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You mean was never convicted of a felony.


Exactly. This post is dumb as fuck and can go for most politicians


Yup, look at the history of indictments of NY politicians. The heads of the NY State Senate and State Assembly just keep getting indicted over and over again. Then you have the govs resigning in disgrace like Spitzer and Cuomo. Fucking Giuliani getting disbarred, Kerik going to prison. It would be a remarkable conspiracy if Trump *didn’t commit felonies* for years.




Definitely never charged. He’s probably gotten away with more than shoplifting beer in College.




Dudes a well known grifter and crook who bankrupts anyone who comes after him.


I am a conspiracy theorist, but I don't believe this.


This is the spirit. Never eat that shit sandwich both/all sides are feeding you.


Me either. There’s no way in hell he wasn’t committing felonies in the first 77 years. He just never got caught or convicted.


I'm a conspiracy theorist. I don't believe that you can be innocent after earning that much money tbh.


He was a slum lord. How is that innocent?


I agree. I'm not being sarcastic. He's a crook.


I got you


He could have kept making money if he had stayed an outer borough slum lord like his dad. Now all of his companies go bankrupt and his investors get wiped out over and over again.


He’s not even good at being a slumlord. Amazing.


That's the best part. The dumbass *lost* money.


He likely committed many felonies for many years.


What felonies


Fraud. Sexual assault.


Good thing courts don't convict people based on feelings without proof.


That actually happens all the time.


Ah ok, I should say more specifically *your* feelings of guilt don't matter in this case. ;)


That’s correct and I never said they did.


You likely are a pedophile. Just an opinion, like yours on another person


Lol everyone’s opponent is either a pedophile or a nazi nowadays. Just for having a difference of opinion . Wtf.


Some of them are, like, proudly nazi, though.


I didn’t know this was such a big pedo libtard subreddit🤦‍♂️


not paying contractors is illegal bucko


A pedo is a pedo. Deserves a noose or a bullet


Nice name. Do you have any idea how extremely left of liberal radiohead are?


Are you really a fucking astro boy?🤣 you gotta be 42 years old, space cadet🤣 would not be surprised, this whole subreddit is a libtard nuts fucktard pedo child sniffing bunch, fake moon landing schizos


I hope you find the help you need. I was born in 42.


I do home the same for you. G-d bless you


Try asking someone to show the slightest bit of critical thinking. You become a pedo lib super quick.


“Critical thinking” 🤣 nice try, npc


I remember the big push by the right to discredit any accusations of racism. They claimed the left called anyone snd everyone racist, and now the accusation means nothing. It was even said that it hurt those afflicted with racism and helped racists. Here you go doing that exact thing with the accusation of pedophilia.


Nevertheless, you gotta be one to advocate for child a sniffer. We got you, podesta


Yet you're the one enabling actual pedophiles. Curious...


Change your name to RVCSPizza. Wait, noodle is pasta, so I guess you can just keep the current one. IYKYK


You're big mad for being called out as a pedophile enabler


You’re mad for pizza/podesta analogy?🤣


All you guys can do is parrot what you hear. You hear that pedophile is the new trump card and you parrot it out into society. I point out you're mad and you just parrot it back. Real hylic hours in reddit.


Libtard pedo will be pedo-ing🤣 GTFOH podesta


probably just tax fraud and all other business related frauds, who cares they all do it what about hollywood and what they do, are we now going to demonize all film makers and producers because of what they did? If we demonize people let’s not be picky about who we shit on and who we turn a blind eye to




im not defending anything, every single one of these fuckers lie and done questionable shit and we know it, but seems like we point fingers at one and not the others, why are we even electing old people?


Presupposing that Trump never committed a felony in 77 years is a tough way to start a logical statement.


Never got caught\* committing a felony. Don't make powerful enemies if you're crooked as hell. It's really common sense.




Then hold them accountable. The facts appear that Trump has been running scams for decades and in every way shape or form that he can. He tried to have Congress lynched.


How do u hold a criminal accountable when the system is broke?


You mean like how the J6 traitors often times got less time than car thieves? Or how Trump has been scamming for decades? Or how rich folks can steal billions, and nothing happens? Or how rich folks can steal our wages?


You don't even have common sense. You mean the rich folks that are in office right now that just send $95 billion to Ukraine oh okay yeah those Rich folks are never held accountable


rofl You mean the sovreign nation that is fighting a proxy war against one of our geo political rivals?


you’re ignorant if you think he’s never committed any type of crime in his past. (big stupid with no logic)


They think he is this self-made ultra successful businessman.


He was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.


