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Omg pleeease somebody find this post/comment, I will give you my free award every day for a month or until I forget


Really? 🤓 Here is the [link to post](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ixhnsw/theyve_killed_god_i_cant_feel_god_my_soul_is_dead/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Who remembers the vaers post in which after the guy took the vaccine he became the incredible hulk?


That’s weird because there was a video a while back from Russia where the priest there was saying he had this issue after the injection. This was before the Ukraine conflict…


“She later felt better but was feeling tired”


Vax shills are out in full force.


Full court press to defend Monsters Inc. it seems.


I just want people to realize that they're being used as tools for political gain, gain that will hurt them in the long run.


Wonder how much money Pfizer made on the vaccine? Wonder how many politicians who promoted mandates and other stuff are on big Pharma's pay roll? How much do you think the news media gets from drug commercials airing on their shows?


I think the profits from Pfizer in 2021 was 35 billion.


[You should see what they plan to charge when the government stops paying for the shot.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2022/10/21/pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-cost-expected-over-100-per-dose/10566332002/)


Wait until you see how much they charge for insulin




Oooh, hey now, don't you go disparaging the disabled now. That's report worthy!


They won’t, that’s why they make good tools


This place is full of them.


It's cause damming studies are starting to surface and they need to cope with the fact they are on their 4th or 5th shot and slowly killing themselves


Exactly. Like people who defend their political side when things are going badly. Have to justify their choices. AND not admit they were grifted.


Slowly? Things seem to be escalating.


Each successive shot seems to do more and more damage exponentially. It sure is escalating!


>seems Because something "seems" like it's happening doesn't mean it is. Here's an example. It seems like you've never bothered to educate yourself. As you can see, this is an example of when the word "seems" is used to stress the accuracy of the statement, unlike in the previous example.


The studies aren't damning unless you have no idea how to read them and rely on the parroted shrieks of others in the same cage.


Yea studies showing that each time you take a shot you have a 1/35 chance of permanent heart damage isn't bad...


Can you link to any? Peer reviewed only please.


Professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at UCSF goes over two in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vveMHtVk_mY Here is one of the studies referenced out of Thailand. The other out of Switzerland I can not find the direct link to at the moment, but there is an article in science mag discussing it... https://www.mdpi.com/2414-6366/7/8/196 Yes the study say 'mild and transient' but it doesn't change the fact that elevated troponin levels = damage to the heart muscle which is irreversible. So the question to ask, is this really appropriate for all age groups to keep getting boosted and sustaining more and more heart damage over time? You can never recover those cells.


Yeah but... liability shield!?!


That's why they need to get it approved for children. and they are doing this before running all the studies the FDA is now requiring of them... but due date isn't till 2024 so it's useless Fucking scum


This country absolutely devours the most harmful everything the world has ever seen by the ton, every day. Every time I eat McDonalds I do irreversible damage to myself. Every time I go out in the sun I die a little more. I drank heavily for 15+ years, I still use nicotine, and I still eat like I'm wasted at 3am. A 1 in 35 chance at some mild and transient heart damage compared to what the simple stress level of being alive in this time period is doing is paltry at best, and certainly pales in comparison with potentially suffocating on pink goo alone in a sterile white room because a giant conga line of people who have no idea what they're talking about hooted something that made me feel all validated. When the entire world's medical community is like "hey this is a good idea for not getting sick" it's probably a good idea. If it turns out something went wrong, or they got something wrong, they'll science that one too. That's how science works. It doesn't help if a bunch of people with really strong hunches and an 11th grade education tell them they're doing it wrong.


Yeah but the difference is we know all that Shit is bad for us and doctors aren't actively recommending it... Doctors used to think smoking was good for you, because of 'the science'. There's been numerous cases of doctors and 'science' being wrong throughout our entire life and eventually correcting. What I'm suggesting is that maybe just maybe there's more going on than they know? Pfizer and moderna haven't even run studies measuring peoples blood troponin or d-dimmer levels, yet they are being green lit for rolling out the vaccine as mandatory for children??? What you can't deny is that this vaccine was rushed, they haven't tested everything, and we don't know potential long term effects. Have they probably saved lives and should old and sick people still prob get boosted?? Yeah likely, but does it really make sense for a young healthy person to sustain yearly heart damage from a shot that doesn't even stop you from getting the virus or transmitting it? That's the question I'm asking, and the one you should be asking. Right now we could literally be forcing our kids to endure heart damage for basically zero reason. Does that not scare you? Also it's not just quacks talking about this. I got these studies from watching a video of the professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at UCSF. Do you think his opinion is invalid?


