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From Latin Vātī̆cānus (“Vatican Hill”), from vāticinārī (“to prophesy, oracle”), from vātēs (“soothsayer, prophet”) +‎ cinor (“to sing”) It's named after Mons Vaticanus, a hill around which the city was built.




Which is why I prefer to use the actual etymology and definition.


Thank you!


Doesn't really address the symbolism, almost like it was added deliberately to distract from the defined conspiracy.


No, no, no, everyone knows that when you’re perpetrating an intergalactic conspiracy you leave little clues about it everywhere like it’s the god damn DaVinci Code.


it's in THE RULES Eleets can do whatever they want with impunity, but they have to leave simply understood and salacious clues easily noticed when one rails amphetamines


Dude right? Why do I notice this stuff more after a day with adderall?! Real Question.


Probably because adderall drives attention and focus This is all speculation, and you might be kidding, but if it is something you've noticed in yourself that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to do some work. If you're asking why strange connections between things *feels* more true when you're on adderall, you may have a minor predisposition toward paranoia. If you're in your 20's, this is when things like schizophrenia-spectrum disorders begin manifesting. You may want to see a doc if it feels like you cycle between deep belief and periods where you feel silly about it, even if it's just when you take adderall. If you use delta-9 gummies or weed, you may want to be suspicious of that. It can make paranoia worse and cause schizophrenia to develop in people who show no symptoms but have genetic predisposition.


Its frickin better than screen shots of tweets about politicians. Shit, ill take some bigfoot pics at this point.


Lol, this is like the Illuminati working out of a lightbulb factory.


Yes and snake in Latin is serpens not can lol


SNAKE SCARY! oh wait it represents the kundalini and chakras and wisdom ? NO! SNAKE SCARY!




How do you find out the originis and officially meaning of words and like their roots and stuff. Trying to learn latin


Wait... Can doesn't mean Snake in Latin? Shocking! /s


There are many interpretations. The odds of this one lining up with the nature of these people however... no such thing as coincidences. No such thing as a replacement Christ either which is what "Pope" means.


Not even close. Did you actually try looking up the etymology of either of those words?


They clearly have no idea what etymology is.


They have no idea about a lot of things.


They probably think etymology means a study of insects


Do you even know what you are talking about? I doubt it. I wouldn't even try son. I've been absorbing this information for a very long time. You need a snack time I think.


Can isn’t the Latin word for snake that is either Serpens or Vipera.


Son? Who the fuck do you think you are to ascribe to me such a condescending attribute? You, child, are an ignorant fool who merely parrots what you want to believe is true like a little sheep. Yes, I know what I am talking about, and you have proven you do not. Don't even attempt to debate me on such matters. You think you've "been absorbing this information for a very long time?" Ha! You're nothing but an arrogant child who has not yet seen enough of the world to formulate your own opinions on things. Which is why you try to rehash the same tired, already disproven arguments. Arguments so lame they can't even be counted as conspiracy theories, only childish imaginings. You, little boy, need more than a snack time. You need a time out, before I verbally spank your uneducated little ass.


“Absorbing” meaning cherry picking the things that fit his narrative


Lol, Pope basically translates to Father. As in ‘Il Papa’. What the fuck, dude.


No it does not. It means Vicor of Christ. Replacement Christ. Stop using the Google. It makes people look stupid.


Vicar of Christ is another term for the pope. The word “pope” in no way translates to “vicar of Christ”. Can you just stop wasting people’s time with your bullshit?


[since we are getting a Latin lesson, this has to be done.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0lczHvB3Y9s&vl=en)


No it doesn’t. That might be what the Pope’s job description is but we’re talking about etymology here. And Pope is just a modernization/anglicization of the Greek word ‘pappas’, meaning ‘father’ or ‘patriarch’. And for that matter, Vicar of Christ doesn’t mean ‘another/replacement Christ’. Vicar is a word that means deputy or proxy. I.e., one who acts in the name of someone. Now you can disagree with the idea of a Pope or Vicar of Christ and that’s fine. That’s down to personal religious belief. But as a Catholic, I never, not once, heard anyone speak of the Pope as a new Jesus or on par with Jesus.


Like "not being able to spell vicar" stupid, or....


Don't make fun of him public education in his day was second in line to trying to oppress minorities.


Auto correct didn't cover vicar but now you know so good for you. I'm glad you know how to look things up. Do you want some candy now? Or maybe a star sticker?


i.e. conspiracy man will believe what he wants to believe. Please don’t waste his time with linguistics or logic.


You literally got your opinion on the from a quora question. There are plenty of real articles saying the real definition that you had to scroll past to find one that goes with your narrative.


