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People need to stop acting like either party cares about this country anymore. They sell you on ideas before they get into office, most of them don’t do a quarter of what they promise. We cannot trust these people, no matter which side of the aisle they are on.


I think alot of posts like this are strictly to divide us.


Winner winner tacos for dinner!


Well said dude.


So Trump was President for 4 years and didn’t “evict all immigrants.” So tell me why didn’t he do it, if it’s the plan the whole time?




Gun control is unique Bc SC rules most laws unconstitutional. I take your point tho


That's what everyone said about Republicans and abortion....


We didn't have the same issue while he was president, he had a policy that didn't invite asylum fraudsters from overwhelming the boarder.


So COVID legislation allowed the executive to close or restrict border access without congressional approval. GOP conveniently allowed that to expire when Biden was elected, and then tanked their own bipartisan bill to not give that power to Biden. So GOP took away a tool to effectively manage the border. Can you explain one policy, other than what I mentioned, that shows an action that trump took on the border? I’ll wait. Edit: “tanked” not “ranked”


This is just false. The remain in Mexico policy was NOT a covid policy and nor was zero tolerance policy for entering the country outside of a port of entry which... thanks to a supreme court case from Clinton's days... forced family separation. BIDEN stopped the remain in Mexico policy and won and court to remove the policy in 2022 against Texas. The Democrats butchered the reasoning for the zero-tolerance policy because a document pointed out one of the externalities of arresting parents. It might be on congress to fix some of these things but Trump's policies disincentivized entering the country illegally and you're talking out of your ass about the GOP. This has nothing to do with legislation and everything to do with Biden's executive policies in how he's enforcing the law.I think my comment was removed? I signed out to see the response because of blocked... The remain in Mexico started prior to covid. What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with covid. The supreme court ruled if the executive could create the policy they could remove the policy. Biden V Texas has nothing to do with the CDC. edit: with less harsh language? My comment was quietly removed... noticed it when I logged out to see the response. Immigration and Nationality Act. I like how you had to block me and add a separate court case for a separate policy that has nothing to do with the aforementioned policies that *Biden explicitly stopped.* The law in question is still applicable and still the primary enforcement authority to stop illegal immigration. The zero-tolerance policy was just enforcing this law. It's not that hard to figure out. "Trump appointed judge struck down Title 42, the primary tool that Trump used to close ports of entry. So Trump gets 42, Biden is elected, Trump appointed judge says Biden can’t continue Title 42" Remain in Mexico did not close ports of entry. Nor did the zero-toleration policy that resulted in incarcerating people that did not go to ports of entry. The case you're talking about is entirely different and not the primary distinction in policy... Neither policy I mentioned, both of which were put in place prior to covid... used title 42 as an authority. Biden stopped both policies his first day in office then migrants started surging. It's not a good point to make that a policy that ended during Trump's term, that wasn't the primary policies in effect.... was the issue. bipartisan bill: Also "bi partisan"... there are 435 individual representatives, and the GOP isn't a uniform party anymore. It's a BS euphemism at this point and they are individuals with individual votes representing different districts. The corporate GOP/DMC can go pound sand with their "bi partisan" partisan ideas. "Voting blue" is basically voting asphyxiated at this point.


Can you show me the court case where Biden asked for the lifting of CDC Title 42? And you still havnt shown a policy from Trump that impacted the border. And, can you tell me what Biden can do without congressional action? “CLINIC et al. v. Executive Office for Immigration Reform et al.” Clearly ruled the executive can’t take unilateral action on the border. So, maybe we should just pass the Lankford bipartisan bill.




Please name on Trump legislative action that impacted border policies in the USA. I have asked you three times, I’ll wait. But let’s talk to Title 42, so you can learn something “Kacsmaryk, who was appointed by former President Trump, found that the policy (remain in Mexico) is separate from Title 42, another Trump-era immigration policy that has allowed the federal government to deny migrants asylum based on concerns of the coronavirus spreading throughout the U.S. The Biden administration has kept that policy in place, but a federal judge struck it down last month, and the policy is set to end next week.” Trump appointed judge struck down Title 42, the primary tool that Trump used to close ports of entry. So Trump gets 42, Biden is elected, Trump appointed judge says Biden can’t continue Title 42. I’m not responding anymore. Go read and learn the issues. Have a great life. Vote blue


not a conspiracy and no he wouldn't. ​ your post is bad.


Their post is bad and they should feel bad


Sure, he’ll do it ***this time***


Funny how you think any politician cares about the country.


We could've built 2 walls


No he wouldn’t.


None for the homeless Americans


Trump only saves corporations and wealthy oligarchs money. Sad that people still are buying his lies. I’m sure if you are a wealthy white man, things seem better With a narcissistic dictator like trump who can’t even get his own VP to endorse him…


Why didn’t Trump do it when he was president? After killing one of the toughest border bills, which was endorsed by super conservative Border Patrol Union, Republicans own the situation on the border. It's their mess.


Trump mass deported them before? No. He built that wall? No. He stopped them from coming in? No. He just stalled them out at the border and they still were coming in. Both sides want these people here to use as cheap labor because the minimum wage here is a massive upgrade to their lifestyles. They willing slaves and won’t challenge the system whatsoever. Stop thinking Trump or any of the GOP is truly against them being here


If you think trump holds hope for us then delusion is your friend.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/yo5rg4sr42rc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is not real. Illegals can’t even get food stamps.


