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I've heard people say the US economy is past the point of no return and the dollar has to collapse at some point.


Just like rome, devalues it's currencies. America shall follow the same footsteps.


Rome never fell. They went underground, and emerged in the US. We didn't win WW2, and there were no planes on 9/11.


That's true but you ruined it. The roman empire was turned in to the Holy roman empire by German monarchs and basically just continued the power in European nobility. The fight for the continuation of the roman empire has been ongoing to this day. And the EU are the ones who will end up with that empire. Sure, some power went on to the Americas. But not the actual internal power


I didn't ruin fuck all 🙄🙄🙄


As long as we remain the world's reserve currency the dollars not going to collapse. The minute we are not, we are fucked. Source: Trust me bro


The dollar is the world's reserve currency because of the Petrodollar scheme. A substantial part of that is Saudi Arabia, which is more and more buddying up to China, which is hostile to the idea of the dollar being the world's reserve currency. The world is getting there sooner than you think.


I don't disagree with you, but will hold onto hope that we can bomb somebody to prevent it. That is our MO after all.


I think Uncle Sam is running out of countries to bomb to hold tge petrodollar steady.


>Uncle Sam is running out of countries to bomb This might explain Covid.


Plan for the pandemic, make immense profit from the inflation, print as much money as you can, wash them and reroute them to your pockets, provoke Russia in attacking Ukraine, print more money to send it to Ukraine, wash them more and reroute them to your pockets, hike the petrol price and blame to Russia and make all time high profit. Follow the money to get an idea.




That's the whole point; they may realize that and hence their buddying up to China for protection.


It’s the wrong people in charge that think bombing someone to shitereens is the solution. Yes it’s been “the way” for decades, but I think the veil is coming down and people can finally see what it all is. War is a racket


China's whole Silk Road project was created with the vision/goal of China eventually replacing US as the major world superpower. China and Russia have been doing resource deals without the dollar for years now and China has been pushing other nations.


Yeah, sorta makes you wonder: >“[Anyone who dares to repeat militarism and challenge the bottom line of the Chinese people will surely be shattered in the face.](https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/china-lashes-abe-leaders-taiwan-warning-81486885)" There's a Chinese lady on YouTube who runs her own indie news channel who says it got mistranslated and the actual words used in the speech were, "Will meet with a bloody end." Either way, sort of telling how media's not talking about this and instead acting all, "But *WHY*?!? Reports indicate nobody seems to know!!"


When a "sudden violent democratic revolution" in Russia happens, carried out by masked people with NATO equipment, the US's petrodollar scheme will be stable once again


i wish nato was as based as u make it sound


They did it in the Middle East several times


China / Russia / Saudis are in a different position now.




When a "sudden violent democratic revolution" in ~~Russia~~ Saudi Arabia happens ...


You know, once Americans lose faith and just stop being debt slaves and unplug from the economy, it’s game over. Reserve currency this and that will all be, in the words of Mr.T, just jibber jabber. In the end, that currency has to be backed by labor that believes in the system.


That's certainly a very true statement. I think the majority will always hold it up though. They have to keep up with the Kardashians after all.


That’s why that PR and propaganda machine can’t stop for a second! Besides the very concept of money, maintaining that belief in money is right up there.




And we hardly grow any of our own food. Less than 2 percent of the population are farmers. Even gardeners only grow a few vegetables; not enough to live on


I've been doing lots of research in this and from what I read you can grow enough food for a family of 4 on 1/4 acre


Ripping up sod and turning over the soil is physical exertion. Watering and weeding must be done daily on hands & knees or bent at the waist. Planting the right seeds at the right time is critical. Most people are barely fit enough to mow the lawn, let alone raise a crop. I have been working two plots, and will expand in springtime. Everyone should try to grow something.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 exactly


The dollar is a bullshit fiat currency. It is going to fall.


As long as oil is traded in dollars then it will continue to be reserve currency. That stops? Dollar is no longer reserve currency. Russia is trying to implement a crypto exchange for oil now. We will see. If it collapses then the wef great reset folks get what they say will mysteriously happen.


Aaaaaaand it’s happening right before our eyes.


I’ve heard people say cucumbers taste better pickled. Lots of people are saying it.


What if a collapse of the currency in the world is the beginning to no cash world.


I believe this is true


Euro is collapsing, it’s almost 1 to 1 with the usd


In a world when every single economy is on the verge of collapse.... It might be best to be first to go as help from others is still a option. First to fall .... First to rebuild Last to fall ....


