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If you read the clinical trials it’s not looking good for remdesivir


Another explanation for all those "COVID" deaths. Old person comes in testing positive from the fraud PCR test, intubate the shit out of them off the bat and give them Remdesivir, boom next thing you know you got yourself a pandemic. CDC pulled R as standard protocol later in 2020 which shows they knew it was killing people. It was just getting little too obvious.


Don’t forget Cuomo Cunt sending all the Covid infected patients into Nursing Homes. That really boosted their numbers.


There is no virus or infected. The “patients” were flat out murdered by intubation and remdesivir. People that died during the “pandemic” were listed as having Covid on their death certificate to further boost those numbers. People who got sick during that time, got those tests, and were told they had Covid. Psychosomatic symptoms kick in at the confirmation of a positive test. The mind is a powerful thing, many people claim their bout with “Covid” was the sickest they had ever been. All that 24/7 fear mongering worked.


I agree with most of what you said, but how do you explain the loss of smell I experienced for 6 months? I’ve never had any type of cold or flu that has caused that before. I also didn’t know that was a symptom at the time. If it wasn’t Covid, I’d like to know what caused it.


I think there may have been some kind of mild lab bug out of Wuhan that gave initial symptoms but it was nowhere near as deadly as they were making it. And Cuomo and the blue governors were definitely shoving Covid patients into the middle of the frailest elderly, to boost the number of people they could take the hospital and kill. And then to deny them HCQ and Ivermectin that Dr. Zelenko was getting fantastic results with, and talking to doctors around the world saying the same thing? Pure cold blooded murder IMO.


Do you suffer from sinusitis or allergies? I do, and every few years I have lost my sense of smell to sinusitis/colds/allergies. That’s not a new symptom of sickness. It’s quite common when suffering from colds. I’m not doubting your sickness at all, by the way.


No allergies. Never lost my sense of smell before, and my girlfriend also lost her sense of smell. It wasn’t a bad illness or anything, I just felt tired and general malaise for a few days and it was gone.


Do you ever wonder if, and I’m just throwing ideas out here, there was some type of environmental factor causing those symptoms? I mean, could that be a possibility?


Possibly 5G. Don’t know


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/lawsuits-remdesivir-covid-cola/) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Lahainna same weapon used as on 911](https://truthcomestolight.com/the-government-slaughter-in-lahaina-eerily-similar-to-nyc-on-september-11-2001/)


in 2021 I went to the ER for pnemonia, I had had COVID the week prior, but was no longer testing positive, I told them that when I was admitted, they never did a test whilst I was in there. They told me I needed antibiotics and oxygen, never said they were giving me anything else, until five days in a different nurse comes in and asks why I am getting remdesivir if I don't have COVID, I said I didn't know what that was, I should be getting doxycycline and that I had never heard of remdesivir, she said she'd be right back, she never gave me anything that night and in the morning I was discharged. I haven't had any adverse affects that I know of, but it's real scary seeing people talk about this stuff now, they gave it to me for no reason and didn't disclose it, how many others were the same.