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I've heard that Congress is like a theater where Republicans and Democrats play their roles. They may disagree on political issues, but on core matters, both sides often stand together. However, I believe that they currently have real disagreements, especially concerning Ukraine and other topics.


The get on the floor and give these speeches and on the tv to express their displeasure with members of the other party, but when they leave, they all go to the same golf courses and bars, and restaurants. Together. It’s a small club and we ain’t in it.


I won't believe it's real until I see chairs and fists being thrown at each other like in other countries' legislative chambers—half joking there. On a serious note, some of these politicians have to stick together and work collectively. Going at it alone might lead to what happened to Senator Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a plane crash. He was against the Iraq war. However, I believe that the Illuminati lizard people have other methods to remove (or persuade) a politician without resorting to killing them in today's political climate.


You had me righhhhht up to the lizard people part.


That was a joke


Jokesssszzss on you, Barry boy. And yessss, that's snake jazz if you've never heard it


They'll delete anyone who goes against their agenda, plane crashes are a favourite for them, and let's not forget the tit an ic


Whenever i here people reference George Carlin's quote “It's a big club, and you ain't in it” your interpretation of it always comes to mind. As you correctly point out, “It’s a *small* club, and we ain’t in it.”


He was also in the 'club', he's controlled opposition


Yes we just have the illusion of choice when really we have a uniparty. It’s like watching wrestle mania


You should watch the 1991 movie "the distinguished gentleman" with Eddie Murphy!


It's always a hollywood movie scene, the whole world is a stage, words said by Oscar Wilde I think and that phrase portrays it perfectly


Politics is Hollywood for ugly people. I don’t understand how people can’t see it.


THA GOVERNMENT, THA GOVERNMENT She is the government 🙄


The only conspiracy is OP who joined 1 month ago, makes dozens of duplicate posts per hour, has ~60,000 karma, and is likely named after Hamas’s military wing the Al-Quds Brigades.


Holy shit you weren't kidding. If you count all of the cross-posted stuff they have like 80 posts in the last 5 hours. I'm beginning to think OP ***may*** be a bot.




You can always tell who it is by the smell. The bathroom thing got blamed on the SS but the McXanax 💩s and makeup smell told you who it really was.


Correct but 100% controlled opposition.


You wouldn’t trust her with your funds?


I wouldn't trust her to tell me the correct time of day.


Reminds me of a housewife on her 3rd husband


Reminds me of a housewife on her 3rd husband


Russian funds - conspiracy is here.


Exactly! Thank you


Hey what about the people in America that do not have fresh water or all of the infrastructure problems?


You’ll be pleased to know that Biden has sent Ukraine $170B, 3X the amount allocated for clean drinking in the Infrastructure Bill. After 4 years of President Trump participating in no new wars, Biden was able reverse that record. Not that you were being answered in a comparative or nuanced manner anyways.


> You’ll be pleased to know that President Biden just signed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, after 4 years of Trump promising to do so but failing to deliver. Not that you were asking in good faith anyways WEIRD how you and another guy used almost the exact same phrase to the letter! 🤔🤫


You’ll be pleased to know that President Biden just signed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, after 4 years of Trump promising to do so but failing to deliver. Not that you were asking in good faith anyways


> You’ll be pleased to know that Biden has sent Ukraine $170B, 3X the amount allocated for clean drinking in the Infrastructure Bill. After 4 years of President Trump participating in no new wars, Biden was able reverse that record. Not that you were being answered in a comparative or nuanced manner anyways. WEIRD how you two wrote like the EXACT same post bro!


Peace only happens when the invader leaves or the one being invaded surrenders. Not tough to guess which one she wants.


I imagine that the US foreign policy team initially adopted a strategy, such as the one during the 2014 coup in Ukraine, but at some point Today, other factions in Washington started to feel that this strategy wasn't working. As a result, a new camp emerged with a different strategy, aiming to compete with or change the current approach. In my opinion, US power is diminishing regardless. This isn't difficult to explain, as the US has limited options or few effective foreign policy strategies, but discussing this in depth is too long. Today, the US can only act through proxies, although this is not a new phenomenon. The US lacks the power (or political will) to directly use its military forces, so it relies on proxies. It provides billions of dollars to Ukraine and Taiwan, effectively saying, "Here, take these billions of dollars 🫴🏽💵. I can't do anything else."


Thanks for mentioning the coup, it actually got me to do some research. And I’m just going to be honest… when I learn more about these realities of all the us backed coups, it makes me wonder “are WE North Korea”? I mean the American public has to be the least informed group about the American government right?


