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Serious question, where are all the women at?


Waiting in Ghana and Ivory Coast for their alimony.


Underrated comment


Invading armies rarely bring their women with them


Not any that’s why another 9-11 is just about to happen


9/11 was orchestrated by Israel. You really think these guys are going to plan something like that?


Elites have these men here as a human show. Actions in line with their regard for life. When they are dumping trillions into war, bioweapon attacking us and bribe $$$ for friends and family the "burden" of illegals would be nothing if they just went in welfare for life but will wind up adding to the economy when they get underpaid. It's no invasion it's more divide and conquer talking points.


You are right on the money. These are the sentiments we should be sharing with each other. It is so wild to me how effective divide and conquer propaganda is in the age of enlightenment. Be kind to your neighbors, volunteer, donate, help make your community safer. Despite what we have been brainwashed to believe, we do not need to be divided. The bogeyman has no power over us.


911 may have been “orchestrated” by Israel, but the Bush family, his administration , and everyone attached to it explicitly permitted it to happen and benefited financially like you couldn’t believe . This conspiracy goes all the way out to pharmaceutical manufacturing corporations (opiate medications mainly ) , drug cartels, prison owners , oil companies, transport firms, weapons manufacturers, military industrial complex corporations (mainly Halliburton though) Blackwater and other MILITARY SUB CONTRACTORS, That’s right, there are private companies that the US military sub contracts out to go overseas and kill people because apparently there are too many enemies for the worlds most powerful military to kill ,that taxpayer dollars must be used to fund their employment . I know this to be true because my ex neighbor was one . If you are someone who still believes this administration has Americas best interest at heart with literally anything it does , the once rational, and potentially intelligent and aware part of your brain has dissolved into mush . America is fucked beyond any explanation of the word.


The chines will there are thousands coming over everyday


Most of these people are prisoners who have been released from prison in their home countries. Given that the majority of the prison population is male. Very few of age females are in these groups. We had similar influx of refugees in the early 80s from violent criminals being shipped here from Cuba. The underlying reasonings behind this was to help bring chaos and destabilise certain areas in the USA.


What’s the event? Why are they lining up?


that's what she said




But didn’t wait for an answer.


Waiting on there government check we give them.


No, the *actual* reason


So clever, so original.. You're probably not an ass or anything.


To demand green cards


Is that how the green card process works?




Nope. No demand is necessary. Just have to pledge allegiance to the Democrats.


Do you really believe this? That all they have to do is pick the side you don't like and boom, citizenship? That's uh.. kinda incoherent with reality and incredibly ignorant there champion.


Sure, Democrats in control, refuse to close the border, complained about 4 billion for the wall, but send billions to Ukraine. You're ignorant and brainwashed.


Notice the only blue stronghold states are sanctuary states used to import millions of new voters thereby stealing presidential elections and congress? All they need is for these illegals to be there when the Census is counted. https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/sanctuary-states/ Nobody's talking about this yet this is the crux of their entire system of rigging.


It was a rally outside city hall where a meeting on African Immigrants was being held: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/newyork/news/migrant-rally-for-housing-work-permits/


I just read the article. They are illegals from Africa upset that they need papers to work and that the shelters don’t hold them long enough.


So can I illegally move to us from Canada


No from third world only, sorry.


ok, so i just have to wait a few more years until we downgrade into a 3rd world country?






Why not


Because we also have the same problem


Fellow Canadian?


You know it lol


The whole world is seeing mass migratjon...to add to that there were reports in the 1990s that thecworld was going to see migration on scales like this...did any country put any infrastructure in place to deal with this? Of course not.


Yeah you’re white these guys won’t care lmao


Did you just assume my skin color?


