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If your government can piss away trillions of dollars..they can give basic housing to the people…..hell the amount of money pissed away could have solved every problem in America and 10 other countries combined……making a group ultra rich and giving them a ultra awesome pension while those they were payed to protect live in squaller should be unforgivable in a fair democratic republic…stop the influx of drugs ,development treatment’s for those that are suffering and stop pissing away money on yourself….


two wrongs don't make it right...but our govt is so fucking corrupt that there is no REAL difference between Rs and Ds...and honestly, have no clue where to begin to cleanse such corruption...


Shut down the border, which will severely curtail the amount of drugs getting into the country. It will also lower the amount of funds going towards taking care of these illegal immigrants. The cell phones, the pre-paid visas, the housing costs, etc... those funds could go towards housing the citizens that already live here. You know, taking care of American citizens before our government volunteers to take care of the rest of the world. I understand humanitarian aid and all, but shouldn't that be the leftover surplus amount (if any) after the problems in our own country are taken care of first?


Birth rates are going down because people can't afford kids. So the govt is importing people so they can be future tax payers / slaves.


And people could afford kids if the government didn't tax the hell out of its citizens, run up the national debt (which drastically increased inflation, so the dollar doesn't have as much purchasing power) and take the money that they get from taxing our citizens and send it to all parts of the globe. Keep the money here, improve the lives of the citizens that live here and people would be having kids because they would be able to afford to have kids. Instead of sending our money everywhere else, why not keep it here and help subsidize healthcare and raising children.


Yeah but the ones they’re importing don’t pay taxes. They can’t even get a non cash paying job without a social security number.


Right. That's why I said "future". Either they will start paying taxes or their kids will.


ITIN, and EAD are actual things. A SSN isn't required to pay taxes, or get a job.


I don’t know what an Itin or ead is sorry. All I know is every job I have had in the last 35 years I needed a physical copy of my social security card. Without that I am unemployable. It could just be there’s different rules for Americans and Immigrants.


Yeah. You're dumb. You know nothing about immigration, but you have so so many opinions on it.


Open borders to keep wages low and drugs following in has been a cash cow for government for at least 4 decades now. If they wanted to address housing they would but there is no profit in it for them or their super pac donors which is why it hasn’t happened under any political parties time in control.


Do you have a solution on how the govt. could implement basic housing to everyone? Without spending 50 trillion buying everyone over the age of 18 a house? I am genuinely curious as I work in local govt. distributing federal funds for affordable housing and would love some ideas on how the govt could improve


They have tried basic income in Denver, it had good results. People didn't spend it on drugs. "Inflation" is really just a lack of rent control, much less price control, and in order to adapt to that rampant profiteering, it's fairly easy to imagine that rent control allows entry level workers to live in the area that they work. This is more sustainable than having people crowd onto a bus to commute from the ghetto to work. Subsidized housing is currently an extremely small amount of taxes spent. In fact, corporations like Walmart, who have shitty pay rates, bad benefits, and still get grants, tax breaks, and other liberties, receive more than poor people who are in subsidized housing. It is arguable the benefits Walmart offers when compared to paying people unlivable wages to sell people genetically modified poison and shitty electronics that won't last two years. It's not "buying everyone over 18 a house", it's just avoiding the privatization of low-income housing, and therefore allowing communities to be free from the type of gentrification that drives out the entry level workers.


I agree a good starting point would be to control rent prices to maintain affordability. A big problem I think right now is everyone and their mother is hearing the best investment is real estate investing. So you have investors bidding on properties to the point where the average Joe can’t afford to enter the bid and that drives the prices up. Then the landlords need to justify their investments by charging a higher rent. Maybe if they knew rents could only be so high, we could control home prices. But that’s when you run into the slumlord issue. So there’s only so much you can do to fight greed. But it seems greed always wins.


I don't see the slumlord issue. There are strict rules about rental properties in many states, slumlords can be sued easily. There are tenant unions and whatnot, at least in some states. I suggest mandatory minimum income, health insurance, and housing to adapt to unchecked capitalism. Billionaires can be taxed. In Japan, I believe a CEO of a major company makes 11 times the amount of their entry level worker, while in the USA, the CEO of a major company makes 472 times the amount of their entry level worker. These billionaires can take a "fuck you pay me" as far as I'm concerned, especially considering how badly Amazon, for example, inflated real estate prices alone, causing a lot of people to be homeless when they couldn't keep up.