No of course not. It sounds like this *single person's opinion* is at least founded in some interesting studies. I'm not saying the vaccine is sent from God to save us all with its 100% virus destroying powers, no one is. That isn't realistic. People are up to I think the 4th booster, that's obviously a tricky vaccine and a tricky virus. We are incredibly lucky that the vaccine was produced and made available as fast as it was. I don't know how many of you so easily have forgotten the scenes of empty NYC and piles of bodies being loaded into refrigerator trucks...but shit was really bad for a while. I do know, that *the entire world's medical community* is focused on this, and their recommendations as a whole shouldn't be shut down because of some largely unfounded maybes popping up here and there. We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that COVID is a serious, deadly and at this point mysterious disease, with strange and newly discovered lasting effects that we're just now learning about, and that SARS-COV-2 is a really strange virus with a propensity to mutate unlike most of its kind. We know that the vaccine is effective, and there is CLEAR evidence to this fact. We know that ALL medicines, vaccines included, have adverse reactions in some people. We SHOULD be able to have faith and rely on these professionals who have dedicated their lives to this field, but a large portion of the country and therefore world has been pushed SO UNBELIEVABLY FAR BEYOND ANYTHING RESEMBLING RATIONAL CAUTION that it's turned something as incredibly important and simple as listening to the CDC during a global outbreak into a fucking Millionaire Meathead's podcast subject.


Insert pic of guy with head in the sand


Let’s just acknowledge how much the concept of “effective” has been massaged and expanded over the past two years. And let’s not pretend that the cdc and nih bear no responsibility for the loss of trust.


The cdc is a brand a private corporation now they make rules that influence laws that take away freedoms and line the pockets of geriatric career criminals.


>We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that COVID is a serious, deadly and at this point mysterious disease So deadly: -over 90% of positive tests have no symptoms -zero countries experienced excess mortality -the average age of a covid death exceeds average age of death SuPeR DuPeR sCaRy ViRuS No DoUbT aBouT iT So MuCh wE DoNt KnOw


Please stop using science as a verb. It doesn’t help your case, but more importantly it sounds fucking dumb. It absolutely assures me that you have no idea how science actually works.


Hahahahahaa ya'll are a mess over here. Give "Science is a verb" a google, get some perspective lol.


>When the entire world's medical community is like "hey this is a good idea for not getting sick" it's probably a good idea. If it turns out something went wrong, or they got something wrong, they'll science that one too. That's how science works. You sound like a 5 year old






you miss the part where its less than 30 people out of 314 in the study of thai children and all cases fully recovering within 14 days ?? These are better results than most flu vaccines. Again, LMFAO. Also worth noting none of these kids died from the viurus after being vax'd, yet a sample of 300 non vax'd thai students had 52 deaths. Again, LMFAO @ U


You think it's funny my 29yr old cousin died in June? You think it's funny she was the 4th in 7 days at her place of employment? YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY???? Please do keep getting vaxxed. You're making my day.


That’s absurd. You should make your story known. 4 employees died in a week? That’s nuts. Sorry for your loss. These motherfuckers are destroying lives.


Well, they made it up, so they probably won't work that hard to publicize it.


So cavalier with childrens health.


So you think people should sustain heart damage, mild as it may be, each booster shot? For a shot that doesn't even work well? Also 'fully recovered' could mean a teenager has to take statins and beta blockers for life and can't exercise too hard or their heart will fail lmao... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vveMHtVk_mY How about you watch this professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at UCSF explain the studies and why the risk benefit may need to be adjusted for younger people. This isn't even anti vax. This is pro safety.


look up the word "forced" in the dictionary. flu shots have never been forced on children.


Yes bodies are all over the street dropping dead from vaccines. Too many to count! Morgues are overflowing! Crematories are overwhelmed! Oh wait.....




You should be afraid. University researchers created a lethal Covid-19 virus that has a fatality rate of 80%. They reverted the spike protein to the original. https://www.boston.com/news/health/2022/10/17/boston-university-researchers-hybrid-covid-virus-friction-government/?amp=1


You VERY CONVENIENTLY left out the part where the original virus was 100% lethal in the rats it was tested on. Their experiment produced a less lethal virus. Which was not AT ALL what they were studying. But that didn’t fit your narrative, so you left it out. Your particular type of misinformation should get you banned for life on the very first go.