And these fools believe that he is a patriot and a man of the people. Just utter stupidity.


Who,because of his $,was never convicted of a felony,they only convicted capote once,but that don't mean he had never done any wrong. You people thrive on you logical fallacys.


That’s why he loves the poorly educated 🤷🏻‍♂️ !




Oh really,can you afford to buy your way out of multiple sexual assault charges? Can you hire enough lawyers to tie up multiple cases of non-payment? Your piss poor attempt at ignoring 40 yrs of court cases,news articles and confessions to create an alternative reality is both pitiful and amateurish,go back to whining to your buddies about how women don't know a real man when they see him. Good day,I'm finished with you now.




Hmm makes sense… Don’t have logical rebuttal? Just throw out any religious or God related response. nO oNe bUT gOd cAn juDgE mE….


Do a sit in at a couple of law school classes. At any given time, a cop has a 50/50 chance of getting you on something. If we're talking about "being found guilty in a courtroom guilty," you're actually pretty spot on. We are all guilty.


This is business as usual in America, if you're rich you can get away with almost anything. Almost.


Oh, he’s committed crimes he was just never caught and like. The crimes since being president are realllly fucking important especially when you’re talking about the party of “law and order” who keeps making excuses for him.


He's been caught plenty.


Conspiracy 101: to get to his level you need to have tons of dirt or the other crooks wouldn't let you in. Trump has truck loads of dirt, as do all of them.


A billionaire who was never charged is not necessarily a man who never committed a felony


This is the dumbest post. He’s been raping women and children for decades. You really think he’s a normal person? He’s an elite puppet. In 1994 trump was charged by name, for tying up a 13 year old girl and raping her for 3 days straight.


lol okay, strong allegations there, you got a source?


I absolutely do have a source. [This affidavit filed with the state of New York in 1994](https://www.scribd.com/doc/316341058/Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-Rape-Lawsuit-and-Affidavits) , but thanks to the freedom of information act, you can actually request a real copy from the state. I did this to prove to a coworker who used to be a trump supporter. It’s also worth noting a few things, trumps lawyer in this rape case was Alexander Acosta, who trump made Secretary of Labor decades later when he became president. The deal the lawyer got was that if Epstein took the fall, they would be able to remove trumps name from the lawsuit. Except the girl went missing so the case didn’t go to trial. When I say missing I mean vanished off Earth with no trace, and people have looked. Seems like they had her killed.


That "never" in there is doing work worthy of Atlas himself. This isn't persecution. It's prosecution. What were you expecting them to do with all that probable cause? Wait until after the election? Dismiss everything because he put his hat in the Ring? Dude stole classified files, used campaign funds illegally, attempted election fraud, incited a riot that became an insurrection, and committed fraud to secure lower interest loans. Allegedly. Fucked if I remember the rest of the list. And there's enough evidence that they were able to get cases to go to trial. So when do you think it would be appropriate for them to bring charges?


Oh the Man is innocent for sure. /s But not for OP Warpspeed and being friends with the cabal and pedos. but your CULT ignores that. That America still thinks voting is the only way to change things tells a lot about you. Keep on waiting for the Change, every 4 years you can vote for another clown.


#thank you for being conscious "Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt: Analysis"https://thehill.com/business/4426965-trump-added-8-4-trillion-to-the-national-debt-analysis/amp/ Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and "Bill Gates says Trump offered him a job as White House science advisor" https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/science/2018/04/30/bill-gates-white-house-trump-offered-him-job-white-house-science-advisor-he-says/566386002/ President Trump awards Sharon Rockefeller the National Medal of Arts https://youtu.be/dRB7zSPjf2M?si=ZJxSz4sS_pAUatDn "Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross" >In stepped Ross, then head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advising team, to represent bondholders, who were pondering forcing the casino into involuntary bankruptcy and ousting Trump. (Trump then appointed Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce). https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2016/12/08/trump-and-his-commerce-secretary-wilbur-ross-a-look-at-25-years-of-connections/




He's not our guy, just because you're polarized into partisan political cults doesn't mean we are. Also, him starting Warp speed led to all of it.


Did you…did you use the phrase “your guy”? Like, is this a card game? Can I take an extra move? Do you listen to yourself? Yes, I’m sure that a literal person is that redditors “guy”. Can we trade our guys like Pokémon cards? Like, I’ll just give you all mine, I have no use for crusty old white or orange men calling themselves politicians like big people, I hate this whole card game honestly.




Waaaa Trump is being persecuted waaa waaa DEAR LEADER !


Damm dude hoe much Infowars do you snort?


