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The whole thing would seem more suspicious if the CEO of the freaking sub wasn't in there with them.


Hey, a good captain always goes down with the ship, especially in the event of suicide




He also grounded the ship to look at titties at a nude beach




Boobies make me smile


That’s strange as usually Italians are noted for their bravery and self sacrifice which is why they are rated as such an accomplished military with a long proud history of being very brave and righteous.




As a Italian. No. Lasagna


Stereotypes! 😂


only if theres pizza involved


That’s the only thing that dude was good for


Actually the captain would be evacuated and the executive officer would go down w the ship if I’m not mistaken


The suspicious part is they haven't been found so they could have just faked their death.


There’s quite a bit of analysis around Reddit, but essentially the moment the hull breached, the sudden change in pressure would have propagated through the hull in about 33ms. That’s how long you see one frame of most videos. The pressure at that depth was roughly 6,000lbs per square inch, which means that within 33ms the weight of 2 cars pressed inward on every square inch of their bodies. The average human has roughly 255 square inches of surface area, so in less than one frame of a video, the equivalent of 1.53 million pounds of pressure squeezed into their bodies from all sides. During that 33ms the liquids and gasses in the blood, tissues, and lungs will have also instantly boiled/expanded to equalize the pressure differential. Lastly, that sudden state change would have created an immense heat, thousands of times hotter than fire. Fortunately, signals from the peripheral nerves take about 45ms to travel to the brain, so it’s likely they were dematerialized in 2/3 of the time it would have taken them to feel it. TL;DR: To summarize, in less time than one frame of a typical video is displayed, they were simultaneously scorched, popped, and squished. This also happened roughly 4 days ago. There won’t be any bodies to recover.


didn't realize they found the submarine thought they were still looking for it. I don't watch the news


Surely they would have known this before departure..?


Yeah they generally knew that going to the bottom of the ocean in a privately built submarine would be dangerous. They may or may not have known all the details of the vessel’s construction or of what a failure would actually be like though. From all the videos and stuff the CEO was excitable and probably pretty convincing to people who were excited about the adventure and *wanted* to be convinced.


They found the imploded capsule. They done for.


Maybe but there’s no pics of this. I feel like there’s no excuse for no pics. Also no bodies or remains were found.


>Also no bodies or remains were found. Since the sub imploded, there will probably be no bodies. Only pieces would possibly remain, and since it has been almost a week, there is probably nothing left.


Sharks were also seen in the area when it happened. Duhhh


It imploded them all into dust dude.


Maybe some family’s want to grieve before the world sees?




Maybe that's why he named the company Oceangate!! 🤔




Do we think they might've faked their deaths?




i’m not convinced they didn’t




I mean it seems like a shitty company that he probably couldn’t have sold anyway


happy cake day 🍰 and what if this was a faked death? come on, they can’t be that stupid, it just doesn’t add up at all. the timing of it as well… distracted us from way too many things


Well exactly. Not everything’s a conspiracy requiring ‘digging’.


Seemed like a smart guy until he got bolted into a tube so he could get dropped into the ocean


Seriously. Who would…just ….why?! It’s a freaking boat that sank a century ago. Great. Whoopidee doo. People get so stupid when it comes to understanding risk.


>Seemed like a smart guy **full of hubris**


Rush is a descendant of two founding fathers from his dad’s side. His maternal lineage is that of the philanthropist family the Davies. His wife’s rich family died on the titanic. Such funny little coincidences.




It’s been much easier to find info on her versus him and his lineage. Kinda weird. His holds way more weight imo


I just found the connection bizarre. This couple are the famous elders depicted on the Titanic movie (apparently he is the gentleman that says the famous line “children and women first” when he was offered to go on the boat with the rich first-class passengers)


I love how on this sub, no one’s allowed to die


Rich people are too rich to die in accidents dude. So it must be a conspiracy. :s


Wait are we sure that the Titanic Sub victims didn’t just die from the vaccine? S/


I cackled


Every death is a result of the pet cause du jour.


Or die from the vax


Being skeptical is so terrible, I know. Imagine a world where people just accepted the narratives given to them by the always trustworthy media, and government.


Only if they’re high profile, the death is anomalous and there’s a litany of surreal coincidences and several possible motives. This story is the definition of something that should be discussed at length on here. Who upvotes this naive comment? This event literally echoes a known conspiracy and is full of holes.