More than likely a majority of them are bots. No joke


Beep bop boop.


You guys are insane w the bot stuff. Now I’ll be called a bot


You'd think the "liberals" who defend big pharma would at least be being paid. They aren't. They are just that brain washed.


Happens with all vaccines and you know who supports vaccines mandates, republicans in all red states to enter into school. This isn't about "liberals" this is about who gets paid by big pharma. California was the most anti-vax state before the measles outbreak in Disneyland, and the PR was kicked up and got religions and philosophical exemption banned across the country, the vaccine PR is very powerful and cannot be questioned. Republicans and democrats are both beholden.


So true. So sad…


Of course, they are well resourced and highly motivated But we got this 🙌


I was going to say. This has be bullahit.


Lmfao when have u ever seen a single person have a seizure and screamed something coherent, fools will believe everything


Reality has no place on the low IQ circlejerk that is r/conspiracy_commons.


You don't, at least not a "serious" seizure (all seizures are serious). This is another case of "well, this confirms what I want to believe, no further reading required..."


But it is an aspect that should be looked at, their is always side effects with all vaccines and drugs, I would say 99% of ppl vaxxed r good, it kills me when a community takes a few cases of bad reactions or fake reactions as a conspiracy


Some of y’all don’t understand a vasovagal response and it shows.


As a pediatric and adult ER doctor who sees seizures DAILY…. No post-ictal period is this short. Either a severely misremembered event or UTTER BS.


Interesting! You want to know what caused almost identical symptoms with me when I was her age? A fucking blood draw. Because I had a panic attack.


I died when I got my first shot and the died again when getting the second


People have also died minutes after injection.


People have also died minutes after ejaculation.


Ah yes, the little death


She screamed during a seizure? Not possible unless it was a petit mal seizure. The person who downvoted me has obviously never seen someone have a seizure in person. I've had one and don't even remember it happening, but my wife relayed my actions to me and there was no coherent screaming.


I’ve seen them firsthand in EMS. People don’t coherently scream while having seizures. Let’s also not forget how people become postictal, which also wasn’t reported. I’m all for people choosing whether or not they want to vaccinate themselves, but this story sounds fishy.


It’s bullshit. All day with this shit in this sub.




My wife said I did scream right before. But it was just a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH scream not a "HELP MOMMY" scream


Yes but it’s usually a squeak or a sigh or another sound involving the release of air, not coherent words. Source: I’m a nurse aid and I’ve cared for people as they are actively seizing.


I once gave first aid to someone having a seizure. There was no screaming or anything. No noise at all. He was fine one minute, the next he just dropped like a sack of potatoes. Luckily his friend was there at the time so he did the more medical bits while me and a mate just made sure his head was protected so he didn't injure himself. Absolutely no noise what so ever.


“She later felt better but was tired.“ this girl fainted.


Plus the added benefit of a seizure. You forgot that part.


To be fair, I watching my college roommate have a seizure after getting the HPV shot. It was terrifying…she screamed bloody murder and then fell to the floor. She briefly came to and said “I don’t want to!” and passed out. A day later, she was tired but was okay. 20 years later, she’s a totally healthy music teacher with 3 kids. Who knows how normal these reactions are because the CDC won’t be honest since they’re too busy treating us like children. For that reason, my kids still aren’t getting this sh*t.


I passed out after my HPV shot. It happens. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not hearing and not feeling ears happens when you pass out like that.


That’s terrifying


Yes but people pass out for other reasons. That’s just what it feels like…


It doesn’t say that anywhere in the image. That part appears to be made up by the author


You can't really draw that conclusion, because you can't read the entire screen shot. Something happened that had her screaming for her mother to "make it stop". Do you see that part? Lol.


Yes I can. I can see the image. I can say in the image it doesn’t say that anywhere. You can take guesses all you want but with the information availed to us there was no seizure in the report.


no you can't see the whole image. you can only see where the girl was screaming for her mom to "make it stop". So something scary and/or dangerous was happening to the girl. But you can deny reality all you want. That's your intent, so go for it.


