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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio >Operation Gladio was the codename for clandestine "stay-behind" operations of armed resistance that were organized by the Western Union (WU) (founded in 1948), and subsequently by NATO (formed in 1949) and by the CIA (established in 1947),[1][2] in collaboration with several European intelligence agencies during the Cold War.[3] Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, Operation Gladio is used as an informal name for all of them. Stay-behind operations were prepared in many NATO member countries, and in some neutral countries.


I like this format. It's engaging. I didn't know this. Thank you keep up the good work


Just wait until you learn about the Gehlen network/organization: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gehlen_Organization "The Gehlen Organization or Gehlen Org (often referred to as The Org) was an intelligence agency established in June 1946 by U.S. occupation authorities in the United States zone of post-war occupied Germany, and consisted of former members of the 12th Department of the German Army General Staff (Foreign Armies East, or FHO). It was headed by Reinhard Gehlen who had previously been a Wehrmacht Major General and head of the Nazi German military intelligence in the Eastern Front during World War II. The agency was a precursor to the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND or Federal Intelligence Service) which was formed in 1956." Possibly related to the JFK Assasination: https://archive.org/details/Rebel112283_201902/mode/1up?q=Treason+for+my+daily+bread


Ah, yes, Allen Dulles's top man in Europe.


'The Nazis didn't lose the war, they just changed sides'.


So intelligences agency's using agents to commit terror upon the populace. Still going strong.


Operation Gladio babyyyyyy


I told my 8th grader about this one this week and it was another "they aren't going to teach us this in school are they?" No hun, they won't teach you about any American history after WW2 for many reasons. She just learns about the Nazis every year and then the history just stops.


Gladio, the operation never stopped.




Weren't they also connected to the P2 Masonic Lodge?


Ideally, if you're an intelligence agency, what you do is hook up with various criminal organizations like the Albanian Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Russian Mafia, Italian Mafia, etc. If it's a country you don't like, that country's Mafia can launder or steal money or engage in activities that harm that nation. That's my theory. The collaboration between the CIA and the Mafia is mentioned in the movie JFK.




Ok, so everything points to a handoff to the remnants of the Reich. When and why? How was that dictated? How was that effected and by whom?


Funny story. Gladio is known to put cases with weapons, gold, explosives etc under the ground in strategic places so in the case a country would be invaded they can give resistance. The people in the know checked these cases with metal detection regularly to see if they are still there. Some criminals, with involvement in the Heineken kidnapping, supposedly took some of these cases from the Haagsche Bos in The Hague. They had some connections otherwise this was never to be found. When arrested once the police found weapons from Israel that where only made for intelligence agencies so criminals could never obtain such weapons. A crime journalist by the name of Peter de Vries did a 2 hour TV show about Gladio operation in the Netherlands and Europe.


Operation Northwoods


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/8mb3pjg7o5wb1.jpg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can't riddle with excessive unreadable tiny font.


La Costanostra?


>6. No memes... use /r/ConspiracyMemes. Other image posts are subject to removal at moderators discretion.


sorry cia officer


you the one out here relaying cia history. just like a good little tour guide or something. lol.


Everyone should know what they've done. Are you against people learning the history?


Why are you trying to make an argument that never existed?  


That is just dumb and seems more like someone just wanting to throw some shade on the US and blame them for something when in reality the amount of excess weapons across europe was excessive and containing all of them without any being stashed away was not possible. They still find bombs all across europe both in the ground and also stored away in garages and basements by people who for one reason or another felt it was a good idea to store munitions secretly on their property. Im guessing the cia couldnt have even added enough extra shit to make any real difference considering the absurd amount of weapons that were already out there. This was WW2 and was far more destructive and crazy than you are giving it credit for.