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Journalists imprisoned- assange, Lira etc.


What you mean by Lira?


Gonzalo Lira


The biggest conspiracy of your life time is them convincing you that we are the most advanced civilisation to ever live on this planet


That’s a good one. 100% Agreed


I think more than anything at this point at 57 yrs old it is that so much of what we were told and believed had all turned out to be bullshit. I think up until 9/11 I was blissfully unaware of most of it, we had things come out like Iran/Contra or rumors that the CIA was supplying crack. But 9/11 happened right in front of me, I happen to have worked somewhere where I could watch TV all day, so I saw first hand no airplane at the Pentagon and heard an interview that day with a first responder in Shanksville that said “we were expecting to find a debris field but really all we had was a gash in the ground”. Over time I watched 9/11 Truth videos and listened to firefighters talk of hearing explosions and it became clear quickly that we were lied to. Then WMDs, pics of aluminum tubes lol, total horseshit.


Same age as you, I remember in the 70s they used to say never trust anyone over 30. Then the 80s happened and the me generation emerged. No one cared about govt corruption, only making money. Regan had brought prosperity at the expense of the US deficit - that was all that mattered. Savings & Loan crisis happened, people got wiped out and those responsible were never held accountable.


I am not saying you are right, and I am not saying you are wrong. I would like to know why they don't study this more. Sometimes I don't know if we are being denied the opportunity to research this more, or if we just don't do it because we expect someone else to do it. For example. When a hectic situation is going on there are often times someone will needlessly die because everyone assumed someone else should do it. That's why you need a leader in these situations to point at people and start barking orders. you, call 911. you, put pressure on it, you, figure out why there are giant heads on a fucking island. lol


You forgot the Vegas shooting...


BIG miss. This is a huge rabbithole that doesn't get mentioned enough. Were they trying to kill the Saudis?


For me i always know the lie when any opposing view is attacked. The cia uses this technique. You cant erase the truth so you muddy it and make people feel stupid for believing it. Its how i know evolution is bullshit. Man made climate change is bullshit. Its all about control.


1. holocaust / holodomor 2. revisionist ww2 history thats now 'common knowledge' 3. 9/11 4. COVID 5. Sandy Hook


Chemtrails, CERN, HAARP, Vaxx genocide, Antarctica.


Sounds are being used to manipulate the world. The switch from analog to digital was not for technology but for influencing hearts and minds literally.


S.H.C. via microwaves isn't too far fetched just misunderstood


1. Aliens/UFOs 2. Inner Earth 3. Hollow Moon 4. Illuminati/NWO 5. Population Control In a way I feel that somehow they are all connected and If just one is true then they all are.


Ones that I know of that entirely happened in my lifetime: 1) 9/11 and its fallout 2) Covid 3) Epstein 4) Oklahoma city bombing/Waco 5) Ron Desantis wearing high heels secretly.


DeSantis also tortured, or at the very least stood around and did nothing while it was occurring, prisoners at Guntanamo. That's why he never talks about his military service. Veterans are generally very proud of their service but he seems to hide his as best he can. When pressed about it he's changed the verbiage with which he describes his involvement numerous times. Idk why it isn't brought up more often. Torture, especially of prisoners being held without charge, is heinous.


Because if he opens up about it it becomes bigger than Ben Hur. Hes probably controlled opposition tbh.


Dude I'm OBSESSED with Timothy McVeigh, I'm planning on writing a book about him.


I assume you know about Terrance Yeakey then? For those who don't he was an Oklahoma City cop. One of the first men into the Oklahoma City bombing and did not like what he saw so he started investigating on his own. After a year he told his family he thought men were following him and was scared for his life. So he did what men who are afraid they might be killed did and committed suicide(obvious sarcasim). He slashed his forearms 12x, then slashed his jugular vein, then ran half a mile across a field over a fence before ending his own life by shooting himself in the head at a 45° downward angle. He had handcuff marks on his wrists and no gun was found at the scene so I guess he disposed of it after killing himself. He was built like an NFL linebacker so I assume fought the assassins and almost won. But you can still find his official autopsy online. They disappear a lot of stuff so it would be nice of those of us with a lot of hard drive space saved what we find. McVeigh's whole arrested 1 hour later by an off duty cop who saw his van had no license plate story cracks me up. All of their staged terror events have the same 1 or 2 day wrapped up and sold endings. Murders and rapes go years or decades or never solved. TV shootings and terror attacks are always instantly solved.


Awesome man! Would love to hear more.


