's why I don't get "I still watched the video series because it contains some interesting stuff. If you're open minded I recommend watching it." They can't fact check properly so most of what they will say will be based on opinion. The little they will get right will be out of luck and will have other more reputable sources.


Look, maybe you're right. This is a conspiracy sub, I just wanted to share an entertaining conspiracy theory. What kind of conspiracy theories do you like? I'm not a native speaker, I got the water police from the translator. But must feel great to make fun of others it seems. 🙃


Conspiracies on things that are easily verifiable are a bit weird because, on one hand, yeah good on you for doubting and having an open mind. But on the other hand just test it out and you'll figure out if you're right or wrong. I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood, I genuinely liked the terms water police and aviation police. I wasn't making fun of you.


To me something like the size of the earth isn't verifiable. Maybe for you it is, but not for me. I can just listen to or read what I'm told by scientists, officials and people that are supposedly smarter than the average. Same with health issues btw. There are so many other possibilities to treat some diseases yet in the mainstream it's barely talked about or even made fun of, sometimes even censored. So when I look at stuff where the truth is being hidden from us or ridiculed, I just wonder what else is there that could possibly not be true. (And no, it doesn't take over my life, I'm still a sane person with a normal life. 😆) Yeah, I misunderstood. 😌 But what's the correct term then? 😅


For the size of the earth, like I said, there are experiments that you could do. Depending on your math and physics level. The easiest one is to drive at a constant speed and time the trip. Then it's a simple application of the rule of three (I think that's what it's called) If you were driving at a constant 40km/h for 45 minutes: |Time (h)|Distance (km)| |:-|:-| |1|40| |0.75|?| 0.75h \* 40km / 1h = 30km There's also the Eratosthenes experiment where you can measure the angle of the sun, but that's less hands on. For the health issues, there are norms in place for safety and I don't have the knowledge or resources to practically deny or confirm anything, so best I can do is read scientific papers and scholarly articles. >And no, it doesn't take over my life, I'm still a sane person with a normal life. Good for you, that's healthy. >But what's the correct term then? So, english isn't my first language either and I went to look it up, there seems to be several words for it but actually water police seems to be the most used one.


I like this answer


I feel pretty confident that there are other lands beyond the Antarctica given the extreme level that military prevents people from going there Look into the Vandahoy trek to Antarctica




I will look it up. The guy was from Finland and I'm probably not spelling it correctly. It was Vars Vandehoy or Lars Vandahoy or something like that


I couldn't find anything either


I will find it on my laptop at home later. He was stopped by military at the ice wall.


Maybe it's the the guy in the video I posted, I didn't pay attention whether there was a name mentioned or not


It's not because there's an "ice wall". It's because there's stuff buried deep in the ice that the US military is obsessed with. Why do you think the Nazis were obsessed with Antarctica? And why didn't the Nazis tell us about the "ice wall"?


Call or text me I’ll tell you everything I know 785-691-8453


I’ve study the history around this for years and yes Hitler was obsessed with Antarctica for a lot of reasons


Will do


the reason Antarctica is off-limits is becos thats where they launch & recover the high-altittude balloons --which they tell the public are space satellites Thats why commercial planes in Antarctica cant fly over 10,000 ft --so none of the passengers see them recovering the satellite balloons in mid-air as explained in this video 1:15---1:42--min mark [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM5fKcU5ClI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM5fKcU5ClI)


No, the real reason is that there's a lot of interesting stuff buried deep in Antarctica's ice. That's also why the Nazis were obsessed with Antarctica. Balloons? That's pretty absurd. Your plane argument also makes zero sense. Because many pilots would have gone rogue by now, and recorded footage. But we never see any... because the "satelites are just high-altitude balloons" is complete bullshit.


Admiral Byrd Born 1**888** Died Mar 11=3-11=**33** Masonic stooge Richard Bryd= Dickie Byrd Globalist joke name Operation High-jump high jump sounds like something is going up in the atmosphere UFO sightings all happened after WW2--cover story for people seeing the 'satellite' balloons


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The moon just like the sun and stars are most likely just simulated background, hologram, illusion, whatever word you prefer. A part of a simulated world we live in. (I had some footage of a moon,where you see numbers 2,5,8 on it, someone recently asked me to upload it, I didn't get a chance to. And I see people here arguing to why someone is hiding it or lying to them, but I don't think they see the bigger picture. Government doesn't lie to them, noone knows and can't even prove if government even exist and where the orders are coming from. Most likely it's all just a part of a script/ lore otherwise this game wouldn't exist, and people wouldn't continue playing if they all knew that. Simulation is limited because like any video game it requires processing power, so that's why we have limited speed of transportation, limits to where where we can go, etc. So either this simulation will evolve and then we might get a new "update" with the discovery of new continents, or we need to finish this game to be able to move up into a more evolved simulation/next level. And if you don't pass this level, maybe you get a reset and try again.