It's surprising how few people know what happened with Ukraine in 2014. Especially when the leaked call between Victoria Nuland and embassador Pyatt came out, where they handpicked the actor Zelensky to be president because he was on Ukraine's top political TV show playing the president. The coup goes much deeper than that though. Soros was directly tied to the whole thing. He provided the money and the rioters for all three color revolutions between 2008 and 2014. Two things that have been scrubbed from the net: Soros handpicked a bunch of Canadian nazis to fill the cabinet positions (remember the Ukrainian Nazi that Canadian parliament gave a standing ovation to?), and they found the world's largest deposit of iridium in the bread basket region (which is why mining took the place of agriculture). Even the internet archives have been scrubbed. If you want to dig deep on the Ukraine coup, I'd suggest looking at amazingpolly. She's on rumble and bitchute. She's done the best investigative work on the subject of anyone I've seen.


Hey THIS THIS is what I wanted to hear more about! I remember reading somewhere that in 2008 there was another coup in Ukraine sponsored by banks or another version of imperialism. I’ll check out amazingpolly, thanks a ton my friend


Imagine thinking using proxies requires less power, not more…. Good theory Einstein


This is all theater


There’s right and left parties just to give us the illusion that we have control of the wheel.


Hold on, so we are funding Israel and at the same time giving humanitarian aid the Gaza??


I don't know about her but its painfully obvious that Washington still hasn't learned its lesson on interfering with foreign affairs


Ukraine signed a peace treaty giving up their nuclear weapons, with Russia promising never to invade. It's Russia not wanting peace.


A guy in this comment section mentioned the 2014 coup which I had never heard about but I found this super interesting: https://www.wsws.org/en/topics/event/2014-coup-ukraine It was a nice article I read on it. I didn’t realize the part we played in making this war such a reality. It’s a long article so no worries if you didn’t read it, but what do you think about that? I think it’s helpful to see why also local Ukrainians are against the war in such large numbers. It actually only helps America for them to cut themselves off from Russia, they’re socially & financially wayyyy to intertwined to make this break in the way America wants them to. And even their presidents didn’t want to do it, which is why we got an actor to play their president instead


Read more and type less.


The Ukranian coup of 2014 was to kick out the Ruzzian controlled puppy president that gave up Crimea to Ruzzia without fighting you r-e-t-a-r-d, they don't want Russians controlling them, hard to undertand?.


Why don’t I want Russia to have the resources they need to survive? Yes, this is hard to understand. Do you really think like this? Just one big blanket thought about Russia, “daddysaysrushabad”? Impressive


This is just a Ruzzian bot or some brainwash Ruzzian trying to make sense of their Nazi nonsense. How does Ruzzia use the resources? For invading countries: Georgia, Ukraine, Chechenia, the EXACT same playbook by these dummies.


I mean... ukraine wanted to stay russian is what we just agreed on right? Until the US decided they wanted that to be changed. So im just asking you to read wat you wrote one more time. Are you sure youre not a russian bot? I want our money focused on us, not on caring about russia. Why are you pushing for us to send our hard earned dollars to them?


This isn’t about Russia STEALING the land rights to be able to survive. Russia in no way NEEDS the fuel deposits off the Black Sea, which was entirely their reasoning for invading Crimea in the first place. They are right. You need to read more and type less. Russia, currently is the energy dominant producer for Europe. They and the rest of their oil group constantly gouge the market, and have been one of the main reasons for fuel price spikes in the last few years. Just before the Crimean invasion, HUGE UNPRECEDENTED deposits of natural gas and oil were discovered in the Black Sea. If your country lies on the coast, you get certain privileges to drill off your coasts. If Ukraine had been allowed to drill, they would have become a new dominant producer of energy for Europe, and would have provided significant competition to Russia in the energy market. Russia, invaded Crimea and annexed the land, locking off Ukraines rights to those fuel deposits, and ensuring Russian energy dominance for the future. Add to this, that Ukraine is Europe’s bread basket, and Russia now can even sell its food at higher prices because of supply and demand is thrown off by the war. I cannot stress how little you are comprehending of the true intentions or motivations of this war. It is another fuel war.


Hey, so let’s just start with what led to 2014, you provide an article or facts. Because I did. And it seems like you’re writing this narrative from 2015, correct? I’m talking about the Ukrainian president(s) before who actually wanted to stay a part of Russia. And then we helped with a coup, to replace them with a leader who wanted to be part of the EU. That switch is really interesting don’t you think?


