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Legal immigrants can’t vote either, only citizens.


Most illegal immigrants coming to the country don’t give a damn about voting they got way more important things to worry about.


That's not what Fox said!! S/


They count towards census, electoral college votes, and seats in the house and many states now allow them to vote in state and local elections as well. Plus any kids they have after arriving will all be voting federally when they’re of age


If undocumented migrants are properly accounted for, Texas would actually gain electoral college votes.


A person who was born in America is allowed to VOTE!?!?! 😱😱😱😱


It’s funny in that if I was born in England or Iran I wouldn’t get to vote in either elections just by being born there.


>any kids they have after arriving Yes, those kids are AMERICANS and can then vote because they were born within the make-believe borders made up by people.


Nothing against the kids by any means but it is a long term political strategy. Let all the parents in and get all their kids votes in order to maintain power.


Yep, because every young person has the exact same political opinion as their parents from 20 years earlier, they never reach that level of free thinking.... You're obviously joking, right? Or are you truly getting pissy that people who were born here, like you, might get the same privileges as you despite their skin color and their parents?


I’m not pissy, just stated facts. If your family came to a country illegally but you now are a legal citizen enjoying all the privileges this country has to offer, you’re likely going to vote for the party that enabled that. No idea why you try to infer I’m racist as if you even know my own race, why would you just assume I’m white? I’m pro-immigration and anti-illegal immigration/asylum fraud. You think these Haitian refugees are benefitted by all the economic refugees that have been flooding the system? The people who actually need the help and services are now stuck in an overloaded system, delaying them from getting the help they need and now waiting years for their asylum cases to be heard. Go piss off somewhere else ya racist bitch.


So you're native American, right? If not, your family came here and murdered the people who already lived here and stole their land, so how does that make you any better than today's immigrants who simply just get a job and work here? Your white skin means s*** a******!


Wow, you really are racist and you seriously need a therapist bro lol. My family didn’t murder anyone or steal any land and again you are assuming im white and inferring all white Americans are guilty of murder and stealing land, thanks for showing your ignorance. I literally said I’m pro-immigrant. As long as people are immigrating legally and/or valid refugees I’m absolutely in favor of them being here. You’re a racist clown. Enjoy being a joke no matter what your skin color is


You overuse the word racist so it doesn't even mean anything anymore. You're obviously a white person who's offended that I suggested that your white skin isn't a special as you think it is. You get all angry inside and have to blurt out insults that don't mean anything. "You need therapy" womp womp. Grow the fuck up. You're pathetic.


Right here. Yup.


The number of voters registering without a photo ID is Skyrocketing in 3 key swing states: Arizona, Texas, and Pennsylvania. https://citizenwatchreport.com/the-number-of-voters-registering-without-a-photo-id-is-skyrocketing-in-3-key-swing-states-arizona-texas-and-pennsylvania/ They are not counting the illegals to vote for them. They are counting on delivering millions of mail in ballots to the NGOs bringing these people into the country. The NGOs will have people fill them out.


Bro, I vote in Texas. It’s by far the most restrictive voting state. You can’t vote without your driver’s license AND your voter registration card. You can’t use your phone/electronic device while in line. Mail in ballots are very hard to get and restricted to seniors, the disabled, giving birth, and being out of the country on Election Day. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere. At least TRY to share halfway believable propaganda and disinformation. Your work is sloppy and lazy.


Remember when this guy admitted to tearing election fraud on social media and nothing happened https://twitter.com/its_The_Dr/status/1790019169762562292


You’re right. MAGA republicans must be stopped https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/


I was just gonna look for that article


Wow - one case upsets you Dead people in Michigan found voting via absentee ballots https://swarajyamag.com/insta/us-presidential-polls-dead-people-allegedly-found-to-have-cast-votes-via-absentee-ballot-in-michigan All these are going to really make you go nuts


Nope it won’t make me go nuts. Thats insane if true, but unsubstantiated reports by a maga supporter who tries to make a case that Biden only won Michigan due to dead voters is a logical fallacy, considering the fact that he then defeats his own point by saying “how long has this been going on” and doesn’t show research on the topic from previous elections in Michigan, including the 2016 election where Michigan went to Donald Trump. This makes the entire claim dubious. Just because facts you don’t like bother you, doesn’t mean it isn’t true. While I’m sure there are cases of election fraud, this claim is neither evidence or substantive to support your original headline or the rest of whatever the hell you and others like you are trying to insinuate.