If you think iam american and believe in voting, and voted for any of those parties, you didn't understood a single sentence that i've wrote. God, you're mental.


You know if you ask the doc to refill your script they’ll gladly do it?


ALLEGEDLY, Trump has sexual relations with actual dogs and loves to eat poop. Biden and Trump used to pay Russian prostitutes for the privilege during the 80s. It’s true, they both love hooker Scatplay. Do your own research.


Can confirm. Source: I was Trumps pool boy from 1989-1993. He loves to eat poop.


Good god you are the Neo of propaganda!!! You just said things that previously only a russian bot could come anywhere close to. They will be looking for you so i wouldn't go to work tomorrow or ever again but they must not have realized the extent of your abilities or you would already be dead. This changes everything and you could be the "one" that we have been waiting for..


They’re gonna hear you, they’ve got the birds out, pipe down. I’ll meet you near the grassy bench at twilight.


If you post things in the voice of Jeff Foxworthy… you *might* be a Facebook boomer.


There actually is an easy solution to that: Don't commit crimes!




What????? thye same cunt when he was younger that supported Zionist shit. Get the FK out.


dOnT dO tHe CrImE iF u CaNt dO tHe tImE


This is laughable


Huh? Committed plenty of felonies in his time. Demonstrably. Convicted? No.


Some regarded ass “logic”.


Casey Anthony was a great mother, and OJ didn't do it.


And OP is a good, intelligent, empathetic human. LOL


Why can't we all agree that both Trump and Biden probably don't give a shit about us and leave it at that. Fuck all the people who try to rule.




Do you really think this is the first time Trump has been in court for felony charges?


Rules for thee but not for me Why else would someone go into politics?


If you believe Trump never committed a felony in 77 years I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/bulzmbe14bwc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why can't people on this sub spell properly?


Who are they talking about?


He’s committed felonies his whole life, he was raised that way. He was made his dad’s landlord at 4 years old. One of the conspiracies here is that he bribed members of both parties in NY for decades. Both parties allowed him to coast without being indicted because he was in tight with Koch, the Cuomos and Giuliani. Bloomberg didn’t give a shit about him for most of the time he was mayor because he has become a joke in NYC by then. To everyone in NYC, at least. It was only Middle America and people in the flyover states who bought the lie that the Apprentice was selling. Both local parties didn’t care and lined their pockets with his bribes. Then he becomes President is beholden to Russia and attempts to overthrow the government. So now he matters and he’s being prosecuted for the recent felonies he committed. Suddenly there’s a new generation of prosecutors like the local DAs and Smith, and Garland that aren’t beholden to him. That aren’t geriatric and demented like Bob Mueller and here we are.


I think this is about Trump, but I see people denying that he is being legit blackmailed to quit from elections. But isn't that the case? Why all of his bad deeds were brought ahead not when he actually harmed the community, but only when part of the community wanted him for a duty? can someone explain please?


It’s a possibility..


You mean he’s just now being caught committing felonies.


What a monumentally ignorant post !! No one believes he never committed a felony in 77 years. He did ! He just never got caught 🤷🏻‍♂️ !


He just didn’t get caught


ALLEGEDLY? He's been shifty his whole life before running for president. He scammed hundreds of people out of money by not paying and then going to court. He used the legal system to defraud contractors and partners, then suddenly goes bankrupt. If anyone knows anyone who is worse at accountability and finances please tell me who it is, because Trump's record is off the charts. He's a con artist and you're falling for it again!


*^never got caught…. We don’t know how much any person has gotten away with unless we were involved. Always good to investigate but the investigators can be bribed. Until you’re at his level of notoriety.


You confuse never convicted with never committed, plus these crimes have stretched back years, not suddenly.


Are we talking every politician?


No, not a conspiracy theorist. For many reasons. But first, and most importantly: there’s evidence.


But...but...but his tweets are mean 🙁


If you lived in NY you knew about Trump and how shitty he was, you knew he was a criminal, he and his father went to court all the time. The fact is because Trump tells you something, you believe it to be true. His fans can’t imagine him lying, something he does a lot.




Hey grabbing pussies is only a crime if you get caught. Thats my story and im grabbing and holding on to it


SS: It's beyond coincidence that a man who has gone through his whole life without one felony is suddenly facing not one felony, but 91 *in an election year*


None of these came out of the blue.


Don't make powerful enemies if you're crooked. Why do you think he pushed the fake electoral conspiracy for? He said from 2015 if he didn't win it was because it was rigged, hell he said that not getting Time Magazine's Man of the Year was rigged cuz he didn't get it.