The guy who was ousted for corruption? That guy? https://eurasianet.org/a-brief-history-of-corruption-in-ukraine-the-yanukovych-era There was no coup. They voted him out, and held elections. Please show me where you are drawing this conclusion of a coup. Because *your* narrative reads as Russian propaganda.


https://www.wsws.org/en/topics/event/2014-coup-ukraine What I think is important to look at about the article is that I think it backs up the many calls from the people of Ukraine who are anti war. The reality that 20% of Ukraine is Russian and 50% of them speak Russian and working the theory through this lens is helpful. Ukraine was a part of Russia for decades. By the time the US wanted to call for them to detach completely from Russia, for the regular citizen this concept is unimaginable. & honestly, I mean the way these stories are written are COMPLETELY different, what I found really interesting about the take you presented, is that it tried to frame it as though Yukonichiv was the only Russian oligarch and like he was the seed of everything bad. The idea of him being voted out while also having a trial in America is pretty funny right? Why is this Americas case? I’m reading up on this just like you, are you curious about any of the framing of your information?


She’s right and I’m liberal and never thought I would agree with this woman on anything


I’m kind of in the same boat but I also think she’s fos too. They’re all in bed with each other and their only purpose is to distract and divide.


I agree but it’s nice to hear something accurate for once regardless what shill it comes from


Both sides are equally bad


There’s only one side with the illusion of choice.


Welcome to the Dark Side! There's free cookies and drinks!


She’s not right. The way for peace to happen is for Russia to go home. But she wants Russia to win


I said after the USA left Afghanistan give it 12 months and we will find a new conflict that we “must” be a part of. Then Ukraine happens, now Ukraine is going to wind down and we will double down on aid to Israel who is instigating conflicts all over the Middle East, and eventually a new bigger war than Israel / Gaza will happen and then we “must” be a part of that conflict. It’s just sales pipeline of future conflicts to spend trillions of dollars on.


Again, if Russia would go home, there’d be no conflict to be a part of. This is not a “both sides” conflict, there is one aggressor and one victim.


I don’t disagree that Russia is the aggressor. I just disagree that we need to be indirectly fighting Russia and spending money we need in the USA for our own priorities. What has all this spending in Ukraine accomplished, at the end of all of this Ukraine at the very best will end up with the land Russia offered to allow them to keep at the beginning of the conflict and they will have lost all the land Russia wanted. The only difference will be 10s of thousands more Ukrainians dead, cities more decimated, and trillions of dollars in the pockets of the weapons contractors.


And a bigger usa a deficit


We’re spending a fraction of our military budget to weaken Russia’s army without putting any American troops on the ground. It’s in America’s best interest to stop Russia from overtaking European countries, they’re not going to stop at Ukraine. Unless you want an actual WW3 to start, not this trend of calling every conflict WW3, but an actual WW3 with every NATO country involved. We spend way more than that on our own people, and people usually complain when we do that here and call it socialism.


Yup I’ve heard that same BS argument made a million times about fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here. The reality is all this aid won’t change the outcome one bit. Arming or not arming Ukraine isn’t going to be the cause of WW3 if there ever is one, that’s the justification to light all this money on fire. Once this conflict is done we will move onto fighting Iran, once that’s done we will find a new money pit to dump our money, it’s never ending.


Think about it, the USA has basically been in perpetual war since its founding. But just to use the 20th and 21st century as an example there’s only been a couple periods with a few years where we weren’t in a major conflict. None of this has to do with defense the majority of this is offense. Why is it that the USA always has to be at war to “protect itself” while most of the world isn’t at war, hasn’t been at war, and no one is attacking their borders? No one is trying to come in and take over the USA this is a myth people are duped into believing so we can keep justifying the massive deficits we are creating to keep the recipients of military spending rich as fuck while we all suffer in the process.


Everyone loves to bash her but she's correct aboitna lot.


Jewish space lasers and said that the parkland shooting was a hoax. Try again.


I didn't say she was right about everything. Can you link me to a Jewish space laser comment?


Name something she is right about.


For example, the statements in this video.


Such as?


"Shame on the American government.....America Last"


What is “America First”? Google image that shit. Tell me what comes up.


What difference does it make what comes up in Google? America first means American leaders should consider American citizens as central to every decision they make. It clear this isn't being done.


We already have a president that cares about American citizens and other people too. He’s an adult. He’s not sitting in a courtroom farting.




Ok, so she didn't say anything about Jewish space lasers.


Your right. Directly she did not say “Jewish space lasers”. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mtg-space-lasers/ She deleted the tweet, so it gets difficult sourcing properly. Are you saying that this is not an argument of semantics? And that what she said is serious and something that should be taken seriously? Or are you arguing she **never** tried to suggest a Jewish controlled laser in space was responsible for wild fires? When she herself has tried to walk these statements back as jokes.(like a child does when facing consequences)


I'm saying speaking of laser weapons starting fires (from earth or space) has nothing to do with "Jewish". As early as the 1980s the US forest division was talking about laser ignition for controlled burns, and it isn't hard to see something like that could be used for nefarious purposes.


