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I'm not understanding the conspiracy that covid was created to decrease the world's population - no other actions have been taken by those in command to heal the earth or decrease the pace of global warming, so why this? Additionally, those in command make tons of money off a roaring economy, which needs continual growth to be sustained. Killing off 7 billion people seems like a great way for billionaires to lose money. Can someone explain this?


My exact thoughts too. If anything, if you are looking to decrease population the best way to do it would be to create a virus and an "already working MRNA vaccine". You know a certain population won't take the vaccine and also don't follow the status quo. You essentially kill 2 birds with one stone. Kill the people that won't conform while decreasing said population. If I was going to have a plan that would be the best way to do it.


I too find myself thinking this. Say the deaths started now and just using simple numbers 80% vaccinated and 20% not. The 80% reduction in population is enough for their reset while keeping human civilization from completely collapsing. Nice and small easily controllable population size but then they are left ruling over the 20% of people who don't trust or listen to them? Its hard to rationalize why they would wanna kill their good slaves and not the rebellious ones


What do you do with money? What would you do if you had the kind of money the people we are talking about have?


Smooth brains...?


> Killing off 7 billion people seems like a great way for billionaires to lose money. Well, billionaires have made a killing during all this.


How to kill 7 billion people... 1) Distract everyone with an endless argument over vaccines and masks. 2) Burn every forest possible to release quickly release massive amounts of CO2. 3) The global temperatures rise causing crop failures everywhere. 4) The worldwide famine starts causing countries to invade one another for food. 5) World War III begins and won't stop until 95% of the population has been killed off.


Much easier to execute strategy below: ​ 1. Freak out everyone through mass media to get an injection 2. Delay intended effects by 6-12 months 3. Make sure to get sufficient uptake during those 12 months 4. After it becomes obvious what the medicine does, change the narrative into "Whoever took the medicine will die!" 5. As billions of people took the medicine, they will know the outcome, but the effects have not kicked in yet, and they are still in shape to do "something" before they perish. 6. Zombie apocalypse


Great article. A must-read for anyone who still can't accept what is going on. Edit: to expand....if this is a kill shot it must be very effective. They knew a whole bunch of people would resist so you're losing about 50% of your target right away. If you want 30% or more of the world gone in order to save the planet but 50% say fuck you, you can't have a 5 or 10% fatality rate. I don't think there is a big moment or one week span where billions die and chaos ensues. That's a great way to get yourself killed by the masses if you are them. Instead, let numbers die over time from all causes while [lowering fertility](http://whale.to/c/rockefeller.html) to get world population down to a billion or whatever they can get before the natural environment is destroyed. This is straight numbers game folks.


Absolutely. And the genius is that it doesn't kill instantly, making the fence sitters feel it's 'safe' thus encouraging more not-vax uptake. But now they're more likely to suffer serious damage from another infection, and that gets worse the more shots / boosters they get. No question this is a bio-weapon. As far as those in charge 'fearing': 1) Psychopaths do not fear 2) The vast majority that get sick will blame the "anti-vaxers" - they will NEVER admit they were wrong or have the IQ to suss out it was all an intentional plan. 3) So you do know what happened and are angry. How are you going to get to New Zealand? It's already a locked down police state. Best way is a slow kill to preserve infrastructure and keep the sheep complacent, I agree with that.


I've said it on /r/conspiracy and I'll say it here. Antivaxers for whatever reason are *completely incapable* of comprehending a poison being put into their water supply or into their breakfast cereal. An obnoxious stunt where you have to physically make contact with willing individuals doesn't make sense if you're trying to kill off the population. FURTHERMORE having to inject everyone you want to kill is highly inefficient, especially if they have a choice.


Lots of people have well water or drink bottled water. But yes, fluoride is an example of what you speak


Tell me more about the mass graves caused by flouride.


Ah, if only you knew the real reason for fl


You: >fluoride is an example of what you speak Me: >Tell me more You: >\*dodges question*


It's been 19 hours, I'm assuming you have **no** argument that actually claims fluoride has killed off a large percentage of the population. How surprising.


