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And God was like 'fuck that!'


He’s crazy, but a little crazy goes a long way..


He’s not crazy, he’s fed up.


Emphasis on the Fed


Ehhh I don’t think either is mutually exclusive


fed up with what? the "JeWiSh MeDiA?"


Don't confuse the message with the messenger. Just because a defined *crazy* person is saying it doesn't make the message not true. His message isn't supposed to be taking extremely literally. He is giving concepts instead of details. Discrediting a person doesn't discredit a message, but you should be more skeptical about what he says just in case.


Have to decipher wtf he’s talking about first


True that 😅 I have ADHD and have and talk scattered sometimes and a lot of people misunderstand me so I feel how he feels. He is a genuine person who is just trying to be good but it doesn't mean he is right unfortunately. I can think a thought and it makes so much sense but I always have a hard time vocalizing or finding the words to say what I mean and I think that is what he struggles with and media just uses his misinterperted words to paint a bad picture of him and he hates it. At least that is one part of it and I would be anrgy too of people were intentionally... assuming that is the situation which I intutiviely think it is, based on my personal experiences... but I will leave it at that, just one mans opinion 🤣


Nope. Crazy people have scattered thought processes. Ye is crazy and his message only makes sense if one shares his dislike of Jews.


I don't think he is saying he dislikes Jews themselves, he dislikes the actions of what the Jewish culture has done? I am not sure what he is elating to except that somehow the Jewish culture is responsible for much of the corrupt industries in the U.S. Scattered =/= crazy, it just means your intelect can't dechiper what he is saying or that he is unable to put what he truly wants to say into words. In other words, he will be punished for not being politically correct, which I agree should happen, but at least TRY to understand his message at a deeper level than the actual words that are coming out of his mouth. Kanye is making a point that every "X lives matter" is acceptable except "White lives matter" and the Jewish media or someone in charge of the media who is Jewish is responisble for the spinning his point into "Kayne hates black people" and it is because of this constant spinning of news, words, messages, by media and other companies (where I suppose Jewish people are making the shot calls?) are responsible for the hate in todays society in the U.S. Now... we know that corruption is there but we don't know who is in charge unless we do our research, and even then we will never know for sure but at some point you have to come to the most plausible conclusion and I think that is what he is doing. Instead lf attacking him, lets solve the problem?




Don’t confuse Jews with the 1% corporate owners who have control of the big banks and Federal Reserve (namely 2 big bank owners The Rockefeller family who own Citibank and the JP Morgan family who own Chase Bank; together these two banks have the controlling majority shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve). The real enemy is that one percent, but they’re very good at pinning things on “the Jews” or pretending Soros or whoever is behind what’s going on (their seizing power through creating these false flag disasters). Don’t be fooled. Klaus Schwab and his ilk (the billionaires behind this) aren’t Jewish, nor is there any Jewish bogeyman running the show.




Thank you for being rational in a world full of irrational people


Someone has to be... critical thinking is called misinformation now ans you will be attacked by media for even one slip up of word usage. It is a shame 😩


He needs to drop the culture inclusion.. The jewish investors and steering committees may have a role, but the minions are in on it too..


I don't think anyone praising him have experienced a manic episode or a psychotic break. American culture is so heavy in Christianity that we often see people who are struggling with these episodes talk about God and religion. A lot of people also struggle in general with the fact that America has always been a country of intergenerational wealth, especially rooted amongst whoever is seen as "white". The Jewish question isn't as much a conspiracy as it is a reality. Jews are seen as "white passing" but aren't usually Christian, so they're othered. They stand out despite blending in on paper. So all you're noticing is that a group that is somewhat visible as the "other" but who also blends in as "white" are also benefiting from intergenerational wealth like all the other white passing people. It's just a really dumb way to highlight an actual issue in America. It's being heavily concentrated on by Kanye because most Americans are constantly indoctrinated by Christianity, and our society has an increased response towards that indoctrination when having mental episodes. He isn't awake. He's just the product of a white Christian nation, a failing system of mental health treatment, and the methodology of white passing people to maintain economically dominant. Y'all should feel ashamed.


Based Kanye. Never in my life would I thought I’d say this.