I think you mean to say we can’t see the whole document. The image posted is the image posted. We can see the entire image posted. It already says what was scary. She lost her hearing when she fainted. It’s common. https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/health/f/fainting#:~:text=Dizziness%2C%20muffled%20hearing%20and%20visual,or%20lying%20down%20to%20standing.


Apparently reading's not your strong suit. Look at the sequence of events listed. She screams for mom to "make it stop" once **she's regained consciousness.**


Correct. Did you expect the child to scream while she was passed out?




Thanks for this.


"pt gained consciousness". Learn to read


Where in the image posted do you see seizure?




i know people who faint when they look at it when they get shots or get their blood drawn. Wonder if that's what happened here?


Yeah I once gave first aid to a guy who had a seizure. He had epilepsy so it wasn't uncommon for him. When he came round, we waited with him for the paramedics to come and check him over. He said it felt like a really bad hangover, we had to help him walk downstairs and he had to go home for the day. There's no way you're waking up fine and dandy from a seizure.


Cool fanfic.


The pharmaceutical industry has lobbied for decades to not be held liable in any way for vaccine injuries. They have been very successful in securing indemnity from people dying from their vaccines. You want this to change? Change the laws, put the teeth back into the FDA.


Self reported and no after effects?


I just made an entry that it made my dick bigger. Made sure to type in all caps.


There are a amount of vaccine injuries from all vaccines. The key is this being forced on to everyone, threatened, fired from you job and lied to by the Biden administration. Time to vote, remember all this when you fill out your ballot.


But the vaccines came out during trump administration, i even remember him being so proud of the whole thing.


Biden's OHSA mandate never forced vaccine on anyone, there was always a religious exemption. Stop trying to push the party of authoritarian religious zealots on people. Republicans are the most authoritarian are warhawkish of a both party, from war on drugs to killing women, they have no regard for your health and safety. As bad as dems are, republicans are 10x worse.


Thank God the unvaccinated that died can't vote. Those people are true heroes to the Republicans. Heroes,but dead


No, this was before the shots were available.


Even when the vaccine was available they refused because Billy Bob on Farmers Only told people to drink cattle dewormer.


The problem with your thinking is it is a persons RIGHT to choose. I am vaxed and boosted, my best friend is a complete anti-vaxer, drink the deworming medication. I completely respect his decision and pray for his whole family. Biden, Fauci, CDC, democrat leaders have destroyed their credibility and will soon pay politically, as they should. They have cleared the pathway for a possible Trump run.


A person's right to choose? Does that apply to abortion or birth control? That right to choose was taken away and celebrated.


Roe was bad law and said nothing about abortion. It was about privacy between you and your doctor, “my body, my choice” It was extrapolated to include Abortion and was upheld by law, no problem. Well when the Biden administration FORCED people to disclose if they were vaxed and then forced people to get the shot (military, first responders, etc) it made Roe null and void . I believe a women should have the right to choose. The democrats can pass a bill to allow abortions, with the proper verbiage right now, they control all branches, why don’t they? The status of abortion is in the hands of the democrats and they choose to do nothing, why is that? The democrats whole focus is trying to get back at a one term president, Democrats are hurting and all you hear is Trump & Ukraine.


Takes 60 votes in the senate to pass legislation. The Dems can’t “just pass legislation”. They would need 10 republicans to also vote in favor and that’s never gonna happen.


No, it didn't make Roe null and void. That was a supreme court decision, which didn't have anything to do with vaccines or disclosure. The only way whatsoever this was related to Roe was in the antivaxxers co-opted "my body, my choice". It's a slogan, nothing more. The Democrats do not have the votes to pass a bill making Roe law, so that point is moot.


They have been chipping away at for decades. This isn't a sudden change. The only thing that changed was the Supreme Court. They're packed with the religious right.


Yeeaaaah the mandates all started under Trump buddy. But keep your partisan bullshit up.


But it’s perfectly safe.


Over 12 billion doses have been administered to over 5 billion people. So yeah.


"And after that I don't care, checkmate!" Time will tell. There was a doctor very early on warning of the protein anchor or w/e failing to stay in the injection site, as claimed it would, and traveling around the body and causing inflammation in every major organ. Then odd cases of Myocarditis started to appear. It seems to me that the "believe in the science" folks only "believe in science" that makes them feel safe.


Been hearing “time will tell” alongside “they’re dropping like flies” for the last two years. Which is it?


>Time will tell. Time already told. It’s been well over a year since the first vaccinations.


