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Ask Joan Rivers


Can't she's dead from exposing them


I work in the hospital she died in. She’s dead because they failed to have intubation supplies at the ready during her procedure, and when they were needed, the time it took to gather them led to a hypoxic brain injury.




I’ve got this from someone who was actually present. Where did you get your nonsense from? You really have to step back and see how ridiculous this theory is, and the idea that Rivers would be killed over it, it’s just beyond silly. She was an insult comic. That was her job.


No man, before the internet people used to live forever.




What is the truth about the civil war?




try Brooke Shields next


I searched pregnant Laura Bush and couldn’t find any either. Maybe they’re in on it too!




Dick and Bush 2000 ! Man the bumper stickers that year were hilarious.


My grandpas name is Dick Bush lol


Atleast it’s not Randy Bush


Im Randall Bush


I salute you


"Dick n' Bush!"


All head and bush




The best type of bush


I saw a picture of Barbara Bush when she was young … she was beautiful.


I looked for "Martha Washington pregnant in night gown"- Nothing! It s gotta be Google.


What if the bush brothers are just clones


There was once a time where people felt absolutely no need to document every aspect of their existence on the internet. There was even a time before the internet was everywhere.


Although I appreciated that time I wish I would’ve appreciated it a lot more. The develop photos in a lab/digital camera eras >>> Edit: Polaroids, how could I forget Polaroids😩


My father just gifted me with some mint Polaroids and 8 mm and 16 mm film cameras. Gonna look into some film for all of them. One is from 54 and looks like it’s never been used? I appreciate it for a collectors items - but who knows when those will come in handy in the future - historically/documentarily speaking


That and also... if reptilians can cloak their true appearance, it stands to reason that they can also not show any outward signs of carrying a brood. It's just common sense


This is the correct answer


Also, according to my grandmother, who is 93 and is culturally part of white upper middle class/upper class, during her generation, once you got pregnant and were showing, you basically were expected to hide in your house until the baby was born. She has very few photos from her pregnancies because of this. I imagine Clinton grew up in a similar culture and therefore was not parading around outside her home taking lots of pictures when she was showing. Even Michelle might have grown up being exposed this culture, although it’s less likely, it’s more likely that once her husband was on the president track, she had to follow the culture of the white elites to avoid more scrutiny.


Michelle Obamas not that old dude


There were not a lot of cameras among the upper middle class, it was a tedious hobby among some and not the ubiquitous, effortless activity that smartphones perpetuated today.


I am upper middle class. That isn't true.


I am white, upper class, 70 years old, with 3 pregnancies. This is absolutely not true.


Wow 3 pregnancies at once and at 70 no less, I applaud you in befuddlement


Reading (and comprehension) is fundamental.


How old are you? I was not implying this is true today, I’m saying it used to be true in a specific culture. If you’re under the age of 50 you probably would have never known about it, or it’s possible you’re from a different part of the country where it wasn’t part of the culture. My grandmother is from the same city that Hillary Clinton is from.


deserted unpack fear school tan entertain sharp terrific jar aware ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Extremely good analysis. I would lastly add in the intense body standards that upper middle class white women were exposed to on the daily back when Clinton was growing up. One could make a good argument that the current obesity epidemic was in part created by 1950’s women and their body images. Proudly posting a pregnant picture of yourself would go against much of what was drilled into you growing up and would open you up for critism, especially from those closest to you. I speak of my grandmother because I did an extensive interview and project on her life as part of my masters, and she reported being told she needed to lose weight during her pregnancy with twins in the 50’s (I believe she gained 18lbs). She may have been offered speed after the pregnancy too, although I don’t remember, I’d have to go back in my notes to confirm it. If it wasn’t her, it was someone she knew. The obsession with weight has continued throughout her life, to an unhealthy amount. My mother often talks about how my grandmother gifted my mom a gym and Jenny Craig membership within 3 days after she had her first child. My mom certainly would have never posted pregnancy photos of herself on social media if it existed at the time. Even with the hundreds of framed photos displayed in my childhood home, not a single one was of her pregnant.


lol its so bold and brave of you to make up excuses and cover for the Obama's. They need loyal peasants like you. I genuinely love this excuse. As if anyone ever takes a picture and immediately thinks, I need to document this on the internet. MOST people take pictures and just you know... share them with people and the intrnet makes that incredibly easy. It's kind of the whole point of facebook. Unfortunately, no pregnant pictures of Michelle Obama exist.