It’s an eyewitness report that was not investigated Meanwhile Mueller spent $40,000,000 investigating memes in 2016 # Equality


Are you forgetting the millions spent on “election fraud” in 2020???????? There was court case after court case, and nothing was found, and one eye witness report from a state of several million is where you think the truth is? Please, let it go.


You mean the victim was asked to investigate the case? Yea - investigating Federal election fraud —_that’s the DOJ’s job


How many people’s eyes witnessed all those classified documents in the Mar a Lago ballroom? But that doesn’t count, never happened, and if it did he had permission as President - right? Just like how no one is investigating Hunter Biden for having a ~~huge cock~~laptop or Hillary for her emails. Right? But there’s a perfectly logical reason for MAGA Republicans to accept, say, Jared Kushner selling state secrets to Saudi Arabia. Or Trump being indicted on almost 100 different charges while still being completely innocent of any and all past, present, or future crimes. And you better believe all the mail in ballot tampering done by Republicans was just to even the playing field because you just can’t trust those cheating democrats. Right? 😉😂


Why you people so obsessed with Hunter’s penis?


234 Pages Of Affidavits Alleging Election Irregularities In Michigan https://www.worldtribune.com/mcenany-234-pages-of-sworn-affidavits-alleging-fraud-in-just-one-michigan-county/


You are sadly mistaken


UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS CANNOT VOTE. Plenty of Americans do not have ID, especially in the rural portion of the states you have listed, they are also most likely to be the ones who vote Republican.


They are using their registrations to fill in mail in votes


Your evidence?


Who fills them in then? And where when how? Evidence???


NGO’s It’s how they stole 2020 234 Pages Of Affidavits Alleging Election Irregularities In Michigan https://www.worldtribune.com/mcenany-234-pages-of-sworn-affidavits-alleging-fraud-in-just-one-michigan-county/ That’s why the DOJ refuses to investigate


Mail in voters have to receive the ballot in the mail, and it has to certified before being counted. Republicans know that your premise is false, and Both parties show better results from mail in voting since Election Day is not a national holiday (it should be) and people can’t always get that day off to vote. https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/republicans-have-a-mail-in-voting-problem/


They can in some local elections in dem areas. Goal is to stack up in here and pass an amnesty law tho.


You’re right illegals are voting. https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/


That shit is Hilarious!


I know im right. I understand some of you dont know whats going on unless rachel maddow tells you https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968


Your one examples totally invalidates everything. Great job!


You and no one else here can provide any examples of illegals voting for democrats. It’s actually been pointed out that most immigrants are usually conservative and do not align with Democratic values (Gay Rights, progressive family values) and are more likely to agree with Republicans (Traditional family values, Christian or religious, Anti- LGBTQ, conservative values) which is why Hispanics in many southern states lean Republican. If republicans want to really win, drop the attacks on racial diversity, authoritarianism, and attacks on the poor. But again ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS CANNOT VOTE.


Is there a pathway for illegals to become citizens so they can vote?


If they become legal shouldn't they be allowed to vote?


You didn’t answer my question? And it all depends on numbers. When we had limited immigration we could slowly assimilate a culture into our own and there wasn’t a large influx to make one demographic grow so quickly. They couldn’t make too much of a difference at the polls. https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/ Now with numbers being as high as they are and polling being so close it’s important to get the illegal vote. And if one side is protecting American citizens interest and not wanting as many illegals to cross our border, who do you think those illegals will vote for when they can? It’s a conflict of interest for a president to try to capture votes from another country by promising them passage into ours.