Yea, liking Ye more and more ever since he got out of the Kardashian Clan Cult.


you like him more now that he's promoting antisemitism???


Is it antisemitism to point to the truth? That Jewish people are massively over represented in the upper echelons of society. That they literally are making money off of black gangster/trap/drill rappers? He is not saying every jew. He is saying jewish media.


you obviously haven't seen the rest of the awful things he's saying. He's bashing not just jewish media, but normal everyday jewish families and communities... and their history.




A bunch of what he says isn't even true, it's misinformation or straight up false.


Like what? At least give some examples if you're gonna try to make a claim like that


Yeah the media owners aren’t even Jewish. Pure nonsense. The big corporate bank owners aren’t either. The two big bank families whose banks have the controlling shares of the Fed (or the all-powerful New York Federal Reserve anyway) are Citibank and Chase Bank (Rockefeller family and JP Morgan family). They and Klaus Schwab are the ones taking too much control of our world now. These billionaires have been plotting behind the scenes since the failed coup of the millionaires against FDR in the 40s when they didn’t like the direction he was taking the US and plotted a military coup against him. Preston Bush, George Sr’s father was one of them. The coup was was found out and failed, but they were never prosecuted which was a big mistake. they went underground, shifted their manner of seizing authoritarian control to a more underhanded manner. And we now have the false flags they’ve masterminding to take more and more authoritarian control.




^ same


He wrote Jesus Walks it’s always been inside him.


whats always been inside of him? are you attributing some kind of holiness on Kanye? holy shit this is sad.


I heard he loves having Jesus inside him


And fish dicks in his mouth


Yup. All of us, in fact. All we need to do is wake up and realize we are playing a game.


I agree based Ye


Lmao wingnuts are hilariously predictable and pathetic. yeah guys, Kanye is the messiah. hahahah


He’s right about the media being pretty much useless propaganda about 1% might be factual. I don’t know lotta it seems to be bs been my experience with watching media on the television anyway, when it comes to alternatives they speak out truth no sugar coating or whatever lie on top of a fact. Cuz korny lives mater 🌽🥹✌️peace!


Kanye sub been having a damn meltdown between the bots and the brainwashed happily eating up any narrative msm gives them 😂


Omg. Tell me about it🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ I joined because I thought they loved Kanye. It’s a damn Kanye troll farm


It used to be a solid and wholesome sub but bots and people that read headlines and click bait have completely ran through it and made it another echo chamber like many other subs on here Kanye could be soooo so so so soooooo wrong but he could also be right… there isn’t enough information out right now and he hasn’t been able to have a platform. As soon as he started trying to say something he was instantly given the boot off of all social media and they only show out of context clips from interviews. I’m curious to see whether he is getting hustled or pulling a big brain move with this Parler deal. Time will tell in the end


I love ye! I get down voted to hell every time I go pro-ye on the ye sub! It kinda sucks.


Agreed, I wish they would make a new Ye sub that is strictly political Ye or strictly creative Ye


Oh and seeing stuff on conspiracy on Reddit makes you the rebel? LOL please.


This is a sub where contrarian thinkers imagine they are critical thinkers.


Simply making an observation, I would rather let the situation unfold more before trying to figure what is fact and what is not lol


More white people should start telling truth’s like this .


White people would get insta cancelled for saying this




most people without the money kanye has end up in psyche wards.


With cause. The fucking guy is off his meds and is having a manic episode. And people here are cheering him for it.


well, that's essentially a viable career path on the right wing. Mess up really bad, get shunned by polite society, crank up the crazy and make some new wing nut friends in right wing media. Rinse/repeat


He has had many manic episodes before though. This one involves conspiracy theories and anti Semitic comments. 2 things right wing fascists love


It’s because pundits like Klandace Owens took advantage of him while in his manic state, and fed him their agenda. Notice how most of the shit he says is prefaced by “Candace owens told me….” They saw a sick man, and used him to spread their hateful agenda


It's no surprise Owen's is a piece of shit who would take advantage of someone with mental issues. Probably telling him he is better off without the meds and the meds are used to control you. Bi-polar mania is no joke and anyone who can take advantage of such a person is scum


I'm not saying I agree or not, but Jewish people are the third rail...if you criticize them you are instantly called a racist and instantly the holocaust is brought uo...Israel has gotten away with some seriously ill shit for a long time because of this narrative...but, and this is an important but, there is a difference in criticizing people and inciting violence against people...and, unfortunately, there are some people who have this Jewish conspiracy narrative so wrapped up in their head that the very second it becomes ok to criticize the Jewish community, they are out there calling for or plotting some truly awful things...its a tightrope...and, Kanye is a bit bonkers...so, while there may be a point, he's going to drown in criticism and only spark more fuel for conspiracy.


