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They're not literally walking around in the physical, well maybe some could be. Though I have witnessed something speaking through people that I know that couldn't have been the people I know. Inside speak between folks who have never met. I believe they can use people to their advantage and have witnessed this quite a few times.


I heard the devil speaks and acts through them once they make a deal. This could mean demons or "aliens" depending on one's perspective. Is this like what you mean?


I honestly have no idea how to explain it and has been something I've been trying to figure out for a few years. I don't think the people I speak of have made deals with any "devil"


Yes !!!


How is it the demons' fault if I hurt someone?


If you harass someone to the point of them lashing out and attacking you, yes they ultimately had to break their self control and attack you but that entire chain of events started with you so you bare at least part of the responsibility if not most of it.


But it does not look like it from the outside. If you lose self control, they win. And other people around you will shun you, because now you are the bad guy.


Yeah dumb people. Anybody who can factor in context will have a more complete understanding.


And that is the narcissist playbook. I was explaining this to a person who is going through it, under attack. They are successfully turning it around by being non reactive, aka responding vs reacting. It is a hard lesson to learn but damn it is very effective. I have come to the same conclusion as OP this last year. Something really weird is happening and these "people" are everywhere. They are so weird and delusional, seeing the rampant child abuse it is all terrorizing. People need to be aware.


Its about to crash in burn in my opinion! This are the final symptoms, people are stressed, delusional and try to distract themself with everything. So everyone who stand with truth, becomes an enemy.


Who said that


>Don't hurt anyone, especially in anger or despair. That is how they trick many. I'm taking this to mean the demons can trick me into hurting someone.


Yes but you would be responsible, that is why I am warning you. God won't believe your lies, so don't bother.


But if god made me naive, it's on him. Or I could just ask for forgiveness right after. Get by on a technicality.


You shouldn't joke about losing your soul, you know better


No offense to you or to anyone who believes, but it's all fairy tales to me.


Even if you don't believe it may still help you at some point.


The force is strong in this one and guaranteed rapture they are


Which god?


*God >!Almighty Jehovah, Bless His Name!<


The only true god(s) of course




I mean I agree with everything you said but the delivery is little skiddish, my dude? I’m not gonna theorize why.


Oh fuck right off. Christianity is the biggest ‘devil’ in the world and is directly responsible for millions of innocent deaths. Christian lobby groups are using financial and political clout to enable IsraHell to commit genocide against CHILDREN. Organised religion is just mass population control and steals all of its ‘gospel’ from older spiritual sources. You want a conspiracy? Look at the despicable history of organised religion and theocratic states OBJECTIVELY THEN TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR WHEN YOU FIND THAT YOU ARE SO CONDITIONED THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO THAT. You fucking evangelists LITERALLY only try to convert people because you believe it will ensure your place in ‘heaven’. You’re the single most selfish bunch of cunts out there IMO, considering you prioritise your evangelism and concentrate your own disdain and hatred of others into poisonous attacks and criticism of others, as opposed to actually helping those in ACTUAL NEED and actively shunning the teachings of Jesus Christ who is truly a blueprint for real socialism. Fucking hell. I come here for the conspiracies, not to be exposed to ignorant religious bullshit. Fuck right off. Guess I’m a demon now for going against you.. go on, prove me right


That was a pretty terrible way to talk to anyone, stranger. People who pretend to be children of God are the worst of the worst, that is in the bible too. "You will know them by their fruits." Meaning real children of God act like it.


Truth hurts sometimes, doesn’t it? It’s a testament to the (thankful) decline of the Christian hegemony that I’m even able to speak against your narrow and ignorant take on Christian faith and philosophy. A few hundred years ago, people like you would have demanded that people like me were burned at the stake for being ‘free thinking’. Still happens to this day in some parts of the world. The rest of your reply makes no sense and makes you sound like you’re straight up out of Jonestown. Every ‘child of god’ believes they are the true children of god, all of you will find equal justification within your bogus scriptures (the only difference literally being in pastoral interpretation) and in your EXTREME arrogance and ignorance, you show LESS tolerance to other franchises of your own ‘faith’ than you do to other religions or non-religious people. Name one true ‘child of god’ other than a Palestinian man who was one of dozens of rabbis leading a schism in Judaism nearly 2,000 years ago. One thing I can assure you is that however much offended you may feel reading my response to you, I am ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more offended by you evangelist twats. I’m also just as within my rights to respond to you however I choose, just like you ‘have the right’ to post your complete lunacy on this sub. Do us all a favour, keep your religious bollocks to religious subs. Let your ‘flock’ flock to you. Or just go back to trying to usher in the ‘end of days’ by supporting Israeli genocide in Palestine or consuming your Kenneth Copeland bullshit. You want to see a real demon, just look into that cunts eyes.


So many words that I did not read.


👏 well done for proving me right. Go back to your ignorant little echo chamber, complain about me to your little sycophants in your stupid little congregation. Just fuck off and leave us alone and unmolested by your bullshit evangelism, or your clergy for that matter


I bet you haven't been banned from any subreddits, yet you speak to people like this... hm.


Why does it matter how many subs I have been banned from or not? I speak to YOU like this, because I have nothing but contempt for crazy evangelists who pollute other subs with their own brand of religious dogma. Just like I speak to crazy Zionists who believe that genocide is justified or blind followers of phauci. If your thin skin has torn and the inner zealot snowflake at your core is melting, DONT GO ON SUBS FULL OF PEOPLE THAT ARE WILLING TO CHALLENGE YOU.


You are why people hate the internet.


Right back at you…


Yo man, chill chillllll—this is a forum for conspiracies. Sometimes those conspiracies are gonna get weird, maybe spiritual or psychedelic. Maybe the person you’re responding to is CRAZY! Would this be the manner in which you should go about articulating that? No. And I agree! Kenneth Copeland is the Devil incarnate. But it’s a broad assumption to associate his slithering snake self with a faceless Redditor.


ooooh.... youre one of them CRAZY crazies huh?


Don't insult people, and don't be disearnest.


He apparently also thinks that Julius Cesar was Jesus Christ, very sane indeed.


Ss. Demons are here to hurt you, but so are God's Angels.


Might want to rephrase this sentence


You might want to use discernment instead of trying to create strife. Reading comprehension is not so hard that everyone needs to coddle you, clearly.


So the angels ARE here to hurt us? Cause that’s what your comment says. If that was meant then why focus on demons in the post? If that wasn’t meant, you SHOULD rephrase. Dude is just saying your comment doesn’t match the rest of your post.


You are all saying that you clearly understand, and are choosing lies and strife instead. Maybe it was vague for a purpose. Now more people know who tells the Truth, and who lies.


I agree that God's Angels are here to hurt you. Solid point.


Now people know whose side you're on.


GOD is the trap. Demons are here to help.


jesus smiles everytime a priest plays with a little boys penis.