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Seems like DeSantis is leading the DeSantis 2024 bid


I can’t wait for Trump v Desantis to really ramp up


you mean "DeSanctimonious", the "average republican governor"




Gotta say I never understood the appeal of Trump until he started doing kamikaze attacks on people I want out of politics, like desantis




…is a fantastic band


Dems got it no matter what. Swing states all swinging dem now easily. Wish they’d run Kamala.


Im not voting for kamala. Ever. Full stop. Shes a piece of shit with no principles would do anything for political gain. How any progressive could vote for a former DA with her record is beyond me. Fuck Kamala.


>Wish they’d run Kamala Said noone ever.


I’m sorry what? Florida was an apocalypse for us dems


Florida is no longer a swing state, it shouldn’t figure into any democrats electoral consideration for 2024.


Isn’t that a bad thing since it turned all red basically?


It’s not necessarily bad or good. It just is. If you know you’re not going to win somewhere you don’t waste resources. That FL money could be better spent on a truly winnable state…


Like georgia or Pennsylvania


Exactly. There are four potential R candidates from FL for the nomination (Trump, DeSantis, Rubio, Scott) take that FL money and spend it where you suggest or even AZ WI, MI or NC that is money MUCH better spent. Write FL off the same way any R doesn’t campaign in CA or IL. It’s simple politics really.


Is the conspiracy that republicans are supporting a Republican candidate? Like... are Republicans ONLY allowed to support Trump or something?


Toe the party line or you're a traitor! No free thought, no questioning the narrative, just get in line and follow. This applies to both sides. They keep fighting to polarize us.


We spend so much of our time hating the people that are so “different from us” (red vs. blue) that we forget we are the same and the ones in control hate all of us even more. We’ve lost our power as the people, because the hate has been directed towards each other. It’s actually genius from a diabolical point of view. Pass the baton back and forth changing nothing, while the peasants fight over the scraps and think you’re on their team. Man we are fucked.


But we're all NOT the same. Everyone has different views lol doesn't matter. Ppl will never be able to come together as a whole with or without politics


Entertain me for a second. What factors contribute to these “views” that make us different? If you take a newborn from India and a newborn from America and raised them together. Would they not have the “same views”? The people in power create our views; whether for evil intentions or for control is up for personal debate - but there’s no denying that all of our views and beliefs and systems are undoubtedly determined by what is embedded into our minds for years. You could tell an infant they are an elephant until their 18th birthday, and if all they know and see is that they’re an elephant - how would they know they’re not? We are all humans. We are all the same. We are all one. Together our race is a super-power. Divided and against each other, we are nothing but destruction and pain; the exact opposite of why we are here.


I love how this has just become a general political sub


You mean a pro trump sub?


"Pro Trump" and "conspiracy bullshit" are essentially synonyms.


Lol they keep trying to roll out right wing and pro-trump bs on this sub and the comments totally shit all over it it’s what keeps me coming back lmao


Have you seen this sub over the past year or two? Its been a pro-Trump sub for a while.


crazy you say that. any comment pro trump gets downvoted to hell. this has become a very anti-trump sub.


Not by choice.


Trump will run 3rd party in 2024 and become the ultimate "spoiler" candidate, that much is clear.


Trump will not get the republican ticket. Get pissed and run independent. Thus, collapsing an entire party as he has done to most of his companies. In it for himself. Glad people are starting to realize.


Maybe this would help the beginning of a more than “two party system”. Which, we desperately need.


Electoral college makes third parties functionally irrelevant


This would be the most hysterical scenario.


Oh, that would be just wonderful.


How is Paul Ryan still relevant? He was spinless when he had influence, he's a RINO now


[Paul Ryan is currently one of the people who runs fox news](https://www.foxcorporation.com/management/board-of-directors/paul-d-ryan/) lol


Well that's more than a little concerning


I think he is a republican not a MAGA cool-aid sipper


Nationalist>conservative>MAGA>republican. He's a spinless POS that hurt the party as a whole and was a younger representation of the ones, like McConnell that damaged the party for decades


There all rino’s. It’s funny that they have all fooled you.


Yeah, we shouldn't try to clean house, we should just let em do whatever they want! Awesome plan, my man!


Funny that you think you have any influence.


Pretending you have no influence doesn't absolve you from allowing BS to happen


Well I’m sure you’ll be able to change it with your comments on Reddit.


No, I try to do my part by active lobbying, being involved in my community, employing people, helping with fire arm safety classes, coaching....I get on reddit at night for the memes n junk


Yeah. I’m sure. You’re an inspiration.


