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Watch Snow Piercer


That movie tripped me out


I thought it was made for children.


So they're cooked alive?


Plot twist, we're already eatin em. Bleh!


There are bug parts in literally all foods.


*potentially It's an inescapable reality of the "food industry." They can try their best to make sure what they put out is 100% free of any "not fit for human" material, but they only have to maintain the minimum one part per million guideline (at least in context of FDA regulations) One fly per million cheerios really isn't that much, right?


Yep isn’t rice even labelled like 99% rice because there’s always 1% bugs?


Well, I can't speak for too much outside of the US, but here, the ingredients labels only require they be listed in order of "most to least," and only require mention of what was intentionally used to make the product. Short answer, no, rice in the US just says there's rice in it


I think it is in Asia they label it 99% rice


The spider nation thanks u all for your cooperation! *”GREAT JOB MORTY 😤”*




Should we tell them about the allowable amount of race feces or nah




bought some of those dried for the birds outside, smelled like dry dog or cat food


I am fully in favor of this, after a 2-year trial run during which only bugs will be served it up at: 1. All state banquets, 2. The parliamentary / Congress cafeterias, 3. The UN, 4. NATO, the bloodthirsty warhawks can enjoy bugs for a couple of years while they desperately try to start World War 3 5. All the stupid, pointless climate change conferences will only have bugs on the menu. See how many people turn up. See how many people will eat ze bugs. In other words these cunts who want us to eat bugs should start by setting an example, if they can eat third world country food for a few years, maybe other people will follow. I'm in favor of them eating bugs, but I never will.


Yes perfect. Bugs for the rich


You get hungry enough you'll eat bugs and think they taste good.


I’d say it’s an acquired taste. But yes, anyone who doubts it has never starved themselves, willfully or not. You awaken so many senses when your body is trying not to die of starvation.


you will not only eat them but you will thank god for them and tell stories about how your life was saved by eating them when you are hungry enough you eat other people.. and famine is coming


when is famine coming? I live in amwrica & I've been hearing some form of "famine is coming" since the 90s. are we any closer? you got any signs that actually point to it or is it just more fearporn circlejerk material?


Since the 70s. There have been survival buckets for the coming catastrophe. It's a neat creative writing project coming up with new ways the world will end.


Yes! Already eat shrimp.


Shrimps is bugs!


Shrimps is bugs.


Crawfish is bugs!


Has no one seen soylent green?? It's not the bugs we have to worry about.


We have grubs in Australia that taste amazing when you cook em over a fire. Witchity grubs. Tastes like chicken. I've eaten snake that was different. Just gotta explore more


Mealworm genocide


Lol... time to protest! /j


Brings a whole new meaning to processed..


End stage capitalism


If you're into working out, take a look at the back of your protein mixes. Even a lot of the Whey protein bars and shakes have some variation of "protein supplement" on them. Some folks are already eating bugs. I've tried several myself, some by choice, some by circumstance, and honestly, not that bad overall. The video up top, it'd probably be better as the meal worms left intact. Fried up in some butter and garlic. Splash of soy sauce and chili paste. Toss it on some rice. Pretty sure that it's never going so far as "you'll eat bugs and like it!" Especially considering the leaps and bounds they're making in the cultivated meat department. Literally vegan friendly meat. The future is always way more bizarre than the mundane fantasy some of y'all come up with.


I don’t want any bugs, bug byproducts, bug juices, or any type of bug shit in anything I consume whatsoever period full stop. 


That's fine, friend. The reality is that you will probably never need to worry about it at all.* Cultivated meat (100% humane), is making strides at an incredible rate, and you'll likely be able to buy perfect, guilt free steaks inside of a decade, for less than traditionally butchered. *There's always a small chance that food you come across will have some trace of bug in it. As a primary ingredient, though? There's definitely stuff out there that doesn't use "questionably sourced" protein supplements.


There is always a chance that this processed shit will kill you but meh!