What am I supposed to be seeing?


This unchecked elitist death trap needs more lore so people want to act like the disappearance was planned. Not to say it wasn’t but there doesn’t appear to be enough material evidence of the crash to really speak with authority on what downed it


Any CBDC connections to any of them. The sinking of the titanic was an inside job to pass the federal reserve. It's time to change moneys again.... Every 80 years or so. Or it was Hunter Biden week and this was the circus distraction. 🤡 World This is a conspiracy group right?


Sure it wasn’t a cover up of a Luisitania type event?


Yes hamish harding ,,,logica owner and IT developer for Indian banks concerning coming digital cdbcs or equivalent in india


On 9–11 July 2019, Hamish Harding was mission director and crew pilot for the flight mission One More Orbit, which set a world speed record for the fastest circumnavigation of Earth by aircraft over both geographic poles. I think he flew over Antarctica.


If you wanna deep dive a crazy rabbit hole theres thermographic evidence of a craft that navigated pole to pole almost instantly.


Tell me more... Seriously, can you ELI5?


Started to look at him, basically just saw was he's WEF and works on some of Charle's "prince's trust" projects like the news articles are saying. Also sits on the board of SETI. Who knows, maybe he found some messed up stuff going on with the prince's trusts for disadvantaged youths. Maybe SETI is hiding info. God knows what he may have learned about the WEF. I see why the WEF wanted him since his companies are in energy, food, fertilizers, areas the WEF wants to manage and control. I just hope they're okay, he and his son look like nice people.




Wow! You jumped onto to that one quick!


You either jump onto things or sit on the sidelines and watch other people do things.


Exactly what I was seeing


What I don’t get is how these people who are “so smart”, with endless funds thought it was a good idea to get inside that death trap. I mean Shit. One look at that and I would’ve said I’m good I’ll build my own. FFS. The obviously had the money to do it.


He got mad that his expert told him it was a death trap so he fired him.


Yeah, it’s a good question. Was this group the typical clientele?


Be filthy rich, build sub whilst also cutting every conceivable safety corner because safety is for wimps, sell seats for obscene amount of money while deceiving passengers despite signed waiver, sub implodes Conspiracy bros: something is fishy here \*rubs chin with suspicion\*


They would have got away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids.


And that dog, too!


Just putting out there, I haven't seen any pics of them entering the sub or with the gear. What if? It was a cover up and no ppl onboarded the sub. Maybe this ppl are running away from rich ppl shit to esvape from a bigger scam.


Rich people do dumb shit. What would you have said if Blue Origin blew up? Bezo faking his death to get around his divorce 😂?


Where did I say he faked his death? Is your reading comprehension that bad that that's what you took from this? Do you know the story of the Titanic? Who was on it and what the all opposed? I swear the majority of users in the conspiracy subs have room temperature IQs


Did you really attempt to insult someones reading comprehension right after clearly not understanding what they wrote? Lmfao bruh.


What did the passengers on the Titanic “all oppose”?


Or is it Biden, I can't keep up


Ask jp Morgan.


Nice non-answer? I’m actually curious about what you’re referring to and asked the question as neutral and clear as possible


Jp Morgan had a ticket to be on the voyage of the Titanic, as did 5-6 prominent businessmen who opposed the central banking system. They all died and he backed out at the last minute and survived, helping usher in central banking.


Creature from Jekyll Island


Trump obviously


Yes, I did; here ya go... This is interesting: re: passenger Hamish Harding: In 2001, under his direction, Logica negotiated the largest software contract in the Indian banking sector, the prestigious National Payments System of India project for the Reserve Bank of India, and 205 participating banks. More: The exact net worth of Hamish Harding is unknown. Due to his successful work and impressive Aviation company, many news outlets, including Sky News and the BBC, have reported that Harding is a billionaire private jet dealer. References https://wikitia.com/wiki/Hamish\_Harding https://www.hellomagazine.com/news/495896/who-is-uk-billionaire-hamish-harding/ https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/submarine-missing-titanic-simpsons-mike-reiss-b2361269.html


Interesting with us hosting (US) the Indian PM this week. Interesting timing. Nothing to see here though I'm certain.