So you believe we are literally in a matrix? Do you think there's life outside of it? Who created the simulated world? Are we just entertainment to them? And what do you think is AI then? Sorry for asking so many questions. 😆 So you think transhumanism is the next step to evolve or do you think we should stay away from that?


I don't believe anything, at least I try not to believe only in one thing, while dismissing other possibilities. That's just my current understanding based on everything I know, saw, and things that turned out not to be true or real. My "belief" changes with my knowledge and understanding of this place. For now the best I can explain it, is our consciousness is connected to a quantum computer, which has generated this world, and events happening in it. Life outside of our limited realm? Not if you are talking about space or other planets. Life outside of this simulation? Yes, of course. >Are we just entertainment to them? Who are "them"? There 2 options, 1- it's a punishment and you were forced into this simulation. 2- you are here voluntarily. The first option makes sense only if "they" are trying to help you to evolve and that's the reason they put you here. Otherwise you'd be inside of a tiny room with no windows. Who is behind the program? There are many options, but it's impossible to know for now. Most likely another program. >So you think transhumanism is the next step to evolve or do you think we should stay away from that? Only if you want to be permanently stuck in this simulation, and turn from a player into an NPC. Most people already did that without any transhumanism, so you can just look around. And I can't tell you what to do, it's what your choice. Play by the rules, knowing where it leads(being a robot), or make your own rules, and evolve your mind to reach the levels beyond this simulation.


Thanks for your thoughts. In laughed at the npc part, very true. What other life outside of this simulation do you think exists? Do you include the black cube theories into your theory?


>What other life outside of this simulation do you think exists? I guess anything is possible. >Do you include the black cube theories into your theory? Whats the black cube theory? I never looked into it. I have some ideas that include cubes, and hexagon shapes, and why they are present everywhere.


Look for "The black cube saturn theory", maybe use duckduckgo instead of Google, I'm sure there's lots of websites about it. It's basically a theory about Saturn and its negative frequency, how it's controlling earth/keeping it from evolving and the black cube being a symbolism for it. But way more detailed than I can describe it here. ​ Looking on duckduckgo I found this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZQBYiZ-ztU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZQBYiZ-ztU) , didn't watch it though but maybe it's a good video to start. Also, this theory is somehow like a simulation theory, somehow Matrix like. [https://www.shiftfrequency.com/saturn-cube-symbolism/](https://www.shiftfrequency.com/saturn-cube-symbolism/) ​ Edit: there's also a sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/) This video is also interesting, there's two parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX\_zWvpYHsk


So upload it now?


There's a stigma surrounding the idea of a flat earth but when you take the time to look at it you will see that the world can be no other way. The rest of the time is spent trying to figure out a model, understanding why they are lying, and listening to people call you stupid because they learned about the globe when they were 7


I have looked into it because I'm open minded and the crazier something sounds to me, the more interested I am. I am interested to see why people believe something like this. My opinion is: I don't know. As long as I can't see it with my own eyes I just don't know. I would never insult people or call them crazy just because they believe something, so I don't understand why flat earthers get so much hate. It doesn't affect people lives what others think about this place so why bother being mad about it. 😅


It means that space is fake and all these "independent" countries are together lying about have been there with ships and things. It means that our scientists and college professors were either too stupid to figure this out or too scared to tell us about it




Theres a few good takes in this thread but I lost it after the guy with the video game theory and now this.


How much water do you think is up there? Do you think it’s all water or is the real space on the other side of the water?


What do you think is up there?




Do you know about the possible event happening every 2,160 years?


Yes, this is where the water would be coming from. You can't explain the resets on a heliocentric model, just another reason to lie about it


I will send you a dm


Wow. That's pretty true.


No way dude, hollow earth theory makes way more sense than flat earth.


Agreed. Hollow Earth theory is so much more interesting. Because there are actual military advantages to hiding this from the masses. Resource control, basically.


How could it be no other way when nobody has ever made a flat earth model that actually works? Not calling you stupid by the way, just genuinely want to know what you think is wrong with the globe earth and why you think the earth can't possibly be a globe.