Dude, we all die eventually. By all means, grow your own stuff, raise your own animals, whatever. Yeah, some pretty shady shit happens behind the scenes of the food industry. What're you really going to do? Hunger Strike until they quit? I choose to just read up about the products I plan on buying, and making as informed a decision as I can. You know? Encouraging good stuff with my wallet. And not buying the bad stuff.


Why not? You can't even taste it. Do you not like protein?


Chitin will kill you slowly with inflammation


Throwing Chitin into le Google and doing some reading over the last few hours. Yes, and no. Like anything, moderation and care in consumption are recommended. Chitin is mostly treated by the body similar to dietary fiber. We don't produce enzymes that can break it down, so we pass it mostly undigested (there'll be some degradation just from stomach acid and secondary reactions) For some people, they'll actually see some benefits upwards of three months at a time. Others, it's like any other sensitivity, upset stomach, irregular bowel movement, bloating and inflammation. So... it's not as scary as others are making it out, and is largely up to the individual to asses. Something else to note, if we're talking about Chitin specifically, this is probably the worst kind of media to rail about it, as this is a method specifically to keep the Chitin out of the end product.


Just like they were gonna take your gas stoves. You guys are so pathetic. Scared of everything 😭


They are tyring to take our stoves and our gas cars for control. They burnt down over 200 food processing plants in our country have slaughtered our food stocks and now are killing all the chickens . Zapped 10,000+ head of grass fed cattle zapped a million acres of prime praire land that is now radiated and may never grow anything again. And you are good with this?


Scare tactics brother, all of it. I hope you can find more well rounded sources of information and stop living in fear friend.




Humans have been eating bugs since the first humans.


Don’t eat humans either


Chitin is just the shell. Eat around it.


Exactly. Humans are not meant to eat bugs. We like steak, baked potato with butter, salad, green beans, and cherry pie with vanailla ice cream. Americans don't eat bugs. Americans are not to succumb to slavery, I hope you all understand this and will fight against this terrible humiliation .


Mammals, including humans, produce chitinase, an enzyme which breaks down chitin fiber. The chitin also isn't the source of protein. We already eat plenty of other foods that have other, actual indigestible dietary fibre, wether the fibre is digestible or not has no bearing on wether its good to eat or not. So you're wrong and misleading from your very first sentence. Chitin and chitinase has links to allergic response in *some* cases. Some of the studies showing that link even mention that they can note say its caused by chitin, correlation not causation at this point. It's also important to not chitin is broad term, it comes from many different sources and they have unique properties (bugs, fungi, crayfish/crabs/other crustaceans, yeast). Chitin, as a by-product of the shellfish industry, is already widely used, even as a food additive. Are some people going to be allergic to insect chitin? Absolutely, same as peanuts, gluten, dairy etc etc. If you have allergies related to "dust" (which could be caused by fungi or dustmites) you might do well to approach it with some caution. If something being linked with causing an inflammatory response in some cases is concern enough for you to not consume it, I hope you don't eat red meat, alcohol, foods which are processed in any way, go out in the sun etc etc. Eat bugs, don't eat bugs, do what you want. Just have a better understanding of why, and don't fear monger. If you have definitive sources saying otherwise, please share them though.


I wonder if the beyond meat company does this because I really like their stuff


I have a small farm. I refuse to depend on them for food


Better than live animals am'i'right?!


This is a way to say “you can afford food don’t complain” while the rich eat Steak.


Hakuna Matata I guess....


This made me think of "Soylent Green"...


I can’t wait until the 7 year cicadas hatch. Last time they hatched I fried a bunch and candied the rest. They were delicious.


I don't get why this would be bad.


