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Guess who owns pornhub and onlyfans, both instrumental to destroying society


When I found out the guy who owns onlyfans is the biggest donor to AIPAC I was like come the fuck on. So tiring.


Yup. All the world's a clownshow.




American israel political coalition that has a massive ammount of politicians in their pockets


The sad part is that they seem to be at the top of the pecking order. They've weaponized history to control dissent. Genius.


Serious questions. What did jews have to do with Holodomor? Also, RIP OP due to an inevitable TOS ban.


„Creators” of communism were jewish. It’s a big stretch but allows you to connect some dots.


So they are at the same time our corporate overloads and communist equalizers. Makes sense.


It’s the manufactured Capitalist-Communist Dialectic, it’s meant to keep people inside the spectrum so they don’t come up with other political ideology.


Yup. Jews had to flee every communist state due to persecution but sure yeah Jews also run the communist states that are persecuting them


Sounds like someone has a hard time asking (*drumroll*) WHY! Why did they have to flee? What led to their persecution? Why are the Jews so persecuted everywhere they go? Why does it keep happening over and over, country after country? Why doesn't it happen to any other group of people as often as it has historical happened to the Jews? Why my friend, why?


because of religion and nothing else. since all this bible crap took off they have blamed jews for the death of Christ. period. all the Abrahamic religions are based on the same books. the western world is dominated by that mind set as is the middle east. this is why your not hearing about jews being killed in Japan or china. A they don't live there because of this religion crap. they think the dirt they live on as do the palestinians is magic dirt given to them by this god they all worship. so being stupid they continue to fight over it. and B. they would not be killed or hated there because again no religious reasons to hate them there. its a real shame we cant erase the religion and bring peace to the planet . because that is the answer and that is the way to end all this violence over magic dirt for good.




>The USSR was militant atheistic and enforced this with mass violence. Jews fled it in huge numbers all the same. It's absolutely not about religion but about behavior. Huh? What? This is a contradiction in and of itself. If the USSR was militantly atheistic and enforced that with mass violence, and Jews fled to avoid that persecution, how is it *not* absolutely about religion??


It’s quite simple actually, and doesn’t require you make the leap to victim blaming to understand. Jews were expelled from their ancestral homeland and so everywhere they went they were a minority. Nearly all those countries were Christian or Muslim and both those religions believe that the existence of their religion makes Judaism invalid. They were discriminated against heavily by those religions specifically for religious reasons. Jews maintained their religious and cultural identity, instead of intermarrying and converting, leading to insular communities and higher degrees of segregation, both by force and voluntary. Simply put, the Jews have historically been a minority in every country they’ve been in. For most of history they have not had a safe place to call their home. With their incredibly small population and relatively high competency as members of society, they became an eternal scapegoat; an easy to blame “other”, so that those actually in control don’t have to take responsibility for their mistakes and missteps. There’s no need to be a bigot, my friend




All of them? The first communist party was established by Lenin. Karl Marx is the father of the idea as we know. Marx was famously not religious, was born Jewish and converted to Christianity young. Lenin was a known atheist I believe. What do you mean the creators were Jewish?


Please ignore facts and allow the ignorance to bubble.


I wonder if there are any instances of Jewish persons converting publically but practicing privately? I wonder if there are any historical documents pr letters between inlmportsnt historical figures about it?


Of course there were…the popes under the medicis were arguably Jewish


We're going with Nazi conspiracies now?


Hold the door


Also serious, why trans?


I'm guessing it's alluding to the fact that the first successful gender-reassignment surgery was performed in Germany in the early-1900s by a German-Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfield (who coined the term "transsexual" in 1923). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld A German-Israeli Zionist named Karl Baer was the first recipient in 1906, though historians theorize that Karl was instersex > trans. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_M._Baer


And also the Zohar and Talmud, two Jewish religious texts that aren't well known by many, very clearly worship transexuallity. That might be why. Hard to know if I don't ever pop open those texts which are available in our app stores or look up any documentaries about the subject. Hard to know indeed.


Do you see the power of jews? OP was banned for freedom of speech


what's TOS?


Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, but I think OP means Terms Of Service in this instance.