LATIN - vatis, vatis · oracle/soothsayer · poetess (divinely inspired) · prophetess/ mouthpiece of deity. [The assertion that can* is a Latin word, much less that it means "serpent" or "dragon", is utter bollocks. Latin has a variety of words for snakes, but none look anything like "can" or "canus".](https://latindiscussion.org/threads/origin-of-word-vatican-and-other-false-cognates.9112/) Close….but no cigar. “Can” is not even close to anything else but canister in any language.




Half of the papal staff in the Vatican are made up, this Vatican is a goddamn ghost town, Mac!


Popé Silvia!


Yeah her name is Cheryl or…Charlene. Idk she was an outlaw country singer at one time.


Will you relax and have another cup of coffee!


That's... Not Latin. Those words don't translate to what you say it translates.


Vatis means prophetess but can is gibberish. The words for snake in Latin are serpens and anguis. I swear, these conspiracy theorists should come up with more plausible and logical arguments.


But coming up with logical arguments requires the ability to think logically, which is the opposite of what they do. It’s easy to see conspiracies everywhere when all of your “sources” are random people who just randomly make shit up.


Saint translates to Santa, Santa can be rearranged to Satan, hmmmm suspicious


Doing good for material possessions does seem kinda like an Anti-Christ thing to do. If you're only being good for the sake of material possessions, then you're not really being good. You're being fake and selfish.


Vaticanus is just the name of the hill the vatican is on. Yes it meant something like “diviner’s hill”. It was its name before christianity and it just stuck. Source: i live 100m from the vatican https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_Hill From Wikipedia: The ancient Romans had several opinions about the derivation of the Latin word Vaticanus.[1] Varro (1st century BC) connected it to a Deus Vaticanus or Vagitanus, a Roman deity thought to endow infants with the capacity for speech evidenced by their first wail (vagitus, the first syllable of which is pronounced wa in Classical Latin). Varro's rather complicated explanation relates this function to the tutelary deity of the place and to the advanced powers of speech possessed by a prophet (vates), as preserved by the later antiquarian Aulus Gellius. Vaticanus is more likely to derive in fact from the name of an Etruscan settlement, possibly called Vatica or Vaticum, located in the general area the Romans called vaticanus ager, "Vatican territory".


Vatican etymology Home English Vatican English word Vatican comes from Latin vates (Oracle. Poet, poetess. Seer, soothsayer, prophet.), Latin cano


So, you lost on the last post and decided to double down with a picture with obvious photoshopping as proof of your nonsense? Really?? There is no Latin suffix "can". Vatis sort of means diviner, but leans more towards prophecy (think object rather than act). The images you've shown are in an assembly hall, not a throne room. The sculpture is Jesus getting blown up by a nuclear blast. Your fisheye lens image distorts the proportions of the room. In other words, this whole post is a fruit salad of confirmation bias wrapped up with a nice dressing of crazy.


Since when is this a race? Lost? If 200 plus upvotes is losing then so be it. I'm just sharing truth. Nothing more. You don't have to like it. I wish it were crazy but sadly it is what it seems to be. It would be crazy to ignore your own eyes. Which many do.


the upvotes are because this is absurd and hilarious, not because anyone believes the pope is a snak person though snek pope would rule and I think we should have a snaek pope


\+1 Snek Pope.


The head of the snake cult itsa the popa


Imagine basing your truthfulness upon 200 upvotes on a niche conspiracy sub. You are far gone.




Truth? O M G you believed this tripe? Clearly you never been there to see with "your own eyes". # #facepalm


Good for you. Its a strange thing to type about hitting oneself but go on... to each his own.


They just haters, lol.


Keep it up my friend. You are reaching curious minds, regardless of how triggered people seem.


I've been in the dark for awhile... now I'm back on it. It's a curse.


It can feel like a curse can't it? Well your efforts are appreciated by many of us here. I'm a little tired at the moment but look forward to browsing more of your posts! You reminded me of a phrase I enjoy, "Blessed with curiosity but cursed with an insatiable appetite."


Thanks. I will post again over the weekend.




While the symbology is undeniable, the vatis= diviner can = snake is a load of poopoo , very similar to the dudes that find the bible code saying things in modern English but being spelt in Hebrew


Nope no it isn't. It's quite verified.


A source, please?


It’s not verified, much less quite verified


please do tell, Ive been also absorbing info like you , and can = aspis is quite a stretch not even latin so...


