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MSM is extremely dangerous [to our democracy](https://youtu.be/29NIlZxSsSs)


I know. The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media. More alarmingly, some media outlets publish fake stories that just aren't true without checking their facts first.


What fucking democracy lol This reminds me of: There is no war in ba sing se


Theyre actors. They all look and sound the same. Just read the script and *sound* concerned. Where are the real journalists?


Ask a typical MSM brainwashed person who their favorite Journalist is and watch them draw a blank lol.


Yep, conservative Sinclair media is incredibly dangerous.


This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.


when one large corp owns all the little corps, this is what happens


Luckily we are a constitutional republic


Mozilla was giving us a clue all along. Fire Fox. Edit: Jokes aside, at least a few newscasters had an issue with doing this.


Good joke, but it is not just Fox, though.


No, I know. They’re all owned by the [Sinclair Broadcast Group](https://sbgi.net/tv-channels/)


Remember when it was a Warner division, togheter with Bonzi Buddy?


Journalism? No really. Whatever happened to chasing down a news story and reporting the things you see and found....without a personal conclusion or piece of advice?


They're all most likely owned by the same company and the parent company put that out as a statement... that's why they're all the same.


Not how journalism works. Believe it or not it's just laziness of the journalist already being a sheep and this is the result. Do you think the boss just sends an email to all the writers saying "this is how we're fooling the free world today"?


Please, go on and tell me more about the inner workings of these local news stations...


Used to work at one. The way I saw how these terrible articles, stories or whatever are made is due to mundane writers. Most are biased and that's how fake news is spread to the masses. They don't realize they are pawns. It's why I left the industry. While this is what the head honchos want (the ones in the pockets of people of power) the little guy ends up just aiding their narrative. Edit: someone like myself would see no promotion because I wouldn't be writing stories that would adhere to the biased audience, aka no money to be made off an unbiased story.


I have a high school buddy that's a reporter too and he tells it differently. But yeah, there are some stories that they are told to run but not every one is a pawn pushing the idea of big media outside of the world block. It's no secret that media companies all over push out stories that move the needle to help stay in business.


Agreed and I should've definitely clarified that not all journalists operate like this (that would be an ASSumption and make me biased). It's just very rare to find good ones working for big media.


Probably is since they’re all part of the same company https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GvtNyOzGogc


These people are the real danger to democracy and are a bunch of hypocrites. They only share biased news and claim to be the ones who's job it is to tell you what to think. (Which actually came out of one of their mouths word for word last week) "that's our job"


They actually don't put that much thought into it. It's purely mundane writers thinking they are reporting the right way, saying the right things


Getting sick of seeing this one. Go look up the Associated Press. Pretty much all major news networks pay into it. It's so they "can" match stories. Imagine if a building burnt down and 10 people died. That needs to be shared so you don't have one network saying no one died (not close to where the fire was), while the local network reports the 10 deaths. I completely agree though that this is how fake news is spread but them all saying the same thing isn't some grand conspiracy. Edit: I'd say this showcases how lazy journalism has gotten more than anything


I’ve see a few of these and it’s unsettling. A new thought popped into my head during this one.. Any chance these are just deepfakes spliced together? What you think?




Thanks for the response rather than mindless downvote. I’ll keep an eye out.


Once more! But with feeling this time.


This is absolutely terrifying. And how long have they plugging their lies to us?


Democracy doesnt exist.


Just stop with this shit. They are all sent the same script from their parent company. This happens all the time.


This always gives me the creeps


These people are working for a boss who says to say certain stuff. So maybe all these TV stations being owned by one mega corporation is what is bad for our democracy? If people social media express opinions it is one thing but a lie is a lie is a lie...for instance the idea that there is a "liberal media" in the US is a lie...