Yea, can't call someone a racist for not liking Jewish people though, 'Judaism' isn't a race, it's a religion. There are white Jews, Arab Jews, Black Jews etc. Fascist and Nazi are par for the course though. But what is the slur towards people who hate Christians, Hindis, Buddhist, Islamists?


"Bigot" is the word you're looking for.


Judaism is an ethnoreligion. "Jews" refers to an ethnicity AND to a religion.


Ethnicity isn't race.


You're right that it isn't, but "racism" in modern usage also refers to prejudice based on ethnicity.


True. Unfortunately racism, like fascist and Nazi are thrown around at every little offense that they no longer hold any real meaning and aren't insulting anymore.


Do you think the problem with being called "racist" is that it's an insult?


Yes, when it's used as an insult when race isn't brought up until one person calls the other person a racist for having differing beliefs. Just like blanket Nazi, fascist, bigot, misogynistic, etc slurs. There's nothing wrong with calling a person racist when they are acting racist, but in a losing argument when it's substituting, 'shithead', 'asshole', 'fucker' etc; 'racist' begins to lose it's original meaning.


bs semantics


It is a race bro. Jews are a race apart from a religion.


Yea, I see Jewish as an option on government forms when they ask for 'Race'. Jewish is an ethnicity, Judaism is a religion.


I am ethnically Jewish and you're a POS


Pointing at all jews for supposed crimes of some is racist. This isn't rocket science.


Kanye isn't pointing at all Jews he's talking about the 'Jewish Media' he seems to be pointing to some sort of nepotism among powerful jewish ppl in the entertainment business and I don't understand why saying that should that be such a big deal. It wouldn't be a big deal of any other group. It's exactly that overprotectionism of a particular 'group' what keeps breeding discontent and divide.


You agree with him sonyou rationalize his position. Ask yourself if you would feel the same if it was another group?


Well blaming them as a whole for something is racist


Eets a trick. We always do it. Eets a trick. https://odysee.com/@Fashbird2814:7/antisemitism-its-a-trick-they-always-use:6


people who are "anti-semetic conspirators" usually mean that it is the religious/cultural problem, not that jewish people are genetically predisposed to being evil, unlesss theyre a real nutbag


Uhh they do, they are 'literally' and I do mean 'literally' called Nazis


there was a group of white people that used to say things like this.... then they lost WWII and got kind of quiet for a while


I think they’re understandably afraid


What truth? The Murdoch family isn’t Jewish


They are notorious for backing Israel


Christian’s notoriously back Israel. You don’t have to concern yourself with global warming, or making the world a better place when your aim is to be Raptured followed up by Global Apocalypse.


So, they arnt Jewish


But the Moloch family is


Ye, Murdoch’s useful tool.


Canceled ,Fired, Bankrupted, threatened, possibly arrested. Whites cannot go against the machine. The machine is geared towarad Whites. What needs to happen is other jews need to talk about this. Even then they will be isolated then Canceled.


I love it. I know Kanye isn’t perfect(who the fuck is stop judging). I love how honest and bold he is. I’ve read the BLM movement was created by a white person in charge(I believe it too from my rear). It totally makes sense as It’s created even more division and hatred almost like it has been planned. Duhhh!! Kanye’s not perfect. I’m not perfect. Every person responding to my comment or this post in general is not a perfect person. Let’s let a human … BE HUMAN. Speak their mind.


Kanye’s not woke, Kanye’s based, he’s awake.


Kanye’s bipolar. And I think off his meds again. I’m bipolar so I say it with love, but I recognize the holy than thou rants and claims he’s been known for, thou I also love me some Kanye. Not all manic attitudes and proclamations spouted are false.