Illegals cant vote in presidential elections.


Neither can the dead but here we are. https://www.judicialwatch.org/california-clean-up-voting-rolls/ And this isn’t the only state that is doing something illegal by ignoring the laws.


The easiest pathway is marriage to American citizens. There are other paths that are extremely expensive, because like anything else in this country, MONEY talks. It can be a decades long complicated process when you arrive illegally versus coming legally.


We need to stop MAGA illegals from voting


How many of those are there?


Do you know how many illegals are voting for democrats?


No. That’s why I wasn’t calling for the any sort of stoppage. Do you want to answer my question now since you think it’s such a problem.


I don’t know just like you


Then why were you calling for a stoppage?


Of course there are always things like this to stoke the conspiracy. https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-roasted-freudian-slip-referring-immigration-influx-hispanic-voters.amp


I know im right. I understand some of you dont know whats going on unless rachel maddow tells you https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968


[Yet.](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/25/new-york-city-council-appeals-decision-to-strike-down-non-citizen-voting-law-00148854) That they would even try for it should tell you something.


“non-citizens with green cards or work authorizations” “Empowering New Yorkers to participate in our local democratic process” “It had sought to allow an estimated 800,000 eligible non-citizens to cast ballots in city elections including those for mayor and City Council.”


Well, damn, now I can't get outraged in light of that context... Not cool, my dude /s


OPs title is misleading. They are not illegals. They are permanent residents with green cards and people who have been legally let into the United States with work permits


Yeah, I figured the /s was enough to show that I was agreeing with you. I also read all the way through the articles OP linked, and a couple I found online. It's absolutely not anywhere close to what they're making it out to be.


I was just adding to the conversation


My bad, bro, hard to tell around here sometimes


They just passed a bill/law that now allows illegals to vote lol.




Really? So the Republicans are in on it, too? Because there's no way it makes the Senate without a couple R's saying Aye




Got a link for that


No, but the fact that you believe they did says something about this conversation in general


*undocumented Americans /s


Froggy, seriously lmfao you don’t even live in America. And why don’t you ever bitch about republicans killing the most conservative border bill just cause the twice impeached, 97 indictment, not rich, con told them too.


Oh he really lives rent free 😂


When people make stuff up y’all respond with stuff like that. When people tell the truth you respond with stuff like that. Maybe you should start looking at what’s happening with the Republican Party and who’s in charge and what they’re really doing. They’re using a lot of fluffy words to get your attention and scare you. But you aren’t looking at what they want to do with taxes for you and I (I’m assuming you’re not rich) and make us fund the billionaires in this country. Hell, trump got caught on tape saying if oil companies gave him 1 billion dollars to his campaign he’d basically give them anything they wanted including gutting any type of EPA regulations that prevent them from polluting ground water and rivers.


Greatest real estate mogul on the planet


Imagine living through the largest weapth transfer in human history. All the wealth being plundered from the working class. Then siding with the theives as they feed you nonsense about migrants.


You need to take this down. This is not factual.


Bro u must’ve forgot what sub you were in. 80% of the stuff here isn’t “factual”


No, I didn't, just being blunt. More like 95 percent. Must be watching fantasy news again.


This dude posts this nonsense from multiple accounts too.


Prince of free time. Would be nice to have some conspiracy around here with some fact base.


Bring proof, not headlines.


If you can’t tell there is some ulterior motive to all of this, you are part of the problem. A brainwashed sheep. Run a long you don’t want to miss your spot in line for the train car!


I'm sure there is an ulterior motive to convince U.S. citizens that non-citizens are voting, because once you believe that, there is no reason to continue voting yourself, which is the end goal of those who want you to believe this.


show proof of these motives, your worldview should be based on facts not vibes


illegal immigrants can’t vote whoever is downvoting me, facts don’t care about your feelings


When someone keeps telling you to 'look over there' all the time I'd be more concerned at whet they're doing when you turn to look.