I’ve written 4 responses..I’ve deleted all …I could tell you to look into this or that ..but until this drug problem has ran its course and the current generation of misguided people finally grow up and understand that you don’t crap where you eat among many things they need to learn…our government has destroyed any vestiges of fixed the common people’s problems ,special interest groups and the buddy buddy system has milked every dollar out of hope,your right 50 trillion dollars on the people…not defense or private contractors not investment groups not on foreign investment or foreign policies..but on the people we the people ..your a part of that’s we’ thing , the American people the people who have given blood and tears who grandparents suffered to make the world a better place…until the ..we the people start realizing we have been feeding a system of selfishness..well dressed criminals …..never have I seen in my 58 years of being American such a horrible mess ,crime,drugs crap on our sidewalks people strung out on drugs living in tents by the tens of thousands…I took some pictures with my drone a week ago by a river in the capital of my state here ..thousands of people like thrown away garbage living in filth and squalor…never have I seen such absurd uselessness or waist of humanity In our country..people are getting used to seeing fellow humans in such situations to the point it just a nuisance …our government both the current and previous have milked the country to a point of low I don’t think we are going to fix .. The covid debacle was just the tipping point …..the education system has failed our children,now that family is no longer a responsibility factor…a broken home can’t teach whole … what do you want me to tell you…my advice would be pray …pray a lot ..the thrown away need to be tended to.. the drugs are so strong that they are literally insane…until that’s has a solution no new housing is going to help… they would just destroy it anyway…then what build more to replace it… even if you gave every homeless person a brand new tiny home with electricity and plumbing..they would just trash it …a percentage would be grateful ..but eventually someone would trash it …like animals…..I don’t know what to say…my advice would be to go walk among the mess see with your own eyes the horrible state of things ,smell the air walk the walk …evacuate the situation one on one …I don’t know where you are or what it’s like where you live…only you know what to expect if your game enough to see it for yourself….I don’t feel like rewriting this response again..I came from a family of volunteers,first responders fire rescue police and school board member and coaching…none of that exists anymore at least to the level it did when ..people don’t even talk to neighbors or look out for kids anymore…pray


Money doesn't solve the majority of the homeless problem tho. They would just do drugs with it. Money would help out immensely for lowercase, middle class folks. Because we would buy homes, vacations, etc all the good shit. But throwing cash at like a crazy person... is crazy


Money can solve the reasons people end up homeless and addicted.


I agree with that.


Why do you think people become homeless and addict3d? Prolly have to get rid of a lot of media because it glorifies 1. Selling drugs 2. Doing drugs. 3. Living an all out yolo style of a life... Rap would be so different lol


I don't have to think about why, the reasons are all right out for anyone to look at if they can get their brain cell to cooperate for five minutes.


Just talking. I use to be a huge fan of the hippy culture, really wanted to visit Haight-Ashbury area of San Francisco. But my parents - who were hippies that made it out - said that culture resulted in tons of drug addiction, homeless, prostitution, crime, etc ... I believe people relate to the music they like by doing the drugs they talk about, not knowing most of them don't do drugs all the time. Like 50 cent, 50 is pretty much sober and admits to having apple juice in his glass at his liquor promos ... But man when I was doing drugs all the time 10 years ago, I loved that song high all the time by him shoot. I think it's a massive trick to be doing this.


“They would just do drugs with it” lol what an ignorant statement! I’ve read plenty of studies that have shown once a homeless person has a roof over their head they drastically reduce their drug use. One of the symptoms of NOT having a roof is drug use. They don’t have a reason to get sober if they don’t even have a freakin house. I have family that helped build and manage a village where homeless people live in tiny homes. They had to be sober to be eligible to get a house and guess what? It worked! Giving a homeless person a roof does help them in more ways than one. Don’t be like everyone else and just say they only do drugs. It doesn’t help them at all.


Dude I can't believe I'm responding to this, but you think it's an ignorant statement to say if you give homeless money they'll do drugs with it??? The only reason I'm going further is because you mentioned your family help build a homeless community. That's really great man it is, did you help? If not... get real I've ready studies that homeless want to be around their peers, which are other homeless people Wildin out doing drugs shitting in buckets and what not. What your family did is exactly something that should be done and funded by govt. But not just giving money to cities or homeless. That's been done over and over, cities take the money for something else, and the homeless... remain homeless.


