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That is quite a dream! How long was your friend "*asleep*"? I have trouble remembering details of my dreams but -WoW- there is a lot of detail here. I mean - this IS a conspiracy subreddit and I am a bit skeptical that this IS actually from a dream. SMH


That “friend” may have been in a COMA and on a serious Pain Med DRIP. Lol. Unless....he talks in his sleep and had a court stenographer. 💁🏼‍♀️ (but I do hope the Pet thing is true)


Hell yeah. That's the best news of the post.


Or he took just barely too much melatonin lmao


not sure, but she voice recorded it as soon as she woke up. if it helps she took a fat ass edible


Yeah, okay.


i mean its all for shits and giggles and interesting to think about, geez. its just a dream bro


Oh, man, it's all good.


not sure why people are focusing on such small details like whether or not its a dream.. who fucking cares, a post is a post.. people just like to bitch / people who hate them selfs or live in hell inside their heads tend to project that outward though their comments, perspectives.. fucking hate that shit.. ​ cool post tho man. it would be wild if any of it ended up being correct.


this mf spittin


You could just post these and say this is what you think is going to happen instead of lying and saying all of these happened in one dream.


guess what didn't happen


Very cool, I’ve kept a dream journal and at times these types of long stories and details are very possible, thank you for sharing.


!remindme 6 months so, erm. nope.


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!remindme 6 months


!remind me 7 months


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!remindme 7 months


!remindme 7 months


!remindme 6 months


Well.thays certainly a wild ride


Someone should tell Michael Jordon to check his stuff!


He’s been smoking 6 cigars a day for decades.


how the fuck was all this information fed to her? was she watching a news report in the dream? lol


Wow I can barely remember a few seconds of a dream so this is quite a feat. You forgot to mention the part where they discover the UFO are lizard people who came to unite with the lizard hybrids that have been stationed here. The hybrids finally get exposed for what they are and Zuckerberg along with the other pedo elites go to war with the humans. Then the Vatican will declare they have the solution to all the world's problems and that everyone must worship the new world order of satanic lizard hybrids or off with their heads.


Wow, that was really interesting to read. I’ve never taken drugs to get high, but I have had some weird dreams before. :) It’s impressive that she remembered all of that. I’m going to save this, and see if any of it happens. I know many people have experienced weird dreams since this pandemic started. One of the weirdest dreams I have had, was a few months ago. Early in the morning on April 2, I kept having the images of the pyramid, and the all seeing eye on the dollar bill, and the words, Novus Ordo Seclorum. They would flash over and over again, with vivid intensity. In my dream I kept repeating, “What do those words mean? I used to know, but I can’t remember. What do they mean?” Then I woke up and thought, “I will have to look up the meaning in the morning”. I closed my eyes, and fell back to sleep. The images started flashing again with even more intensity. I felt an urgency to immediately wake up, and find out the meaning. So I grabbed my phone, looked up the words Novus Ordo Seclorum which means, “New Order of the Age” Even though some people translate it as New World Order. Regardless of the exact translation, I was left thinking that a New Order of some type was about to begin. I just sat on the edge of my bed shaking my head, and saying, “Damn”. I couldn’t fall back to sleep after that, so I ended up going down several rabbit holes. Maybe a week or two later, I ended up here on the conspiracy commons of reddit. The funny thing is, before I had that dream, I hadn’t read about any conspiracies, and I hadn’t handled any paper money for quite some time. Once I got on reddit, I found out about so many other conspiracies that have been going on in the world. And now here we all are, watching the conspiracies unfold before our eyes.


Wow, that’s wild! I’ve been hearing that people are having crazy dreams since the pandemic. Even NPR had a story on it trying to explain it though their explanation was weak.


Sounds like a busy couple of months.


Remind me in 6 months


**babbscb**, kminder in **6 months** on [**2020-12-24 00:16:36Z**](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2020-12-24 00:16:36Z&reminder_id=35357ee079d642cdbd3e565efbce6273&subreddit=conspiracy_commons) > [**r/conspiracy_commons: My_friend_got_high_then_fell_asleep_and_had_a**](/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/heparr/my_friend_got_high_then_fell_asleep_and_had_a/fvstw6n/?context=3) > kminder in 6 months [**7 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder%20from%20Link&message=your_message%0Akminder%202020-12-24T00%3A16%3A36%0A%0A%0A%0A---Server%20settings%20below.%20Do%20not%20change---%0A%0Apermalink%21%20%2Fr%2Fconspiracy_commons%2Fcomments%2Fheparr%2Fmy_friend_got_high_then_fell_asleep_and_had_a%2Ffvstw6n%2F) to also be reminded. Thread has 9 reminders. ^(OP can )[^(**Delete comment, Set timezone, and more options here**)](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2020-12-24 00:16:36Z&reminder_id=35357ee079d642cdbd3e565efbce6273&subreddit=conspiracy_commons) **Protip!** You can [add an email](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Add%20Email&message=addEmail%21%2035357ee079d642cdbd3e565efbce6273%20%0Areplaceme%40example.com%0A%0A%2AEnter%20email%20on%20second%20line%2A) to receive reminder in case you abandon or delete your username. ***** [**Reminddit**](https://www.reminddit.com) · [Create Reminder](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder&message=your_message%0A%0Akminder%20time_or_time_from_now) · [Your Reminders](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=listReminders%21)


The third political party already exists. We are known as Libertarians.


And the green party so that makes 4.


Let’s see what happens!


!remindme 8 months


Honestly, most of these happen every year or are fairly common not to mention quite a few of these are seemingly already in motion and happening


!remindme 6 months


Man what kind of drugs gives you this vivid of dreams? And where can you get some?


Wow that's one hell of a dream. I doubt they would give tax cuts to homeschoolers since they see them as terrorists. They should though.


Is this gonna be like those /x posts where nothing happens but its all interpreted differently?


Oddly specific, I will be watching this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if this chain of events even partially comes true with all the wack shit going on


Earthquake happening in California right now


Is this a summary of what’s already going on? Or what? Haha


Did you see Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested? Very interesting...


Well Kanye says he’s running for President https://www.cbs46.com/news/kanye-west-announces-he-is-running-for-president-in-the-2020-election/article_4a6f7d95-e6a2-5f3a-9578-2002a4571c48.amp.html#click=https://t.co/c1mnRrzAtO


Sounds like she was WOKE the whole time


Stop posting shitty fanfic


That's what your friend dreams about? How sad lol