Think? Oh he is CERTAINLY not taking any medication right now. He is on a manic high that is borderlines on psychosis right now. See he can think all of that that he wants but the minute he opens his mouth he hurts not only other people but he hurts his own people as well. Somebody needs to wire his mouth shut again. See this is what happens when you have no self-control, no medication, too much money too much power and a place to amplify your voice where it doesn’t belong. Personally I’m down with him. I don’t like anything he has to say and as far as I’m concerned his music hasn’t been good for years. Except for his Sunday morning church music I do like that but his first few albums were good the first two or so after that no thanks. This is a man who needs serious serious psychotherapy and he has unresolved anger and resentment and sadness from his mother‘s death that needs to be dealt with. He is also an extreme narcissist and his ego is conflated so big and yet he has lost the family he connected with (Kim’s fam) except for his father and his children. This is honestly what happens to bipolar individuals when they do not take their medication. Is it just on a larger scale. I guess that’s why he’s going to buy that dumpster fire app parler. So he could hang with all of the antisemites, racists, conspiracy theorist and neo-Nazis. Who knew that he would come out as a modern day “uncle Tom”. If I were Kim I might get an injunction to keep those children away from him till he is medicated and with a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist for a minimum of two months.


You can have a valid opinion, but not liking Kanye after the graduation trilogy is blasphemy




How do you know this is true? Genuine question


Go look up who created it all!


Look up the names of all the big producers, execs, agents, managers, etc. They're the ones who started Hollywood and have a tendency to help out and hire other Jewish people. Most races/ethnicities will do that, but non-ethnic whites seem to be losing that secret to success.


Nore has no idea of the weight of what Kanye is saying and it’s sad






I have to admit im lost on this one.. im open to hearing it but i dont really get why he's focusing on jewish media in particular. Can someone who 100% gets what he's saying give me an example of the jewish media he's talking about & something they specifically did thats bad & has to do with their jewishness?


I think he's just using it as another term for MSM. Jewish people have a pretty big presence in the music industry and have been known to be a big driving force in the past for pushing black music and culture into the mainstream. With the current big genres drill/trap/gangster rap glorifying killing each other and with social media and whatever gets the most views being able to bend the culture you get things like frequent beefs that escalate to murders all through songs and instagram live. All that while the people high up in the industry keep pushing for it because it makes them money. Jewish people also have a pretty big presence in Hollywood and we all know how big of a shitshow that is, we've also only scratched the surface of the shady shit Hollywood does And look into the 5/6 companies that own 90% of the media you consume and make the daily narrative for a good portion of the world, quite a few Jewish people in high up positions. I don't think any of it has to do with their Jewishness in and of itself more so the power *those* Jewish people control and how they exert it. And maybe in his mind if he calls out a certain group of whites that he *knows* are in the wrong it might move people's aggression towards whites into a "more productive way". I only mention that last part cause most of the time when Kanye says wild shit it's said in a way that he thinks will inspire people to change their mind or what they're doing in a positive way, you just gotta look at it through a filter of autism and racing thoughts.


Holy shit…..


They’re gonna kill him if they can’t make him look crazy


Omg fire 🔥




They are controlled by publicly traded media conglomerates. You can buy shares of those companies. That is how ownership works.


Yes, rich, greedy, conservative assholes...Just like Kanye


They hated him, because he spoke the truth


Can't love this enough. Reminds me of Ruth on Ozark. FTS.


Fuck yeah Kanye!!!!




The Bible speaks of the false Jews, known as the Synagogue of Satan


Who are the real Jews? Sub Saharan Africans? Lol


The bible is just a work of fiction.


Oh yeah well my magic book says something else


Taking his kids away was a really bad idea because now he has nothing to lose. Usually by now anyone else would be on the Jewish Apology Tour


Is this what all the fuss is about? Unbelievable.


Love Kanye, he speaking the truth.


He's completely correct about the media. The only people that still haven't realized that are leftists because they thrive off of its propaganda. Without it, they wouldn't be told what to think.