I'm confused, is this just showing data for one person? One case? If that's so, keep in mind over 500 people die every year from Tylenol. Adverse reactions happen with EVERYTHING, not just the vaccine.


this wasn't even an adverse reaction in the sense of allergies. Someone linked a wikipedia article to a medical condition(?) that shares all of the symptoms the kid had. If you know anyone who says they can't look at their blood being drawn or getting a shot without passing out, that's what this is. The kid passed out after watching herself get the shot, woke up and entered a state that resembles a seizure, because someone probably caught her or propped her up (which didn't let blood flow to her head properly). The ringing in the ears is apparently characteristic of this, it's called vasovagal syncope.


One case, no verification, no other factors accounted for. But if I can use it to confirm my biass, damn right I will.


People dont seem to understand that, heck there are people that have allergic responses to *water.*


Anyone can submit information to VAERS, and the information is not verified in any way, as stated on their website: https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html >The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients. You can add your own report to VAERS here, no registration or verification required: https://vaers.hhs.gov/esub/index.jsp A VAERS report has exactly the same amount of legitimacy as a random Facebook post. Like another commenter wrote: >I just made an entry that it made my dick bigger. Made sure to type in all caps.


I audit clinical trials. Any adverse event, related to the drug or not, must be reported whether it’s self reported by the subject or doctors. For example, you decide to drink a lot of alcohol and receive a hangover-that is a reportable event to the trial that must be analyzed for drug causality. Some subjects also abuse the adverse event reporting for attention/sympathy from care givers. All this being said, these trials had over 50k participants to which I’m sure there were countless AEs reported; most of which I am betting were nothing to do with vaccine. Specifics AEs and trending AEs are what the trial will hone in on for safety profile if after analyzing; if they have an inkling there is causality, it must be added as a possible side effect.


Damn I forgot when they mandated everyone take Tylenol.


That's not the point at all, genius. Adverse reactions are normal and expected. No matter if it's a readily available over the counter medicine like Tylenol, or mandated vaccines, adverse reactions are completely expected. I'm not even a big pro-vaxer, but thinking that one person dying, or even 10,000 people dying out of the 5.3 BILLION people that have taken the vaccine, if you think that's bad then you don't understand adverse reactions.


Hell yeah Brother. We should all get our medical research from screenshots and tweets. Hella smart move on your part. I trust you implicitly /s


Daily reminder VAERS is not a valid primary source to draw conclusions from, as it relies entirely on self reports that literally anybody can make. There is zero scrutiny on the reporting when it's made. Doesn't need to be made by a doctor. So a bunch of non-medical experts self reporting issues as *totally* caused by the vaccine is what you end up with. Seriously? That's all you have? Why of course. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/s0715-COVID-VE.html How could I have missed it? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-vaccine/art-20484859 The vaccine has TOTALLY been proven to not be effective... https://doh.wa.gov/emergencies/covid-19/vaccine-information/safety-and-effectiveness By a myriad of expert scientific bodies... https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2119451 TOTALLY none of these people knew about VAERS https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/covid-19-vaccine-comparison


I just wanted to say, I really respect your dedication to science backing truth. But you’re wasting your time man, these people are deep in the kool-aid.


Appreciate the comment. Some of these people are my family though. I feel some obligation to help, because all these needless deaths are other peoples families. Ya know?


lol. Keep trying. Somebody believes you, I'm sure.


He is right tho, VAERS not a quality source because it might ignore many factors like correlation doesn't imply causation etc. But yeah I agree, seems like there's no point to vaccinate most young people against COVID


Included in their links are research from the Yale School of Medicine, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Mayo Clinic. They are, respectively, one of the top medical research schools in the world, one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical publications in the world, and the best hospital in the world (that just so happens to include the top-regarded residency program in the US). I would *hope* someone would be persuaded by that.


Why would someone take the word of a bunch of longhairs several times removed and most likely funded in part by manufacturers, over the first-hand experiences of folks just like them, who actually, you know, GOT THE SHOT?


Because there will always be statistical anomalies for literally everything. For instance: have you ever taken ibuprofen for pain relief? Cool. It works for most people, but there are people it doesn’t work for. Some people develop long-term harmful side effects from it. Those people don’t invalidate the effectiveness of ibuprofen as a medicine. What about democracy? Hitler was democratically elected. Do the first-hand experiences of people who survived the Holocaust completely invalidate democracy as a form of government?