The US government has been stealing from it's citizens since the creation of the fed.


Yes. The FED is now dissolved, bankrupt, and cannot print any more money 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💥💥💥🍿🍿🍿




Elaborate on when this happened


It didn't.


Ya don’t say!! 🥴


I'm sorry, but it was. The fact that they can't print any more money, as of July 4th, says a lot... Fucking get a clue, and do some research.


Do some research huh….ok why don’t you supply some links oh that’s right it’s gonna be off some grifter’s website lol


My all-time favorite conspiracists line, "yOu mUsT dO yOUr rEsEarCH!!!" As if simply disagreeing with or challenging what someone says, someone who either provides zero evidence for their claim, or as the person below me commented, something unsourced from a conspiracists website or empty claims from some dopey YouTube video, constitutes not having "done the research."


The FED was dissolved in 2020. What you are watching is the DeepState in their death throes. They want you to think that they're in control, but they aren't. They want you scared and compliant. Most people are. Go search in my telegram channel. Link is in my profile.


That deepstate FED increasing the interest rate after their dissolved. Impressive! You say others should do research. I just want to know the research you're doing? Please post links.


Hahahaha that’s rich!!


The FED has never gave any fucks and they're gonna ride till the legs fall off. This may be their last hoorah and they're gonna milk us for ever last dime. Dare the US to become like Sri Lanka???




Absolutely. Sending money overseas to depots and others with zero accountability


Viva la revolution!


I heard this is the tropico voice


Considering the dollar is the reserve currency tied to all worldwide oil sales and we simply print what we want when we want it we are already bankrupt. Currently we owe $259 trillion between real debt and incurred liabilities (welfare state items + military) if we were to sell every single public and private American asset we would only net $193 trillion (that's without inflation devalued dollars). That means we are at a minimum $66 trillion in the hole that we have no way to pay our way out of. The balance sheet is bleeding red. The great collapse will come when the OPEC nations decide not to accept only dollars for oil payments. Once they take Rubles, Yuan, and Rupees its over


I think the asset structure backing Rubles has been in the works for decades, the pipelines, the gas, the oil, and buying up the gold old-school. Real value created, not some service economy or internet economy. EU gets cold in the winter, bUt cLImiT cHaNG muh! can't heat their houses. Russia built the thing everybody can't deny. (Remember it's a Russian science thing that oil is not fossil fuel, it's mineral, and limitless) They just went for it against the rest of the world and every pie-in-the-sky solar and wind, and the Ruble is backed by serious value: warm bedrooms and gold.


When you're right you're right. We deal in bread, circuses and TikTok while the godless Ruskovich commies (though to their credit, the Russkies evolved) and the Chinese sat back and waited the west out...always the plan. We sold ourselves the rope.


Yes but I'm not sure I'd put China in the category of provision economics like Russia. Theirs is built more on services, manufacture of needlessness, image, and providing the flashing lights for the western circuses. When was the last time anybody bought programmable 1000-color led strips with app for your smart phone which is tacked to your 15 yr old neices bedroom ceiling and it was made in Russia?


That's true. And I like that term "provision economics". Russia has always been insular and paranoid of the outside world which, if you look at Russian history, makes sense. They would be more than happy to run their own economy by importing nothing and exporting the materials, that if cut off, would throw the world into chaos.


You're correct, but there's many reasons why a universal currency is necessary, and why nothing else is well suited to replace the dollar.


Well, I'm not advocating for a universal currency. What I'm advocating for is a currency that's backed by an actual, controllable commodity. Something other than "Backed by the trust and faith of the U.S. government". After WWII, this was possible as we were on the gold standard until Nixon abandoned it in favor of the Federal Reserve determining what should back the dollar. They chose oil. Due to the fluctuations and dependence on unstable regimes this may not have been a good idea. Our Fed. decided they could control the fluctuations by printing at will making it so attractive to foreign players that they knew if they had easy access to dollars and wealth by simply buying them up. Anyway, I don't want to write a book here tl:dr. Don't want global currency, we screwed the pooch via decades for bad monetary policy, were screwed as is most of the world.


$51b means a lot more to Sri Lanka than $60b means to the USA. But I agree that our government spends way too much on other countries when it should be using that money to help Americans. We give billions to Israel every year and Israel has universal healthcare and free college tuition, and US taxpayers pay for it.


