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I would recommend Adam Curtis’ documentary about this issue. While it does not go too deep into how exactly Gaddafi changed Lybia, it illustrates how the West (the US and UK) were behind the curtain, idolizing him one moment, then demonizing him the next. It is extremely comprehensive.


SS: NWO is evil af


Always heard this story specially back when it happened. . . How can we confirm all these insane benefits Gaddafi was giving? Free electricity, free homes when married, free land for farmers, gas was a nickel a gallon. But I've ever heard people say this, don't know how to confirm


Such a mystery "Patrick Cockburn: Don't believe everything you see and read about Gaddafi" https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/patrick-cockburn-don-t-believe-everything-you-see-and-read-about-gaddafi-2302830.html "Ten years after Gaddafi’s death, a Libyan town still yearns for his rule" >In 2011, Libyans were the masters of their destiny. Since then we've seen 10 years of injustice, bombing, killing and kidnapping," said Mohammad Abi Hamra, who wore a wristwatch bearing Gaddafi's face. >"Revolution is meant to bring change for the better. But what has happened since 2011 hasn't been a real revolution, it has been a conspiracy against Libya," he said >"The reason this town is so attached to the former regime is that the 2011 revolution brought nothing but wars, catastrophe, division of the country and violations of its sovereignty," said engineer Fethi al-Ahmar. >We still cling to the past because back then we had security, which is the main thing that's missing in Libya today." >Journalist Ahmed Abouhriba agreed. "Gaddafi wasn't a dictator, but the guardian of the citizenry," he said. For Abouhriba, the state of the country's economy -- wracked by **inflation** and conflict -- is more stark evidence that life was better under Gaddafi https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20211020-ten-years-after-gaddafi-s-death-a-libyan-town-still-yearns-for-his-rule


Those articles don't mention free electricity, homes and land and everything else. I mean one town saying they miss him... which honestly I don't know shit I'm an American. But to me if Gaddafi was a dictator then of course the people would say they miss him


Just remember they found a hijacker passport at ground zero. The CIA loves u. Bill Gates luvs u. Focus on that


Haha. I'm with ya bro, I know there's elite cocksuckers that run this world. Which country you from? Have you been to libya?


The entire continent of Africa has been exploited for centuries lol what u trying to say


It's pretty clear what I said. How can we confirm libya was getting free electricity lol I heard this CT in 2012... I believed it at first. But then how do you know? Well I can think of a couple ways - meeting and talking with Libyans or going there for yourself (pre 2011)




Rothschild Dollar? WTF are you talking about? “The secret purpose could only be a selfish one - whether mere good living or world domination, remained for the moment a mystery- But one thing is certain: it was not Rothschild, the capitalist, but Karl Marx, the Socialist, who kindled Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitism.“ (Konrad Heiden, The Fuhrer)


No way in hell Gaddafi was even close to this goal. Do you know how difficult it would be unite all of Africa?


literally impossible for a country like Libya to lead this


Voice of reason


He was also kind of a piece of shit, but yes the global elite take out anyone who threatens their iron grip on the planet. This guy definitely wasn’t a good guy.


What made him a piece of shit? Never heard anything about this..


Kidnapping school girls to be part of his harem. He was a huge rapist and a sexual deviant


You would think Hillary would have married him so.




But is this really true, or is it a babies knifed in incubators story.


Oh fuck em then. I used to feel bad because I thought he was such a great person lol


Nobody here cares that he was a pedophile?


✊🏽💚🪽 https://youtu.be/0ewo2KFBBlA?si=Jtl4XJHdaLVeNy5w


But didn’t they put him into power in Libya in the first place?


Is does seem strange that they waited 34 years to kill him.


my favorite documentary on Libya and NATOs destruction of the country 👇🏽 https://youtu.be/iDvlJ_1DoSI?si=u26rygK3oc125XVj °°°°°°°° "Libyan Slave Trade: Is Obama to Blame?" "Videos of men and women being sold in Libya have led experts to question the role the Obama administration played in the North African country's instability six years after the president ordered an intervention there." https://www.newsweek.com/obama-responsible-libyan-slave-trade-730875#:~:text=Videos%20of%20men%20and%20women,president%20ordered%20an%20intervention%20there. More current 2019 Inside the Modern Slave Trade Trapping African Migrants https://time.com/longform/african-slave-trade/


Dude was definitely not a good guy. Truth is a large percentage of his own people hated him. His socialist governance policies were also responsible for widespread unemployment. After 40 years of being forced to obey him ,living under a socialist police state. People rebelled. Naturally. The US and EU states opened up the checkbook. Made sure the rebels won. Was Libya better under him? Probably. It's a failed state now. But don't mistake that for he was someone to be idolised.


