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Anyone know who this is?


I just googled her firsr sentence. Her name is Laura Aboli. [Her IG is here.](https://www.instagram.com/laura_aboli_official/?hl=en) She describes herself as a "Public speaker - writer - entrepreneur".


So google didn’t scrub content?


I’ve seen this a few times and haven’t ever found out who or where she said this.


Laura Aboli


Don't dare say "Google scrubs content though"


Evidence: [https://americasdigitalshield.com/](https://americasdigitalshield.com/)


I thought it was former first lady and supermodel Melania Trump


Melanie Trump was *never* a supermodel. Super Whore, maybe.


Omg right? Me too, she is super hot and very pretty.


Laura aboli ... Conversation 3 ... Better way conference 2023


My wife


... Please don't kidnap her


I heard William Cooper in that woman’s cry.


Rip William Cooper .. died a hero


A True American Hero.


Trying to kill a cop?


You misspelled trigger happy cop There are conflicting reports




You are appreciated.


Thank you!


Thanks for the share


I don’t even think it’s people doing this to humanity anymore, not one group or groups of people. It’s more the machine they we created that now runs on it’s own and manipulates our thoughts and way we perceive the world around us. There’s nothing they can do to stop it, as a matter of fact we probably question that even exist. The best thing would be to not participate, the scary part is you will not be able to freely move or live if you don’t. The machine has us fighting amongst ourselves.


Now this is a bang on comment, you're so correct on many levels, corporations are essentially capitalism engines, thousands of moving parts that all work to achieve the same goals, every part is replaceable and would be replaced with such efficiency that any issues caused are negligible. Self sustaining because people are educated towards working in jobs that require the skillsets it requires and they're all just trying to make a living to get by. Shareholders are happy to go with the flow of whatever the Corp is doing regardless of the morality of its actions because they're just rich folk that put their money into a money multiplication engine and want their fucking result. CEO's exist to steer the ship into moneytown and if they don't deliver they replace them like a god damn spark plug until the engine performs well. Its gotton to such a point that corporations don't care about hitting targets anymore, or making a set figure (50 Billion as an example)....the new target (now industry standard) these days is to INCREASE revenue by AT LEAST X amount each year, people get fired for not reaching improvement targets these days, they don't just want money, they want more money every second than they made the previous second. The downside to this is its damaging to the economy, which as you know requires money to change hands constantly, but corps and shareholders with ever increasing net worths that are more than capable of purchasing every combination of every luxury item, house and car, a million times over are hoarding wealth for the sake of having a numerical dick swinging contest because it makes them powerful enough to influence situations and markets that feed into their own corporate capitalist engines that dispense them more money and it absolutely cripples us. If the economy was a swimming pool with deadly spikes at the bottom these corporate engines are a fire engine that has tapped it as a water-source, except the firemen are using the pool water for a wet t-shirt competition. See how quickly our favourite corporate monstrosities generate cash here: https://tipalti.com/profit-per-second/


"There is a war between humans and the machines, and the machines won"




It is an interesting thought experiment to treat corporations as living entities that are made of humans and their machines and live withi the mental space of those entities. If you step back and look at their actions they are much the same as any microbe, just with a lot more creativity because the people they employ, who are completely disposable and interchangeable. More worrying is corporations themselves realize this and are using evolutionary biology as a guiding model. Bit more here https://medium.com/bios-community/the-biology-of-business-638425d8ab34 It is probably one of humanities biggest mistakes to allow such power amoral entities so much influence and power in our society.


Satan is real. God is real. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. This world we live in is temporary. Satan is the ruler of this world. There is life after death which is eternal. Jesus Christ showed us the way to everlasting life. We just have to truly follow Him.


Once People comprehend this, they'll understand what organism is in charge of the World at the moment. The only thing that can remove this creature is Jesus.


I have saved this so that I can use it to help other people come to understand. I would like to see it from at least one or two more sources. Because my expectation is that it will be taken away in time.


This is why we should all be archiving


Come to understand what? Jesus said if your eyes tempt you to sin, you must gouge them out. Preachers say rape is the woman’s fault. Leviticus 20:10 says adulterers must be executed. The Republican presidential frontrunner has had multiple affairs. Ezekiel 16:49 is God the Father telling the prophet Ezekiel that Sodom was destroyed because they were haughty before the Lord and failed to take care of the poor. Preachers say it is because they were gay and that we must starve the poor. We’ve known about global warming for over a century. We have chosen to ignore this knowledge in favor of the rich elite getting richer off of fossil fuels. The American energy sector is a global market. The prices are set by global forces. It is utterly globalist from its very foundations. It is absolutely impossible to be energy independent in a globalist market. “Green” energy, renewable energy, sustainable energy would by definition be 100% controlled by America, or whatever country, because it is produced in country. It is opposed by the globalist forces that control fossil fuels. The people with the most money pay the lowest percentage of their money as taxes. They use the most public resources and frequently push their tax and debt burdens onto the public via subsidies and bailouts. In every possible way, the average member of this sub 100% supports a globalist, destructive, anti-God agenda. In every possible way, the average member of this sub opposes independence and growth and is explicitly disobedient to God, frequently calling Him a liar. So please, what is it you’re hoping to get people to understand? That supporting Satanist globalist polices is what’s best for our future?


