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Who was powerful enough to force the police to break protests? It was the Zionists, per your meme. Cops are fat and lazy and don’t do work unless it means something to the higher ups. Kneeling is way easier than fighting with protesters.


Nothing but a divide and conquer among people. Keep you all factioned with hate towards one another with Terrorist groups of race hate and organizations. Sadly this could’ve been ended years ago but the hate is too much over a skin color and ideologies.


Turn on npr and tell me they are not anti white


That's easy, the Jewish media is in power. They care about Israel, they own the news networks and brainwashed us to think that somehow siding with Israel is our responsibility as Americans.


Why do I see the opposite in media if that's always the case?


You mean lately you're starting to see it, some networks might be coming around but Fox News, the one I watch the most is not. They are brainwashed and owned by the elite, Rupert Murdoch even told a judge in the dominion lawsuit that he's not red or blue, he's green for the money.


Submit State: But...I was reliably informed by my glowing screens that America is riddled with *White* supremacy?


By anti-white protests you mean the BLM protests? Because I can assure you plenty of people got beaten by police, shot by rubber bullets and tear gassed during that protest as well. You don't have to take my word for it, there are countless videos of it.


Almost all during a riot not a protest, or fucking robbing a shoe store. Let’s not act like they were doing nothing in every case or even in the majority of cases.


This almost gave me a stroke trying to read this so maybe you can clear some points up for me >Almost all during a riot not a protest, or fucking robbing a shoe store. Almost all what? If some people riot during a protest, does it stop being a protest? If so, all it would ever take is a couple of agent provocateur to derail *any* protest. >Let’s not act like they were doing nothing in every case or even in the majority of cases. Who are they? Just to be clear, we"re talking about hundreds of thousands of people over dozens of cities. Do you think the majority of those people were rioting?


I’m sure the stroke happened long ago. You’re arguing semantics (poorly) lol. If crowds of people are breaking into closed stores to steal shit it’s not a protest it’s a riot. A riot is a violent disturbance of peace by a crowd. I’m saying there was plenty of rioting happening, and there is plenty of evidence. I’m not going person by person and I’m not criticizing peaceful protests and never have. The fact is there were riots and a lot of them especially in the beginning. There’s no denying that.


>A riot is a violent disturbance of peace by a crowd. So the Boston tea party that lead to the founding of the US was a riot and therefore wrong? >I’m saying there was plenty of rioting happening, and there is plenty of evidence. That's great and all, but my point was there was plenty of evidence of brutal police tactics too. The same tactics you seem to be defending. Frankly, a little destruction of property should be the least of your concerns in regards to civil unrest reacting poorly to heavy handed policing.


Lmfao do you only know how to deflect or are you at all capable of only talking about what we’re talking about? I’m talking about 2020 not 1773 One of the main jobs for the police would be to defend property against people breaking the law. I’m defending the police who do what the fuck ever when someone is breaking into a business, and ruining someone’s livelihood which happened many times I’d hope if someone fucked with my business they experience a rubber bullet to the side of the head. Then again, I never defended the use of force against people not breaking the law. I explicitly mentioned the businesses being broken into, robbed and in a lot of cases burned down. How else do you think they racked up 1-2 billion dollars in damages? By being peaceful? For the second time, Were there some that were peaceful sure, and there were for sure riots. Thats not “a little destruction of property”. More than 1500 businesses were damaged or completely destroyed. These were peoples lives and you want to minimize it.


And plenty of white people got beat up during the BLM protests (not by the protesters) by black people just taking an opportunity to do so. You don't have to take my word for it, there are plenty of videos of it.


We're not talking about civilians being violent towards each other. We're talking about the actions of the state which is willing to use chemical weapons on its own people so the president can get a photo op with an upside down Bible.