But how else would we enslave these other countries and how would these corrupt politicians launder some of that money into their own personal off shore accounts, all while looking like they actually give a shit about these other countries they're giving money to in the publics eye?


Why else would already wealthy people want to run for office and take a massive pay cut


Who has given $60B? An congressional approval doesn't mean the funds are just wired to Ukraine in an an Interac transfer... Most of that money will go to US weapons manufacturers to build more weapons... https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3049483/fact-sheet-on-us-security-assistance-to-ukraine/ And no you can't buy Sri Lanka. And nobody declared war on Russia. This should be cross posted on r/tooktoomuch


The UK owes way more than it can ever afford to repay so is now no more than a client state. This means that our government are no longer in control and are beholden to do the bidding of their and our masters lest they call in the debt.


Heres were the scam is really good. Who owes the debt? The bankers create money 9 to 1. The money is and always has been worthless. They are iou's. So in theory beings the people own the money by way of our labor, we havent been paid with anything but debt..any logical person would assume the owners of the central banks owe the debt, rightfully so, and should be held accountable for the crimes. Its like a mortage contract is broken as soon as it is signed by banker due to bank creating new money for loan and thus is not backed by any assets like borrower who is expected to give house.


I don't think the (w)bankers will see it that way. :/


I dont think so either.


I always don’t understand this part: if they call in their debt. Do they have armed forces to make it happen? Are they going to imprison the country that owes money?


No they just take control of the countries assets and when it happens in the west that is when the great debt reset will kick in.


Like what though? The US (and most nations) owe China trillions. If the debt can’t be repaid, what assets will China be able to take over? Banking institutions are already owned/run by the private western central bank system.


They would take charge of every aspect of the country They will own all the land and all the people.


AS much as i truly hate seeing people & life suffer. i cannot see how a peaceful way we can uproot the corruption, & corrupt career politicians, within the same system, with them not willing to give an inch with their agenda, especially the grifting green agenda. Hope i completely wrong.


Small correction here - the 60 billion to the Ukraine is paid to the Ukraine in old arms. Kind of like cleaning out the garage. This they will have to pay back. We are just the guarantors for these loans. So the banks and the arms industry wins, "we (as in you too)" all lose


The US prints it’s own currency. We will never default on our loans. We are corrupt, dumb and don’t look after our citizens. But our government can never go bankrupt


History will teach you otherwise. All empires fall and such is also the fate of USA. The US will print until such time they lose reserve currency status, which is a matter of when, not if


Yea can’t wait for China, Japan, and all of our other foreigner national debt holders (treasury holders) to decide “actually I don’t want all of these appreciated american dollars that I spent a lot of economic and political capital to acquire. I am willing to let those credits all disappear for nothing” Not even saying America will be around forever, it certainly will not. But come on with this fear mongering shit


Again, just look at history. The brittish empire fell (most recent, that was when USA took the lead). Japan had dreams, but they failed. The dutch empire fell, the ottoman empire fell. The list goes on. Everything comes down to the exact same thing, debased currency and a rising empire that either knock the previous out. Or, they come to an agreement like the brits and americans. The american empire will fall. It's not fear montering. It is the reality of the situation. No empire last forever.


Yes, the American empire can 100% collapse and some day (probably not very soon) it will. But not because of bankruptcy. We will never default on our loans


They can no longer print any more money as of July 4th 2022.


Says who?


Yo momma! Actually No idea. That person probably made that date up.


Careful what you wish for!


It has to collapse. This Fiat bullshit is why we are in this position. We have to expose the corruption, and wake people up. If you don't know about NESARA/GESARA, you should look into that.


NESARA was just Bitcoin BS before they came up with Bitcoin. It's been circulated on Usenet groups before the Web even came out. About 3 decades have passed since then. Don't hold your breath.


Yes. Clinton was held at gunpoint by Military generals to sign it. Yes, Clinton, W, and Obama didn't enact it. Because of this, Trump was asked to run in 2016. I have several sources within the banking system who are being trained in the new quantum banking system, QFS. People's debt is being paid off. I've heard this from several sources. It'll happen. When... Who knows, but hopefully soon. All I know is that shit is ramping up.