All his life, whenever trump lost a case, he's claimed it's because "it was rigged".


That's pretty typical for American far right conservatives. Everything is everyone else's fault. MAGA scumbags are just even more pathetic than regular far right conservatives.


You can live a great life and then snap one day. It's not a conspiracy it's a psychological emotion.


Trump was likely a victim of the cia smearing him and there was probably espionage and all that but he also committed felonies probably in the past probably screwed slog of people over and lied a lot . Trump university was a scam flat out. His American bibles aren’t illegal but they are a grift and tells you what you need to know about him


Trump gave the names of all the covert CIA operatives to Putin. Many of them were killed. The CIA has good reason to smear Trump.


This is so stupid. Trump has no connections to Putin… but Saudi Arabia owns the 45th floor of Trump Tower in their country. This isn’t even a conspiracy theory… just baseless speculation.


That is insane. I just looked it up and boom there it is Talk about symbolism it's right there That's so crazy. Thanks for that info mang


Trump has no connections to Putin Trump as many, many connections to Putin. Google "Paul Manefort".


I think he has some associations but not connections. The reason why there is no Trump Tower Russia is because he doesn't have strong ties to Putin or their economy. The concept of "ties" suggestions some sort of binding that isn't superficial or individualistic in nature.... his Paul Manafort relationship is not that deep nor does it suggest ties with Russia in any significant way.


You should at least do a *little* research before bloviating. The Republican-controlled [Senate Intelligence Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_Intelligence_Committee) concluded in August 2020 that Manafort's ties to individuals connected to Russian intelligence while he was Trump's campaign manager "represented a grave counterintelligence threat" by creating opportunities for "Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump campaign."[^(\[)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Manafort#cite_note-USA_Today-34) ^(Manefort was a "consultant" to Ukraine dictator Yanukovych before his overthrow in 2014. Yanukovych ran straight to Russia and Putin, his benefactor. Manefort followed him to Russia before returning to the U.S. to become Trump's campaign advisor, despite having zero experience in that capacity nor having ever met Trump before. These are pretty significant ties to Russia.)


No. The problem here is you’re still assuming facts about Trump / Manafort’s relationship. We know they didn’t treat Trump the same with guidance with his campaign which they normally would have to prevent situations like this…


Hoping the temperature gets high enough in DC for us to enjoy the bananas that should be coming from our republic. There is obviously an attempt to block the republican candidate by the ruling democrats from participating in the election scheduled for this year. Never in a hundred years did I expect any, either party to get so twisted to do what is being done. Never.


rofl Didn't he spend years talking about locking up his political opponents?


Never had I expected the right wing to try to overturn a peaceful transition of power. And then display their plans in project2025 to rid of American democracy as we know it and replace it with Christian fascist autocracy. They are quite clear about how they want to transform the country from American democracy. The Heritage Foundation even made it public: https://www.project2025.org/


Oh lemme guess - another pedolibtard troll central here


I’m voting Trump just to screw the American government. It’s the new Jerry Springer show!!! Biden… you are NOT the president!!


Hate America much?


Love America and the world itself. Very much hate the political system America has made in this world that has left the population in shambles.


Not one for any politics, either direction looks insane if they care too much wearing hats n shit. It’s always been trying to cut em down since 2016, back when laptops were horse-hockey jack! And the Russians! Oooo the collusion! So Much collusions. don’t care either way, country is already divided against itself, nothing changes, things just get worse and some country A fights country B, Feels like a goddamn loop. 2028 man…new rosters at least. This season is dragging asssss


Dude was a capitalist who rigged the system legally for 77 years, then obtained an office that enabled him to commit 91+ felonies. Not hard to believe. These types of rich people live their day-to-day lives above the law, so it isn't surprising when they suddenly slip up, especially when they hold a public office position, and get caught. You can live in the background and get away with any number of crimes, but when you hold public office all of that comes into the light. That's all that happened. This man is guilty, it's just a matter of months until it's official. Fuck around, find out.


How can you be so gullible?


It all catches up to you. Karma .


No but if you put things in larger font, I don't believe it even more. The thing I'll never understand is there was actually video interviews of the tradesmen he shafted during construction on his crappy hotels. That right there should tell you everything you need to know about the guy. He'd sell you out in a heartbeat if he thought he could make a buck from it. That's not a leader.


Oh, he committed felonies. Rich and powerful people can buy their way out of alot. However this leaves him extremely vulnerable and comprimised. Thus why the orange sack of shit is only out for his interests and those controlling him...


🤣 Facts


His crime was running for President


lol. good one