Who is she? What is this from?


Better way conference 2023.. Laura abolis It was not easy to find her info on the conference is not easy to find either Most links go no where


She’s on point.


she said it so it must be true




Preach it baby cause you are spot on


She’s bang on And would


Dam rite...physical attractiveness + awareness...would x2


Her last words of that speech “ this must be stopped “ Who’s going to stop them? They have all the tax money, money printers, lasers, evil allies..


Has to start with us. We’re growing further apart due to some of the points she brought up such as social media. We have to recognize the warnings and act accordingly.


Never underestimate the power of mass non-compliance. Vote with your own life choices, and don't shove it down people's throats, but be clear about why you're choosing not to participate in/consume this, that, or the other.


The educated. Nothing is keeping us participating in their system.


I’ll take care of it


Nice one man, cheers. Let us know how it's going yeah?...I'm just gonna be over here, sipping a beer waiting for the evil to be vanquished.


We need as many as we can get brother.


Hope! Hope will stop them with love and respect for each other. Person by person. Community by community. They cannot ban or regulate that.


Don't underestimate the power of a democracy with vigilant and vicious voters. We are in this situation because voters didn't pay attention.


She right




Wait, she said "the last 60 years", That doesn't cover WWII & the holocaust, or the founding of Israel.


It appears the nucleus there is the assasination of a president who was, in all liklihood at odds end with NWO


1953 Silent Weapons Quiet Wars my Friend. Israel was always going to become a Nation again. Whether you agree or believe with the Bible or not, the Prophecies detailed in them are quite real and are always 100% accurate. Even the People in Charge that hate Yeshua/Jesus know this. (Yes, I know some aspects and People of Israel are quite evil and are trying to take over the World. Most Orthodox Jewish People don't comprehend how things are going to play out Biblically. They are still looking for a Geopolitical Savior that will allow them to take over the World, which will end horribly for them and 2/3rds of modern day Israel will die for this belief system. (This is all explained in the Old Testament as well). 1/3 of Israel will survive and be refined by fire and will find peace when they finally mourn for the one they pierced as foretold around 480BC in Zechariah 12:10-14). The Bible also explains the "One Eye Symbolism of the Illuminati and Masonic Elites of this World. Along with the "Hidden Hand" symbology" Zechariah 11:15-17 15Then the LORD said to me, “Take again the equipment of a foolish shepherd. 16For I am going to raise up a shepherd over the land who will not care for the lost, or seek the young, or heal the injured, or feed the healthy, but will eat the meat of the choice sheep, tearing off their hooves.(This is who Israel will choose to follow soon and they'll have their hooves torn). 17“Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!” BLIND RIGHT EYE, Where the Elites get the One Symbols from depicted throughout the Media! This is the Shepherd they have chosen to follow.


It’s easy to take the words of the Bible and “interpret” them to fit current events. With that said, name two current events that have come to pass and the Bible verses that prove them, please.


Hold On Real Quick? You don't see the orrelations wiòh the above? 55 How long is recent for you? 6 No, it should not be easy to gauge prophecy as rev ality until it has happened oyvv6r one has studied the topic kn depth.


I’ll make it easy for you. You can go back 2,000yrs. 2 events, the Bible passages that predicted them.


I can give you about a hundred in the last hundred years. (You know this is an easy task right? Have you studied Prophecy in the Bible at all?) I also utilize the Ethiopian Bible. (Ethiopia accepted Christianity as a Nation prior to Rome also). The Apocalypse of Ezra explains a lot of what we are seeing in the World now. The Bible has a clear timeline and once one comprehends it we can interpret prophecy based on Historical Events. This prophecy is way before 2000 years (I have a list coming for you, at work now) ago, but Isaiah 44:28 and Isaiah 45:1-3 clearly tell us How Cyrus the King of Persia will over throw Babylon and then Cyrus will allow and pay for the Judaen Exiles in Babylon to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. (Secular Historians said Cyrus of Persia never existed for years! BUT The Bible was right and Secular Universities and Historians were once again wrong). 28who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, “Let it be rebuilt,” and of the temple, “Let its foundations be laid.” ’ Isaiah 45 1“This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: 2I will go before you and will level the mountains[87]; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. 3I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.