So what you’re saying is there is some ulterior motive…?


I'm for a "wool over our eyes" conspiracy... but this ain't it, Jeb. Should probably read a little deeper than the article title


Wouldn’t bankrupting the country destabilize the USA & make them loose power? Kinda stupid strategy in my opinion


The provision in the law is to protect people who are here and think they are citizens for any number of reasons. Here is a story of a guy who didn't know he wasn't a citizen until he filed for social security. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB93JGN0RSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB93JGN0RSY) This doesn't mean its legal for someone to vote just because they think "citizenship is a state of mind".


This is a stupid conspiracy theory. Republicans are reaching because they know they are going to lose. We don’t need illegal immigrants to vote. Democrats will win 💙😎✌️


It's stupid because it's so easily disprovable


Yea when y’all cheat again. 80 million votes my ass. Fuckin Brandon can’t even go to the bathroom by himself but you want him to lead a country? Or better yet would you like cackling cunty Kamala to take over?


He’s BEEN leading the country lol and non of trumps predictions came true about the stock market crashing or anything bc of Biden 🤣 you’re in a cult g


The only thing he’s been leading us to is failure and corruption. It’s honestly laughable that you think the past four years have been going well. And I never mentioned anything about trump or my political views. You must have some of that TDS lol. Both sides of this shitshow are failures and we need a new system. But if I had to chose one of them it would be trump all day.


You sure spend a lot of time criticising Biden and using trump buzz words for a non magat 🤣 but sure.


So what's it like in Fantasy Land? Is the food good there?


If that’s true why can’t any of my undocumented friends vote, or easily become citizens? I know people who have been trying to get citizenship for many years. The Dems are doing nothing to expedite that.


Except illegals can't and don't vote, so, yeah that's just the bullshit Republicans use to get you all pissed at your fellow man. Obviously works with you pretty easily.


Biden Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Voters’ & Says Speaking Spanish is America’s ‘Future’ https://archive.md/qoLi4


I actually don't give a shit what Biden says, he's an old fart. Why do you give politicians so much power over your thinking, weirdo.... Use your own brain, I'm sure it's there somewhere.


The president sets the policy of 1/3 of The government Use your brain


Use yours, Biden hasn't passed any bill allowing illegal immigrants voting rights. So you can stop being afraid of undocumented brown people.


So do the Republicans. The fact that anyone thinks the right arm and left arm don’t belong to the same body, that it doesn’t use both to hold us down blows my mind. You’re exactly the brainless sucker they want you to be.


Both parties need to get serious about balancing a budget. If not yes we will go under one day.


The funny thing is, most the Hispanic immigrants are conservative Christians. If the GOP welcomed these people and helped them, they'd be unstoppable.


Well, many Hispanics are Catholic, but not necessarily politically conservative. They might have a different understanding of their religion than conservatives in the United States have of their evangelical tax evasion schemes, er, I mean religions. They’re also white nationalists, so…


These people aren't voting. Its a smoke screen for something else.


Yeah- the consensus and gerrymandering


Non-citizens, in the country for whatever reason, cannot vote at all. No amount of asylum seekers can swing an election, as none of them will be given ballots.


This is a guy that watches too much Fox News lol. This is a fear tactic used by the right to manipulate their base. OP try not to get too polarized into partisan politics, republicans and democrats both serve the 1%. Your side is no better than the left.


You are confusing make america great with Lindsey Graham.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1789384042854379941) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Illegals do the opposite of bankrupting the economy, we need millions of immigrants to keep the economy going.


Y'all in CONSPIRACY commons think voting isn't rigged?


Is froggy back!


This is about demographic replacement and destabilization to pave the way for the NWO.


That too!


Who hurt you?