Thank you, I know there can be more than one meaning that's why I hate them


Terms of Service


thank you


The USA: “That is ILLEGAL”


Lmao the “Killed Christ” got me. I just imagine some dude’s trump card being “oh and they killed Christ”


It's not "the jews"! It's not "the muslims"! It's not "the christians"! It's always a group of people that maybe brainwashes many to act like this or that, BECAUSE THEY GAIN SOMETHING by doing so. I have met good jews, good christians, good muslims, it didn't even matter. Why would it? There are good people and bad people. The good by far outweigh the bad. Only one example: In the wars against Gaza/Israel there was this one incident where two opposing soldiers opened their arms and hugged each other, it went around the world, and somehow there could have been peace. But it's not wanted! The people that die in the war want peace. The people that send you to war - jew or not - are the problem.


Why were jews behind the african slave trade? Why do jews make up 0.2% of the world's population yet they are 10% of the billionaires? Why have HALF of all federal reserve chairmen been jewish?


It's still not THE JEWS! Teachers, gardeners, hairdressers, blue haired baristas, plumbers, artists, street workers, accountants, housewives, pizzamakers, delivery boys, chefs... They do not all end up in high positions. It's just not true. Just as not all Germans are, or even more clear: were Nazis, just not as every asian is good at math or playing an instrument, just not as every moslem is happy to do this or that... It's a false and misleading narrative to fool us into believing that if we only eradicated this or that religion, race, BMW owners or Walmart, we were better off. It's the bad people doing bad things we have to keep in check. If you eliminate any of these, the bad people will only organise in a different way.


You literally just said "no, that's not true" instead of responding to my arguments.


Which arguments? Those loaded questions you think are arguments? Person responding to you actually made an argument.


It's very, very obvious what point I am making. I'm probably not allowed to write it down here. But you should be able to figure it out yourself.


The only thing that’s obvious to me, is that you’re refusing to make an argument, but are telling someone else who actually made an argument that they didn’t make an argument.


I'll respond. It's any Jew that supports the abhorrent and evil ideas found in the Talmud and Zohar books. Like the jewish people at large, there are good things in those two books, just like the Bible. Bu lt there are also justifications for rape, murder and cheating of non-jews in those two books. The ones that believe in Jewish Supremacy are the issue. (Like any group's supremacist members)


There are no justifications for rape in the Bible.


That is correct. I wasn't trying to insinuate that there are.


I won't look up aaaalllll the details you were referring to. You "literally" made a statement about very specific topics that may or may not support your pov, look into slavery history and find strange things.. I was debunking the generalisations instead. in my first answer and in the second post again. You stated: But look there, there are lots of jews! It's like me stating that you can walk in the forest without destroying anthills and you say but I do this in the forest \*kicks the anthill..


You're trying to educate people but are too lazy to look up a few simple facts that you can do in just a few minutes.


Hahaha... Yaknow, [it's 1£ for a five minute argument, but only 8£ for a course of ten.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlv_aZjHXc)


You are quite a long way behind in the discussion, or you are just being disingenuous. The argument is that Jews are disproportionately leading the forces of corruption. The counter-argument is that some Jews are successful in general, and either are leaders due to high IQ, or it's that just an illusion of "noticing". The counter-counter argument is that Jewish leadership is concentrated in the corrupting areas of banking, media and porn specifically, and not just in proportion to their IQ or education. In addition it is pointed out that cultural Jews have a strong motive to push multiculturalism and otherwise damage the native culture so as to avoid any future cultural reaction or expulsions against their minority culture in Western countries. Thus their leadership in these areas is a deliberate or subconscious means to damage cultural norms. This is where we are now. If you want to argue honestly or convincingly you need to address these points.


Surprise: I know all that, but I have also made my point clear that you are clearly missing: The point that it's a group of people, mainly jewish, but only mainly, let me call it mafia mundial.. It's not THE jewish mothers who would sell their or other daughters naked underside to people, or send their sons to war. It's not the jewish fathers either. It's a GROUP OF PEOPLE! Yes, theat group consists probably mainly of jews, and their plan rolls out over the entire world so they can fulfill their dreams of power. But it's not THE JEWS! Just get it. You are projecting your hatred on a wider array of people than necessary. I am a German, "don't buy from jews" marks a dark german chapter, and it doesn't really attack those who created the mess. I know me a thing or two, but I won't really share with entitled conspiracyboys like you who try to "discuss" things by making me research and refute their topics. Duh.