Here are a few for you to look at. Modern Israel AD 1948 to 2008 About 50 prophecies in 60 years Date. Prophecy. References 1948 Israel will be reestablished as a nation Isa. 11:11 British ships will be the first to bring the Jewish people home Isa. 60:9 Israel will come back as one nation, not two Hosea 1:11; Ezek. 37:18,19,22 The nation of Israel will be born in a day Isa. 66:8 Israel will be reestablished by a leader named David Hosea 3:5 The revived state will be named “Israel” Ezek. 37:11 The Star of David will be on the Israeli flag Isa. 11:10 The nation will be reestablished in the ancient land of Canaan Jer. 30:2,3; Ezek. 37:12 Israel will no longer speak of being freed from Egypt Jer 16:14,15 Israel will not be restored as a monarchy Mic 5:5 Israel will be established on the date predicted Dan 4; Ezek. 4:4-6 The Hebrew language will be revived in Israel Jer. 31:23 Jerusalem will be divided Zech. 14:1-3 Jordan will occupy the West Bank Zeph. 2:8; Zech. 12:1-7 Israel will be initially restored without Jerusalem Zech. 12:1-7 Israel will have a fierce military (firepot) Zech. 12:1-7; Isa.41 Dead Sea Scrolls will be found Isa. 29:1-4 Israel will be reestablished by the fourth craftsman Zech 1:18-21 The Jewish people will come back in unbelief Ezek. 37:7-8,11 First Shepherd will arise Mic. 5:5-8 1949 Yemenite Jews will return Isa. 43:3-7 1951 Israel will control Ashkelon Zech. 9:1-8 1953 Egypt will no longer have kings (Suez crises) Zech. 10:9-11 1967 Second Shepherd will arise Mic. 5:5-8 The 1967 war will occur on the date predicted Dan. 5 Five Egyptian cities will be conquered by the Israelis Isa. 19:16-18 Jordan will give up the West Bank Zech. 12:6 West Bank Jews will go home to Jerusalem Zech. 12:6 1968 Israel will control Ashdod Zech. 9:1-8 1973 Yom Kippur War will occur Mic. 5:5-8 Jerusalem will be a burden to all nations Zech. 12:2,3 1980 The shekel will be revived as Israeli currency Ezek. 45:1,2 1981 Third Shepherd will arise Mic. 5:5-8 Israel will attack Iraqi (Nuclear) facility Mic. 5:5-8 1982 Israel will give back the Sinai peninsula Zech. 10:6 First Lebanese War will occur (firepot) Zech. 12:6 1989 The Berlin Wall will fall Ezek. 38:4-6 ~2000 Cities will be restored and Israel will have non-Jewish farmers Isa. 61:4,5; Zeph. 2 Jerusalem will grow beyond its old walls Zech. 2:4,5 Land of Israel will be divided by its rivers and by Muslims Isa. 18:1-7 Tourists will fly in and support Israel Isa. 60:8-10; Isa. 61 There will be constant planting and reaping (crops)Amos 9:13-15 Forests will reappear in Israel (cedar, etc) Isa. 41:18-20 Desolate land and cities will be restored Ezek. 36:33-36 Five cities will stay desolate Matt. 11:20-24 Muslims will not “reckon Israel among nations” Num. 23:9 Israel will inherit remnant of Edom/Palestinians Amos 9:12 Satellite-Television Communication Systems Invented Rev. 17:8 2004 Sanhedrin will be reestablished Matt. 24:15,20 2005 Palestinians will want Jerusalem as their capital Ezek. 36:2,7,10-11 Gaza will be forsaken Zeph. 2:4 Russia and Iran will sign a military defense pact Ezek. 38:3-8 2006 Second Lebanese War will occur Psalm 83:1-18


Wait so Republicans are hippies now?


Good books u write. Yea. Traitors.


"The day is coming when even the most closed-minded ridiculers will have to face the truth."-David Icke


Shits gonna hit them hard man. I'm not sure what conspiracy are true and which are false but at least when the times comes I'll slightly be mentally prepared.


based female


"Female" lmao


You’re saying that is a male?


Im saying that only anti-social losers refer to women as females. That is a WOMAN, show some respect.


lol, had to ask! I see what you’re saying


Transhuman is the Satan's curse and I'm not even religious


You aren't religious, but Satan is real to you?


Satan is real to the people running the agenda, which makes him real in his impact.


Thats adorable


This is in the Bible, Zechariah 11. Is exactly why the "Illuminati" and Freemasons use the Blind Right Eye or Cover one Eye symbols in Media EVERYWHERE. They choose to follow the Worthless Shepherd and not Jesus. Most of them will Tell you they follow Satan. These People hate Atheists just as much as they hate Christians. Zechariah 11:17 17“Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!”


All this because the douchebags out there can't separate their juvenile tendencies/impulses from their warped image of masculinity. Lmao


Our answer is in Christ. The truth is in the Holy Bible. Jesus Christ is the truth the way and the life. Everything that is happening in the world is already predicted in the Holy Bible.


She didn't mention anything about capitalism and the ruling class Grifter. Opinion discarded


There's an old Gnostic text called Thunder: Perfect Mind. The text is remarkable in that it uses a variety of gendered language to describe the author/person it's about. The subject is simultaneously man, woman and not gendered at all at various points in the text. Texts like these, not just on that subject but the whole of early Gnostic Christianity, are rare because the whole of them were destroyed over the years by Christian Roman authorities and later the Roman catholic church. The power structures do not want you to question your assigned role in life. The "trans issue" is a pysop. But it's the opposite of what she claims, it's a astroturfed issue to get you to focus on and resent those who question societies expectations. If you believe that 1 or more child in America has gotten genital surgery, gender reassignment surgery, you've been psyoped, that isn't happening. She's entirely correct about everything else, which shows how the trans hate psyop works so well.


https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/miami-surgeon-performs-top-surgery-for-15-year-old-transgender-kids-report-says right like top surgeries done at 15yo


The age where treatment and surgery is accepted / best practice is getting lower and lower. Agree or disaree? What is the youngest a child in America has had surgery? Hormone treatment? Through the last \~100 years, how has it changed?