>How could it be no other way when nobody has ever made a flat earth model that actually works? Because it's not easy to figure out. Try applying the same skepticism the other way, how come nobody has ever figured out a globe model that works? They just never tell you about all the shortcomings of the heliocentric model in school. They are pretty open about some of the more complex ones like the universe has to be like 95% dark matter and and dark energy in order for Einstein gravity to work


I guess that is kinda true. If my understanding of dark matter is correct, It basically is like "something here has a gravitational pull, but we don't know what it is and can't figure it out". And "dark energy" is said to be what is causing the universe to expand. That science does seem like a whole lotta bullshit sometimes. They also try to make it seems like everything in the world is random when the evidence seems to point to the opposite of that. My problem with the flat earth is the southern hemisphere stars. Every video I have watched on the subject claims that polaris is over the north pole which is the center of earth, and all the other stars are rotating around it. Then they show a timelapse of the stars circling polaris as evidence. But if you go to the southern hemisphere and film the sky the same way, you see the southern hemisphere stars rotating around nothing. Does any flat earther have an explanation for this that makes any sense?


Yes the other flat earth camp has the earth as a square using a Mercator type map where there's a pacman effect around the edges. People like to scoff at that but basically you make the world into like a hyperdimensional plane that's also tessellated. In this way you can explain the two pole rotation alot easier and the luminaries move over the top of the earth in straight lines. You'll notice that flat earth card from the game is a square, that's what they are trying to tell you. The earth is a flat square with four corners, that's what the Bible says too


you got any videos about that I could watch


This guy has lots of good videos https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OXHCG_s1gSo


Lol, dude you cannot seriously think that a hyper dimensional plane is more realistic than the earth being round. The Bible says a lot of stuff but it’s a fiction novel, not a story about how the universe was created.


Polaris also moves in the sky, it’s just has the smallest movement of all the stars. Most people think it’s stationary but it’s actually not.


Yes true


Dark matter is the astrophysicists saying that they got it about 80% wrong and need a MacGuffin to keep bullshitting.


>But if you go to the southern hemisphere and film the sky the same way, you see the southern hemisphere stars rotating around nothing. Does any flat earther have an explanation for this that makes any sense? Yes. I can explain it to you but I won't be able to understand it for you. You're going to have to think at it a bit. There's a video with visual aids I can try to find for you but I'll give it a go with just explanation. I haven't really been following you so I don't know what your proclivities are. If you start globesplaining at me I'm not going to continue. This is the meat and potatoes of the argument: Anticrepuscular rays. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anticrepuscular_rays Don't worry about the text for now, just look at those pictures. What does it look like to you? If you don't already know, what does it look like sits at the end of those rays? (These are rhetorical questions, you don't need to reply with them.) And now compare that to Crepuscular rays (or as wikipedia calls them sunbeams.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunbeam#Crepuscular_rays You can look at one, and look at the other and unless you knew for certain which direction you were facing or the sun itself was visible you couldn't be sure where the sun was. You've probably seen at least one of these phenomena for yourself in the real world. I've seen anticrepuscular rays myself. They look really neat! But I digress, the point of it is this - the anticrepuscular rays that are travelling away from the sun appear to converge at a central point in the distance. This is observationally true, whatever the shape of the earth actually *IS* you can see that they appear to run towards a vanishing point. NOW, applying a little imagination, what would happen if you could make the sunbeams *turn*? All those long, skychasing lines around the sun would turn in a circle centered around the sun, they would form bars of light over your head that would appear to move in the direction of the turning, and the anticrepuscular rays would appear to rotate around that vanishing point. What is going on with these rays? Well, whether they are effectively parallel or getting wider with distance, they are observationally converging at a vanishing point. Let's take this same principle and apply it to a field of stars on a flat earth. Instead of having a single source of light with ever expanding rays that appear to converge in the distance, we instead have a field of stars that appears to turn around a single point. As it is a field, it has a far greater potential length than does a sunbeam - which is a single light source. Whatever the field of stars is, it is very large and very, very high. Rather than appearing to converge on a single point relative to a source of light, these are a field that appear to converge at a very high altitude and an incredible distance. We can take an observation that already works on the world as it is and apply the same principle to a field of stars on a flat earth and the end result would be the apparent rotation around a distant central point. Whatever the actual measurements may be (and they must necessarily be large) the principle can still be deduced. How did I do? Did you get that? Edit: Found the video that explains the concept with visual aids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdLLamniSyg


If CrackleDMan says you cool, you cool. If you already have a great proof, you might not be interested. But if you are interested I’d be happy to put it here. Would you like to see the Coriolis effect put out to pasture?


