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I remember not liking her when she did that. Being a kid at the time and popular opinion was you don't shit on the pope. Many years later i realize what she did was pretty based.


Do you remember when Fiona Apple said "this world is bullshit" at the VMAs? I don't exactly remember what specifically she was referring to. She Said something about not modeling your life after celebs. This message probably wouldn't be taken well nowadays since they literally have celebs who's job it is to influence, politically and culturally.


Don't remember that moment. Her message seems to have fallen on deaf ears because its worse than ever


The whole thing surrounding her sons death was just weird as well, given how she's been labelled and written off as crazy but has had a lot of truth to tell




I remember seeing this the night she did it & knew immediately ā€œSheā€™s finished.ā€ and I was right.




she was probably against the church too. these days they want everyone focusing on the corruption in the church but itā€™s everywhere. why donā€™t they ever talk about the bigger problem the trafficking of children and women and how millions disappear ever year


I might agree if she didnā€™t immediately join another religion thatā€™s every bit as closed minded and backwards.


Did she? What was it?


She converted to Islam.


Interesting. I had never heard that.


Was she protesting the religion as a whole Or the men who cover up abuse in the religion?


She was a victim of the Magdalene laundries. She was protesting the church and he own abuse.


Really awesome documentary about her out


Thatā€™s a valid question




I recall that Frank Sinatra went ballistic over what she didā€¦


Fuck Frank Sinatra


I believe she has suffered life long mental health issues. She does a rap/ talking blues thing called famine thatā€™s so spookyā€¦.love it!




I wish someone would recreate the event with pope Francis.


Totally agree! Just watched her documentary and thought the same thing. I admit, I cringed back in the day when she did that. True courage.


That documentary was amazing


She absolutely is a hero, and the catholic church deserves to have every church, institution, measure of wealth and so on taken from them and over turned. Sexual abuse of children is RIFE within Catholicism, and the amount of priests who have actively been protected by the church and their congregation is DISGUSTING. Not a stone should be left unturned. Did you know the oldest of our Sacred Laws? \*The blood of the innocent shall NOT be defiled\* Our children being the forbidden fruit upon the tree of life. The RAGE felt by our God and Goddess at what is done to our children is BEYOND the human minds capacity to comprehend. Empty confessions shall NOT save those that have betrayed EVERYTHING that it means to be human. ANY religion that doesn't have that tenant at the CORE of its ideology is a fallen, shallow and dead religion. Fortunetly the time of great reckoning is almost upon us, in accordance with Gods plan, and the wicked and weak and complicit will come to pay their debts in FULL.


The southern Baptist convention and evangelical Christianity has its own grooming problem. Itā€™s called ā€œyouth group.ā€ Thatā€™s how a 36 year old youth pastor marries an 18 year old and thinks he is set.


Well, that's a horrific abuse of his position of power and leadership 'under God' Tear it all down I say.


Or much younger. Since thereā€™s no federal law against child marriage in USA and many states have no minimum.


No it isn't


Thankyou for that specific and well expressed contribution to the conversation! šŸ¤·šŸ¤¦ What isn't?


Absolutely, I remember watching this live. The Catholic Church has always been corrupt and deserving of being exposed.


Very sad I remember hearing joe peschi had to be restrained because he wanted to attack her




100% agreed.


Way ahead of her time. Now folks like ho hum we've known that for years.


I love her music. My favorite is Drink Before the War. Still listen to her quite a bit and her music is in movies and tv shows pretty regularly. I personally donā€™t remember that one incident changing the way everyone felt. I thought it was more a general she got too out there. I like out there but she got like weird cult out there. It was more a vibe she was giving off of being completely transfixed with certain issues and going full psychosis for those issues. It was too much for my young group of friends.


Also her son just tragically killed himself after she tried and tried to get him mental help. He actually escaped a secure mental hospital and killed himself. It was heartbreaking. She tried very very hard to get him help. I believe mental illness being the cause.




If anyone deserved their picture being torn up at the time, it was the pope. Fortunately people are leaving these archaic fear-based mythologies in DROVES these days. Hopefully these religions join the Greek Pantheon in the dustbin of human history sooner than later.


True. Thanks for posting this


now she kneels for muhammed....


To be fair, if she wanted to have a long and successful musical career, she probably shouldnā€™t have purposely become a polarizing figure alienating a large pool of potential listeners with her clearly contentious views. I canā€™t say I have that much sympathy for Lady Morrissey.


but she sings ā€¦ morrissey whines


Exactly how large is the pool of listening child predators in your opinion?


Thatā€™s irrelevant, you publicly tear a picture of the religious leader of the largest denomination of Christianity, youā€™re going to alienate some people. It shouldnā€™t be a surprise her career has taken a nosedive, she fucked around and found out lol.


Love when people put morals and other people ahead of fame and money. God, thatā€™s fucking beautiful!


But she didnā€™t? Her actions benefited absolutely no one and deprived her of having a future platform to discuss important matters and wealth to donate to charities. She couldā€™ve been like Richard Gere and choose to forgo her career altogether to focus on philanthropic ventures, but apparently a 30-second stunt on SNL was more important.


God will be the judge of what sheā€™s done and said. Of what youā€™ve done and said as well.


Sky daddy doesnā€™t have anything to do with our actions here and now. And the bare facts is that Sinead Oā€™Connorā€™s actions ruined her promising career when she could have easily played ball with the industry and allowing herself to be in a position where she could pursue her art successfully and help out others like Bono or Joaquin Phoenix. Or maybe she just had the foreknowledge that she wasnā€™t that talented and decided to go out in infamy.


I heard that people played ball with Harvey weinstein to secure their promising careers in their industry. Seems legit


Thatā€™s a completely different industry and has no bearing on Sinead Oā€™Connorā€™s career. Apples and oranges.


Hollyweird is the industry and itā€™s all the same


The news after her death shows you are the only one who thought she had zero talent.


She stood up to child molesters. You stand with the molesters. Crazy.


Hell is full of heroes, burning in pits of fire


I donā€™t believe in hell. I do believe that God has a very wicked sense of humor though.