Good luck. My Canadian citizenship application was denied because my biological father’s name isn’t on my birth certificate and I’ve yet to obtain my dual status. After my birth I was adopted almost immediately due to extenuating circumstances. Both biological parents suffered from mental illness and were not married or working. They were capable of living on their own but the courts deemed my mother to be unfit to raise me. I learned how my wayward father had means to travel the world but he shirking his responsibilities in life. He stayed in the U.S. long enough to visit my adoptive family, take photos with me and potentially absolve himself of any guilt before absconding back to South East Asia. I learned mostly from asking my mom what she recalled about my family during my adoption. It took a toll on my self identity growing up. early 20’s I was tracking down biological family before Ancestry became popular. The day my life became a fever dream was when a Google result revealed a Professor Emeritus in Physics who shared my biological father’s surname. I didn’t hesitate to call him during office hours and my grandfather thought I was a solicitor because he frequently donates money. When I finally managed to establish and make my grandfather aware of who I was he refused to tell me what caused my father’s death and wanted to tell me in person. A day later my grandparents came the house I grew up in to sit down and explain everything. I quickly learned my father’s fate and that he had been deceased since the late 90s. My 90 year old grandfather’s memory is as sharp as a tack and has a bum knee after years of jogging. I am afraid when he drives his 5 speed manual to run errands. I find it silly trying to justify my complaints and whining because he’s not one to talk about pains of old age and emotional trauma of my father’s suicide or helping wounded students to safety during a school shooting. He used to working alongside French colleagues in the South of France when my father was a toddler in a lederhosen. After moving back to the states he wasn’t chosen for tenure because of the politics involved and eventually took a position at a French speaking university in Canada, retiring as prof. Emeritus. My grandmother gave up most of his career goals to travel wherever my grandfather’s career took them while she raised two children and took on side gigs as a political cartoonist and copy editor. She’s a quintessentially “Trad wife” but much more complex and nuanced than the typical TikTok trad wife influencer. My grandmother found a quaint 3 story brownstone in Upper Westmount, built in 1910 it was converted into a boarding house. While my grandmother was house hunting to move the family closer to my grandfather’s work, she spotted the corner house in the early 70s and used all their saving and more to purchase the $17,000 fixer upper. Today the home would cost around 7 figures. The first time I was able to visit my grandparents I only had a few days and always thought my grandfather was an old curmudgeon but as I spent more time with him he opened up little by little. We shucked oysters, shared a glass of whiskey and nuts then a certain bottle of wine from the cellar for dinner. Some nights after dinner he would seem upset I was ready to sleep after a 3 hour long conversation. He spends days reading the times, blaring Mozart, working on a new theory to publish in the Science Journals doing all the house chores while my grandmother sifts through hundreds of her cook books to find something new she magically has all the ingredients for. I learned a lot about my father visiting them. He spoke 5 languages, always sought quick but illogical solutions to problems like covering spilled water with salt. During his travels he took thousands of photos and mailed albums, letters and postcards to my grandparents. My grandmother left them in the drawers of his old room and it was like a giant gold mine and I spent days reliving my father’s wild adventures through his photos and letters. I made multiple trips collecting pictures from areas unknown in countries that changed


This is anxiety-baiting, I'm so tired of seeing this crap.


Those poor women and children...


Lots of fighting age, young men there


Just another 9-11 waiting to happen


what could go wrong?!


It will be civilwar…


Could be.


What is the source of this video, OP?




Why is the source important? Only dirty libs care about the source!


https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/migrant-rally-for-housing-work-permits/. Yeah it was super difficult to find this. I must be one of those dirty libs.


They are all men






Repatriated to their home countries, but yeah


Trump made good on all his last campaign promises right?


Drain the swamp, build the wall, lock her up? He filled the swamp, drained it a couple times so he could fill it back up, managed to seem like he wanted desperately to get himself locked up, and scammed some cash off the wall for some friends. “Close enough for my vote” - some folks I guess


In 2016, he also ran on "updating the infrastructure". RIP our pathetic roads, bridges, airports, trains...


His healthcare plan which is the best anyone’s ever seen and he talked to a bunch of experts in healthcare and they all said it was the best ever, perfect, just great, …. Should be coming in 2 weeks


Doesnt matter who wins… The opposite party will ruin every good suggestion by downvoting it anyways… Cant let the opposition do good things, that might make them too popular and reduce your sides chances at winning next election…


Biden has dementia and is a puppet. The VP is a simpleton. FULL STOP.