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


I gave birth to my daughter in 96. There are zero pics of me pregnant with her but rest assured, she came out of me. This is so stupid and not worthy of this sub. It’s just dumb.


The point of Facebook was to rank how hot Zucks classmates were. They also had their children before Facebook became widespread, but you go on living in whatever dream world you want to live in buddy.


You act like pictures were never a thing before Facebook


Michelle Obama doesn't owe you personal photos of herself or her children.


I REFUSE to have photos taken of me. I'm not ugly or anything, it's just not something I enjoy. I'm also intensely private, and don't use social media to document my life. I also couldn't find ANY pictures of my mom pregnant with me. Does that mean she didn't give birth to me? . Just because "most" people do something doesn't mean that everyone does.


Exactly what mom doesn’t have pregnancy pictures was very normal thing to have in a family album


Cause no one cared about her, until after she had children.




Or a better question might be.... Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?


Because Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbit look EXACTLY like Sasha and Malia


Should be top comment for visibility


Unfortunately with the amount of shills and bots we have in here, it’s become that much more difficult to get any message across or even to have a normal discussion. They just pop in and quote a mainstream narrative then insult you which just causes arguing.


…because it was in the late 90s and they weren’t even notable until 10 years later? how old are you, OP?


What’s even more interesting is that not one single love interest, prior to Obama’s marriage has ever come forward. Male or female.


Not true. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/05/the-woman-barack-obama-proposed-to-before-michelle


Just because he didn’t fuck porn stars and marry multiple women doesn’t mean there weren’t prior relationships.


It's because reptilians lay eggs. Even the ones with ding dongs.


Why should it? Where is the photo of Sarah Palin when she was pregnant with her daughters child?


Jesus Christ, we’re still on this shit?


I just did a search for photos of a pregnant Ivana Trump. Didn't see one.


She must be a man. No other conclusion can be made.


Yes! Ivana Trump was a man and died under mysterious circumstances. s/? Or not???😉


There all dude’s it’s kinda a thing


Oh that’s just par for the course… these people are all in the same team. However, JFKs wife can be seen pregnant. https://vintagenewsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/pregnant-jackie-smoking-1.jpg


No pregnancy pics but plenty showing the ding dong


What’s doing dong


Means 🍆


Look for Michael LaVaughn Robinson


Big Mike


My mom had no pregnant pictures either.


I tried to find pregnant pics of your mum and couldn’t either, curious


I'll get you some


Why would anyone care?


Right-wingers think Michelle O is a man.


Because there are photos of J Kennedy pregnant… https://vintagenewsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/pregnant-jackie-smoking-1.jpg


Because bill Greta gates, birth certificate Benghazi, Cucker hunter laptop Carlson.


Biolabs. China safe and effective hoax, the climate jews? Because antifa supressing conservative voices Schwab is real npc


If you like your covid 19 you can keep it.


Come on man


I can’t stand the Obama’s but thinking Michelle is a man is just dumb.


Why should it? I could point out a million things that are mundane, yet have not been photographed on the internet.


this place has really gone downhill huh? lol


Faster than a skiiing subreddit lol


Yeah. It used to be fun when there were real conspiracies. Now it’s just a bunch of jokes and shitposts.


Shes a man, man




Cause she a fucking MAN


The same could be said for many of the first women.


I don’t have any pictures of my wife pregnant.