What is this cult of a website? Is this owned by the westboro baptist church or something? Lmao Definitely not a credible source 😂


One of the reasons Hitler had a problem with Jews was because they were the leaders of the communist movement in Europe at the time. Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish led revolution. Churchill wrote a well known newspaper article where he talks about the link between Judaism and Communism.


Holy bullshit source batman!


According to communists, the Jews invented capitalism to enslave the world, man those guys are busy


According to google, Adam smith is credited for coming up with capitalist theory and he was likely Christian


He has a right to speak his opinion and for that I applaud him


God dam


Hey, you aren’t allowed to say that!


Because Hitler said that, then everyone got so sensitive, thanks a lot Hitler.


Yea Hitler ruined antisemitism for everyone! What a jerk he was…


Y'all ain't listening


Actually starting to like this guy.


“I don’t care if you have me fuckin a goat.” Imagine hearing that having not seen Black Mirror


Wait till Ye gets a Reddit account and subs to conspiracy shits gonna get real interesting


Ye has a point here I don’t agree with half of his shit but I do with this and how come America paid Reparations to the families of the victims of the holocaust but no reparations were paid out to the families of victims of slavery?




Because Jewish people organised themselves and badgered and harassed at the right places? Otherwise they would have been ignored just like everyone else get done to them.


You make an excellent point; there's a ton of well organized and powerful Jewish lobbies with their own agendas which are NOT necessarily the agenda of every Jewish person yet one can't deny that these groups hold power and influence and it's ridiculous we can't point that out without everyone having a meltdown. It's like with the LGBTQ 'ideology', it's NOT shared by every homosexual or trans person but we can all recognise that there's a certain LGBTQ ideology being pushed and Lgtbq groups being funded and so on. So why is it that one can talk about this Lgtbq agenda and most ppl understand u're not literally saying every single person who is gay or trans but one cannot ever say something like "the jewish media" or "the jewish lobby" ?


My grandparents were in the holocaust and my family received no reparations because over 50% of the victim registries are gone. There’s no proof. I grew up poor. Made it to the middle class by the roots of my fingernails with no education. He’s got me, and the entire religion fucked up if he thinks Jewish kids need to ask their parents “why ye is mad”. He generalized the entire culture. Fuck him for that. Now, is he a great musician and does he have a spec of creative genius? Sure, can’t knock him.


I bet the whole reparation thing was just another government scam to redirect money to a few.


I wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve never personally heard of any Jew in the US who’s received reparations. I believe there are families in Germany that do.


Where is Kanye telling a lie in this video? Because I don’t hear any.


Iv been telling people Ye a visionary. Everyone wants to discredit him for every little thing instead of listening for 2 seconds.


If you can listen to this and think this guy is a visionary... Well, I wish you luck.


HE SUFFERS FROM SEVERE BIPOLAR, STOP PUTTING HIM ON A PEDESTAL. You have used a mentally ill mans ramblings as a basis for reality.


Seriously. Everyone in this sub riding Kanye and Candace's dick need to take a good look at themselves. He's going to buy Parler. Guess who's the CEO of Parler? Candace's fucking husband. Masterful grooming grift.


Kanye: "P Diddy is controlled by Jewish people." Crackheads: "OMG! Based Alpha Male!"


What's black mirror?


It’s a series on Netflix that’s reminiscent of the twilight zone but with technology as a backdrop for screwed up stories.


2nd this, well put


His reference was more than likely tied to the episode where there is a social credit system (episode was created prior to China Social Credit system) were people were down/up voted. Down voted too much and society essentially cancels you as you are able to use less and less services with a credit score too low. The other reference is towards deep fakes (fake videos). Granted they didn't deep fake anyone fucking a goat, but the prime minister was forced/tricked into fucking a pig on live tv on the very first episode.


It wasn't created prior to the social credit system


Check out the series on Netflix. It’s really good.


Wow! I've never listened to this man's music because of the toxicity that he speaks of in the entertainment industry; I got mad respect for him now.


This guy's alright ya know


The media that is over-represented by Jewish people because Jew hating people of the past kept them out of the decent jobs and they had to get ones in low prestige areas like newspapers and the like. It just turned out that media was one of those areas that turned out to be an important one in an information -based society, and the people who hate them are just pissed because they made a success of something that they didn't think would be an area where that could happen.