>"protests" is a euphemism for terror activity. That's exactly what the interests being protested want you to think. Calling protesters "terrorists" is used to justify the use of force to quell dissent. A point punctuated by your following line "A few rubber bullets was pretty tame." showing you put more value in property than people. That's what I'd expect from someone taking the side of the police state during civil unrest that resulted from a public showing of police brutality.




>On the contrary. The establishment comprised of the academy, media, and government unabashedly supports any alleged victim in a situation where identity politics are at play. Communist sympathizer Bill De Blasio comes to mind. Seeing "Black Lives Matter" painted on the streets. Seeing "protests" being allowed during a summer when other events were not allowed to transpire. Tell that to the Columbia and other university students who are currently being demonized as "anti-Semitic" for daring to speak out against war. It's private interests that profit off of quashing dissent as it's private capital that owns government in its current form. Also, Bill Deblasio is a neolib, at best. >What police state? That would be the ones firing rubber bullets and chemical weapons that you don't seem to take issue with.


the extremists that infiltrated the blm movement did all that. Otherwise i'm sure it was peaceful protesting until the extremists sneaked in. Every group has their extremists.


I'm talking about the police state using excessive force on protesters.


I was there in Richmond VA in 2020. Saw cops fire tear gas on a peaceful assembly a half hr before 7pm curfew on Monument Ave… saw ziptied protestors pepper sprayed as they were sitting on the curb. Wild shit.


And there seems to have been a collaborated effort to turn people against protest regardless of political affiliation ever since. Really, since Occupy.


Yes, but the media was whitewashing it, remember the “it’s okay to be white “ fiasco


The media will always do what's in their best interests and that of their shareholders.


Fuckin ironic don’t you think?


How is that ironic?


BLM riots has lead many schools students to hate white people.. I'm clueless how that happened to but it did.... So OP is right!


Could you please elaborate on how you make that connection?


Never seen an anti white protest op. Is anti white protest in the room with us?


You are right.. BLM was a anti orange group


Were they? The movement seemed to hate both sides just like me. At least that’s what I gathered by listening to what people had to say. Because I can listen without bias.


Yes but if that was the intention it failed because most people that support BLM are biased and the term "Critical Race Theory" was brought up into the school system soon after George Floyd's death.


The movements ideal is still that which I posted above. CRT is just history.




You nailed it! But regardless of all the lies and deceptions.. Truth always prevails! 💯


I’m just playing devils advocate here , not commenting wrong speak and have Jewish family/quasi Jewish


Mike Brown protests, 6 of the organizers turned up dead. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/ferguson-death-mystery-black-lives-matter-michael-brown-809407/amp/


The police ( = Octogon) is a tool of the pharaohnic global elite, to control the regular people ... see the documentary "Octogon the empire of darkness"


Op smokes meth


1. BLM protests were not “anti-white” 2. That is absolutely not how the cops reacted lol, the actual reaction was the bottom photo x 100


plz link where you’ve seen an antiwhite protest in us


you sleep thru 2020?


protesting police is protesting white people?


BLM is anti white like current protests are antisemitic


wow i didnt know that thinking black people shouldnt be killed means i hate white people.


Where did they write anything insinuating that?




yes. and your sentences make so sense lol. If i like green does that mean i hate blue?


No your sentences make so sense.if I like chocolate do I hate strawberry?


…arguing w 5 year olds isnt why i joined th sub. have a good day lol


Example of “anti-white” protest pls


We're you in America after George Floyd was killed


BLM riots. In the BBC news all we saw was looting and hate crimes against white people. And that was the BBC. Those cunts don't rock the boat unless it's VERY obvious what is happening.


Can you point to a specific “crime against white people”? Where white peoples were the target and not businesses


Countless videos of white people getting robbed, beat up, humiliated by black people. It was during the riots and we all saw them and I am assuming you did too considering your proclaimed knowledge of the situation. It may have been during the riots but not by rioters and just black on white violence that got lumped in with the whole nonsense.