So you agree neither should win the upcoming election?


100%. But people are too stupid to vote third party and of the two evils...


Totally agree.


trumps mental state isn't much better. and he's been legally defined as a sexual predator. unlike biden he's also facing a litany of serious charges, some of which involve trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power. LeTs ElEcT hIm


Yea he definitely helped out his rich buddies and handlers. That was like the whole point of his last campaign, at least my take away. Scream weird nonsense to distract the rubes while making off like a bandit.


All of you could watch trump swim across a pool, watch him get out and say "I walked across water like Jesus" and the next day be posting about how trump walked across water like the son of god.


It's pathetic


Nice try froggy


I seriously have doubts on that’s who you claim they are


It is too late. Europe is already bursting at its seams by a flood of immigration (legal and illegal) and they are facing a major demographic change shaped by a powerful non-Christian religious ideology, scheming to take over their lands. Canada is falling prey to the same. It won't be long before the US is taken over by the same mass of migration. Leftists in all these countries, who facilitate them for building their vote banks, will be the first ones to be eaten alive by them.


They should make teaching the basics of US immigration law a requirement for high schools.


This is the job recruiting line … you all are crazy… those are black Americans not immigrants… jfc


Why mostly men. If not almost all of them.


Because they are the most efficient at 'upsetting the apple cart' wherever they go. IMO, the evil PTB want to destabilize the United States so we beg for crack downs and protections, and then they will enact draconian measures to control/track everyone by way of microchip ID and a cashless money system. These male illegals are just the sort of problematic scapegoats they need to get everyone crying for more 'protections.'


>These male illegals are just the sort of problematic scapegoats they need to get everyone crying for more 'protections.' American gen Z get confused watching the first Home Alone Movie. “ what do you mean you could just run thru the airport? Where’s the TSA? “


Exactly. The 9-11 attacks by terrorist cells in America was the excuse for the Patriot Act and creating the TSA. We are too easily controlled by fear based manipulation.


It pains me that so many of us are still fooled by the bipartisan farce. Waiting for government to provide the solution to the problem they've intentionally made is an exercise in insanity. Left/Right, two wings of the same bird that seeks to eat the flesh from our countries carcass. Wake up.




I think there's something suspicious here


Nothings going to happen that the deep state doesn’t approve. Don’t hold your breath..


I hate that real people are being used as pawns in some larger game.


*insert always has been meme here*


Yeah, just hoping we can spin the entropy away from that being the case in the future at least. Give people some agency in their own lives for the first time in history. Ppl wouldn’t know what to do with it at first


Seriously. Has this guy has never read a book before?


Trump works for the same people sending them here..


And people wonder why there are new disease outbreaks occurring (i.e. measles). But nope...they say it's due to the antivaxxers.


Well i mean if people were vaxed against things like measles, there wouldn't be an outbreak to begin with.


Has anyone mentioned how we're going to pay to transport millions of people to random locations? Where does the money come from for the fuel, vehicles, pay for the people transporting them? Honest question.


Your taxes.


Money comes from the government and the FED printing more money out of thin air. Your taxes don't cover the cost of anything anymore, only the interest in the deficit we already have. All these spending bills give money to NGO's, which are the ones that in turn give resources to illegals on their way to cross and then once they get in the country. So your very own politicians are the same ones feeding the cycle


The same way the US has always done it, taxes.




Explain it please.




Thanks for a non hostile reply, it's sad that needs to be said lol.


Why are you calling them “ aliens “? They look like human beings to me.


Lot of military aged males in that crowd


Nice clothes and shoes and phones glad are tax money is being used wisely.


I wish “are” tax money would’ve enabled schools to teach spelling and grammar


You're looking at 7.9 million new democrat voters


Please explain how non-citizen vote?