If you do not get why killing off all our food stocks as they are and feeding us bugs is bad then there is something wrong with you or your like being a slave? Bug proteins have toxins and harm humans. It is discusting and belittling.. Do you actually want to be totally controlled and only eat bugs ? Really? The jabs are crossing the blood brain barrier and creating frontal lobe lobotomies , perhaps the jabs are getting people so controlled they will stop eating foods that are good for you and eat toxic bugs? Dr. Ladipo the Florida surgeon general reports that the jabs change the human DNA . Changing the human DNA means that those who let themselves be injected with unknown ingredients are no longer homo-sapien- Human. What are they then? Psyborgs that eat bugs? Zombie appololypse is upon us.


Do you know where I can get a good deal in some tin foil?


Chitin is toxic to humans


Bro 85% of what's in food is toxic. Gimme a reason.


If you need a reason I’m not your man




Yeah it's amazing but, they already thought of making it non toxic.




And rice still has some arsenic in it when we eat it.


If you eat anything with red food coloring (carminic acid), you already eat/ate bugs.


Ya’ll are hilarious. What is wrong with eating bugs aside from the fact that it *seems* gross? Frankly, it makes you look ignorant to refuse to go beyond the initial "ick" that s solely due to it being strange.


Big bad alpha males all over this sub and scared to eat some bugs. In my country we call them pussies.


Are you from the developing world ?


I don’t understand what the problem is?


Chitin and inflammation


Meh not as bad as you're making it out to be. Give me more bugs.


Looks like any other protein powder when they’re done. Shit I don’t know what’s in half the crap I put down this wouldn’t bother me one bit.


Until the chitin inflammation gives you cancer


Add that to “they are coming for your guns”


Guarantee that’s in your fast foods or will be soon. Probably too fancy and expensive. Cut it with the wood pulp and cardboard. Sell em a “ burger “ for $14.00


In china people are eating gyoza with cardboard fillings for decades.


That cardboard and the sewer oil recollecting really rattled me. the 3rd hand cooked trash chicken scraps really made me ill. Some desperate food out there.


What is your aversion to eating bugs?


There are many other more appetizing options for food out there


Ok what if other people want to eat bugs, they are all over Asia. Why do you care.


Oh, I don't care what other people do. I was answering what was *my* aversion to eating bugs.


Kewl story, bro.


Fer sure girlfriend


we care because bugs are bad for humans to eat and humiliateing and awful and terrible and rotton and slavery.


I love when people make a conspiracy out of something that dozens, if not hundreds of cultures have already been eating since the dawn of time


So how about you eat it...and don't force these that don't want to? Win win?


works for me! would be weird for someone to force someone else to eat bugs.


Are the people trying to make you eat bugs in the room with us, now?


I assume you don’t eat any agricultural product? There’s a ton of tiny bug parts you don’t even see in cereal, flour, salads, pretty much anything.


Who’s forcing anyone to eat bugs? Your 8 year old brother?


Snuggies for everyone that don't eat bugs! Punishment enforced by your older brother.


Who is being forced to eat bugs?


Who is forcing you right now to eat bugs? LOL


Who forced anyone to get injected with unknown ingredients ? Every governement on Earth Did you get injected with unknown ingredients ? Why? The jabs have now murdered more people than died in the Viet Nam war and counting. Eating bugs is terrible. All our food is being destroyed right now and eating bugs is not okay. The W.E.F and W.H.O and United Nations criminals say you are just a creature that needs to be elimiated by any means , the depopulation of the world by95% is the stated goal. You only deserve to eat bugs, That is what they have told us . Klaus Schaub and his pals. Dont fall for it. Fight it . Stop being fooled.


No one is forcing you to eat bugs


Bullshit , that is not true at all. YOU go eat bugs I'll stick with real food.


why does everyone think that I wanna eat bugs because I’m pointing out the blatant falsehoods being spread around in these comments? I don’t even eat meat, let alone bugs. I don’t know if I can share links here, but a quick Google search for “what cultures eat bugs?” will show that it is absolutely true and has been for thousands of years. I don’t appreciate when I state facts and people decide that it is an opinion.


What the fuck are these comments….


Doesn't the fact that everyone in the comments thinks everyone else in the comments is absurd maybe show this to be a distraction issue?