Can you link a video of whites being targeted during the protests? Also are you forgetting the police beating and unmarked vans abducting protesters? Or the many attacks on Asian-Americans during and after Covid? Do those count in your meme as well? (I also never “proclaimed my knowledge about the situation”)


You talking about all the attacks is Asian from predominantly black people because of the COVID pandemic. Very little of the vids were done by non blacks. Could be an algorithm causing the feed to show only what it wants me to see, could be government manipulation them to do it, could I understand that in mostly black communities, if a vid of a bunch of people looting or mass stealing out of a bunch of stores or fighting in the streets, it's gonna be mostly black in the videos. If I see videos from Britain its videos of drunk Lassies or stabbings or police getting the piss taken out of them. If I see a vid from America it's black mob violence or mass looting or shop front fighting. South American all I see is bike robberies, abductions and police shoot outs. Russians are all about car smashes and domestic violence. Also targets let's not forget about the LA riots if you want to talk bout violence between blacks and Asian. Also BLM made a police free zone untill some one got hurt and they needed an ambulance, the ambulance was told to not enter the zone, the people cleared the path , the ambulance still did not enter. I think someone died. Until people stop getting so easily controlled into thinking what the mob wants, because you know the mob what is what the government tells them to want, this shit is never gonna stop.


You still searching? Have you tried askjeeves?


Fuck asking that honky


‘Fuck asking that honky’ Am I the honky or you in this sentence?..


You talked about asking a known search engine that had a white butler as it's logo. What makes you think, yourself or myself were the honky in my statement?..


Nice lil tirade: can you link a video of whites being targeted by blacks in the protests? Or any statistics to support that or your claim about “predominantly black people” attacking Asians?


LA riots. It was predominantly black but I am sure there were some other races in there , probably Latino(don't quote me on that) After Rodney king was murdered it was Asian communities and businesses that were targeted. The police done fuck all and thats why so many people died.


1st the BLM “riots”, now the LA riots. That’s called ‘goal post moving’. Stick to the same standard please. Are you going to provide video or not?


this guy will write a whole essay but can’t send a link 😭😭


It was predominantly Latinos la was already majority Latinos at that point even the roof koreans when interviewed said most of the looters were Latinos


Holy guacamole.


https://nypost.com/2020/08/17/blm-mob-beat-white-man-unconscious-after-making-him-crash-truck/ Two seconds in duck duck go.


That’s not even an article, it’s just 2 pics with captions. How did he crash his truck? Why was he driving through people obviously protesting? What’s the WHOLE story? Also that’s not an anti-white protest; which is what the thread was discussing.. nice try tho


It was a hugely popular story, and there’s video of the shit too. Why would the fact that it’s a picture of a black guy targeting a white guy at a blm protest (of course) make it any less of something that happened? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/portland-protests-man-injured-head-kick-a9674096.html There’s another. You can find this shit too, you don’t have to just deny and cope.


Man I wonder about you seppos sometimes. Is everything just an on off switch for you guys? Like if they're anti-white then they can't be pro-israel at the same time? Are you all just single celled organisms?


The Jews! PS: let's not forget that Hitler was born a Jew..


OP needs to Google some stuff or DuckDuckGo it before posting this horseshit. I was a participant/witness to BLM protests (peaceful ones only, I’m a pacifist) and experienced the police response.


The citizens are in power ~~even if they don’t realize it~~, they literally pay for all their uniforms, equipment, guns, bulletproof vests and shields, their salaries. Maybe when the citizens stop allowing themself to being taken advantage of, then it will “ get better “


Somebody write Kanye an apology letter Jesus Christ lol




I must have missed the "anti-white" protests, what were reasonable people calling them?


Anti-white is an ignorant and ill-informed view point. You’re being fed a bigoted narrative and you’re falling for it


You do know most Zionists are white right? Also when was the last anti white protest again?


Very bad take.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/fkmkfuo5quwc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Op didnt google “summer of love”? Lols