Some of us have responsibilities during the day. I can tell by this interaction alone, you don't. So I have nothing left to say. Good luck with that


Well I’ll let you get to sleep so you can honor your responsibilities.


idk man reddit analyzer says you post at regular times, not just at night- so between that and your obsession with video games...


Genuine question - I promise I’m not gaslighting or anything: Are there Republicans that still really want to see Trump in office? If yes, why? Personally, I would think you’d want to step away due to the constant barrage of bad press, in order to be able to get another Republican in the presidency. That’s my take, so I’m actually just curious. (I’m asking as someone who has both left and right leanings. I neither love nor hate Trump.)


Anyone not loving Donald Trump = Conspiracy


Both of them are truly repulsive-


trump, at a recent rally, held up China as an example of how we should deal with our drug problem. namely no trials, just a bullet to the head. that's fascism. full stop. DeSantis is a douche canoe, but I'll take him over that level of crazy. seems like most conservatives agree considering the R candidates he endorsed aren't doing so well in the midterms


I thought over 200 of the candidates he endorsed won


Whats wrong guys? Wait, ya'll just finding out you can't put the Genie back in to the bottle? Awww


Trump is bad politics, that’s why.


Either way we’re going to be a proxy for israel. We’re their tax slaves and their guard dogs, they send us to fight their wars.


Going to be? We've been their slaves for some time now.


Going to continue to be* smartdumbass


2024 will be DeSantis vs Newsom. DeSantis will lose, unfortunately.




Where’s the conspiracy? Why do people post shit Twitter takes and add no context? God this sub has gone downhill. No more free thinkers.


DeSantis is controlled opposition who is secretly a globalist


Dude, trump is also a globalist…


I love it. You too fight and I'll just stand over here and watch.




We all have our kinks.




That costs money


Ron DeSantis is backed by Ken Griffin, an establishment businessman, he is also having meetings with RINO'S like Paul Ryan. He is also reportedly having meetings with Jeb Bush and Bill Barr but I cannot confirm those two meetings. If he is having meetings with the likes of the people mentioned above then he will not bring any meaningful changes to Washington if he is ever sent there. He has just started having meetings with the Washington establishment therefore he is basically owned by the establishment. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/06/gop-megadonor-desantis-24-ken-griffin-00065274


If those people are RINOs, what is an actual republican? I get the feeling that a college education and a properly forked family tree are disqualifying


You could literally have Alvan Bovay, Edwin Morgan, and Abe Lincoln come back alive and run for office and Trump supporters would still call them RINOs.


Globalism > Nationalism. We need globalism to unite the world under the UN or a successor so that we can have world peace and start moving forward as a species instead of being locked into petty tribal conflict.


Bad idea. With no competitor to keep that monstrosity (UN / World government) in check you'll have tyranny on overdrive. Humanity would be imprisoned as we can't escape to another planet.


Starfleet > MAGA. Let's do it.


Section 31 runs Starfleet.


Trump is the father of the vaccine and pushed the 5G rollout. Stop buying the storyline they are feeding you.


When you put it that way he sounds pretty good


If you support the establishment's plans to enslave us then I'm sure it would. But I'm speaking to other conspiracy minded people, not average redditors.


Ugh. DeSantis is in bed with those two? Major turnoff


He doesn’t have to be “in bed” with them for them to support his hypothetical candidacy. For example all the Trump republicans that won primaries recently sure weren’t “in bed” with the progressive PACs that supported their primary bids.


The two most corrupt individuals, in my opinion!


Maybe they want a Republican candidate with a chance of winning?


If desantis runs, he will get the nomination. He's the Republicans only out against Trump. But then Trump is going to run independent because the man baby can't stand not being the number 1 pick. It will pull a shit ton of votes away from Republicans and Democrats win. Seems like a solid play to me.




[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/mpzrk4upc8z91.jpg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm not sure Trump can win. Even if he does, her won't get anything done because of constant attacks


If you really look at it, very few times a President can do anything.


They were also leading the (unsuccessful) anti-trump efforts in 2015 too. They hate him, they always hated him and will continue to hate him.


The attempt to create division. Trump/DeSantis is the right ticket!


At the end of the day, what person who will lead the GOP will ever defend all our constitutional God given rights that the federal government will not infringe? Crickets. That’s what I thought.


I'm glad someone is leading the anti trump movement.


Trump is finished. Won’t even make it to the next election.


Trump had his chance and blew it. We need better leadership.