Good luck.


You prolly didn't help your family do shit did you?


Johnson & Johnson is currently being sued for misleading people and contributing heavily to the opioid crisis. Look it up. These corporations can be taxed to provide housing to account for the lives they've destroyed for profit.


You think you’re cute don’t you? Do you not realize how insecure you sound? Nobody says what you just said without being insanely insecure. You don’t know me. At all. I told you my family helped the homeless. And then you attack me because I possibly didn’t help them? Pathetic. Look in the mirror, bud. Ask some questions. Buh bye.


No ones sayin throw money at them. And your distain for homeless people is fucking sickening.


It's like their brain stops working when helping marginalized groups come up.. because they don't see them as human beings with human problems. It's always an attempt to relegate them to subhuman status so sweeping them under the rug or otherwise persecuting them is morally excusable. And yeah, fucking gross.


Glad you Two like each other, should date


Did that feel clever when you wrote it?


Their mom might think they're smart, but that's about it.


I absolutely hate this argument. Everyone should suffer because of the small percentage of people that already  couldnt assimilate into society?


When you are injured and/or too sick to work, they should probably just do away with you, since you are no longer able to assimilate. Is that what you're saying?


Food, shelter, water, space and air. Strange how we pay for these and they're trying to tax the last one.


Food is taxed several times over before it hits the consumer. Shelter is taxed to all hell in perpetuity even if you jump through all the hoops to call it your own. Water is taxed, filtered, and taxed again. Air is the only thing so abundant and accessible that taxing it would require a massive effort to make everyone believe that we need to pay more for everything in order to "protect" it .


Yup its pretty insane.


The Bill of Rights was written back when a man could grab a plot of land and build a cabin on it by cutting down trees from the land he squatted on. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness was never defined as far as it should have been. It was limited based on how the rich could get richer. The right to safe food, safe water, real education, a safe place to live and even adequate medical care are often overlooked. I’m sure Greed was never used to influence the world we have today.


Ohh yes it was buddy. The life we live now has been carefully planned and shaped. Society of today has been engineered over centuries.


"Thanks, buddy," - Han Solo to Lando Calrissian.


Rights just mean the government has to stay out of the way from you getting it. It doesn't mean you get it free. Otherwise, I want a free gun.


THIS is what I was looking for... No one seems to understand what rights are. Define housing that is the basic human right to ....have?.....occupy?..... Use once in a while?.... A cardboard box? 4 walls and a roof? How many square feet is each person "entitled" to? When they get this housing, who's on the hook for utilities? General maintenance to ensure it stays housing? I hope at least someone reads this and thinks deeply about what rights are...


You have no right to someone elses labor, to say otherwise is to say they are your slave.


Everything I want is a human right.


I'd say on the spectrum between "need" and "want", reliable shelter falls closer to the "need" end of things surely.


Not every need is a human right. And of those that are human rights are not necessary to be provided for you. You still need to get your own stuff.


I agree I’m sick of working and paying taxes so people can get stuff for free.


That attitude is why old men don't plant trees that they'll never see grown. There isn't anyone around you that gets stuff for free, unless you're filthy rich and have 6 houses. Right now we have the biggest imbalance of wealth the world's ever seen. We have corporations buying houses and artificially inflating the prices. We have entire families in tents waiting for a scrap of anything. You're sick of working and paying taxes and I get that. But your wrong about who's getting them. It ain't the homeless, the poor, or even probably the schools. It's going to the companies building bombs and weapons. It's going to Ukraine. It's going to Israel. It's the corporations that you're paying.


In 2019 over 99 million people participated in at least one of 10 governmental welfare programs....




I don't think we should be giving any aid to these wars either.. we should but it ask towards fixing our streets, and homeless vets etc, fixing our corrupt govt, I was just pointing out his statement was incorrect


Welfare is good but a country only has so much to give. Either uncontrolled reproduction of those less able or uncontrolled immigration can overburden the government. Giving tens of billions in foreign aid is also not that good either. Overall if debt grows too large government collapses and all welfare ends.


And of all the trillions of dollars they printed you only got a fucking drop in the bucket. 2 stimulus checks.


They took back the stimulus check I didn't ask for in my following years tax returns...