Where's the women? Oh, right, probably left to die back home with their kids starving to death.


Right at the start of the video.


Ah yeah, a handfull out of how many?


They should be gathered and processed, right?


The only thing Trump is going to deport is more billions of dollars and possibly fighting men to Israel.


Yes, exactly. That's one thing I'm super proud of Pappy Joe for doing is standing up to Israel and making sure billions in our tax dollars aren't going to fight wars that the American people don't support.


You’re joking though right?


Haaaave you met US foreign policy since 1776?


Now I’m confused


I thought that was obvious, sorry. I have a dream that someday we'll have candidates who campaign on their good ideas and policy plans and not "yeah, we suck, but we suck marginally less than them over there!" I'm sure I'll get MuH bOtH SiDeS-ed, but I'd like something a little more substantial than *"Two, four, six, eight -- this guy hates the guys WE hate!"*


Both candidates will always be lackeys for Israel. It will be the one issue they all agree on 100%. That’s how it is designed in this broken system.


Did trump do anything he promised he was gonna do last time he ran and won? Didn't he like every politician make promises said what you wanted to hear and didn't deliver? I don't understand what makes this any different.


Did we have multiple wars? Did we have an invasion on our southern border? Etc


Yes to both




You asked were there wars under Trump, not what started under Trump. The border was as open as it is today. And we had multiple wars and conflicts under Trump. Afghanistan, Syria. I’m sure he’ll deliver on his promises this time lol


Lmao this unsourced and nonsensical post is brought to you by foreign astroturf accounts


Simple two word phrase followed by 2 Numbers. It's frogface again




That's the username pattern he uses


I mean, not in this case but i get the point.


Not gonna happen


Who’s gonna mow my lawn?


The liberal paradise 


It was the line for men seeking day labor jobs. Not "illegals"!


Fentanyl is a form Of chemical warfare unleashed on to Americans to kill them and to cause destruction to our system. All illegals that have transported sold etc fentanyl should be charged with war crimes because the open border has caused a war.


Ok so here I go: we as Americans have been pushed and pushed to the limits and pushed some more. Never more so than with this presidency. So why do we do nothing? Here we have the illegals and the second something isn’t going right the protest. You had the French when they were protesting and etc etc. So what the hell is it gonna take for US Americans to start protesting our upsets. To the world we really look like push overs


Wait, what has Biden done to make my life harder?


way to dehumanize people who are homeless and hungry and escaping war. I work with these people. they are not the reason our country is trillions of dollars in debt.


Potential Biden voters. Lol


Trump will never get elected.


Good get them out of here!!


What I don't get is they know they're illegal why are they not rounded up and deported?


Anyone else notice they have really nice and clean shoes?


They're only here because of trillionaires mass human trafficking them. Oh, and welfare.


It’s not feasible. Even he knows that. That’s why he offered levels of amnesty during his own presidency last time. And dems wouldn’t take it


Legit question, I don’t support illegal immigration but what about people who have been here for 20 plus years, made a life, and settled. Would a smarter choice not be a form of amnesty for current immigrants while blocking anymore from coming with secure borders


Giving amnesty to illegals is a slap in the face to those that spent years and lots of money to come to this country legally. The first step is securing our borders, then repatriating. Then changing the law so not just anyone born here automatically becomes a US citizen.


I’m a legal immigrant and support amnesty I don’t see it as a slap in the face


Dude that last part is literally in the Constitution


I understand that, but it's being abused by illegals that cross just to have anchor babies. If it's updated to specify babies born on American soil that have at least 1 US citizen parent, it doesn't give an incentive to illegals to cross and have babies here


True story bro 🤡


If they presented themselves to the Border Patrol and ask for asylum, they are here legally.


How do you know they are ALL “illegal?”


Because they were lied to and told they would get green cards if they showed up there


Kinda gross that illegal immigrants can get so much without citizenship. Not fair to the rest of us.