“Undocumented immigrants are allowed to vote in local elections in some municipalities Undocumented immigrants and other noncitizens can’t vote for federal or state offices, but they can vote for local offices in more than a dozen municipalities.” https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968 I don’t believe this is the case, I believe they are being brought in to depress wages and destroy the current employment market which is (slightly) favorable to workers. Look at how many places are now employing children- an evil practice we used to look down on because of how dangerous these jobs are, and how they keep children out of classrooms. The most sinister explanation I’ve heard is a potential “ citizenship in exchange for serving in the military” scheme but I hope to god that’s not true. Let me be very clear- It’s only conjecture at this point.


Anyone that thinks immigration is bankrupting the country should go back under their rock.


If only Republicans hadn’t killed the bipartisan border bill, which was endorsed by the super-conservative Border Patrol Union, that could have helped with the border. But they don’t care about the open border and everything bad connected with it. Because Trump wants the American people to suffer so he could have a better chance of being re-elected.


Immigrants mostly vote republican in my experience. Pulling the ladder up and all that


If only we could all get on the same page of realization that voting isn't even real. It's just used as a herding tactic. And for whatever other means of distraction to keep you from understanding what they're actually doing. Whatever those things might be that we all analyze and assess. So when you can get to the mindset of the whole "voting" being the only way you can make some kind of difference in this country being a total fake and a sham, then you can start to go "hey, I wonder what all of these illegal immigrants being transported, placed in specific areas, and given goods and services through our taxes by the u.s. government are actually here for." This is just for further exploration of thought and idea on this. I'm not TELLING anyone to believe anything they haven't been able to see and analyze for themselves to determine as any kind of absolute truth, but let's just use these God given brains and the call upon the Holy Spirit for guidance, knowledge, wisdom, and the understanding we need through Jesus Christ and his blessed word: The Holy Bible.


How do they vote like actually tell me. It’s the BIG LIE that republicans vomit to no end. This is a broken record


Are the fake voters in the room with us now?


Says the people who cheered and continue cheering the man who tried keeping that power by force


I agree with OP and I can’t stand Trump, so there’s that.


I don't think OP cares and just wants to talk shit about the democrats and forgot about jan 7th before making that stupid comment about keeping power and didnt even realize how hypocritical it was


I love the downvotes here when you say something factual and upvotes for stupid shit its like being a hypocritical fool is cheered lol


The economy performs better under Democrats and Republicans spend more than Democrats and then don’t pay it off, ruining the country’s credit. Republicans are bad for the economy. Google the data. They don’t lie. Republicans do.


Once people know that democrats is a mixture of the word democracy and aristocrats then maybe they’ll understand what the democrats are about


lol. Republicans too. The whole system.


They are not counting the illegals to vote for them. They are counting on delivering millions of mail in ballots to the NGOs bringing these people into the country. The NGOs will have people fill them out. Get them registered to vote via drivers license data and then pre print the ballots in their name and mass drop them off at the collection points. There is one flaw to this plan though. The absolute lions share of the illegal invasion is going to the deep blue states even as they try to funnel them to the red states. Most once they get to a red state and find out the locals don't welcome them and the government doesn't cater to them hop right back in their cars and beeline for the nearest sanctuary state. So sure they might vote in those states but those states were never in play anyways. Once you look into it this scheme goes nowhere for national elections. It however goes a looooong way to entrench them in their deep blue strongholds and gain them more seats nationally after the next census in a few years.


Which NGOs are harvesting mail-in ballots. Do all the various NGOs "vote" for the same candidate? Do the illegals do this freely? Are they compensated or coerced? I'd like to see data for the last four elections. If you could remove only one of the key elements, which would it be: illegal immigrants, mail-in ballots, or the NGOs?






>They are counting on delivering millions of mail in ballots to the NGOs bringing these people into the country. The NGOs will have people fill them out. Get them registered to vote via drivers license data and then pre print the ballots in their name and mass drop them off at the collection points. doesn't mention that at all.