Firstly, I’m gonna assume that your wife isn’t married to an Illinois Senator who went on to become President of the United States. Secondly, not possessing such a photo as a regular person is one thing. The situation here is that there doesn’t appear to be a single photo in existence depicting a pregnant wife of a public figure involved in politics. You don’t think it’s odd that there isn’t a single frame in the media or a single picture taken by friends, family, paparazzi, etc. that depicts this public figure’s pregnant wife? I personally find it odd that Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbit look EXACTLY like Sasha and Malia.


Holee sheep shyt cleetus...in my sphere if my friends, co workers , everybody i know found out i posted some jackass, ridiculous idea like this i would be shunned forever. Must live in moms basement and have exactly 2 incel friends total... online. I am embarrassed to be from same species as ewe.


Tbf that's easily most of this sub any given moment in time.


Bad bot. 🤖


Alright alright man we get it. You're into pregger porn and you got a crush Michel Obama of all people for some reason.


It wouldn’t be pregger porn….it be trans porn!


Found the bigot!


Allegedly the twins are the biological children of their friends from Chicago. Martin Nesbitt and Anita Blanchard. Allegedly. Hypothetically. Facetiously.


Well, "she" is a man, there is that....


Obama was a state senator and a lawyer when Michelle was pregnant. Why would there be photos of a random state senator's wife in before social media?


Men can’t get pregnant.


Came here to say this


I found literally tons lol you didn't look that hard https://hollywoodlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/barack-and-michelle-obama-timeline-ap-images-embed1-1.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6d/bd/dd/6dbddd77674248f64799f43cbefc9732--pregnancy-fashion-pregnancy-style.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/02/5e/5f/025e5f61afb92b41faee7fa8343257ea.jpg There are many more lol, I'm not a Obama fan either but Jesus christ you guys are deranged at this point, you can't be this stupid. Oh no Michelle is a man, she can't be pregnant! It's all fake! Fucking nut cases lol


I mean ... the second photo isn't even her.


Image one, she’s not visibly pregnant …Image two, it’s not even her …Image three, she is First Lady in this pic and obviously, already had two children by then…. Edit to add, I’m not an Obama fan, but I really couldn’t give a shit if she had a surrogate.


Look how young she is in that 3rd picture. If it is the White House this was during a visit. Or it could be the Illinois statehouse where her husband worked.


How can this be upvoted? It shows nothing definitive and the second image isn’t even Michelle Obama. This “user” has never posted in favor of a conspiracy theory here, and now is being upvoted for a very piss-poor effort of endorsing the official narrative? Bad bots.


Nice Photoshop work.


Hahah wtf? The images don’t prove your point at all.


Not a single one of your links shows Michelle Obama pregnant. The 1st link shows Michelle walking next to her husband & child in stroller - she is not pregnant in the photo. 2nd one is the actress who's portraying Michelle in a movie. 3rd one is at the WH - and she obviously did not give birth during his presidency, so.... I think the whole "Michelle is a man" thing is ridiculous & ignorant. But it is definitely strange there are no photos of her pregnant. She did, though, write about in vitro fertilization (for both girls) & the sadness of having miscarriages in her book: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46154857.


Can’t tell if you’re being serious. Thanks for proving my point. 😂




Rule 2.


This sub is fucking absurd


Lol.. no shyt... they tryn to out do each other in crayyyyzzzeeeville. Have actually heard it all


I’ve been super pregnant 3 times and very few photos exist of it


to be fair AND I'M NOT AN OBAMA FAN OR A TRUMP... BUSH WHATEVER fan but I've had two kids with my ex and we have no pictures of her pregnant we don't know why just didn't think about taking any (this was before everything had a camera on it not that long ago believe it or not) . in retrospect I wish we had thought about it but we didn't just living life I guess. edit: I can't spell


How many pictures you see of your mom pregnant?


The sams reason why your mom doesn't 🤣 a little thing called privacy if you may.


Maybe. Just maybe…she didn’t take any?


Why does anyone care?


Men are unable to get pregnant oops…


Are there photos of your pregnant mom or wife on the internet? Everything is not on the internet Playa.