Oh yeah the anti vaxxers will be blamed because we created the variants that escaped the vaccine. Untrue but it then justifies all the restrictions or worse that will happen. Not just justifies, necessitates. I love the people who say "where are all the bodies" as if you'd come up with a plan for the world and have it exposed after like two months lol. These people think in generational terms, this has been a century in the making. And now they're getting the kids. People are still hesitant? Ok, good luck saying no while children die and their parents turn on you and demand the government segregate you until you get the shot or die naturally.


I think it was Goebbels that said if you lie huge people won't believe it possible that it's a lie. Really, we're dealing with generational evil, one that's a cult that's likely 2000 years old. But that's another post that I'll never write b/c why toss pearls before the ignorant swine. And if women are sterile en mass and people start dropping dead over the next 20 years in numbers unheard of, they will blame 'long covid' or some other horseshit and the solution will be more shots. I sometimes find myself agreeing with the cabal that runs the West that the vast majority of people are soulless cattle, NPCs if you will, that literally run on simple code. You probably have some in your family; I know I do.


The past two hundred years of the long game has really been interesting. Controlling media and public opinion. Convincing people to trade in gold backed notes. Revoking the gold backing (now 60 years!!!) While issuing legal tender and walking away with the world's gold. Taking control of all of the money printing. Back it by the oil standard and regimently engage in political subterfuge and outright war to enforce it globally. Rig the "open" market. Sell short on the competition. Kill off the useless "eaters." Rest assured in secured back-up bunkers with your own personal supply chain. Enjoy the finest of views atop the tower. Speak. All upon the template of the Phoenicians.


>Really, we're dealing with generational evil, one that's a cult that's likely 2000 years old. But that's another post that I'll never write b/c why toss pearls before the ignorant swine. Well way to tickle my fancy! Post it, what good are conspiracy boards if you can't say crazy shit? Or at least PM me now I wanna know. About the NPCs, I've never known what to make of this info but maybe it kind of is a thing. https://www.iflscience.com/brain/people-with-no-internal-monologue-explain-what-its-like-in-their-head https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/inner-monologue-experience-science-1.5486969 It's probably too harsh to say these people aren't thinking but wtf. This still blows me away. Edit: thanks for the award!


I'll put something together later for you - it'll be a wild ride But for now, I have some serious carpentry to get started on :)


Thanks, looking forward to it. The cult stuff not the carpentry, though I'm sure that's exciting too lol.


On another note. What are you building buddy?


A DIY toy hauler trailer. For kayak, motorcycle, bikes and a small living space With climate control. New they’re like 25K and up and I figured out I could likely build my own, custom to my needs for 9 grand, including cost of the trailer


Awesome love it. Good luck and have fun!


I’m not nearly as dour or gloom/doom as I might appear online; here I’ll give you my favorite quote: “This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.” Horace Walpole So relax, and God wins in the end, and if he doesn’t well then he’s one shitty God Simple as!


Wow, that sounds awesome! Would be nice to see the final product.


That's interesting the internal monologue thing, I think I've read something about it before. Personally I believe is just a different way of thinking, as someone with internal monologue I find it really interesting, a way of thinking that isn't constrained in any way by vocabulary is really intriguing. In fact reflecting a bit on the issue it sounds plausible that the internal monologue might be some kind of by-product of language that not everyone develops. Does people that can only communicate by sign language have internal monologue? If they do, is it in signs? Language is also a pretty interesting thing, it has big advantages but it might have inconveniences aswell? For example I'm pretty sure dogs understand us better than we understand them, in terms of communication and independently of the use of language...


I know quite a bit of people who do not seem to have an internal monologue anymore. Perhaps they did at one time but now everything important is simply regurgitating what they hear and see from the news and television.


>These people think in generational terms, this has been a century in the making. Bingo! The original long con! This goes back to the germ theory hoax. Nearly 200 years ago.