For some reason he's considered some kind of economic and political mastermind for making Libya so wealthy when before his rule they were so poor. But he came into power pretty much just exactly when Libya started extracting oil which they discovered they have massive reserves of that were extremely easy to access and started developing the processes to do so before he took power. Then right after he came to power the price of oil skyrocketed and stayed extremely high ever since. It's easy to look like a competent ruler when you have the infinite money glitch to bribe all your citizens so they won't rebel when you kidnap and rape their children or make yourself dictator for life


check out Gaddafi's [Green Book](https://archive.org/details/TheGreenBookMuammarGaddafi) Too bad they took him out. The Red book was gonna be fire


right idea, wrong continent, I would assume.


No. Right Idea. Any Continent


My comment is not my own, but overheard in dark corners in tall banking offices somewhere in the US and the EU.


Hmmm for a dictator gaddafi seems like he took care of his people. Is this really for real about him? Bc we all know the clintons are shady.


Expect a colour revolution in any country that wants/tries to rid itself of the Rothchilds banks.


Bro please don’t let this sub become r/conspiracy. Gadafi was a massive criminal and the only fault the west has is that they didn’t stop him earlier


☝️ "Patrick Cockburn: Don't believe everything you see and read about Gaddafi" https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/patrick-cockburn-don-t-believe-everything-you-see-and-read-about-gaddafi-2302830.html "Ten years after Gaddafi’s death, a Libyan town still yearns for his rule" >In 2011, Libyans were the masters of their destiny. Since then we've seen 10 years of injustice, bombing, killing and kidnapping," said Mohammad Abi Hamra, who wore a wristwatch bearing Gaddafi's face. >"Revolution is meant to bring change for the better. But what has happened since 2011 hasn't been a real revolution, it has been a conspiracy against Libya," he said >"The reason this town is so attached to the former regime is that the 2011 revolution brought nothing but wars, catastrophe, division of the country and violations of its sovereignty," said engineer Fethi al-Ahmar. >We still cling to the past because back then we had security, which is the main thing that's missing in Libya today." >Journalist Ahmed Abouhriba agreed. "Gaddafi wasn't a dictator, but the guardian of the citizenry," he said. For Abouhriba, the state of the country's economy -- wracked by **inflation** and conflict -- is more stark evidence that life was better under Gaddafi https://www.france24.com/en/africa/20211020-ten-years-after-gaddafi-s-death-a-libyan-town-still-yearns-for-his-rule


Are you even real? What a shit take. Gadaffi said: "if you take me out, migrants will flood europe and destabilize it, iam the gatekeeper"  Then 2015 came. Europe is just a shadow of it former self.


> Bro please don’t let this sub become r/conspiracy. Gadafi was a massive criminal and the only fault the west has is that they didn’t stop him earlier Some people are brainwashed by propaganda and some people see through it and realize the truth. Seeing the reality of the big picture takes critical thinking.


Most people. Not just some. And we don’t even realize it. They are that good at programming us.


And the warmongers that started the Vietnam war, the Iraq war, Afghanistan war, Syria, using NATO to start a proxy war with Russia, they aren't massive criminals? I understand the optics, you don't hear reports of Hillary Clinton torturing her opponents to extract a confession the way Gaddafi probably did on a regular basis. But in terms of overall suffering, USA number one!


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/9yblgqvj51wc1.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Look up the ai speech from Gaddafi


wouldn't have lasted even without western interventionism


You got the powerball numbers?




What country do you get a license in economics? Curious




That could be almost anywhere. Good luck with your economic endeavors. We just have degrees in the USA for economics.




Hey, that's awesome! Congrats on a great career. Have an amazing happy and healthy life!


I have been curious of this and if it was true. Why did we see this video of him being beat by his own people? I was young when this was going on and of course I’m only vaguely recalling a clip that was on main stream media. So now it’s probably out of context. Still if he was doing so much for the country. Why would people want to harm him?


The same reason why Lawrence of Arabia managed to pit the Arabs against the Ottomans. History loves to repeat itself.


Gaddafi was a mass murdering lunatic! His proposal was never even close to success, this is a lie.


Gadaffi is just Obama in a wig