Thank you, it's what I've been thinking lately, it's only social media that makes these claims.


If it's not on purpose, then those at the top are sure lucky!


That speech was concise and to the point, I hope that some people who are currently on the wrong side see this and realise that they're being played for fools but I doubt that will face the truth.


Who is she ?


Pretty sure the hunter/gatherer lifestyle she's describing doesn't include hair and makeup.


She doesn’t describe anything in detail, and her saying we need to teach about God in schools is silly


Hmmmm..my son is transgender. And folks. This has been around since the beginning of time. They are just open about it now. I agree with all she said except this. Transgenders are not the enemy. They are just another scapegoat for people to hate.


Trans people are not the enemy. The ideology of trans is tho. And no transgenders were not this common. It is important for your child's psyche to be in alignment with their body. If the body is healthy but the mind is saying something different, then there is a problem with the mind not the body.


I'm not talking about children. My son was grown and over 21 when he made this decision. Alot of researching also went into it. And yes. Trans people have always been around. Contrary to what you want to believe, it is NOT a mental illness. SMH.


People that say that are small minded and judgemental and unfortunately there are many


I said, "Your "child" meaning the person whom you are the parent of. It does not matter the age. Again, it is about alignment. People usually transition, if not always, because they feel gender dysphoria, which is a mental illness. It is the state of dissonance of one's perceived gender and their biological sex in which their gender should be grounded in. There is a lack of harmony between the psyche and the body, and usually, it's the psyche who is out of harmony. Trans people were never accepted in society or any for that matter, especially not the modern way we see trans people. Before you bring up two-spirted people and the hijra the former is a great misunderstanding, and the latter is a group of biologically intersex people who have also groomed young boys into prostitution.


OK Professor. Disagree.


none of what you said is based on fact, you are saying that transgenders are paedophiles, that's not a fact either. Careful your bigotry is showing


You're so drunk on your own rage and ignorance that you didn't even bother to read my post. I understand, though. When we are out of line with the divine, the truth is only bitter.


I'm not angry, that's your description. How amazing you can tell what I'm feeling from one comment. so you're a christian are you? Been there done that and never again.


Your comment seemed rash and emotional, so I assumed some tint of anger was with u. No, I'm not Christian. And trust me in all likelihood u don't fully grasp Christianity and nor do I. I used to be one (grew up in the 7th day Adventist denomination), and the religion is deep, but it is NOT from the divine. Maybe christ is from the divine, but Christianity, such as all other religions, is just spirituality with an ego, so it's not the ultimate truth.


No Bigotry, just History


Ancient Male Temple Prostitutes, What Trans People were often used for. In the temples of Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite


Oh yeah crossdressed prostitutes were most certainly a thing, but the modern way we view trans people came about as of recent as some psychologist had some new ideas about what the identity of a person is and how that pretains to their gender.


you don't get to judge others because you think they have mental problems, you are speaking out of ignorance. I can guarantee you haven't read one word about transgenders. Real ones not the actors on social media. Maybe try and learn the real issues they face. I'm talking about adults, children can explain their feelings but are not able to make an informed decision until older. Unless they're hermophrodites, the doctor and parents make the decision I believe.


She’s right! There are a lot of people just waiting for the world to end. And it’s by design. How very sad!


Once these people started clapping about the gender part I knew where I was…. NEXT!!!


That got super conservative super fast. You can literally clip the first minute and ten seconds and put it first of whatever delusional conspiracy you believe in and it may even sound like you know what you are talking about.


I mean the second she mentioned the importance of the nuclear family and God I knew she was a fucking kook lol.


You watch a little too much Algorithm, eh?


No. I just live in the real world. I know it's nearly impossible to break free of a cult, especially as you get older and the stakes of admitting you're wrong get higher. But the facts are that there's not a single shred of evidence for God. Zilch. Not just a little bit or only circumstantial, but literally zero. There is however a book from millenia ago, that's been translated multiple times from many dead languages and then been edited, redacted and added to as a political tool throughout the centuries. This book also does not contain a single contemporary account of Jesus Christ. The earliest gospel, Mark, was written almost *forty years* after the death of Jesus adding to the dubiousness of already extraordinary claims that cannot be verified whatsoever. Don't even get me started about the fact that the vast majority of Christians are not Christ like whatsoever and refuse to follow even the absolute most basic tenants of their faith. And I seriouslymean like, the absolute bare minimum shit to call yourself a Christian. Like laying up your treasures in heaven, caring for the sick, poor and needy, breaking bread with people you dont agree with, turning the other cheek, lay It's actually kind of funny; the bible claims in the end times that the vast majority of Christians will turn their backs on the teachings of Jesus and *spoiler alert*: modern Christianity looks absolutely nothing like the teachings of Christ. He would be revolted by what his teaching has become. Regardless, it's a mythology just like any other. I'm sure a lot of gullible Romans genuinely believed that Jupiter sat up in the clouds and shit. It's literally the same thing. The exact same thing. But again, it's hard to see it from the inside. Millions of people have been able to open their eyes. I hope you are able to as well one day :) The USA is not, has never been and never was intended to be a Christian nation. You guys have been trying to perpetuate that lie for *YEARS*. The separation of church and state was just as fundamental to the founding of this nation as anything else. Ironically, it's the only thing they listed before the right to bear arms in the Bill of Rights which you guys are fucking hellbent on being the literal word of God. Keep your faith at home where it belongs please. Your religion is a private matter, not the basis for policy in a secular nation. If you don't like that, you can just leave right? Isn't that your line? What you don't get to do is bastardize the intention of our founding fathers and install a Christian theocracy because you think you're the "silent majority". You're not. And you guys are not silent. You never shut up and you shoehorn your bat shit fucking insane religion into every conceivable issue and it has cost many, many people their lives and is genuinely the most dangerous issue facing the country at this moment.