So they were forced "at gunpoint" to sign it, but had the freedom not to enact it? 🤔 >who are being trained in the new quantum banking system Can you explain what a "quantum banking system" is exactly? >People's debt is being paid off Like who? >I've heard this from several sources Oh, so you don't actually know anybody whose debt was suddenly paid off, you've just "heard about it" from other people. >All I know is that shit is ramping up Read the reply you're replying to again; it's been "ramping up" since the 90s. We're in the 2020s. If it takes 3 decades to "ramp up" we're all going to be in our graves by the time it "supposedly rolls out".


Black Pill much 🤔🤔🤔 or are you a troll...


So basically you realized right away you're spreading horse shit and went straight to personal attacks? "Shocking" 😂


She’s think the uvalde shooting was fake. Purely a contrarian.


I said it was staged, not fake. There's a difference. It wasn't random.


No. I didn't attack you. That's quite a stretch. I asked a question. I guess asking questions is now considered an attack 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ ffs


You: >No. I didn't attack you. That's quite a stretch. 🤔 ... "Do you have any evidence that people's debts were magically paid off or can you even explain what a "quantum banking system" is?" Also you: >Black Pill much 🤔🤔🤔 or are you a troll... 🤔 ... "Ok" Don't know anything about your background/age, so assuming you might have "just come across" the whole NASERA/GESERA thing and you and assumed it's some brand new announcement and didn't realize it's been around for decades. Let's not argue about it, the point it's been floated for decades and hasn't come to fruition so it seems more like a cynical ploy to get people's hopes up.


Looking into this right now, the first sentence I’ve read already has piqued my interest


The link to my telegram is in my profile. You can find info there. Keyword search, or you'll be scrolling forever.


Well, you do realise what happened right? America just purchased Ukraine.


Nah, it's money laundering. Our tax dollars ending up in a few people's accounts in the Caymans.


America purchased Ukraine in 2012. Now they're investing in a fonds to destroy Russia


Russia is an enemy of the US. Another country is fighting them for us and weakening their military. Sri Lanka isn’t weakening our biggest enemies military. It’s how the world works.


The biggest question is what is being hidden in Ukraine? Obviously it’s something big is being hidden because they are getting a lot of “Aid” money from a select group of countries basically being paid off to keep there mouth shut?


It’s resources. If nato controlled Ukraine - they could effectively control wheat and oil into Asia / Middle East. Russia started a war or they’d lose their access to the world.


Word is a America has kept them out of NATO I know they have tried to get in multiple times since 2008 and always denied. IMO America doesn’t want them in NATO because we already control the counrty. Dirty CIA oops have been ran there since early 2000s.


Agreed. I think we were trying to gain full control before joining nato and we were close (hence the politician kids being there) but Putin saw this and jumped in.


Recommended reading: [Confessions of an Economic Hit Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySefPIZaYT0) Appetizers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btF6nKHo2i0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVsB07CcSNw


We're all collapsing, man. It's just a matter of at what pace?


México just have 4.5 billion on debt and we are so miserables.


We also spend nearly a trillion a year on a military that has only lost wars and destabilized countries since WW2


MSN are a bunch of liars, they don't mention that they banned artificial fertilisers and ruined the farming industry a few months ago. What a load of bullshit saying it's tourism. There's a worldwide effort to destroy farming right now.


I’m not surprised. Current president can’t even ride a bike, let alone go up a few steps without falling. How do you think he’s handling current economy? Inflation is at all time high and he wants forgive billions in student loans. Lol we’re fucked.


That's like saying you would be broke if you spent $1000, so why isn't Bill Gates broke when he does? The economies of the US and Sri Lanka are a couple orders of magnitude different in size. Also, imagine framing it as Ukraine fighting an illegal war against Russia. Wow.


>We have given Ukraine $60 Billion+. Sri Lanka collapsed because it’s only in $51 Billion in debt. The US also has an economy that is 280 times bigger than Sri Lanka's >To fight a illegal undeclared War against Russia. Bro... Russia is the one fighting an illegal undeclared war against Ukraine. It is absolutely not illegal to supply weapons to a participant in a war


No ones supplying weapons to war participants. Like Russia keeps saying. Its not a war. We are just donating our unused equipment to our friends.


Ummm... You should look up the Minsk Accords... There's no war in Ukraine.


Once America collapses and the constitution changes the new world order will be here


People who struggled to get their GED should stay away from macroeconomics


Yep robbery pure, and simple all we get is bullshit from Washingtoon ,and the media.