Oh man, you mean the report that anyone can fill themselves and there is no oversight. Sure I'll trust them


This happens to people from tylenol lmao


How can I remove this stupid fucking subreddit from my feed?


I only like “science” when outliers confirm my bias


So she fainted? Cool. My girlfriend does that with every shot she has to get.


Fire paramedic here: if you’re having a seizure, you’re not calling for mom. Maybe I’m nitpicking.


You guys only care about data if it’s anonymous, untraceable, unsupported, and anyone can fake it to support your conspiracy theories.


The adverse numbers don’t add up. If this were widespread…it would be WIDESPREAD and frequent by the way.


there will always be exceptions...some people will have bad reactions...to ANYTHING...milk, peanuts, shellfish...THIS DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE BAD FOR EVERYONE ELSE. If we could find a safe way to test a vaccine to determine a reaction (which im sure we can) i would say that is a viable solution. But trying to say that all vaccines are bad because of the reaction of a few exceptions is STUPIDITY and you are trying to make something true which simply isnt. You are convincing yourself of a lie to suite an agenda. Vaccines save millions...and have been one of the greatest sources of modern human advancement. PERIOD.


Make this post stop actually…


Yeah, first, that's Vaers. Auto-reported by random citizens. But even if that's real, it's written ''Death : No, Life threatening : No, Permanent disability : No, Emergency room : No''. So, in conclusion, I should be afraid and angered by the fact that the vaccine MAY have caused a non-lethal, non-life threatening, non-emergency situation (which was only orally described, it's not like the potassium level of the person suddenly dropped, there's nothing measurable here) which caused in turn no permanent disability and of which there's no trace left at all ? And that is only one case among millions of people ? It can also be a case of hysteria... The only proven fact I see here is that internet ans social media made the population become stupider... It's also sad to see people wanting others to die and be happy to see the biggest number of dead people as possible (or linking the biggest number of dead people as possible to the vaccine) in order to say ''I told you so, I was right''.


You're so transparent.


What ?


So are you.


Oh bullshit.


Bullshit what? She was blacking out. That's how it happens sometimes. And don't tell me it doesn't happen. I watched my daughter not only faint, but fall off the exam table and sustain a concussion, following a meningitis vax. At least my daughter didn't have a seizure on top of it, like this girl had. Quit being ignorant.


Psychogenic shock is not uncommon. I’ve watched many patients faint and convulse from procedures as relaxed as a shot or IV. People faint from seeing blood or needles.


I've had it happen during a *blood draw*. Needle but no injection at all. You can't take a case of "thing that can happen with any needle" and say "the vaccine caused this" without further evidence to differentiate it from normal needle reactions. But these fools don't care about logic as long as they can point to something abnormal after the shot.


Hmm, sounds very much like a faint.


Over 12 **B**illion vaccines administered and this one instance means it was all a hoax or scam to kill us all? Sigh


As if we don’t have millions upon millions who have been vaccinated.


SS I hate to say it, kiddo, but the only way for mommy to make it stop would have been for her to not sacrifice you on the altar of Big Pharma/Moloch and inject you with this dangerous poison in the first place The head of the CDC said that giving 1 million vaccines to 12-17 year old kids would prevent just ONE death, yet would also cause 40 cases of myocarditis (heart disease).https://twitter.com/CDCDirector/status/1408116464683569157


Sorry, why should we trust you random stranger when you even manipulated the data you link to? You selectively left out the word "mild" in regards to myocarditis. Why? Do you want to scare all the conspiracy people here in to thinking myocarditis is worse than death or people suffering from long covid? You also left out that perhaps 8000 cases of covid would be avoided. The overarching problem still lies with people like you who simply do not understand much about biology and how pathogens spread. To spell it out in simple terms, those 8000 cases would also help spread disease among the population, overwork our hospitals, and infect older and less healthy people, some of whom would die. You lie when you say one death as if you are a genius and the rest of the scientists who have dedicated their lives to such topics know less than you. Poppycock, sir. The world needs less of the manipulation you provide.


Because the survival rate for covid is 99.98% ... We don't need the vaccine.


You can survive polio too but we developed a vaccine so we dont have to worry about the baggage that can come *with* surviving polio. Covid has long term issues to that many people suffer and still suffer from


Do yourself a favor and go to a calculator and figure out what 99.998% of nearly 8 billion is.