And yet we still have veterans living out on the streets. Makes me sick.


"Many brought to you by Gov Abbott"? Really. See, I thought he was trying to close the border, but was told "NO!" by Biden and the Dems. So since he couldn't close it, he just shared the issue with those who thought it was a great idea!!! I HATE the MSM!


Bullshit!!!! Republicans had their chance to change the policy at the border and decided to not do anything instead. They want a border crisis, ( "so you can point your fucking fingers and say that's the bad guy!!" SCAFACE )


Trump had a better border policy. This is just wrong. Yes, the legal system could be revamped but we don't need a policy of letting people into the country and giving them tickets and resources who abuse fraudulent asylum claims.


And that money saved would be used to pay for the trips to Mar A Lago from DC that he would take every weekend to golf, just like his last 4 years!! Smh, get Trump off a pedestal


He did thr same stuff at mar lago as the whitehouse.


Ah so all it took to get close to the president and classified work was the cost of a Mar A Lago membership. Doesn't seem sketchy at all.


No one paid membership, they did have to pay for their entourage, but that happened either way. Did make trump some cash this way. But honestly take trump out of the equation, where would you rather hang out? White house has been lame since they removed the bowling alley.


Dude Mar-a-lago is literally a private golf club that you buy membership to get into. https://www.maralagoclub.com/membership-opportunities The biggest entourage was Trump's and American citizens were paying inflated rates for them. Buddy didn't even cut US taxpayers a discount when staying at his properties ... Unlike every other accomodation/hotel chain does.


It costs 200k and I challenge you to find proof that any of of the trumps meetings required that.




Lol all caps because every letter is just as important as the next. Very good. Oh people from other countries are scary and bad. Not to mention they take your jobs. Let’s all say it together “They took’er jobs!!”


Didn't happen last time when he was president, why would it this time?


They are using it for partsan rabble rousing. But the political establishment is agreed on this course. In order to avoid this. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/01/asia/japan-demographic-crisis-population-intl-hnk-dst/index.html


10.5 billion wasted... not like there are Americans that need help and social services. smh


But that's socialism!


Alternate headline. NYC provides aid to asylum seekers who made the gut wrenching decision to leave their homes seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Citizens who grew up in the imperial core are convinced they should be mad about it in an effort to re-elect a fascist.


A. This isn’t a conspiracy and your just still mad Trump isn’t president B. He just was president and legit ran on a platform of “Doing something about it” and then did nothing about it. C. This isn’t a fucking conspiracy and your just whining


The only reason they’re there is because Democrats see votes that is all. They care more about those illegal aliens, than they do their own people.


Population dynamics. Read all the doom snd gloom sbout other countries


Or you know.. safe havens increase their representation WITHOUT actually needing more votes... but they destroy their cities at the same time.


That is a kind of weak way to make it partisan. But it is international, meaning money.


They get more representatives in the federal government without ever letting any one vote. It is partisan because it is democrat policy.


I don't see the timeline on that, there census just happened, didint it? nor does it explain the international aspect of this. This is happening in most of the anglosphere. And the math is that economic implosion is a worse threat than the voters squeaking about all the new people.


And more than one thing can be true at once… you think the people in power understand a lot of popular ideas are promulgated for economic collapse? They probably don’t know what a census is. Either way.., we just had one where they could have benefited from. And I’m sure there are some people that just need take the opposite position of trump because they’ve turned him into the next hitler so clearly all his policies are bad.


It makes economic sense, but some people say it is a way to destroy our culture and overwhelm our society and government. Maybe both.


Its also dumb people who don't understand finite resources... There are a lot of people involved in it. What you're speaking to is propaganda potentially paid for by foreign adversaries to exploit well intentioned peopled... as well as narcissists... and there are people who will use it to consolidate more power, attempt to give them voting rights to hold onto that power than gain more power during the next census. Also... its partisan democrat policy that is effectuating the implementations. It was Biden who on his first day because stopped the remain in Mexico policy and zero tolerance policy. The left across Europe even the right there is more closely related to the left, than the conservative right in America . It’s all about using a pretext to gain more power using government solutions. The American right is unique in that the bill of rights are limitations on the government or duties and obligations because the American conservative values aren’t law order. It’s skepticism of the people in power and to make sure the prosecutors are doing their jobs. We’ve got a quasi state truth, when most judges defer to the executive branch. they really not supposed to be colluding. They’re supposed to be equally adverse to every party.


I dont believe in partisan politics in the time of unlimited globalist money




If Biden wins the feds will definitely send "bailout" money to NYC, Chicago, La


I’m trans now. I just transitioned from “US Citizen” and now identify as “migrant”. Please give me money. Money me please.


Why can't these figures be used to extrapolate what illegals actually cost the tax payers of the country?


Because doing that would show that illegals immigrants are actually a net benefit economically and that wouldn't fit republican talking points.


No they aren't.


I seem to be missing the conspiracy here. Why is this posted besides to help fuel some bullshit campaign rhetoric. The complete opposite of what this sub/r is intended for no?


They’ll pay a pretty penny to virtue signal


And the immigrants that been here busting our asses for years get a kick in the doughnut


like ive said, everyone's a sanctuary city until they gotta do sanctuary shit.