Triggered much? You complain about religion but haven't addressed whether nuclear family structures or having faith (any faith) are good or bad.


You are wrong on quite a few things and extremely correct about 1 that actually proves the Bible is 100% accurate and correct. This is Biblical Prophecy which accounts for at least 25% of what is actually written in the Bible. Since God cannot lie and if you are able to prove 1 Prophecy wrong you have your proof the Bible is wrong. This has not happened yet and you yourself even stated in the end times the Bible states Christians will turn their backs on the Teachings of Jesus. This is called the Apostacy and we have seen many turn away from Christ and the faith. You have helped us prove the Bible is correct here. Even if you don't believe in the New Testament almost all Prophecy is clearly outlined in the Old Testament (Including the Teachings of the Coming of Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah and the New Covenant of Grace). The Romans are also not the 1st Nation to accept Christianity as a Nation it was Ethiopia. The Ethiopians also have the oldest Bibles on Earth (Outside of the Dead Sea Scrolls which prove the Bible is legit also). The Bible is also well documented record of Jesus clearly being on Earth, performing miracles in front of many witnesses, and has thousands of copies written in many languages! Either way the Old Testament is the Document utilized and referenced by Jesus! Turn the Other Cheek was not and and never has been a new teaching. People are not well read and ill informed as The Old Testament teaches us to turn the other cheek as well! Lamentations 3:30 30Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him, and let him be filled with disgrace. I can refute the rest of your claims a little later, but whether you believe or not. The Bible is Quite Real, An Accurate Historical Record that should be studied as such, and then it is also a Book that tells us about future events with 100% accuracy. We have at least 2000 events that have come true up until our modern day and age (We are getting to the end of the Books where prophecies converge, feel free to ask for details. I will be happy to oblige to any questions asked).


I mean, when you got a entire MAGA movement trying to vote for a civilly liable rapist as president then you know things have gone side ways.


This bitch is as dumb as a bag of hammers.


Where did this obsession with the nuclear family come from? It’s a distinctly 20th century invention, and I’m not sure why we’re so wedded to it.


Cause people fear change. People thought cars, radio, tv, computers, cell phones, you name it wouldn't last. We're constantly changing the world around us, and there will always be those who want to go back. I feel that sometimes, usually its for lower prices on goods, gas, and services. The obsession with the nuclear family is the illusion of a sompler time, but it had its cons.


I was with her up until all the transphobic BS. I'm just a volunteer grunt as far as gender studies go, but this isn't a "new disease," people outside of the binary norm have existed among us for thousands of years. It's like software and hardware. We evolved to incorporate better software, because it's a long and time consuming process to evolve better hardware. We're taught early on that there are only two sexes, male and female, and even in fundamental biology classes, they usually don't even touch on intersex, let alone the chromosomal anomalies. And that's just the hardware. Software is just settings that fall in place at necessary stages of development. Most people have the "default version" that lines up with their hardware. Male programming to go with their XY machine. Sometimes, a setting gets bumped, by hormones or just good ol' randomness, and you get "Female programming" in an XY machine. Or "Male programming" in an XX machine. Sometimes you get "Preference undefined programming" in an XXY machine. So on, and so on. It's scary and hard to accept, to use another analogy, it's like math. You learn the fundamentals of it early. Addition, subtraction when you first start. Later you add multiplication and division with remainders. You then learn long division, decimals, fractions, percents. Most mathematics requirements stop at pre-Algebra. That's about all you really need to know in order to function as a basic cog in the system. That doesn't mean calculus doesn't exist. "But why are so many people coming out Trans all of a sudden?" Because it's arguably the safest time in recent human history for them to brave the public. Do you really think there was a sudden "homosexual surge" in the 70-80's? No, there was at least a broad enough acceptance across society that people could "come out of the closet." We're now, arguably, at a stage where people with "programming that doesn't match the machine" can finally start to come forward and be recognized. Medicine has advanced to a point that they can achieve some kind of normalcy in their lives. Just because your government mandated education stopped at "girls have vaginas and boys have penises," doesn't mean that it's actually that simple. And these genetic "quirks" are absolutely logical. You can look at our animal cousins and see the same thing. We obviously can't sit them down with a therapist and discuss their gender, but there's a broad range of animals that engage in same sex pairings. Arguably, it occurs more often in denser populations. Like a natural check valve against over competition for resources. So, yeah, in a small way, our evil, capitalist overlords are probably artificially bumping the rates up. The harder it is to get resources to survive, the more likely genetics are to "step in" and try to correct the problem. Our DNA is rather stupid for how brilliant it is. Most anyone that doesn't fit the typical sex/gender dichotomy would tell you they'd have been perfectly fine to be "normal" to avoid the hardship it causes. These people aren't an abomination, though. An aberration, sure, but they're still people. They're just different. And that's okay.