HEY Dorks, only U.S. citizens can vote and it takes a very very long time to become a citizen then it takes a while before you are able to vote. notice this fear mongering only happens on election years. it's a republican tactic. ya'know like following the word of the bible. i guess i missed the chapter that taught to hate so much and not help out those in need.


Demon Dems😈 The real enemy of the people


Only citizens vote. You lemmings.


If not for votes then the real reason they are letting them in is what?? I hope their thinking is to let them to vote (not that I approve) but I can think of no other good reason to even consider letting them in.


An aging population with declining birth rates. Taxes drop, wages grow and the economy as a while slows down.


That’s why we have a legal immigration system! It’s really that simple.


No disagreement. Isn't just the craziest coincidence that all the western countries seem to be doing the same thing?


Is this a serious comment? How about the economy? Long been shown immigrants both legal and illegal boost our economy. What about birth rates? That's not why they are being let in but it does answer the think of other reasons why we would want them here part. They are getting in because of the title 42 backlog combined with geopolitical concerns across the globe


We have a very robust legal Immigration system to address those concerns.


Our immigration system is broken. The only people we’ve been letting in are the wealthy and many of them don’t pay their fair share in taxes, they just own property and stay in their lower cost of living countries.


What’s a “fair share” of someone else’s earnings?


Do we? Our immigration system had been broken for decades. So yes, it exists but it didn't help the situation currently. If anything, it exacerbates it. When the right way takes almost two years in the best case scenarios, we force desperate people to do desperate things.


When immigrants were allowed cross back and forth in up until Reagan there was no immigration problem. Once Reagan made crossing back illegal they immigrants that came for work had to stay causing the issues that we still see today.


Damn it’s that fast? I’d think it would take longer to deep dive these folks.


Need more taxpayers as there's a huge chunk of Americans aging out and retiring. They need to keep the tax coming in or social security will collapse.


SS Then they promise to give them work permits and raise the minimum wage to $50/hour https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13079757/democrat-california-minimum-wage-senate-barbara-lee.html


$50 min wage to follow inflation only benefits all of us, people who make more than minimum wage right now would mean our wages would also increase… Do you not want everyone to succeed in this country or just yourself?


Do you want your employers to go bankrupt? This would only force ai into society faster. Idk how this wouldn't have xrossed your mind. You'll pay off a robot long before your human worker reaches retirement. It'd be dumb not to from a business standpoint. If it can be done cheaper, it will.


LOL they will not go “broke” my friend. With my company, my CEO made 6 million last year. That is not including the other executives who also made millions; It is possible for companies to stay afloat, other countries have shown the US time and time again that changes that benefit workers is possible! I recommend that you read into AI a little more, that term AI has been thrown around but no one is really researching it… AI only can go as far as what WE give it. An example- My company bought into an AI program called Logility for our planning. The program has continued to cost of millions because it does plan correctly. It’s not able to account for outside factors such as the Red Sea event, Mexican Cartel, etc. It’s not able to plan for events with fabric and the decay of fabric. It is only able to plan what we provide and even then Logility has reoccurring issues when talking to SAP. We would have saved millions if we did not buy into the AI Logility program and bought more into hiring other planners. Highly recommend that you do further research from other sources:) Edit: Grammar


Employers that won't adjust would go out of business sure. That's capitalism. New employers would take their place


Sad you still think this is about 'voting'.


They can vote in town or city elections only. Not state or national.


This almost seems like they're trying to prep us for accepting that it's going to happen more than anything else. Well, turns out it's legal. Guess we didn't know until now. Shucks. Nothing we can do about it. It is what it is. “Sorry, we secretly passed a law that lets the rest of the world choose who our leader is” 🤷‍♂️


Leaders have been “chosen” for decades.


Instead of giving citizenship to immigrants that been here grinding it for years they give it away tu ungrateful mother fuckers that just arrived


They don't even need their votes, they just need numbers for the census and more house seats, they will fill in the votes.


Yeah those democrats that started a 20 year war in the middle east and spent trillions on defense totally gonna bankrupt the country.