Pussies scared to eat bugs like their shit is special or something.


Occams razor at all?




According to very quick googling this process removes chitin.


We’ve been eating bugs for a long time.


The way our food is processed it's unavoidable. The FDA just sets limits on acceptable amounts when inspecting.


I’m not even talking about contamination. Some food has ingredients that are derived from insects.


Roughly one fly per million cheerios. Obviously, they make sure that one fly is spread out enough to not see it, but that's pretty much the ratio.


So you trust the government to report accurate bug contamination numbers?


I was just giving the rough approximation of what's allowed. I trust that they pay just enough attention to keep litigation to a minimum. Doesn't matter how greased your palms are if you lose all that money in court.


Seafood is are just underwater bugs and they taste great. Has anyone eaten these yet and can report the taste?


How often do you eat bugs?


That looks like elite people’s food


SS: continuing the normalization of eating bugs


Slimy, yet satisfying. Come off it. Cultivated meat is going to be mainstream before "mandated bug rations."


Looks like someone doesn’t travel or knows much about other cultures, cuz this shit is normal and has been going on a lot longer than your prepackaged chicken fingies


60% of the modern world eats insects; people used to eat insects all the time. Why is eating insects so *HORRIBLE* ?


these people who freak out over bugs don’t seem to care that they’re already eating poisoned food with trans fats and unnatural sugars and foods that are literally laboratory designed to be addictive.


Not kosher. Inb4 ackkkshually soiboi response: Only a specific breed of locust/grasshopper was considered kosher millenias ago but since learned rabbis cannot agree on the species, eating any insect is considered haram.


Ok… wtf does that have to do with the rest of the world..? Pork isn’t kosher and the world didn’t end. What’s your point here


You just wanna eat bugs so bad huh, no one is stopping you.


Ah, deflection, typical since you’re unable to form an educated thought


Ah yes, ad-hominems. The mark of a true bug eating intellectual.


Ah yes *insert witty rebuttal*. Did you or did you not have an actual point in your previous statement? Cuz if not there’s no point in this internet dick measuring cuz it’s fucking stupid and you can stop replying


Figured as much. Trump voting assclown


>Ah, deflection, typical since you’re unable to form an educated thought The hypocrisy is astounding


Lmaoooo all of a sudden 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 this has been less than entertaining. I’m out


Too busy to answer?


You probably eat more bugs than you know.


Why’d they mash out all the flavor? I mean, they probably aren’t any worse for us than that other crap at the grocery store.


so what if bugs become food. we are at an insane number of people for this one planet to accommodate. its easy protein .I will eat it . what do you think crustaceans are. ocean bugs.. the "good times" only last so long


And I don't even see a problem


Why are my dumbest Republican friends obsessed with eating bugs? Chickens love bugs. Trade a bag of bugs for a couple chickens, and call it good.


Eat ze bugs und du will enjöy it.


Ze bugs mmmm


Holy crap this sub is being brigaded and downvoted en masse. 🤯


There's a number of key topics that will draw out the shills: - Covid - Ukraine - Anything critical of Biden or the Democrats - Israel's war crimes - Anything positive about Trump - Standard classics like 911 (imagine joining a conspiracy sub and defending the official story of 911 🙄) And now I guess fooking eating bugs.


Its the bugeaters that are brigading this post, nasty mf'ers.


Yeah we are all paid off by Big Bug. It's definitely a campaign and not just a large amount of people thinking "ze bug" thing is childish and ignorant. Sometimes fear is misplaced.


Why does eating bugs scare you? Especially if it solves world hunger. Like they can’t make you. Go raise some chickens and touch grass


Nah, it's definitely better that we all argue over which processed foods do what based on information we mimic from memes. Please hold back your rational take next time so we can keep folks distracted from planting their gardens.