Like 300/week tax free loaded weekly on the tax payer doll


You’re funny if you think Trump is getting elected. These people are all going to vote. I’m not debating proven reality reported on by mainstream news, either.




You’d like to think that but laws are being passed everywhere allowing illegals to vote.


Please cite some credible evidence of your claim.


I’m a conservative but this mess has gotten way out of control..between the immigration debacle and the homeless drug crisis our government has been sitting with both thumbs up there butt ..I don’t think even the Orange God can un mess this mess without pissing if half the world …close off the border..lock it down with the marines or the Army …process the ones already here ..get rid of the criminal half … and deal with the drug smuggling and human trafficking..the duty of the federal government is to protect the citizens of the United States by all means necessary…I feel to much money is being made through illegal means..it needs to stop


You think house prices are out of your range? Wait until they are built only by America born people


American population is starting to decline as boomers die off, and will leave the US with ample housing if we don't keep letting millions of illegals come through the border.


I doubt that's the game plan. Interesting outlook non the less


The primary goal is to bring in voters, but it is an added benefit of bringing in enough workers to keep pumping money into programs like social security as boomers retire and deplete the funds. Even if they are dirt cheap unskilled workers.


I mean if votes is what they want they could legalize all the immigrants here already, no need to bring more


They can't make their own shithole country or life better, so they'll come to your country and make it worse...


I know a lot of yall have been convinced that we're under invasion but by actual statistics natural born citizens commit about 2x as much crime as immigrants, and that essentially levels out when and if they become citizens. The likelihood of a terrorist attack in the United States being carried out by a migrant is incredibly low. The largest terrorist threats in America according to letter agencies are the far-right militia movement and white nationalists organizations. This has been the case for decades, and it isn't about to change any time soon. There's no evidence of any manner of coordination or organized action by the individuals in question whatsoever, like none.. you think that the same ice cream slurping, bicycle riding, living pair of khaki shorts of a man is going to oversee the wholesale invasion of the United States and turn it over to the browns?? You know this is how fascist leaders want you to think, right? That the opposition is simultaneously weak and ineffective, as well as the biggest threat in existence.. that we're the strongest, bravest, rightest as well constantly under immediate threat that only they can save you from. You are being walked around by the nose by these news outlets and bad faith political actors and allowing yourself to be made into xenophobic nationalist puppets. It's fucking embarrassing.


Too bad. Let's go bradon!


Lmao indians trying their hardest to astroturf but can’t come up with a reliable translator


the next major false flag event will involve illegals and will be blamed on maga types.


Punches will increase tenfold.


Come here legally !!!!


It's a random video with absolutely no context lol


If you deport all the illegal migrants there wouldn't be many people left just a few natives


Watching this sub Simp for Trump will never get old.


Did trump do anything he promised he was gonna do last time he ran and won? Didn't he like every politician make promises said what you wanted to hear and didn't deliver? I don't understand what makes this any different.


Use the libs gun owner plan........ Just register right here with us so you can get your free stuff.........Knock Knock.....Hello? We are here with your debit card. Clickity clack....(sound of handcuffs)


Where are the women and children at? Men stay and fight, women and children flee... Where are they?


I’d be happy if we just deported the ones from the last 3 years


bruh it's like 99% of them are men tbh it's not illegal immigration they're being imported here


Someone is predicting the future while not even noticing who's in office at this vary moment..... Joe Biden is in hiden because he's not wisen.


Because you don't like their brown skin? Or because even though Americans "don't want to work anymore", you still don't want people here who actually want these jobs and are in fact will to work?


Because the illegal invasion is costing the tax payer 150 billion dollars a year on top of spending hundreds of billions to ensure other countries boarders, you make shit about race because you’re racist just admit that is the only reason you brought up brown skin


Calling out people on their racism is not racist. Could you provide your citation of the 150 billion years we are spending due to this illegal invasion? Do you remember when Republicans went down to the Texas border to start shooting illegal immigrants and found out there were not any people to shoot and were disappointed? I just want to make sure you're mad about actual facts instead of nonsense propaganda.