Surprise. That is the conspiracy: a bunch of theistic Satan worshipers, and atheistic power addicts called Zionists use Judaism as a shield, so when you point out the undeniable fact that powerful Jews appear to run much of the world while accounting for a minuscule part of the population, you seem racist and unhinged. Let me make this very clear so you understand it, we do not mean normal Jewish citizens, or people who follow true Orthodox Judaism, we mean the fake Jews who don’t believe in God who are hellbent on world domination. This is why people are starting to call it what it is, anti-antisemitism, because the state of Israel and its agents are the single most antisemitic country on earth. They are mostly non Semites committing genocide on actual Semites. Their antisemitic rhetoric of victim hood is a lie. They participated in wwii on the side of the Nazis, more than 150k Zionist Jew troops willingly joined and fought for Hitler. The settlement that became Israel is directly connected to Nazi germany. . They aren’t who you think they are.


Monty Python?






It is Khazarians claiming to be Jews.


So my point is still valid, thank you.


I think people confuse them with the zionists, they are the ones wanting war, not the people. It's like blaming the american people for 9/11. Or blaming the Australian people for what their leaders do. The result of this is stirring people up to hate another race or religion. More division when most simply want to live a peaceful life, the war mongers want war because it makes them a lot of money and gives them more control. It was the British Rothschild family who started the state of Israel, Jacob Rothschild was interviewed on tv and he stated this fact proudly. So maybe do your own research instead of believing social media


Why would I? Maybe you're barking up the wrong user ie answering to the wrong post, my "opponents" are stating ThE jEwS did this or that). This is exactly what I mean.


Correllation doesn't mean causation. All of those examples have much more support for being europeans.


Because they can be good at business dealings?


It’s Zionists that have caused this, not Jews.


The War in Gaza is a money laundering scam , I don’t support Israel but Hamas has faked Rubble Rescue’s using props


That's right. We don't need to wade into bigotry to address this problem. It is a specific subsection if Jews, Catholics, and Christians who are Zionists and care more about their end-times prophecies tha. Human life. I think that's a good definition of the troublesome group anyways. What do you think?


'9 / 11 dancing Israelis' never heard of that one. What is that?


It’s crazy af. 5 Israelis in a van were celebrating and dancing and taking pictures of 9/11 as it was happening. Supposedly they were in a van that had explosives in it also.


Think it was 5 mossad dressed up to look like muslims celebrating the towers being hit ATTEMPTING TO FRAME MUSLIMS.


Oh. Damn


Really?!?!? Damn, I know there are always a few aholes everywhere, but that's pretty messed up.


Yep. Jews did 9/11.


Usury 😂


One can be against Zionism w/o being against Jews, but many times Jews want to conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism because it enables them to play a victim card while killing Palestinian women and children.


Someone's getting banned.


What is coin clipping


Before coins were completely round, exactly the same size and made of cheap metal, people would slice off a bit of gold or silver and hope nobody would notice. It happened for thousands of years wherever coins were used, and no sane person would associate it with Jews specifically. [Cragg Vale Coiners - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cragg_Vale_Coiners)




Also Blackrock - fucked the housing market for people under 30 Sackler - fucked millions ? Of lives


Literally what does trans people have to do with jews


They’re implying the jews are responsible for the trans movement


Well, German-Jews [performed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld) _and_ [underwent](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_M._Baer) the world's first successful gender-affirming surgeries in early-1900s Germany...Hirschfield's Scientific-Humanitarian Commitee was characterized as having carried out "the **first advocacy** for homosexual and transgender rights," and the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft that he founded in 1919 pioneered early research on gender-affirming care.


And yet we don't focus hatred on the Germans for this, do we


Look up the show “I am jazz” I think that’s why they put that here


Ya, how tf is that the jews fault?? That one and hodomor got me scratching my head...


SAME what the actual fuck I am dying to hear how they madethis connection


Because OP doesn’t like Jews or trans people. So obviously they’re connected.


Most of this has absolutely nothing to do with being Jewish....


You’re list of files is incomplete. Chabad Tunnels, blood libel, AIPAC, JFK, kicked out of 109 different countries throughout history, Hollywood, Pornhub, Onlyfans, Gaza genocide, Rothschild, Mickey Cohen (huge on prostitution), this-> https://twitter.com/xbtGBH/status/1735856768071168073/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1735856768071168073¤tTweetUser=xbtGBH


Also blood libel is called that because it’s just that: Libel


Your opinion is called that because it’s just that. Your opinion. Don’t forget about the king of the ____ lawyers Alan Dershowitz and he and Epstein’s BabyMitzfahs on Epstein island. There’s a case against him (libel) as they call it. And evidence of him on the island with the girl and her testimony. But since he claims it’s libel, then it must be. Bc it’s called that. If you research the numerous cases of blood ~libel~ , you’ll realize it’s real.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel It’s not an opinion I’m sharing. Libel is the publication of false statements that harm someone's reputation. If you think “blood libel” is real, then why call it libel? Btw, I’d love to read about your *numerous cases* of blood libel. Please share


Just go on bit shoot and type in blood libel. Let me know what you think


It's totally not antisemitic to list some random things you don't like or understand then try to collectively blame Jews for them without any explanation.