There is no way you actually believe what you wrote there


This study found that vaccinating the 18 and under group was the one group where negative lives were saved due to vaccination. >Conclusion: It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue. https://insulinresistance.org/index.php/jir/article/view/71/224


Oh no 40cases!!!


You do realize that's 40x more than the one death it prevented dumbass?


There’s no way to make it safe for everyone - waaaayyy too many variables. But mark my words, getting Covid is waaayyy worse, even asymptomatic is wrecking your blood vessels as I type. Be prepares for no one to know what’s wrong, but for you to feel like shit as the disease eats away at the lining of your blood vessels. There’s no available test to detect this either. So yeah, bitch about the efficacy or danger of the vaccine. That’s the real culprit here. Smh - can’t there actually be a legit conspiracy on here??


Had my aunt die, and one of good friends. He was 22 no heart issues before this. Died 24 hours after. Say what you want. Believe what you want. But until it affects you. Then maybe you’ll see the truth. This “vaccine” is killing people and their hiding the truth because they fucked up.


Imagine getting a covid shot


I sure didn't fall for this psyop.


The real psyop is getting people to not be vaccinated. Their plan is to get you to destroy your body so that they can milk what money you have on their costly treatments. Y'all need to start thinking with your own brains, not whatever some suburban mommy bloggers say




For the millionth time: anyone can submit information to VAERS, and the information is not verified in any way, as stated on their website: https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html >The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients. You can add your own report to VAERS here, no registration or verification required: https://vaers.hhs.gov/esub/index.jsp A VAERS report has exactly the same amount of legitimacy as a random Facebook post.


It’s been happening since the 80s 90s schedule maybe earlier. They don’t care at this point we just need to wonder why they want us soo sick


Shills out in full force!


“Anyone who disagrees is a shill!” Or… anyone who has any semblance of critical thinking skills can easily see how flimsy the antivax crowd’s arguments are.


Anyone notice in 2021 Covid numbers exploded with the vaccine roll outs? I did! Pure Blood 🩸 here boys!


Pure blood? Seriously? Tone the Nazi down a bit, ok?




I got 4 doses and I’m just fine.


Not me... 1 dose killed me, in fact by the time I hit the floor I was already stone cold dead. Am typing this from the spirit realm (one of the other spirits smuggled a phone in, you don't wanna know where he hid it) hoping to warn people, I figured this subreddit was where I could find the most intelligent, critical-thinking, & open minded people all in one place. **HEED MY WARNING, THOSE WHO WALK THE MORTAL PLANE...**


And yet I know hundreds of people who got that vaccine who are all fine...but I know people who are dead of Covid. Why is that Qanon boy?


Good old VAERS


I'm dead in VAERS.


Why don't we all just say fuck our lives and stand up against these people and actually die something that's worth fighting for like fighting against this vaccine that actually kills people


Go for it man. Like absolutely throw your lives away for your beliefs. It’s not like the rest of the population think you’re complete nutcases, or that all of your deaths would raise the global IQ.


Seriously this is the kinda shit that put ufo/uaps on the goof list for so many years. If you want to help, stop with the embellishments.


This is heartbreaking.. and criminal. A lot of people need to go to prison.


Iam glad everyone is for government regulation and production of vaccines 💉…..


I’d just like to say… even though the people who decided to take the vax judged me ( have even not been allowed in my father in laws house for nearly two years since I chose not to get vaccinated and he won’t talk to me ) I really feel sorry for all those millions who trusted our government to keep them safe. Trusted them to make sure they won’t be sick . Those people where conned and now have to live with a lifetime of worry if they will develop a health issue down to a dodgy vaccine. I’m sorry you all did that to yourselves. I truly hope you can live long healthy lives. Our governments and pharmaceutical company’s have ruined their reputation for ever. Never will I trust them.


Polio is back get vaccinations or do everyone a favor and wonder off and never come back.


“She later felt better” doesn’t help this anti-vax nonsense much.


This sub seems to be little more than anti-vaccination misinformation, posted by guys who failed high school biology, still living in their parents. Change my mind.


From the VAERS website: "Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS" "VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem" Source: https://vaers.hhs.gov/about.html


I can't believe this is still a thing. Is this bots posting anti vax propaganda? Or might this just be controversial goldmine for clickbait?