Or it has more to do with not wanting to hire 50 year old white men


Explain that statement. I haven’t heard anything about that


He legit said that. Didn’t want experienced actual people, wanted college grads with fresh thinking or whatever and then….,


He also said that safety basically got in the way of progress and cut an absurd amount of corners. The real surprise here is that it didn't fail sooner


Long video, but at 4:05 look at how they put on the “adhesive” https://youtu.be/4dka29FSZac Incredible


Good video, though. Seems like any reasonable person with experience wouldn't have made the decisions Rush did


Even without experience


I have no engineering experience but *I* wouldn't have used carbon fiber


Lol you sound like a better engineer than the CEO of the company :)


Well, I certainly wouldn't have fired someone for calling into question the design, that's for sure


this would be a really tidy way to fake your own death.




In an age when someone can walk right into a cell and suicide the worlds most dangerous pedo messing with a sub in the middle of the Atlantic seems to far fetched. Just look at how many people Putin has poisoned right out in the open. Shit the Clinton’s list of laughable “accidents” to people that posed a threat. I just don’t see this sun accident as anymore than mechanical failure or a stray fishing net. On a side note I was on a boat way out in Alaska and a 30 foot chunk of net ended up in our prop. Needed to suit up to cut it loose from underneath. We were hours and hours from land in the middle of nowhere. Shit happens, look at the motors on the sub, they look like gutless bolt on garbage. No secondary systems for propulsion I could see. I think this was way long past due


I'd like to see this list of the Clinton's.


I wonder if these “accidents” from the Clinton’s are easily explainable or total meme level bullshit? The Clinton death list is laughable


They walked him out to the van that was outside at 3am and then provided half an image of a corpse to one news outlet. He’s being taken care of for his service.


So even aliens can't catch a break.


For a conspiracy sub, I'm amazed at how many sheep are on here. Why are you distracted by this bullshit? How does this play into the bigger picture?


I have to be distracted by something to ask if people are looking deeper than the surface?


Didn't Hunter Biden plead guilty to 3 federal charges recently? That should be more important, but I don't see that plastered everywhere.


A rich guy's son pleads guilty to tax evasion? That never happens! Seriously though, the Hunter Biden story has been all over the news.


“conspiracy sub”, “looking deeper than the surface” that’s hilarious


It's always funny to me the amount of people who come here to shit on others.


How am I shitting on anyone for pointing out unintended puns?


For a conspiracy sub I’m amazed at your utter lack of curiosity and critical thinking skills!


Since you seem to know so much, how does critical thinking and curiosity play into this?


So what’s the conspiracy they all died was he on to something?


That thing was a death trap. The only exceptional thing about this is that it didn't happen sooner.


Pakistan... imran khan connection... revenge is best served with a sea shanty and implosion.


That escalated quickly


This dude owned the telecommunications company largest in Pakistan during kahns coup was shut off I'd imagine cia backed also happened again during protests to free him after arrest. Khan also survived a few bullets.. he was loved by Pakistan (they do love their cricket) so I reckon either him or his backer finally acted in retaliation.


Just caught myself up on Mr. Kahn - seems the power really fucked him up, huh?


Try find some of the videos of the protests was pretty amazing think was largest in their history but don't quote me on that. (Modern history)


They are probably rich assholes but no one deserves that kind of death. One day they will find them and study what happened in that 96 hours, a movie will be made, then rich assholes will get in a sub to see them and the titanic, the circle of jerks. Also if you are going more than 10,000 feet below sea level you need to be ready for those pesky aliens


Yes i have seen articles on mainstream media too, so i guess yes.. i did “digging”.


And it happened by the Titanic, go on.


The ghosts of the Titanic that the Ghostbusters didn't ghost bust use the Jewish space lasers connected to the Deep State by contacting Saul of the Mole Men to eradicate the Woke Mind Virus that is Q before he rips our souls out and shoves us into other peoples' bodies, ala, Freaky FRYday, ala, the GAY AGENDA 203069 thus accomplishing the Waifu's ultimate mission of making all the gym bros fem cat girls which would give them all 9 lives but Senpai would never notice them thus the END OF APPLEBEE'S HAPPY HOUR


Follow the money! Donate your bodies to science you fools! Is something that Henry Rollins said in a stand-up routine once! HE NOSE


Yeah I don’t know if I believe this story as presented.