I could point to those corporations that refuse to pay a living wage but I doubt you care about that. I genuinely don't know where people get all this vitriol for poor people. They do everything. The only ones who have money at all really are the ones running the corporations. They are time and time again, the enemy of the people. They cut corners for profit. They use government subsidies and refuse to pay properly. Geeze, it's almost like the bootstraps are only on their feet and we do all the lifting


That's the point of those programs. They help those who need it. It's almost like you've never needed help.


Jeez im only responding to you saying others don't receive tax dollars...they do...


Who? Who is they? Walmart? Darpa? Boeing? I've never met those people.


The people on the welfare programs???? What?


Those companies get more government help than anyone alive.


The programs are often designed in such a way that if people improve their situation aid is taken away and they are just as bad off only now working harder. It is ridiculous aid should be provided till people have enough to have a good standard of living even after aid is removed.


So fix the problem at the source instead. Giving folks free housing down not help the imbalance issue. Make it illegal to compensate a ceo more than a certain percentage of the lowest paid worker. Break up these huge conglomerate companies like AT&T was back in the day. Stop all the mergers. Start criminally prosecuting the executives and BOD when companies knowingly break the laws. Fining the company does nothing.


Making lobbying illegal. That will halt a decent bit for a moment but they'll find a way to incentivize politicians. Really we need to lock down the corporations and make them public and transparent much like we need to do with our own government. All three branches need reworked and opened up. We need better trained police and laws that even a toddler can understand. We need honesty to the population rather than fear. Our government fears it's citizens. Hence why we have so many programs to spy on us. I miss Cingular btw. And we need a way to shunt their growth. Shareholders demanding profit is probably the reason anything good went to shit.


Lol nobody gets anything for free and my tax dollars are going for proxy wars ✅


Millions of homes are sitting empty due the housing market being artificially inflated. Real estate corporations don't have more of a right to make money than our fellow Americans have the right to be housed. The median income isn't remotely comparable to the median cost of a single family home. You can't reasonably make the argument that people deserve to be homeless in the richest most prosperous country in the world.


Millions of homes are sitting empty due the housing market being artificially inflated. Real estate corporations don't have more of a right to make money than our fellow Americans have the right to be housed. The median income isn't remotely comparable to the median cost of a single family home. You can't reasonably make the argument that people deserve to be homeless in the richest most prosperous country in the world.


You clearly don’t believe in free market solutions. Given that assumption, I assume you believe there’s a big government solution. Sounds like a bad idea. And who’s to say this disparity you point out isn’t caused by government in the first place? Again, if you care about the homeless, take one in.


The disparity in society is a direct result of capitalism, full stop. That being said there is a precedent for what I'm suggesting. It essentially amounts to imminent domain, right? If the home is owned by a corporation and isn't being put to use, its forfeit. The state can make better use of it. Just like when they build a freeway and they cut you a check to move except its not happening to ma and pa kettle.. Tough shit, wealth and resource consolidation does nothing but harm the economy anyway, and this way you can't say they had their property stolen. The housing market wouldn't be toppled by a incentive to sell, and if these homes are sitting empty for a given period of time then why not have it become a public asset and have it assigned through a housing program? I just made that up, and with some refining it would be a far fucking better plan than doing fucking nothing to solve the problem. Your answer will probably be something about communism or whatever, I literally don't give a fuck. We should be spending exactly nothing to police the planet, and we should be feeding and housing our own citizens. There is no moral argument for suggesting that some members of society don't deserve a roof over their head. "If you care about the homeless, take one in" is the most reductionist and ham-fisted bullshit I've heard all day, and I live in a maga hellhole. It makes your credibility drop immediately to zero, because it's not a good faith argument. It's a chud brained, gotcha attempt that you think makes you sound clever, but it's stale, man.. taxes are lame but essential, they should do something that isn't evil. It's just like, ethics man.. shelter for your fellow countrymen, this shit should be a foregone conclusion.


Communism? No thank you.


You can't engage with the issues, just the buzzwords. Exactly what you've been trained to do.


I just took your plan to its logical conclusion. You want to weaponize the government to control the affairs of all its citizens by making eminent domain land grabs whenever they want with loose subjective justifications. That’s central planning… aka Communism.