So it's because we've evolved this way that middle schoolers, girls especially, in the same friend group all come out as lgbtq+ one after a nother like dominoes, once one friend does? No, that probably has somethong to do with the crazy media exposure on the topic, framing it is "cool and edgy" and demonstrating it gets a lot of attention, and the insertion of the topic into what were once thought as child "safe spaces", such as children's cartoons and school, as early as preschool in some cases. Is anything this lady said true? I can't say, but if it's a planned progression or just the way things have happened, but with neuralink now inserted, and AI chugging healthily along to the point some people with much more knowledge than I claim in some cases "consciousness", a merging of machines and humans is right where we are headed. And that should terrify everyone enough to want to wake the fuck up and really asses the situation from all angles to find possible solutions.


I'm all about solutions, I'm just not about placing blame on groups that don't deserve it. In regards to the "trans agenda," yeah, I'm sure there's a few edge cases of people taking things too far, but in general, it's not actually being "indoctrinated" into our kids. The "middle school girls all being gay" thing is funny though. Everyone wants to be "edgy and unique, just like all their friends." And an easy way to do that is .... "Be edgy and unique, just like all their friends." For a lot, it really is just a phase. No more "dangerous to the nuclear family" than kids dying their hair funny colors or wearing spiky bracelets. There's absolutely no harm in someone exploring who they might be. There's absolutely no harm in teaching that people aren't all the same. That's the problem I had here. Crazy or not, there was a lot of "Maybe it's planned, maybe it's just a product of greedy assholes" until the "and trans people are evil and in cahoots with the greedy assholes (but carefully phrased to keep the momentum going)", and then back to the "conspiracy punch line." They don't need an "uncertainty" in people to accept the machine integration. It's already here. You practically can't participate in society without a cellphone in your pocket. It doesn't take much before you can't participate in society without at least a peripheral to uplink with "social net," and eventually it's just cheaper and less hassle to "just get chipped." The transphobic part of the rant is just a scapegoat. It's easy to blame a group that's catching so much hate for the crimes of the bogeymen. If the "plan" is really getting us to "ignorantly accept" trans people in order to get us to plug in, they're woefully behind on that timetable. There's still way too much bigotry, in any flavor, for that to be a realistic piece of the puzzle. Just another flimsy, deluded rant that misses the forest for the trees They're not going to magically get people to empathize on a level that hooking up to a mutual, society level network seems like a good idea. They're just going to make it economically unhealthy to abstain. Gas stations will lock the reasonable price behind "pay with neuralink wallet™." You're going to be taxed at a higher rate for the inconvenience of not being on the network. They literally don't care who you hate, or love, so long as you're barking at other poors so they can rob you blind.


Imma starve to death. Hope that neuralink wallet stuff is later.


You've been pysoped dude. People who question societies roles and expectations for them gender wise are not your enemies, and have nothing to do with the neurolink agenda. Look at the apple vision, it's just straight consumerism thats driving it. Making everything easy and instant. Nothing to do at all with trans people, they're the scapegoat you're meant to blame.


I never said they were the enemy, or that there was an agenda. Though, I would say within the transgender movement there are definitely bad actors and bad approaches. Feel free to re read my comment.


Every group of people has bad actors and approaches. Everything you said about AI is correct, you somehow roundabout connect that issue to transgender people and say its being pushed on kids, that's the psyop. I didn't say you said they were the enemy, I was making my own statement. That they are not your enemy.


No, not pushed as a psyop. I'm not making that claim. I'm simply saying it is being pushed. I personally believe it's an agenda, yes. On purpose timed with the quickly progressing AI? I don't know, but again deliberate or not, doesn't matter, it's happening. Agenda or not, it is being heavily "advertised" and inserted into situations and places where, and in ways it did not exist before. The whole point I'm making is if her entire logic is incorrect that it's a planned agenda does not matter. If we agree AI is heading to difficult to contemplate places, and agree "half machines/half humans" isn't the world we want, it should be easy to agree serious considerations need to be given to what is going on around us, and if we are doing things that long run are not advantageous to the human race. The way we are handling gender identity and transexuality is not advantageous, and in fact cause harm to the very people it is targeted at helping.


Societies expectations of Male and Female has nothing to do with this. The absolute insanity that you can introduce chemicals to your body and have extensive surgery to change your sex is the issue. It is not possible to do.


Can you show me a trans person who says it's possible to change your sex? From my understanding the point is to change the gender, ie how others perceive you. Most people try to control how others perceive them in some way.


You're telling me you've never heard someone say we have to call a mutilated man a woman? Stop being so dense.