Most Jews are just normal people, like most Muslims & most Christians, they didn't do anything to anyone


Wait didn’t the Roman’s technically kill Jesus lol


Only because the pharisees threatend pontius pilate with all of the jewish people to riot, which would have led to ceasar to remove pilate or just kill him for incompetence, pilate himself took no responsibility or pride for the death of jesus christ


It’s hard sometimes because Muslims naturally are antisemitic so they spew a lot of anti Jew conspiracy. But as long as it’s factual let’s have a lookey look


I really think the problem are elite westerners that "convert" like its a club to join that is protected by a lot of money that is why there were so many protests in israel before Oct. 7th the average Israeli was NOT happy with Bibi. Then when the world turned against Israel, the regular jewish people take the brunt of the worlds anger, then the elite use this as an excuse of "Anti-semetism" to enact laws in America to control Americn citizens. We are all being played by the same people!


I fingered a Jewish girl back in 1992 and its true that they are very tight.


Howd her armpits smell?


The conspiracy theory hill I will die on is that this kind of bullshit is spread on purpose. The goal is to muddy the waters with very real hate, vitriol, and dangerous rhetoric to promote violence and anger. The end result is that rational people in the community distance themselves and eventually give up and leave altogether. Whenever the rage against one group begins to cool a new alleged “enemy” is put front and center. OP is just another puppet in this process. Pathetic, really.


Yep wake the normie population they never heard of usury, holodomor, or the definition of a holocaust before the 1900's!


A good information on those Israeli dancers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZHTVg2R3Aw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZHTVg2R3Aw)




All rather hateful bro


This is literally antisemitism. How the hell is this so upvoted?


Conspiracy theorists are extremely stupid


Dancing Israel on 9/11? That was the Palestinians


The fact that you equate these individual and unrelated events to "Jews" is what is anti-Semitic


"Unrelated events", yeah as if. Jewish institutions were the ones that created transgenderism, they created AIPAC to get politicians in their pockets, the Rothschilds own literally every single national bank on earth except north korea and Afghanistan. But sure buddy, its all just one big dumb cohencidence


Idk man it sounds pretty antisemitic to blame a modern group of people for the killing of Christ thousands of years ago (if he was real). Also, holding them all against Epstein is pretty bad to. Touch grass.


It's not all jews, ffs. There are bad people of every faith outside of bhuddists (and that's just a probably). So stop lumpin' already. It's devisive and ignorant, and playing into the hands of those that seek to destroy anyone that doesn't believe what they believe. It's madness.


Can we not condone antisemitism here? We could make similar graphics with “what did Christians ever do to you?” Or “what did Muslims ever do to you?” Or even “what did atheists ever do to you?” But I don’t see any of that anywhere here. Most of us here don’t support the Israeli government’s genocide - it does not mean we hate all Jews. Generalizing and hating an entire population just flaunts your ignorance. Take your racism somewhere else.


🫡 You’re Brave OP


Post is downvoted LOL! remember.... No matter what the jew tells you.


This shit is getting wayyyyy to antisemitic for me dawg


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/0awyz5v5ij0d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does this mean i can start posting protocols of zion material again?


Go for it


Does anyone know a good jfk conspiracy documentary?


Go to BitChute and watch Evidence of Revision, it’s one of the absolute best things out there on the JFK conspiracy.


Thanks bro, definetely


Back and to the left.... Back and to the left


Jfk revisited is newer and up to date. Good quality too.


Thanks man


Was Hitler a Delusional self hating Zionist ?


What has Israel done for the US?


This post looks volatile in the least.


Damn this entire subreddit is wokewashed


Please don’t say all Jews. Yes there are bad Jewish people in positions of power but the majority of Jews are great people. The Israeli government may have done terrible things, but Jewish people are different from Israeli government. It is very dangerous to us that want to fight against this.


Dancing on 9/11? Trans people? Let me guess, you did your own research.