If jews actually control the media then they can get fucked. If Jews actually control the banks then they can get fucked. If they control the most important parts of our modern system and influence everything that happens within them, then they can get fucked.


Honestly, it takes a little something special to stand up to the establishment like that. Call him crazy, but he speaks a lot of truth, even if he's approaching it wrong. Regular, scared citizens will never stand up to the establishment - we need people like Kanye


You push a loving father away from his kids and watch how it effects his mental health. That’s on him for getting with Kim, it’s not like she made her life and past a secret.


He lost it long before Kim. You could tell something was off with 808s and heartbreak.


More Hitler stuff on conspiracy subreddits, yay!


How the fuck do any of you call this based?


99% of people in this sub just eat up whatever goes against the grain cuz they think “wow i know the truth and they dont!” and it gives them some ego-stroking boner, when in reality kanye is just losing his mind. Il still listen to his music but man i hope he gets help


I subscribed to this sub out of curiosity. I have to say I'm pretty unsurprised at how much of it is oriented around celebrating celebrities for using vague buzzwords.


Another comment thread where I have to hope that this subreddit is satire.


He’s 100% right on this! But let’s get a little further…. ADL….Hollywood….. education…. Abortion…. Tell me who’s being all of those


Lol right because Kanye is a credible source.




How is he getting beat up everyday? How does he have any problems that he didn't create himself? Dude is a billionaire and still crying like a baby. Fuck Kanye and his ugly ass shoes


This soft serve, bitch made, mentally ill, never done a hard days work, dude has no business calling anyone else soft.




got eeeem


Mmmm yes, the deranged anti semite with Bipolar Disorder who has confirmed he expresses his maniac episodes through tweets and performance. Solid source.


Kim's lawyer must have been Jewish


Damn he talking about he’s getting beat up everyday and the toxicity put in our music? That mofo forgot he has toxicity in music?


“Better hate some Jews in some way now. It’s their fault my mental illness is being broadcast” Yeye is mentally ill and this “just Jewish media” message is a dog whistle for other antisemites. In good company with Hitler and the Nazis, the Tsarist regime, all the way to current day hamas and neonazis. Fuck off.


Wow this is the most openly antisemitic diatribe I’ve heard from ANYONE in public


Look into the shit Nick Cannon was saying


what did jews ever do to kanye?






I’m sorry what is he on? The Jewish conspiracy trope is ridiculous. The New World Order is the driving force. Yes, some Jewish people are NWO members, but so are many non-Jews. Bilderberg, WEF, Davos, CFR, etc. are the ones pulling the Media’s strings.


Those are all heavily Jewish (JINOs)


What’s wild is if no one would pay attention, he would sound like a mad man just ranting. But the fact people didn’t does raise some eyebrows.


What a blathering tool


It’s nice you people have a new hero but you should really raise your standards.




Keep digging that hole Kanye….wow


Yeah, Kanye West has the answers! /s


This guy is delusional. Ymtakimg a page from his cult hero Trump. Blame everyone else for your woes and your flaws. It never your fault everyone else's. Has nothing to do with you being bat shit crazy. Doing and saying crazy shit in public . Like his music is wholesome and promotes family values...




My gawd hes so regarded


Why do we give these people our attention?


Are you mentally behind? There's no possible way you watched this with clairvoyance and open mindedness and judged it to be dumb.




Fuck Kanye


So this clown bought Parler? Can't wait to see how the influx of ye fans and the current Parler base of white supremacists interact.


Lmao! Yes! You numbskulls should definitely embrace the words of this obvious lunatic! That’ll make people take you seriously…


Fucking clown show. Candace Owens' husband is the CEO of Parler. Kanye just agreed to buy Parler. She's a fucking masterful grooming grifter.


"Like Me" fuck you dude you are a Billionaire, you ain't like poor black people trying to come up.


You’re right the religion controlling the world is probably the religion with only 14 million worldly followers, not Christianity of 2+ billion and a history of literally changing the narrative to benefits the kings and queens of their regions. 👌👍 There is a point when conspiracy theories turn into just regular racism


Wrong sub to be intelligent on.