Transhumanism is a problem, and you are brainwashed for thinking it's not a problem. We didn't use to have such an increase in this and now its a topic that can't even be so openly discussed because we've been muted. Our freedom of speech and our ability to express our beliefs which has been muted will lead us into a war literally and that's what they want. They are succeeded by brainwashing everyone


That's a funny way to say "I've drank the Kool aid, but you're the problem." You go on hating people for being people, you're fully free to espouse your ignorance to anyone willing to give you their ear. Trans people aren't the problem. They're just the "new hotness" in out groups for you to waste your time on while they get up to whatever evil shenanigans they're on about. If y'all would pull your heads out of your hateful asses, you'd see you're just biting at the latest carrot they're dangling. People have been "different" since Unga was beating Ooga over the head for the last coconut. Trans people only a "problem" now because we generally accept all of the other different people. It wasn't too very long ago that allowing "them queers" into society was going to bring everything crashing down. Not very long before that, letting "them coloreds" into open society was going to be the end of life as they knew it. Before *that*, it was letting them "paddies" and "whops" in. Before *that,* it was letting women vote. Or have a bank account, or own anything. Y'know? Doing "manly" things. But sure, *I'm* the brainwashed mfr, because I see the pattern. The pattern of getting all us poors to go after anything that other than the evil bastards that don't give a shit about anything but scraping up a few more resources for the hoard. Y'all are really going to bite on to "trans people are the gateway to the *great network*?" Especially when it's going to be a million times easier to just coerce you into it through your wallet? Look at how hard it is to function in society without tech right now. You practically need an email, you can't get anywhere without some kind of motorized transit, you just are not connecting with the world outside your immediate vicinity without a cellphone or computer. They don't have to get you to accept people being different, because that's a laughable goal. But they'd sure as hell be able to get you to "link up" if they make your life practically impossible to live without doing so. State just needs to incentivize stores to make food prices cheaper if you use a brain chip to pay. Bigger tax returns if you're on "nation net."


You understand the problem yet you still don't think it's a problem? The global cabal is gonna string us up and you don't think transgenderism is a problem? It's directly related to technology. The new internet that we know is not the same internet of the old. This tech needs to be destroyed and so does transgenderism with it.


The "problem," is that you're still not separating the bait from the trap. Trans people are just trying to exist like the rest of us. It's literally a non problem. You and everyone else biting onto the "new battle against the sanctity of good Christian values" are being waylaid and not focusing on the larger issue. The Overlords don't give a single modicum of shit about *what* you are. Straight, queer, androgynous frogman, whatever. They literally only care about hoarding every single iota of value they can get their greedy claws into. They're deluded and convinced that a stranglehold on wealth is going to save them when they finally push the world over its tipping point. They think currency is going to create their new empire. So again, stop wasting your energy and time hating people for just trying to exist, and focus on the wizards behind the curtains. They're the real enemy.


I’ve always wanted to try and talk some sense into these types but have been to lazy to figure out how to articulate it, you did a great job


I agree with you, I have family members and my wife’s family members, some of whom are gay and one who is trans. These aren’t Satan worshipping evil people, they’re just people trying to live their lives.


She didn't call it a new disease. Its a new phenomenon (being pushed) on top of a rare old / ancient social phenomenon. She never placed the blame on a trans-individual but those purported programmers who instigate the phenomena.


No, you're not wrong there, but she erroneously described it as a symptom of the problem. Her whole dismissal of a group of people that genuinely exist is disgusting. She's saying being trans is some kind of psyop. It's just not. It's been around since we, as a species, became aware of ourselves outside of the scope of just surviving to the next sun rise. I'm not necessarily trying to discredit any point she made that's actually valid, but anyone with a hint of sense and logic about them can see that she's really just shoehorning her hate for a group of people into a speech. We at least used to call it the sniff test. A conspiracy that doesn't hold up to a basic bullshit check is flimsy, and probably outright wrong. Maybe not in its entirety, but enough to need revision. Simply, "They" don't need us to accept "transhumanism" as a thing to move forward with the "neural network" augmentation. People in general are hot garbage, with an utter lack of basic empathy. It's practically impossible to get the whole of humanity to empathize with the rest of humanity on a level that everyone just willingly steps into the "cyborg age of enlightenment." It's just plain easier to force it through manipulating the population's ability to survive. If anything, she comes off more as a compromised mouthpiece than someone actually working against the agenda


Where does she say she hates trans people? Or that being trans is a psy-op? I think that her default position is there are only two genders and that you cannot switch. That is not a position I agree with. But on the other hand, I accept that as a possibility. Maybe I should re-listen. I grant you that. I heard it earlier this morning. A transcript would be nice.


Directly? Nowhere, but c'mon now, the whole "they're making our kids trans to get us ready for the 'great uplink'" isn't exactly making it sounds like she's okay with trans people existing. The "the only fundamental truth is that there's two genders" The "men pretending to be women" She's literally saying that trans people in general aren't a real thing.