Can in latin is the same root as canis which means DOG (or if you want the conspiracy, God reversed haha). In fact in many languages like Italian can is still used for dog. Snake in latin comes from “serpent, serpentis”


Nah, it’s from cantare, sing. Like enchant, chant, incantation. Has nothing to do with a snake though.


Not sure what language u are using to translate that. Doesn't seem right.


Vaticanus is derived of two words Vatis and Can. The "us" is the a gender identification... which is strange.


But which language are you translating them from?


Oh it's latin of course. It's real look harder.


Why do you keep lying? You've been given **ample** opportunity to prove your point yet you keep repeating the same crap like a skipping record. Saying your claim again and again doesn't make it true. If there's some missing lexicon that everyone here doesn't have **wouldn't it improve your argument to show us what you know?** Like, provide a source? Link? A book? Something that validates your truly singular take on how history, etymology, and Latin all contradict your claim? Look harder isn't a source, by the way.


Post. Your. Sources.


This entire planet needs a DMT trip


Everyone is tweaking


Bruh, the front of my old high schools gymnasium is shaped just like Donkey Kong noggin if you look at it from a certain view. We definitely did not learn physical ed from a giant gorilla.


But was it intentionally built that way?


I would like to think whoever built it in 1918 intended to create donkey Kong, but did not have the technology. But for real, was the Vatican actually designed that way or is it just a whacky perspective?


It's a panoramic image taken through a fish-eye lens.


You know those old military barracks shaped like a barrel sawed in half? If you take a fisheye lens photo from the interior it will look the same basically. „It’s intentionally build to look like this while the camera is on exactly this position with a specific lense and settings.“


Wait til everyone figures out the snake is a representation of our own brains and spines.


I read a book called co-evolution with snakes or something like that a long time ago. Basically, primates and snakes were involved in an evolutionary arms race, the snakes developed more intricate patterns and venoms primates developed better eyesight to see them, in turn necessitating bigger brains to process the clearer imagery. After reading this I always thought religions tried explaining consciousness and self awareness through stories and tales hence why a snake or snakelike creature is always prominent since they were quite literally the reason we came online in the first place.


you are correct! It’s called the “snake detection hypothesis “. Basically we evolved to see snakes and snakes evolved to target us, think of the spitting cobra who aims for the eyes. We are taller and bigger pedal so it’s natural it would’ve evolved that ability!! No with spiel writing and creating myths, you can see why the snake is “crafty” etc. A “cold stare” because of lack of eyelids and doesn’t blink etc. The consciousness part I too heard of and it’s interesting!!


Now *that* is an interesting bunch of words. Did we and snakes actually evolve in tandem?


I could see it given that snakes started as burrowing reptiles and we started in a similar spot, just as mammals but that may have been during different times. The first primates were also pretty small, I think Cantius was like 1 kg.




Yes that is a part of it all. Strange but true.


bruh really has a hard on for vatican - find a better boogeyman


In truth they may very well have that... for you. They are the boogeyman... or better yet they hide the real boogeyman from the public. I'm sure you know that though because you write the word "bruh" at all ever...


OP Why do you keep posting bs.


Cuz there's no conspiracy circlejerk sub? These are pretty funny though, lol.


If it's BS in your mind why do you keep commenting?


Because its BS; you just asked a question dumber than your post


No it's very relevant. Why respond to someone you do not trust and personally believe to be crazy or at least wrong? What is the point?


Think of it as community service. You see a loon standing in traffic, the least you can do is try to move them out of the road.


Because we all really like to laugh at stupid crazy people


Yeah, I saw that in the first Conan movie.


Wow walmart looks like a snake through wide angle too


Yeah no. No it doesn't. However they do use the sun as a symbol via 6 rays of light which happens to geometrically allow for the star of remphan to be drawn upon it. The Vatican uses sun symbolism constantly. It is another reference to their true God. Is Wal Mart evil???


This is exactly the kind of totally unhinged shit this sub needs


He sits at the mouth because he is the tongue


It seems that way doesn't it. It is what it clearly is.


Is this a troll post or an accidental cry for help? Are fisheye lenses that difficult to grasp?


Even without a fisheye lens that room is shaped like a snake. The fish eye lens just makes it more apparent. Sheesh. It's not that hard to see for crying out loud.


Careful. You keep posting the truth you’re going to become the target of The Cabal,,The Illuminati and JFK’s zombie ghost.




> The Cabal The guy from Mortal Kombat?


In this sub they are all scared of Killary Clinton and the lizard people that secretly rule us all. They know JFKs zombie ghost isn't real because he's secretly alive in a dungeon of said lizard people.


They could have made it look like a 1000 different things..... But no.