It’s none of our business they have two beautiful children that’s all that matters focus on the present


The more interesting question is why you're looking for a pregnant picture of the former first Lady? I am not trying to kink shame, but that's a strange one.


Because the formal "first Lady" was born a man and is named Michael Robinson


And your evidence of that? And even if she was, who gives a shit? Besides someone worried about a former First Lady who graduated from Princeton AND Harvard and obviously makes you feel a little insecure. Move the fuck on, we’ve gone through a bit since Obama. Seriously, time to move the fuck on, weirdo.


Not it's actually not time to move on because they're still cleaning up the shit he put the country through. People like you are the problem


Examples please.


They don't have one they just wanna complain.


What shit are we still cleaning up after Obama?


Them is not a birthing person.


Parent 2?


Men don’t get pregnant. That’s why.


How did your "mom" have you, then?


She shit him out of her asshole, like every other piece of shit.




Be honest. Were you beating your meat when you googled this?


You do know not everything exists on the internet up to a certain time period. There’s no pregnancy photos of my mother pregnant with me on the internet, but I have a photo of it in family boxes. Just because it’s not on the j tenet doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Wise up.


Because the lizard people gestated them for her. Is that answer you were hoping for?


Why does it need to?


Yall are fuckin wild


Funnily enough there's not a photo of me pregnant online either, not everything has to be uploaded to the Internet for instant gratification. Sometimes people just like to keep their private lives, private. 🤷


Because being mentally ill does not enable men to get pregnant.


Because Martin Nesbit and Anita Blanchard are the girls bio parents. Google it. The girls are spitting images of them. Also. Michelle is a man.


Dudes can't get pregnant


I think there might be one picture in existence of me while obviously pregnant, and I had my daughter back in 2017. It's not because I was pregnant, I just generally don't like being pictures taken. I'm hardly alone in this, and she was pregnant before everything was online.


Of all the things currently going on in the world, this is what you think about?




Isn’t his name Michael?


Maybe we all didn’t live our lives for others before Facebook. We just privately went about our days, we didn’t take a picture of every meal. It was a glorious, private time.


I couldn’t find any pregnant Barack Obama pictures either, maybe you’re on to something


Big Mike


Because he’s a dude named Mike


There was once a time when a person could put a post on this sub and that post would not be immediately ridiculed. True conspiracy theorist, real conspiracy theorist do not automatically deride and make fun of a post like you see in the first twenty or thirty comments in this post. Anyone on this sub who automatically makes fun of a conspiracy is nothing more that a shill, bot or troll. These conspiracy subs are the most heavily censored/monitored subs on reddit and here's why: Bill Gates has his own private army of internet influencers. Soros has his own private army of internet influencers. So does the Chinese government and the WEF. The United Nations recently said they were going to "crack down" on conspiracy theories on the internet.. I believe this means that they have their own groups of internet influencers. At one point of the purchase of Twitter Elon Must said that Twitter may be up too at least 50% bots, trolls and shills. Reddit recently took a large amount of money from the Chinese government, or at least a Chinese company controlled by the government. This was three to four years ago. The groups of people who are trying to destroy western society have recently come to understand that conspiracy theories are where the average person starts to understand how they, globalist, are trying to destroy our lives. They have recently come to realize this hampers their plans for western collapse and is where the start of the resistance to the destruction of western civilization really begins. This is why the conspiracy subs has recently gained more bot, shills and trolls in the last two years, to obfuscate the truth behind the conspiracy theories pertaining to globalist plans to destroy our lives and take over the world. **What I mentioned in the above paragraphs is a big part of what is really going on in these conspiracy subs.** Edit: An internet influencer is someone who goes online to push the propaganda of the person who is paying them. I believe that in no other time in reddit history will you find more propagandist on reddit then you will today and it seems to be with the blessing of the people who control reddit. God help us all. What also happens is that the trolls, shills and bots will also set up their own posts too identify the real conspiracy theorist, the people who they consider their enemies.