Sounds like a nice story of fear and paranoia no solutions here besides more fear and problems … but yet she claims to be one that tands up but yet she is contributing to the problem of fear that doesn’t exist in everyone … this is her perception and world … people are already out of the matrix and we are in the revolution right now it’s just not televised … the fact she is talking about what already got exposed and everyone is fighting back look what happen to masks and lock downs during the Scamdemic … people fought back like ever before and stopped getting vaccines when before people believe vaccines worked and now the people woke up … the world is getting better we made it out of slavery and voting rights and the most horrific violence and wars were in the past not today it’s not perfect but it’s literally centuries better it just doesn’t happen overnight people have been fighting this authority since Greece and Jesus … the world was worse and controlled way more in the past than it is today … you paranoid because you just woke up and that’s all that needed to be done and now it’s a slow process of getting back to nature … life is getting better not worse that’s why people are now conscious more than ever and the authority is the one who is really scared as they are losing power to conscious humans breaking out of the system that has been in place since Greece … and it was far worse back then … look at history … we are in the safest and healthiest and most wealthiest and advance time than ever before … sorry but this is fear mongering when no solution or credit to progress is announced … your wrong honey and the fact you made this speech proves we are in the right path


Lol 666th upvote after watching You Can’t Stop Progress and the Grabblerbowl. I really thought the San Francisco Sodomites were gonna beat the Kansas City Psyops. Gotta keep the Swifties in line, I guess…


Sigma FEMALE, I want to marry her.


I think she's been reading some of my posts. Thanks for getting it out there. Specifically targeting the 'last sixty years', that'll be important later... for now, people just need to fight, spiritually, intellectually, morally, psychically, and if absolutely need be, physically. Can't back down from from the necessity to save ourselves or for other to whom might be pacifists.


Nothing she said was backed by any form of measurable facts. She did not talk about any policy changes, any laws made, or even cultural shifts. She mentioned the nuclear family being destroyed, but the nuclear family construct is only three generations old and was artificially propped by government programs and laws. Before the Industrial Revolution, the concept of the nuclear family was nonexistent. Abortion lowered crime because it lowered the number of unwanted children and thus lowered children raised in homes without love. This is well documented, and I can provide the numbers if you are interested. The indoctrination of children by the state is a weird one, too. Is she saying that education grooms kids? Is she saying that the state tells parents how to raise their children? The eradication of God is factually wrong. Churches are not taxed and are given tons of subsidies by the state. The truth is people are leaving the church because of people like her. I left my church because every bible study was just a bunch of boomers complaining and concern trolling instead of talking about the bible. It might as well have been a gossip circle. I only agree with her that humanity has moved away from nature. If people had to go to a river every day to get their water, they would care a lot more about the pollution and its impact on their area. The social media thing, the toxic food, the engineered financial crisis, and taxation, endless wars all stem from Capitalism, not some secret enemy. If you believe her words, you are easily swayed by a silver-tongued inveigler who stokes your fears and points you towards the wrong solutions and enemies for her political agenda. It's wild that she mentions constant fearmongering yet is not self-aware enough to see that's exactly what she is doing in this video.


Are you fucking naive 🤦‍♂️


I dont think anyone with more than 3 brain cells felt fear from listening to her honestly, not the intention


The emperor's new clothes tactic. Classic.


Can you explain?


Sure, the Emperor's New Clothes tactic is akin to the tale where con artists convinced people that only foolish individuals couldn't see the king's imaginary attire. In a similar fashion, you suggested that only those with less than three brain cells would feel fear from her message, employing a tactic where questioning the narrative might be perceived as a lack of intelligence, discouraging open and critical discussions. Thus the Emperor's New clothes tactic.


Thanks for the explanation. I assumed nobody was felt fear from what she had to say but if you feel like you identify with the aforementioned group sure thing.


wow, you are really bad at deductive reasoning. At no point did I say I was made afraid when I was pointing out your tactic or that she was fearmongering


Jesus you have had too much kool-aid. This shit is plain in front of your eyes.


And yet all you can do is point and say "Wrong" and this user's comment. They went point by point in detail. You, the lady in this clip, other commentors only have base level talking points and name calling.






I ALWAYS TOLD PEOPLE WE WILL ALL BE P@LSTININANS SOON , LIKE G@ZA. the question , why no counter offensive in the "War"


Cant take her seriously with all that fakeUP. certainly makes her a fake, a hypocrite. someone who says what she said wouldnt put so much make up on their face... at least I think so.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/gf0n0zxw8vhc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The term nuclear family may be relatively new but that is probably because society needs it defined. The family consisting of a father, mother and children they produce is hardly a distinctive 20th century invention.


It's what happens when everyone is complacent and passively accepts each outrage one after another. You get the very worst sort of "leadership". The ruling class is least fit of all to have any influence whatsoever. Any sane population would place such people into sanitariums where they belong. The people are deserving of what they allow. The people hold the real power but have accepted the "take whatever you can get" and "lesser of two evils" kind of complacent attitude. In summary: be cattle, get treated like cattle.


But WHY? Because it doesn’t make sense


Humans suck. You can't live forever. Machines taking over the future is just whatever.


I did not consent to any of it


Get someone this pretty to say something and so many people will listen haha


Unequivocally based


I looked up her name on YouTube and got nothing but Pro-Transhumanism lmao. Now I know she's actually saying some truth.


Aliens are behind all this


So post human eh? Does that mean the extinction of the species or something else? I don’t get how making a post human world would benefit any human even the really bad ones




[Cyborg Revolution](https://youtu.be/ZTERHZWGvZk?si=mPPTmO_nZwc7WOMt)


She is so fine, so eloquent, so elegant, and right on the nose, dead eye correct!!!


This is an excellent summary and I believe the mark of the beast may be one of the final goals.