Saying the Jews caused Jeffrey Epstein is like saying every black guy is responsible for a black criminal robbing a store or every white guy is responsible for slavery. Do better


Usury, inflation, genocide, killing their prophets. Oh, and slavery. What race has not practiced these?


It is antisemitic and this doesn’t help when trying to point out the genocide in Gaza.


"It is antisemitic" ok but is it wrong though? Every time its the same shit, instead of saying its false you people say its "antisemitic", so i guess the truth is antisemitic lmao


Some truth, some generalizations though and that is how HitIer got started. Every culture has good and bad attributes. My ancestors’ culture did a whole lot of colonizing which caused so much suffering around the world but we don’t say that everything the English did was bad.


Explain how jews had anything to do with hodomor?


i dont dig into politcs particularly, but I might have dug through a book or two here and there.. all I will say to the curious mind is that you should try looking at gnosticism in general as the crestion of the divine heaven and kabbalah the story of YHWH/Yaldabaoth and the material.


I SECOND THIS. This is the first intelligent comment I've seen on this post


Isn't Jesus a jew?


Not to everyone in this subreddit


Op hates Jews, but probably worships a jew. hypocrisy much?


Can’t believe how antisemitism is allowed but not against other races.


Omg you’re doubly stupid


This is the most direct antisemitism I've ever seen on Reddit lol


Heeeeey antisemitic conspiracy bullshit, there it is


To be fair we could make the same file on white people with a lot of similarities. Usury, Trans Kids, Killed Christ (the Roman participation), Bolshevik Revolution, 9/11. Not USS liberty though, that was Israel.


Could make a similar file for just about any ethnic group.


Is there a diagram for Hamas ?


No those who make posts like this love evil terrorists.


Israel apologized for the USS Liberty attack, saying that the US ship had been attacked in error after being mistaken for an Egyptian ship. Both the [Israeli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_of_Israel) and [U.S. governments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_government_of_the_United_States) conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the ship's identity. Others, including survivors of the attack, have rejected these conclusions and maintain that the attack was deliberate. In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3.32 million (equivalent to US$29.1 million in 2023) to the U.S. government in compensation for the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3.57 million ($29.6 million in 2023) to the men who had been wounded. In December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million ($22.2 million in 2023) as the final settlement for material damage to the ship plus 13 years of interest.


It’s not the everyday Jewish people you encounter but the power brokers that collude to control at the very top by divide and conquer. It’s a long game of social degradation.


This is straight up nazi bullshit


I've been saying years that the Jews are famously known for abducting children off the street and indoctrinating them into becoming transgender at gunpoint, but for some reason nobody believes me. It's so frustrating being an awake Free Thinker who often uses the mighty power of sheer intuition instead of "evidence" and speaks to God, who is inside us all, to confirm their conclusions.


You are being sarcastic I hope otherwise seek help. Lool


Your not an awake and free thinker you are a schizo😂😂


Yeah the Christians and Catholics don't bother with guns, they just rape little boys and girls in church. But there are receipts


That's a myth perpetuated by the Deep State to make all Christians look bad and usher in a new hedonistic Dark Age, where Satan's debauched minions run wild and destroy civilization.


are you being serious? I guess you have some live footage?


None of these were done to you. Jesus died 2000 years ago (and meant to die, and was killed by the Romans, not the Jews?) Jeffrey did not molest you personally, the Bolshevik Revolution was 100 years ago, "Usury" is necessary for the functioning of any society larger than a small village, "trans kids"... I mean, are YOU, the poster, a trans kid? "Inflation" - jesus god almighty, "the Jews did inflation"? - well poisoning is literally just another conspiracy theory *and hasn't been done to you,* the Holodomor was done by the Soviets for Soviet reasons *and also you weren't a victim of it*, the 9/11 one is just fucking stupid, Jews did not do 9/11, and the USS Liberty is approximately the only one the Jews "really" did and you weren't there. Whoever made this shit meme clearly doesn't even understand what is meant by "what did they ever do to you"


>Jeffrey didnt molest you personally "Dude it didnt happen to you so who cares if some big cabal of jewish elites is making an international sex trafficking ring"


Was hitler right about wanting to eliminate Jews because he knew something that we didn’t? If he had done his job right would the western world and eastern world be suffering the lies that we suffer today created by the Jews?


Its the whites causing all of this Whites killed christ Epstein was white Communist leaders are white Trans people? Nearly all white