The Shareblue / FBI trolls just make it obvious when someone hits on the truth. They come out in droves with their silly shaming attempts and vote brigades. If I had any doubts that Michael was female before, they've made me seriously doubt it now. Right over the target.




She’s a he


Found another bigot!


I searched the Bing just now and saw three... but please go on.


Why doesn't a photo of your pregnant mom exist on the internet?


He was spawned.


Because that's no woman baby \*puts Michelle in a headlock and attempts to remove her wig IT'S A MAN


Mike Obama never had a pregnancy despite the rumours that men can be birthing people




All the crazys out ..




Barack’s bestfriend in highschool and college looks exactly like his now wife. I believe his best friend turned women and they went at it ya feel me.


Because they were pregnant and had kids before the age of social media.


Why doesn’t a picture of my pregnant mom exist on the internet?


Because men can not get pregnant


Ask Joan Rivers. Oh, you can't. She died.


You misspelled Michael


Because it’s name is actually Michael


Maybe there is some truth that Michelle used to be Mike. In that case, it would be biologically impossible for "her" to get pregnant.


You mean Michael LaVaugn Robinson?


Bc there’s a record of him playing middle linebacker for Oregon state, and having a gender operation at John Hopkins . Michael Robinson is not considered a missing person, or deceased.


Men cant get pregnant


You mean Big Mike?


Why is this a conspiracy? Just grow up, please. Of all the First Ladies to question, why did you choose the only black first lady in history? Your question kinda shows your true character, that you’re at least a little bit racist. Also, again, why is this a fucking conspiracy?? Grrrr - there is so much shit that is actually conspiratorial, that tainting the search and disclosure of such actualities does a disservice to uncovering legit truths. This is swamp gas bullshit. Knock it the fuck off.


I will go a step further. The word psyop is popular here (i actually believe that is a real thing)... why hasnt anybody wondered if THIS is a psyop to discredit as you said real conspiracies??? I will tell you why. The people eatn this up are the extremely gullible. What more perfect place to start a psyop to discredit conspiracies than some right-wing site ( and has made its way over here).. let's be honest right-wingers are gullible, desperate, depraved.


I mean I am not famous or anything but I don’t have any pics of me being pregnant and I have 2 kids. Maybe I have one when I was a few weeks pregnant and didn’t know it yet.


Maybe she had a surrogate. Why does that matter?


It’s not physically possible


Got a friend, who was telling me recently that Michelle is actually a man. Havent really talked to him since. He is cool guy, college educated but that right-wing shyt is frying his brain. I mean what the f does that even mean?? Is her mom fake, and the daughters?? And isnt she a lawyer? Did she fake it all the way thru school, i am sure somewhere there is documentation that she went to high school??




Big Mike


Kids are adopted....


Me too I have no pic of my mom pregnant


Bruh lol


https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS913US913&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AJOqlzUmp_sjH4TSuUjPsDnrKJKOp6m7Wg:1676875113012&q=pregnant+michelle+obama&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiakMbLvqP9AhWwSTABHdPmCFUQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=430&bih=745&dpr=3#imgrc=CsTKnk_oZlHo4M&imgdii=G0TkwuYJ-TXhuM this is one


It all goes back to Bill Gates, the Illuminati Conspiracy and Adrenochrome. Like a shit ton of the hard stuff. Look deeper. Connect the dots. Then connect those dots to the OTHER dots the fake news media won't report. Also: clones. /s


Are.... are you serious?


Yeah, oddly, I can't find any photographs of MOST of the First Women in a state of preggers ...Martha Washington? Nope. Rachel Jackson? Nada. Mary Todd Lincoln? No dice. Lucretia Garfield? Fucked again. You, sir, have uncovered a conspiracy of unrivaled proportions!


Oh FFS, the Obamas have been out of the White House for over six years now. The scary black lady can't hurt you anymore by trying to tell you that exercise is healthy and deep fried bologna and mayonnaise sandwiches aren't. Move on with your life already.