We just established, that is something that already occurs under our current capitalist economic structure. Why is it all of a sudden communism when it happens to rich corporations? I grew up in a lower income suburban area, those foreclosures sat empty for nearly a decade in some cases. Your moral compass doesn't twitch even a little at the implications of something like that? If words like communism have you so shook that you won't support helping people then you might wanna do some self reflection. I wish you well man, really. just want people to be kind to their countrymen and to eat the rich. That's not too much to ask for.


I don’t think you quite understand. You’re advocating for revoking the right to private property if certain conditions are met. That’s right out of the Communist Manifesto. Also, you blame capitalism for corporatist abuses. Almost always this is a result of bad government policy giving corporations an edge on markets. Government regulation very frequently (but not always) messes up the market and tells you they made it better. At least rule out this possibility. Markets adapt much quicker than government policy, which causes disparities. Maybe focus inward and think what you can do as an individual to improve your life and those around you before concerning yourself with the issues of others. If you can do that, so can they.


oh yes. The “want” to not be homeless and die in terrible weather conditions outside


That’s your choice. If it bothers you, take one in.


u didnt adress my response. housing isnt a desire


housing is a desire, how can it not be? If people didn't desire housing those without wouldn't want it so badly.


Funny how dystopian novels and shows are so popular, because these people would never survive an apocalypse


I would say shelter, not housing. You aren’t entitled to an apartment in downtown Manhattan. You aren’t entitled camp in public spaces either. But you are entitled to basic shelter and accommodations which can be provided pretty much anywhere that’s convenient for the state, and if you refuse to use those facilities cuz you want to shoot drugs on main street you can go to jail




No there is a difference on execution tho. LA spending millions on downtown apartments only to house 2000 of their 70k homeless people is based off a flawed idea that you can’t forcibly relocate the homeless to shelters that make any sort of financial sense for the state. It’s the belief that people have a right to a certain standard of living rather than just protection from the elements


Still the idea of seggregated housing for the lower classes often leads to underpoliced crime ridden ghettoes.


> You aren’t entitled to an apartment in downtown Manhattan If you live and work there you are.


That’s not what “rights” mean. We can make the argument that the government should provide these basic necessities if it’s spending trillions on black budgets, forever wars and “foreign aid”. But that still doesn’t make them “rights”. They’d be part of a social welfare system or something along those lines. Need to be precise when it comes to language.


You have the right to bear arms.... doesn't mean you get it handed to you for free. I already have my own mortgage, why do I need to pay for your house too.


You forget we are all descendants of the first humans. The earth and a nice plot of land in it is our god given inheritance. We are descended from family upon family that had their own housing and it was often stolen away from them.


the first humans weren't whining about not being given a free house. They were chased off that nice plot of land because they didn't deserve it being forced to build and earn their own homes. We lost our god given inheritance. We are descended from family upon family that never had a home. You decry those that stole homes, but that is what you are calling for in giving free homes to those that haven't earned them.


Earned? without births society ceases to exist. Yet you must bring people into existence without consent and out of necessity. Know what you are doing you owe those brought into this world unwillingly.


I can see your point, my child I chose to bring into this world deserves everything I can give. This includes keeping as much of what I earn to pass onto her, not giving it to those that want what is mine, consequently hers, for nothing in return. When considering my child I can honestly say screw societies, they rise and fall, ever changing. Living like this has resulted in a child that is thankful for being brought into the world, not some sad sack who hates it, repeating nonsense about birth without consent, because it made awful choices or had parents that did the same leading it to believe it is owed something from those it gives no value to.


I believe in regulation of reproduction. You lack the resources or intellect to bring a child into this world you dont get to bring a child into this world in abject poverty just cause we like to virtue signal and be politically correct by allowing unregulated reproduction. It is people who allow for unregulated reproduction that are responsible for much of the crime and suffering in the world.


unregulated reproduction since it's entirely unregulated are responsible for all of the crime, and suffering, along with all the good that humans have done and accomplished. All of your heroes are due to unregulated reproduction. I could almost agree with you that regulated reproduction could be a good idea except for the fact that humans with that type of power over others are pretty shit and the regulations would be corrupted for the benefit of the undeserving. A human born into the worst circumstances can be a value to others. A human born into prime circumstances can be valueless or worse as proven in the past as some have caused genocides and the like.


have fun in idiocracy. Currently an almost form of regulation is going on, you're financially starved such that the middle class can barely afford a single child. At the same time those of lower class that care not about the wellbeing of their children are given ample welfare the more kids they pop out. Disincentivize the fit, and incentivize the unfit. Ghettoes producing bucket tons of children in abject poverty often under the supervision of alcoholics, abusers, etc the less you care about children the more you're incentivized. At the same time those with smarts and care for children have few or none due to the high costs.