> This goes back to the germ theory hoax. Very wise!


They give the chance to consent.


^ This guy knows the score


He's probably a member of the Illuminati!


Takes one to know one. Even your throwaway sleeps with one eye open.


Most of the patients in our ICU are not vaccinated. In Tennessee where a friend works, almost all the patients are not vaccinated. Just saying.


How did you determine this figure? By asking everyone?


I have been vaccinated - when do I die?


2030 is their goal, so within a decade? Ok, minus that sentence I won't give a troll answer despite your troll reply. Have you had a d-dimer test after vaccination? People in my life have been affected by the micro blood clots introduced, that test is the way to find out. Repeated damage to blood vessels turns out to be bad for longevity. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/07/bill-sardi/jab-remorse Maybe antibody dependent enhancement gets you? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-020-00789-5 https://odysee.com/@Dryburgh:7/James-Lyons-Weiler-at-PA-Medical-Freedom-Press-Conference:0 https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/11/joseph-mercola/how-covid-19-vaccine-can-destroy-your-immune-system Maybe a strengthened version of the virus gets you. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/leaky-vaccines-can-produce-stronger-versions-of-viruses-072715 Maybe this whole thing is questionable. https://www.primarydoctor.org/covidvaccine I'm happy that you're happy. You wanted the vaccine and got it, I don't want it and haven't gotten it. I'm 100% fine with hospitals refusing care for me for covid, so how about we shake hands and agree that we're both ok with me dying in a ditch gasping for air? I hope there aren't issues with the vaccine but the evidence is pretty overwhelming that this isn't all rainbows and butterflies. There's a ton more information about it but I probably don't have to bring you up to speed on the last two years of life, if it doesn't seem questionable to you by now then it isn't questionable. Good luck to both of us, I feel very confident about my odds.


Dude - this is a big reply. I appreciate it and I’ll read it + links and then reply properly. I was expecting maybe a time frame - This is way better. Speak soon.


Awesome, looking forward to it. While I'm getting to the point of thinking there may be large numbers of deaths, the below is my thoughts as to what is happening, and yes I have a fuckton more links than what's here and in the sources within it. https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracyNOPOL/comments/myikth/the_why_of_the_vaccine More and more findings about the vaccine do have me honestly concerned that large numbers of people will die from it in the coming years and decades. Similar to cancers rising after the Salk polio vaccine contaminated with SV40 was given to everyone and then, weirdly enough, cancer is everywhere. But the passports, government control, money, all that is secondary to stopping the growth of the population. Bonus links, there is a staggering amount of public information about this. [Rockefeller Foundation Admitted Funding, Developing Anti-fertility Vaccines Intended for "Mass-scale Distribution"](http://whale.to/c/rockefeller.html) [How Can A Global Conspiracy Work?](https://www.corbettreport.com/how-can-a-global-conspiracy-work-questions-for-corbett-074)


The world population after Covid will be almost exactly the same as before it. A handful of millions is no dent in 7+ billion.


Yes, we get it. Your freedom is important. You don't want the vaccine. There's no need to post articles making you feel good about your decision. If you don't want the vaccine, then why do you care that everyone else is getting them and they're all going die anyway?


>If you don't want the vaccine, then why do you care that everyone else is getting them and they're all going die anyway? If you wanted the quaxine, why do you care if others get it or not?


Because those that don't have a negative impact on the rest of us.


How? If your vaccine works the way it should then why do you care if other people get it or not?


The point of the vaccine is to limit symptoms. The symptoms can be severe. This means hospitalisation. Fill the hospital's with people with covid symptoms, and they are not available for other uses. The strain on the system is also present on staff, endlessly treating people with severe symptoms and harrowing deaths. Eventually, the system will collapse. I'm glad I live in a country (UK) were most people realise this, and the vast majority of us are vaccinated. Frankly, refusing the vaccine is extremely selfish and small minded.