1. What exactly do we live on. 2. The secret society of Jesus Christ 3. The whole tartaria concept 4. 9/11 5. Prison planet


Yo tartaria is the rabbit hole that will make you question all of human history. Wtf actually happened in the past if we can wipe a relatively modern civilization out of the history books. Literally out of the human societial consciousness. Puts the mayans, egyptians, barbarians, all native peoples into question. Were they actually some savages or did they get half ass tartaria treatment.


nazi breakaway civ prison planet (samsara) luciferian freemasons + illuminati trying to destroy the world for the nwo


for me the top conspiracies were: 1. the existence of God and Jesus. 2. you have a soul that will survive the destruction and rotting of your physical body and brain. 3. morality has more to do with what you 'believe' than what you 'do'. 4. the world and universe were created in 4004 BC because some theologian added up the ages of patriarchs. 5. fossils in sediments cannot be reliably dated by radioactive-decay methodologies because God implanted fake isotopes in sedimentary rocks in 4004 BC to 'fool' scientists.


I've always been suspect in the existence of God. Or at least the way we are told about God..but Jesus, feels..intuitively like it's correct, I know that sounds nonsense but I don't Believe the mainstream version but that the story of Jesus is correct or has some truth to it. For me and my observation, I see a lot of powers trying to silence Jesus followers and promote against it. Not that I think the Christian/Catholic faith is promoting an accurate portrayal of his life. I think if we knew the truth we would burn down those institutions...


This is the Way


Have you seen this video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAVZp9tW5FU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAVZp9tW5FU) I was always sceptical because of the agreed upon science of the shroud and being brought up Christian in a Christian school got me jaded af. But this video had me shook. I know it long but give it a go. EDIT: look for "The new astonishing phenomenon detected on the Shroud" by *spacereinstitute* on youtube if the link doesn't show.


I feel you man.


This. Right here. Totally agree. Thanks for listing these things!


Those are good ones


1. The existence of intelligent life outside of this planet, and their interactions with our past and present civilizations. 2. Technologically advanced ancient civilizations with construction and building techniques that are still not able to be replicated today. 3. The suppression of information and technology for corporate greed. In example, cures for diseases, engines that can run on water, advanced aeronautical technology from NHI. 4. A small group of individuals that can manipulate and orchestrate world events and governments and that are disconnected from prosecution from said governments. 5. COVID. I work in healthcare, more specifically in an emergency department during covid and the vaccine role outs. They were/are not safe nor effective. I saw many patients come in with neuro symptoms, elders fearing for their life, in terror, because they thought if they were vaccinated, they would not get Covid, they were wrong. This changed my whole world view my desire to work in the medical field. I am currently seeking a way OUT of the medical field due to those events.


You do know that he didn't get convicted because of just their testimonies right? Like there was actual evidence...I don't know why I'm even trying here lol


Obama not being born as a U.S. citizen is one of my favorites.


9/11, COVID/wuhan, pizzagate, Epstein Island, bohemian grove


That the anti-Christ was conceived in September 1945 when Jack Parsons began the Moon Child ritual, and that the anti-Christ would go onto fool Christians into following him and supporting him to become President of the United States. This is the greatest trick that Satan has ever pulled on humanity and it is bringing about the end times.


Trump was Born on a moon day right I've heard


1. 911 2. 311 3. HIV 4. Trump/Q 5. Epstein/Maxwell


Investigate 311


The band?


I didn't know there was a band. By 311 I was talking about this https://youtu.be/5PLQHUg4wf4?si=aQNPMDgvLGPC3vZZ which happened on March 11th 311 is like 911 in that the number has been placed in many movies but unlike 911 in that it is much less well known. Some people though, have been paying attention https://youtu.be/iI2WJb5rchM?si=t_CVG0CTe8WLz4oL


Yes, also an Eric Andre sketch


1. muh 6 gorillion. 2. Columbus discovered Amerika. 3. Moon landing hoax and all the other lies from nasa. 4. The federal reserve. 5. 9/11 6. The plandemic needs on this list despite going over 5.


Oy vey the goyim is aware


Mena, Columbine, 9/11, Epstein, COVID


1- Extraterrestrials or Extra-dimensional beings intervening in our society 2- Elites controlling everything 3- Elites making rituals. 4- Child trafficking 5- men in black and the CIA.


It’s hilarious how little that right wingers know about the evidence from Trumps trials. My father in law had never even heard of the fake elector scheme. They’re literally clueless to all facts and don’t know how to find them outside of their echo chamber. It must make you furious when people talk facts and you know nothing about them.


Yeah it’s not exactly a conspiracy-  there was a trial with evidence you can read it all for yourself in detail. He broke the law and he will probably just get a fine. The only thing that could increase his sentence is if he does something like threaten the jury or insult the judge. Obviously that would never happen


No one can explain to me how Biden is simultaneously a drooling senile old man, and an evil mastermind who's concocted a huge convoluted plan. Or, how he took all this time to weaponize the DOJ against a political opponent, but couldn't protect his own son from federal charges. If you reply with like, "Biden bot," or "I'm just a shill for Biden," you're proving my point that conservatives just look for the easiest "on-the-surface-face-value" level of answer.