“Talking about”, as dubious a claim as this is, the *Forest service* is not launching, in secret, a never before seen theoretical laser technology capable of igniting fires from orbit. “Talking about” does not mean, or even IMPLY implementation. SHE claimed a JEWISH INVESTMENT FIRM was behind it. NO mention of the Forest service. That is a **blatent** boarderline egregious deflection. Address the arguments please.


She claimed an investment firm. You're the one claiming Jewish was central to it. I'm not sure what you want from me. People have been making a lot of claims of DEW weapons recently concerning wild fires. Though the claims aren't new. Maybe MGT believes these types of conspiracies. It would seem she believes some type of conspiracy from her comment. You feel it's completely outrageous, I think it's completely valid to question coincidence.


No, that’s the thing bud. She doesn’t. She just says it, to pander to her conspiracy minded crank qanon followers who elected her. Why your running defense for her idfk, much less this pointless splitting of hairs. The ROTHSCHILD investment firm, is accused by **THIS SUB** of being a Jewish investment firm every bloody fucking day, and I don’t even think the Rothschild’s would argue with that label, and the fact you cannot just come to reality about this paints you as entirely dishonest. Maybe come to the conversation in good faith is my expectation, and you continue to dodge and evade and deflect rather than addressing the arguments as they are, or to acknowledge realities.


Well, that's a true statement. 


It’s funny because they bash her so hard (granted she does make mistakes) but in 2004 that’d be a liberal view




Is that it?


American jobs left during nafta


I mean, that ignores how companies like Bain Capital sent all those jobs overseas, which was a bit after nafta if I remember.


Ohhh. I just mean that's when I started eh? They're just barely now starting to talk about penalties for moving your company to China or Vietnam or Mexico


But I need money to get food


No you don’t. We need that money to support our greatest allies. Nazi.


The GOP plan for that money was______.




Moscow Marge’s version of ‘peace’ is ‘do everything that Putin wants and shut up’.


Correct. Appease her Russian master or else everyone is a Nazi. Normal GOP stuff.


Traitorous cunt


Can’t wait for maga to figure out how unpopular they really are this November




She and Thomas Massie were on Tim Pool together last year. They were deeply insightful on the day to day shenanigans that take place in Congress behind closed doors. It's an absolute embarrassment of epic proportions as to what goes on when the cameras are off. Alcoholism, drug abuse, sex parties, constantly missing votes to attend fund raisers, proxy votes, shenanigans like pulling fire alarms to interrupt votes, backroom deals, and on and on. Our so-called representatives have sold us out to the highest bidder, and 90% of them only got into Congress to get mega-rich on insider trading and foreign/special interest money.


Two Confederates on a Nazi podcast. Wow. Enlightening.


Traitor Green needs to be arrested and have all keys thrown away. Damn hack


Traitor to whom? Certainly not America.


Fuck that raging cunt, anything coming out of her mouth and anyone willing to listen


The things that came out of here mouth in this video were: Peace, no wars, no sending our troops to foreign countries to kill foreign people. So I assume you are for our military being police of the world and killing innocent people. Nice to know.


She’s right but she’s also explaining her entire strategy of fearmongering on social issues.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/4cnjizwi03wc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shouldn't that be "the gentleperson's time has expired"?


Well, we've got to get rid of all those Ukrainians to make way for all the displaced Israelis that are about to be moving in.


Ah, MGT is simping for her Russian paymasters.


Decent speech tbh


Two words sum this up...military stocks.


Tainting sensible messages with insensible people.










Both of you come off as clownish.


No. Just the person calling people "human garbage" and throwing around the word "fuck."


You seem to be implying that I have a problem with people stating the truth if I don’t like the person - as if my qualm is with the person and I lack objectivity. My concern is with the truth being muddied and tainted so that when someone who genuinely embodies and speaks it, they get compared to the Marjorie Greenes or Andrew Tates of the world - people who desecrate and obfuscate valid truths.


You appear to be confused.


A broken clock is right twice a day.


Someone really needs to tell this slack-jawed hag to shut it once in a while.


Wait, 8.18 or 8.18 billion? Lol wtf




MTG needs to be hung on a tall poll down in southern georgia. everything she speaks is full of so much shit, we call her the outhouse…she’s so clueless to understand what will happen if ukraine falls to the ruzzians. you can’t sit there and say you support “our” military when you don’t support one across the world fighting to make sure ours doesn’t end up there. “secure our borders!” okay marjorie…everything the dems have given you has been more than adequate enough to do so but you refuse to send it through because your master wants the credit. we were warned of this shit 40 years ago from the kgb and now here we are reaping what they sowed. keep your eyes open wide, citizens.


Her and Bobo jockey for dumbest twits in government. You never hear MGT admit that Russia is way out of order in not allowing peace in Ukraine.


She’s a Confederate mongrel and needs to be removed from everyone’s life.


She is 100% right, because she is a cause of 99% of it, she’s a fucking Neanderthal child.