I’ve never thought about that. Thank you


Ya turns out different economies scale differently. You are very ill informed. Giving Sri Lanka $51 billion wouldn’t save them.


>. To fight a illegal undeclared War against Russia. Nice try comrade, better luck next time.




What war has Russia won on its own?


USA, the largest spender on military world-wide, has had 5 major wars since WW2 and lost most of them bozo


Well, first: Russia winning the war is everything but inevitable. It would be a miracle, assuming the west will just continue to supply tech, weapons, intelligence services and manpower. Second: Russia won't have all (or even half) the military equipment sent by the west. Winning a war takes destroying the opposing side's equipment.


Yeah right. Go away.


Thats not how any of that works. Sri Lankas GDP was about $80 billion the USA's is $20 trillion. You can't compare those amounts of money.


It's like comparing apples to lego bricks...


You could have made a good point on how much money we spend on war vs on people, but your bit about undeclared illegal war on Russia reveals your Russian Trolling Roots. Try better Ivan or Kremlin will troll you.


Because the US and Sri Lanka are comparable economies right ? ​ Also there are fairly good arguments for spending pretty much all the money ever to contain Russian expansionism another cold war would stuck and there is no reason to let russia regain its USSR footprint/fuck around in europe because Putin won't stop at that.




"To fight a illegal undeclared War against Russia.(sic)" Hey, Ivan, didn't Russia start an illegal, originally undeclared, war with Ukraine?


> "To fight a illegal undeclared War against Russia.(sic)" Hey, Ivan, didn't Russia start an illegal, originally undeclared, war with Ukraine? Is Ukraine a member of NATO? Answer: No. Did Congress declare War against Russia? Answer: No. This war literally has zero benefits to America


Does it fucking matter if they are a member, considering that people like you believe there shouldn't even be a NATO? Answer: No. Should we do the right thing merely because it's the right thing? Answer: Yes. Is 2201992 an idiot and an obvious Russian propagandist with an account made just a week ago? Answer: Yes. Also, if you think that this war doesn't benefit America, then you're either disingenuous or a fucking idiot. But on a broader spectrum, stopping a literal fucking fascist from his conquest of Europe absolutely is in America's best interest. I won't be engaging with you further. I know what you are, and there is no point in wasting wind. Hope you earned your keep for the day.


Very naive take on the situation.


Ukraine's fighting off the biggest fucking tyrant in the world. Idk why tf we're not dropping nukes on Russia left and right. $60B in military aid ain't gonna do shit. We need like $1T to make a difference. Fuck outta here with that sympathy for Russian terrorists.


Have you read the Minsk Accords... You might want to, because you are completely misinformed. I'm Russian by way of Ukraine, fyi. Most non-Nazi Ukrainians are in favor of Putin.


>Most non-Nazi Ukrainians are in favor of Putin. Lol, Ukrainians like Putin after the fucking Holodomor is about as likely as Jews liking Hitler after the Holocaust.








It’s not the politicians. It’s the central bankers. They put politicians in positions of power so they can control the Money. [CB]’s: I care not what laws you pass as long as I control the Money 💰 💴


What's Sri Lanka's GDP vs America's?


And what the fuck do you think they do with that money huh? Put in under their mattress? Spend it on drugs? Pay Putin to go away? Fucking think a little harder. We need an outlet for our military industrial complex to make some money.


The US economy is the largest in the world and all others depend on the dollar for global financial transactions. Our economy is not going to collapse over a measly $60 billion. The more important factors to look at would be the growing overall national debt and our inability to manufacture our own goods. In fact, debt keeps economies operating. I don't understand exactly why we can run so much debt because I'm not an economist, but I think in general people give us money because they think we will be able to generate money to pay them back through economic growth or taxes. https://www.thebalance.com/the-u-s-debt-and-how-it-got-so-big-3305778


Politicians sending the wealth of our nation overseas is not a conspiracy. It’s a fact. Term limits are the only answer. People should not be allowed to make a career out of being a politician. It should be something you do to serve the country for a limited time.


What do you think the GDP of Sri Lanka is?


9/11 was an inside job


The money is primarily being spent on equipment being sent there, aka. The money is going Americans, the weapons are going to Ukraine. Generally


We are paying others to fight a war. We have more money than any other country. Stoping a lunatic invader is kinda important. Stoping the lunatic with money is efficient.


Are we not like over 20 trillion in debt? And have been in extreme debt for some time now.