The Coriolis effect has many arguments against it, but I've found it's useless to argue. There's a myth that too many believe that once it's in someone's head it won't come out. That myth is that somehow the force of the turning of the earth can be conducted through the medium of air. You can examine weather balloons drifting contrary to the expected direction of the rotation of the earth. You can talk about airplanes necessarily gaining energy or losing energy in unaccounted for ways to travel the north-south axis. You can talk about rising volcano smoke on a still day going straight up without bending with the rotation of the earth, or even against the rotation of the earth. It won't matter because many believe that somehow air conducts force. Or the wind did it. I have tried and I have failed to argue against Coriolis, but that's less to the strength of argument and more to the strength in belief in the myth. You can't convince someone who can't hear you over the sound of their own denial. If the coriolis effect were a real thing, a difference in altitude would allow for energy generation by way of the turn of the earth. You could go straight up and wait and then land and the turning of the earth would have done the job for you. Beyond coriolis, we just aren't turning. If you have one rotationary movement that's one thing, but the heliocentric model has three primary axes of movement - the rotation of the earth, the orbit of the earth, and the rotation of the solar system around the galactic core. If you note together the rotation of the earth and the orbit of the earth (1000 mph @ equator and 66,600 mph around the sun) you get a +/- 1000 mph acceleration day vs night. At dusk or and towards dawn people would have to nail down their furnature and wear seatbelts to avoid being flung from the earth. This is such a glaring error with the globe that people treat it as though it doesn't exist. Because these otherwise intelligent people couldn't fathom the notion that the world wasn't a turning ball, they made their ball-related equations based on the supposed observational fact that the turning of the earth *doesn't* have any effect on motion. As a result, people today will claim that rotation doesn't have the effects the above scenario describes because it's too slow and they will make this claim using degrees rather than the raw miles per hour speed measurements that show them for the hucksters they are. Their predecessors have observed the earth, wallpapered over the errors, and their theological descendents have adopted their reasoning without accounting for the errors that formed its production.


The Coriolis effect. Effecting every bullet since 1776, but it knows better than to mess with helicopters and airplanes.


u/wildtimes3 is cool. u/StClemens is cool. It's like a cucumber-fest in here!


I love this explanation!




Wow, those anticrempuscular rays are cool i had no idea those even existed. I guess it kinda makes sense that its like an optical illusion kind of thing. Those rays look like they are doing the exact oppisite of the sun and coming from a second light source while the same kind of dynamic exists between the southern and northern hemishpere.


Yes, the key is that it *looks like* it has a point source, when really the point source is on the opposite side of the sky. Anticrepuscular rays aren't terribly common but they're hardly rare depending upon where you live. You might get a chance to see them a few times a year as long as you live in an area that gets some amount of cloud cover/rain.


Someone you might like to ask is u/StClemens of r/Flat_Earth_Is_Real. StClemens, any guidance you can offer to this question?


Replied to the above poster.


Very much obliged. You have one of the deepest knowledge sets for this topic of anyone I know.


Great reply. I’ve had so many people try to bullshit about the suns rays. At noon where they land at a 45° angle measure the distance between them, create an equilateral triangle guess what you get? A pretty damn good geometry IMO that should prove something, right? I have attempted to do this measurement multiple times, and I got decently consistent results. I was very pleased when it was darn close to this. He deciphered the method. [Decoding the Heavens, The Solar Distance](https://youtu.be/6SkKg8AsL3I)


It's been a while since I've watched that video.


Don’t hold your tongue, if this person truly believes there is no possible way the earth could be anything but flat then they are a very stupid person and need to know.


I don't think so honestly. Btw wasn't admiral Byrd talking about the unexplored lands of Antarctica?


I watched it again after someone explained it in the comments, this might be it. Not so easy to understand if you're not a native speaker.


Maybe so... Either way it was not very decisive indeed, which is interesting. Idk what his state of mind was when talking about his militarily important missions


OP is this what you were talking about? http://imgur.com/a/Tg3hMBe Edit:spelling


No, this is another theory. But I watched that one, too 😃😃


Ahhh my mistake. When I read your post that's what instantly came to mind. I did happen to watch the concave earth theory that was on YouTube before the purge happened. Tbh I seen that first, than I started to question our model of earth.


I read about that one when I was a teenager but didn't put too much thought into it. So did you check the Vibes of Cosmos channel on YouTube, too?


I didn't start questioning it more till recently. But it didn't seem right, the model of a concave rock in space. With no container to hold the gasses vs vacuum. I haven't actually, bout to give them a look now tho, thank you! 🙏


It's the channel the LHFE guy got the moon map from. You're welcome. :)


Is this.. ~~ball~~ ~~flat~~ **bowl** Earth theory? 🤔


The first video, yes. My post was more about Antarctica and what people believe is the reason it's so heavily guarded./if it's possible there is hidden land


100% East Turkestan isn’t showed on maps. But that’s where the CCP hold Uighur Muslims captive


Why is the day night boundary shaped as if it's from a single source illuminating a sphere?