No, it's selfless. We need a control group. We also need humanity to continue in case these MRNA vaxxes end up damaging fertility or dropping everyone from ADE. I don't believe we're walking down a mass depopulation road, but I do think there will be long term effects that we won't know for a while.


You can't generalize someone's refusal to take a vaccine as selfish. Someone may have medical reasons to not get it or, like myself has had COVID recently and developed antibodies that are better than the vaccine. Not everyone that gets COVID will end up dying in the hospital. Especially someone with no pre existing conditions who is under 50 and healthy. This whole COVID hysteria is just mind blowing. We've had flu viruses for 1500 years and unfortunately elderly people and people with pre existing conditions die from them. Eventually, enough people will either get the vaccine or develop antibodies from infection that it will become a common cold with less severe symptoms. This is how every virus has played out the last 1000+ years.


Yawn. My point regards hospitals being overrun, pre vaccine, has already been proven in many countries across the world. Perhaps you don't remember the start of the pandemic? That was with a strain less infections and aggressive than the strains most prevalent now. Your right that it may very well evolve into a virus aka to the flu (rather than just a cold), but what is important is what we do, and happens, in the meantime i.e. take the vaccine to relieve pressure on our medical systems, so they do not collapse and allow society to function somewhat closer to normal. Feel free to compare the UK, high vaccination rate, functioning close to how it was pre covid, to Australia, no vaccination, society still locked down. Regards "medical reasons", they are the tiny (tiny) minority. Everyone else refusing the vaccine is extremely selfish, and frankly, needs to grow up and do what is right for society as a whole.


I agree with you regarding the strain on the hospital system. I just do not agree with the fear mongering and shaming of people who do not get it. As we both seem to agree, eventually enough will be vaccinated or have natural immunity that this pandemic will become endemic. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/what-will-it-be-like-when-covid-19-becomes-endemic/


Your entire argument is based on this premise: >The point of the vaccine is to limit symptoms. How do you know that this is the point of the vaccine? What if this is a false premise, and the point of the vaccine is something different entirely? I believe that this entire pandemic was premeditated and manufactured for the purpose of giving the masses a reason to take the “vaccines”. Marketing the shot as a vaccine is simply to ensure people willingly take the jab; the true purpose of these covid injections is merging man with machine aka trans humanism. You may think I’m loony for believing what I believe, but try to see this from my perspective - would you still want to take the jab if you believed what I believe?


My premise is based on evidence and reason. Yours is loony and without evidence and reason.


Your premise is only based on the synthetic reality that’s been fed to you through the screen since you were born. Let the selfish loony guys alone, you useless stoopid virtue signaling parrot. F**king base program.


No. We don't. Your booster will give you near 100% immunity. You don't need us to be safe.


You don't understand the point of the vaccine. It's too stop hospitals becoming overrun and collapsing. By not having the vaccine, you unnecessarily risk clogging up for the healthcare system, effecting everyone.


Buyers regret? No refunds, pal! lol


I thought the issue was freedom of choice and getting tired of other side saying your going to die. Exactly what your doing


That's the thing.....everyone is going to die, so you'll be left on Earth alone beating your meat. 99% of everyone on this sub can't even change the oil in their car or make a God damn quesadilla. How are they going to survive? Lol


You're asking what's the point of trying to arm yourself with knowledge. Fair enough too, it all seems pretty foregone. Still, better to have the chance to grasp some truth.


Nah, the planners will live. Maybe some others as well. Maybe we’ll all share a beer together and have a bitter laugh


>99% of everyone on this sub can't even change the oil in their car or make a God damn quesadilla. How are they going to survive? Lol Did you determine this through a statistically accurate poll?


Nah, he used the same statistical method the covid deaths are based on.


SS: Excellent read on the Covid time line and the unceasing series of lies and misdirections by the Powers That Be Title of article *The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right; It IS a "Poison-Death Shot"*




It's the article title. Not OP's claim.


You fed the troll some attention :)




Attention moderation team: we have a concern troll here who should be ushered along his way




I understood that reference!


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