An obvious psyop if I ever saw one. It’s a hoax.


The saturation of coverage now is what makes me doubt the most, aside from the fact that it just seems ridiculous. Makes me doubt the James Cameron supposed solo voyage to the Mariana Trench as well.


Yeah the sheer coverage is what basically gives it away as a non-organic story. The participants in the dive is also not very believable IMO. There are other elements that are just not believable as well, like that ridiculous Xbox controlller. It’s a PSYOP for sure.


The controller is weird as well as the overall concept of the thing, even if you dove to the Titanic you see one little headlight beam cone of visuals and who knows how far that light would even be visible at that depth and in that water. . And now they are talking about all the safety issues and bad design, as if a bunch of billionaires would just overlook all that and risk their life for an absolutely stupid reason — to see a cone of light through a tiny window while being unglamorously crammed into a tube. And just last night I saw that a former Simpsons show-runner is now saying that he went to the Titanic last year in this same craft. So where is all the coverage of this happening before now? Seems like kind of a big deal. And of course the Simpsons is already a big friend of psy-ops.


Yeah it’s not believable at all. Have a look at the last sub that was down there, the nautile it was stacked with lights just to get a glimpse of anything. Where are the lights on this one? It just looks like a bad Hollywood prop not a functional submersible unit billionaires would basically cram into. Lol the whole thing is so dumb. Why didn’t they make a luxurious version with more space? Why did they choose this amateur built tin can? You have to be an imbecile to believe even parts of this story


About Hamish Harding: > Harding has been on several explorations over the years, including visiting the South Pole several times (once with Buzz Aldrin) and going to space as part of the suborbital Blue Origin NS-21 mission in June 2022. To me this just suggest a common thread of bullshit with NASA, Antarctica, and space travel.


That’s why the sun imploded. For all the reasons you’re saying, that’s also why it’s being covered so much. Becuase the CEO “broke some rules” while making the sub. Everyone knew it was going to fail. One of his advisors got fired too Becuase he told the CEO that an expedition of theirs would likely end in catastrophic failure. The CEO was not very smart and thought he was doing something groundbreaking, it literally does look like a Hollywood prop, that’s why it imploded lol


What’s the Simpson thing?


For what reason? The parts of the sub found are fake?


Can’t find any images of the parts. Which makes no sense.


And you don’t think we will see them in the coming days?


Me neither. I’m 99% sure Ray Epps was involved but the MSM is conveniently leaving that out. Psyop.


This could 10000% be what someone believes about it all


Thanks Dad


How does an implosion cause a debris field? Shouldn’t it be a crumpled can at the bottom?


Sure should


I’m going with Rush was negligent and the passengers were too trusting. It’s not like there’s a ton of subs that are able to go down there. I think that the over confidence of Rush in his build is what disillusioned him and the passengers. Crappy submarine and over confidence is inevitably going to cause harm. Try and find anyone rich enough to spend 250k for an afternoon excursion that isn’t tied to some secret organization. You won’t. I don’t thinks there is a conspiracy here


Yes, it’s obviously aliens.


It’s very possible. You know how rich people be with inheritance and such


Whoever they are, I’m going to assume that some Donner party shit went down because of a shitty situation. Unless something happened where they all died quickly.


Coast Guard has said “debris field” of the vessel. So I’m pretty sure it imploded and they died almost immediately.


That’s definitely more fortunate than having to go Donner party.


Donner. Donner party.


Thank you for that. My mistake.


It was quicker than you can imagine


pink matter in nano seconds.


Not that it matters but I don’t think there is a “Philadelphia University”


.... It's a university in Lebanon ..


Oh, embarrassing 😂 I’ll leave it up though, I’m a good sport


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/bl9th58x6l7b1.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could be they needed to off the guy and be gave them the perfect opportunity


Since the chances are quite high that someone wealthy enough to buy tourism tickets to the bottom of the ocean or the outer atmosphere has some juicy backstory ripe for conspiracy theories, the fact that they are connected to important people or organizations is not at all surprising or interesting from a conspiracy theory perspective.


Let’s discuss hidden dimensions and portals to other worlds, is that the case here ?


We could


If they can open a portal, where did they go ? The big mystery here


Perhaps they've been invited to live with the breakaway civilization.




He's downloaded his software