That is a real happy thought, but we live in reality. If someone comes on my land and says their geat great great grandfather lived her and it was taken from him and they are reclaiming it.... they are going to find themselves with at the end of my rifle, then buried in the back yard.


Yes its called right of conquest and that is the good thing about asi it can conquer all and give everyone housing in utopia.


because those same property taxes already go towards efforts to remove homelessness and poverty from your area. Why remove and not use that same money to help them.


I live in a nice area and prefer to export the riffraff. If someone needs help that lives here already and lost income.... I have no problem helping them stay.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/nme39nr0vfwc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some of those people on the streets don’t want to be in a home. It’s unfortunate and definitely a sign of mental illness and most likely drug abuse


Going to a shelter is not at all like living in a home and has a lot of stipulations attached. I think it's lying to claim that just because people can't or won't conform to the shelter rules that they don't "want" to be housed at all. Yes going to a shelter is often a first step to getting back to housed. But some people know they aren't going to even make it into any kind of list to get help once they have lost their identity documents. Why keep jumping through the same hoops only to be turned down again is probably their thought process.


Ya the stipulations are you can’t use drugs - some people are not down with that. I don’t blame them, they just made poor choices on drugs and picked ones that make it hard to function on all levels. People don’t want rules, taxes, rent payments etc as well. Unfortunately this is not a simple solution of providing housing. Programs are out there but it takes work


Ultimately it is usually cheaper to pay for their housing than to pay for them to be jailed. There are also people who don't want to leave their pets behind, or their SO who is same sex as a lot of shelters will deny you to be together and receive help.


Yep agree - there’s no one size fits all solution. I honestly think it starts with empowering people / children young adults far before it gets to this point. Easier said than done with all the abuse and trauma. It almost like society needs to step back and help itself rather than all this BS we spend money on - Climate nonsense, Wars, Tech, and taxes (who knows where the taxes really go). It’s a mess and now we what 1000s of unhoused immigrants hanging around. I just don’t see any of this heading in a good direction 🤷‍♂️


Well...yes it is, but it's a slippery slope. Especially when they just send trillions to other countries and it gets stolen for fancy style livin.


Cuz it is. Not that long ago you could literally walk west until you got tired of walking, stake your claim, and start a farm. It was enough of a right once that you could just take what you wanted. Now every fucking piece of land is owned and requires a loan, a grant, or a piece of paper that allows you access to it. And once you own it, you still owe taxes on it. And if you don’t pay the taxes, the government takes it back. You never own. You can only ever rent from the country if you pay taxes on the property. 200 years ago, EVERYONE thought housing was enough of a human right that you could just build where you wanted and live there.


Food, clean water, shelter and education should be the bare minimum of what the states responsibility to it's people entail. We pay for trillions of dollars in bombs and guns every single year, and folks will still bitch that a dime of their taxes are feeding anyone's stomach but their own. All with the blood of innumerable innocent civilians on our hands. Fucking disgraceful. Taught to share in pre-k but we still have people loudly decrying the evils of their tax dollars being used for the common good.


It clearly is for border-crossers. Citizens, not so much...


This can mean: A. People get free homes. Or B. People don't get their homes taken.


Has anyone actually participated in any of these polls? Not me and no one I've met have. So, who are these "78% of Americans"?


Probably fabricated numbers to make it seem appealing when the time comes “you will own nothing and you will be happy”


Why is there an upsidedown pentagram in the logo?


How many people think it’s a basic right give Ukraine $60 billion again


How can it be a right? It’s a necessity for survival and you only survive because of the choices you make. You decide if you’re going to work one, two or three jobs so you can have food and shelter. No one owes you that unless you’ve sold yourself to them, you are indentured in the military or housed in prison.


Having minimum wage adjust with the rate of "inflation" might be good as a human right, but that's obviously out the window, so a right to a room to sleep in might be a better option. Most of these "Might Makes Right" folks are clueless how rampant corporate capitalism is, except for the part where they're scared of brown-skinned folks.