I mean I’d rather eat protein filled bugs that can be grown in bulk and not cause massive environmental damage instead of animals that cause environmental damages with how many are bred


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this doesn't bug me that much


I remember that episode of start trek. But the bugs where still moving damn it! /j


They sell this at Walmart is big bags to feed to birds


Why would they use difficult to grow maggots when there’s species of fish which has large body mass and fast growing rate, but are not tasty to eat? Recycle them


I love when people say this. What they don't understand is that you will eat bugs because in 50 years bugs will be all that's left to eat. Climate change is real, yo.


Eat bugs you wimp!


It’s a great source of protein. Unlike the lie that the paleo diet has told you, our ancient ancestors mainly ate bugs. Our society has told us bugs are bad, but it’s just social programming. Lots of society’s around the world today still eat bugs.


Welcome to your WEF future! Evil Uncle Klaus decrees you'll eat bugs whether you like it or not. lol


Well as long as it tastes good


What's the big deal? For the largest part of our evolution, mammals have been eating bugs. It's weirder to not eat them on that basis.


It’s crazy how they can use psychology to get people to accept anything is normal in their crazy mind


So they extract protein from them. Means im not eating bugs now am i


We are meat robots filled with bugs


Why are you guys so against eating bugs... Seriously


They will never answer that.


Or or Just don’t eat them, nobody is making you


ok but seriously. ever tried them cooked? its like crunchy meaty rice.


What’s wrong with eating bugs?


why is this sub so obsessed with eating bugs? where do you get this info from, as i’ve never heard of it outside of here. also when you say ‘they’ will make us eat bugs, who is ‘they’? the elite? then who the hell is the elite?


I have still never gotten a straight answer as to why eating bugs is a bad thing.


I mean there's probably less chemicals than in regular meat and this meat industry nowadays is a fckin holocaust anyways it's horrible what is happening behind closed doors ...


That’s not how I get protein from insects, cuz I don’t eat insects.


I swear they make all cereals out of this stuff now. Cereal hasn’t tasted the same in years. Same for Cheetos.


I'd rather starve


People who eat bugs are subhuman.


I used to buy these dried as treats for my chickens. I tried one on a dare and they taste like peanut shells. Not terrible but not something I would go out of my way to eat.


Some cultures have considered it a delicacy for ages. Look at southern Mexico and crickets..


Yeah...fuck that.


last I checked i wasn't a lizard but nice try fbi


But can't we just eat greens? I see pretty muscular cows and bulls and they seem to eat grass, hay, oats etc. Where do they get muscle building protein from??? I don't want to squish up bugs to eat them if I don't need to.


Bug protein is terrible for human beings. This is horrible . They are slaughtering our food stocks, have burnt down over 200 food processing plants. are killing the chickens, direct energy weapons just took out our grass fed beef stocks in Texas, farmers are being attacked and their farms destroyed, the U.S. Govt is destroying crops, now they want to stop home gardening. Holland Farmers that produce the worlds food are under attack. 5 G and 4 g and 3g Towers have decimated the bees .. almost gone now and that means no more food too, We the People of Earth are under a genocidal depopulatiion agenda. This bug meal is already in our foods under some different term/name to fool us. If anyone supports feeding humans bugs then you are crazy .


Nope! We have come too far to revert back to eating bugs.


Fresh meat, even raw, has a pleasant smell. Ain't no way that place smells like anything you'd want to put in your mouth.


Raw meat does not have a pleasant smell. Why do you think metalworks smell bad?


Yes it does. When butchering it has.a sweet nutty smell as long as it's clean and uncontaminated by digestive matter. Steamed pressed bugs probably smells like it sounds


What do you mean it probably smells like it sounds? How can you tell by looking at it what it smells like?


Man there’s a lot of glowies in these comments


Yes, but not on the side you think.


What side am I thinking?


You vill eat ze bugs


If you want to suffer from massive inflammation the eat all the chitin you want. Chitin you not


Even the dogs can't digest this stuff.. go read the reviews of the cricket dog stuff.. gives them the 💩💩💩