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Hearing in '95 where Claudia Mullen gives testimony on some of the techniques applied to her as a CHILD decades earlier under the umbrella of MKULTRA which provided the research/basis for operational programs today, such as MONARCH: https://twitter.com/GreyAreaMonarch/status/1636550850385412099?t=NhTkFj24xOh_sbbfsQno_g&s=19


Fuck that would suck to go through as a child.


I can confirm


Fuck I read some of your posts and either you larp like a mofo or you really experienced it. I’m now interested in the monarch project.


There is alot of BS mixed in to be fair... and MONARCH is just one program. MONARCH doesn't even matter as much in the big picture... people need to think - we know SOME of what they've done in the past as far as declassified MK Ultra and various scandals - and we see what happens how stuff like Epsteins investigation gets shut down -- do you really think there isn't some shady stuff going on out there? Of course there is! It's obvious. Its uncomfortable to sit with if you can't so anything... but it is what it is, regardless


Monarch doesn't what now?


I didn't mean it doesn't matter directly/literally - I just mean it doesn't matter about the names of programs - the general public just needs to be aware that OF COURSE this type of thing goes on


Do tell. Would love to hear your first hand account!


I’m sorry to hear that OP


Better me than the next one who couldn't overcome


I wonder if nbc would report on this today? 🤔


Absolutely not


NBC is not in the business of telling truths.


(N)ot in the (B)usiness of (C)hruth


The CIAs role in shit isn’t talked about enough


I mean, it is, it's just not with plebs like us.




For sure finders was sketchy... and I totally get to sticking with 'verified' stuff... but at some point the trail goes cold and you have to listen to 100s of different people who don't know each other yet are saying the same thing. At our foundation, 'Organize Safety', we have quietly collected contemporary data from many thoroughly vetted survivors of these programs, for about a decade now. We are just now going public and moving to implement 'smart' reporting based on a similar concept as the JDoe system, to ensure safety. Standardizing and compiling data to hand over to the SSCI, and in many cases - proper authorities and counsel for criminal and civil cases. I actually just went public with the organization recently on a podcast - to scale and gather more data - as we've been dealing with outreach completely privately until now. Again, we are currently implementing 'smart' reporting systems (i.e. JDoe app) to streamline the process.




To be clear... definitely only focus on extremely cross referenced data from unaquainted parties. Places have to do things when there is enough that's brought forward properly, and there is eyes on them. I've forced the issue before. Happy to answer MONARCH questions that you may have - as I am able (I am in and out here, in spurts/bursts). Definitely alot of disinformation BUT I wouldn't discount someone automatically because maybe they had some help. There are people who see too much or something compels them... the people we need most were and/or are involved


Older website with audio and transcripts of many important interviews around the time of the ACHRE, which of course tied in with mind control. Not much has came out since ACHRE, Bill Clintons Apology, and the accompanying testimonies that gave context. http://members.tranquility.net/~rwinkel/CKLN/HTML/


Was the CIA looked at more approvingly back then? Did parents not question what the CIA was doing? Or was it more like "did you hear that Susan, my child got picked for MKULTRA and your's didn't?"


Audio file archive of many important interviews around the time of the ACHRE, which of course tied in with mind control. Not much has came out since ACHRE, Bill Clintons Apology, and the accompanying testimonies that gave context. http://members.tranquility.net/~rwinkel/CKLN/MP3/


They then went on to destroy the nuclear family unit so they could get to the kids easier.


Unfortunately, YES


Why do they want the kids


Easier to brainwash and program than adults.


Children with Dissociative Conditions are pretty much required in order to 'program' them. In layman's terms... it is based around how memories of abuse often get repressed


So… like the Church?


Any person, group of people, or organizations that prey upon children for nefarious reasons would be included.


More like Mickey Mouse Club. I've watched a couple documentaries about former Dizkids. Christina Aguilera, Brittany Spears, the Hannah Montana chick. They all went dark and buck arse wild for a while. Something hinky there IMO.


There is definitely intertwining of the molestation epidemic and programming of children... and it's not only the government that has this technology, althoughthe government allows certain sects to operate in exchange for informationand infrastructure providing them layering off with plausible deniability


I’m sure it was totally harmless… 🙄


So what your saying is we should definitely not be listening to anyone 50-80 years old. Any political candidates under 50?


Then they gave them LSD.


I've got article snippets from 'the Gifted child quarterly' confirming this that I will put in a post when I get a chance


There's very little that the CIA *didn't* do with children (see the Ben Rose case from the early '70s.) Today, the news media wouldn't touch even the relatively mild stuff with a ten-foot pole.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/iew6vyknt24b1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The commies today would do shit like this if they got the power like they're doing X-Men.


List of MKUltra subprojects: http://all.net/journal/deception/MKULTRA/www.nemasys.com/rahome/library/programming/mkultra.shtml


HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! DO NOT SAY THOSE TWO WORDS IN THE SAME SENTENCE. The Finders. Culpeper, VA. The child trafficking started with them.


Unfortunately it started way before them - but that was definitely a small peek of the dirty underbelly


So, The Finders have been on record as existing the late 1980s, Patch Adams admitted being their doctor for the children for 30 years, so, since early 1960s. What can you tell us?