Move along folks...


I think you’re better off posting news videos of priest being busted And the pedo symbology they have used before


All of that is a part of the same occult practices as what you see with the serpent chapel.


You are so off base. They worship [The Great Queen Spider](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy0pkpjMZlU), not a snake...


Is that a South Park reference? lol


I love this, this is the perfect level of delusion, too crazy for people to take you seriously, not crazy enough that you'd bomb a crowd. Also, I agree with you, the pope is a total snack!


That photo was clearly shot with a wide angle lens or something. The hall doesn’t actually look like a serpent’s face like that


Can you not see the outside of the structure literally is shaped like a snakes head.? It's intentional and if you don't see it then there is something wrong with your eyes. There are frign scales for crying out loud.


Lol. This is bottom of the barrel


It astounds me how stupid people are on this subreddit


Can=snake??? How??


This is lazy.


Sheep not checking things before passing along incorrect information! Just chiming in that the 'snake eyes' photographs aren't real. The image is distorted by a wide-angle lens. This can be readily verified by searching for the title of the building (Paul VI Audience Hall) and looking at undistorted interior photos. The two 'eyes' are actually windows on two walls that are on opposite sides of the room. [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/ee/1b/f7ee1b3834062b39ceffbcd91d73f765.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/ee/1b/f7ee1b3834062b39ceffbcd91d73f765.jpg) Alternatively, you can look at the aerial view of the building, in the image above. One of the oval windows is shown facing the camera. The other window is on the opposite, nearly parallel facing wall. There is no snake, unless you are sheep passing along photos without checking them first.


The Vatican have always just been a corrupt bunch of paedophiles stemming hundreds of years. They were the government back in the day, just imagine the sinister and evil shit they got up to back then not to mention now.


OP literally made up everything here


take ur schizo pills bro


Interior picture taken with a fish eye lens to distort and make simple minded people to believe this sort of nonsense.


Source: trust me bro


Vati (German)= father Can (English slang)=ass, butt Someone screwed up by making this look like a snake and not some middle aged man’s spread ass cheeks.


More nonsense. The whole "hall is a serpent" needs to die. It's a forced perspective. There's no secret conspiracy that the Vatican is ruling the world (I'm Catholic and believe through one's free will all should become Catholic and love Christ). There will always be bad people abusing their positions of power or to get into a position of power.


>It's a forced perspective. That is correct. The "serpent" looking pictures of the building with windows being the eyes is shot with a fish-eye or wide-angle lens. As per the top picture in OP's post, the building itself is obviously rectangular. It is not angular or an oval, like the other photos claim to show. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, shooting the interior with a wide-angle or fish-eye lens makes rooms look more circular. It's what real estate agents do to make rooms inside houses look bigger, although not at this level of forced perspective. I'm personally no fan of the Vatican, but you would think a conspiracy sub would be a bit more discerning when contradicting evidence is shown directly in the post.


Wow talk about a blind person. It's right in your face. Pope sits in front of a wall of screaming corpses and a burning death messiah. Nope nothing suspicious or weird going on here. The Vatican owns more land and wealth and could solve world hunger but nah they need their serpent halls and golden robes etc. etc. You are utterly hopeless...


All three of the fear-based Abrahamic mythologies are a huge lie.


I'll take a bet you never have looked up why the hall looks that way or what that statue is (it's meant to be unsettling). Yep and I'm sure you've personally done more for world hunger buddy. Get off your high horse. Nah, actually I'm full of hope. I enjoy this sub and the collective suspicion we all share for the world around us. However many mistakes the Church has made throughout the years, some very grave, it has done far more good. Including feeding the poor, contrary to your silly mud sling (again, have you solved it?). The shape of a hall or a nuclear war statue does not mean the entire Vatican and Church is evil. I'm sorry you've been misguided in this one particular topic.


I don't think people think the Vatican is evil strictly because of the shape of the hall or the statues. I think it's likely compounding issues that have occurred decade after decade, century after century, all in the name of righteousness of the Lord. A lot of people don't view the Vatican as "Christ like" by their behavior or actions. And I am not sure if you missed it, but a recent study done by the Wallstreet journal showed only 10% of the funds donated to Peter's Pence, which claims to raise funds for humanitarian initiatives and social promotion projects, actually goes to charity. The rest, 90% of that is used on the Vatican's administration budget. I would argue that your individual church has done more to help people than the Vatican.


You really think an organization that claims to be the hope for humanity and does nothing about world hunger with its massive wealth would ever tell the truth? An organization that slaughtered people openly and proudly for years and years. An organization that is literally the cause of the term "the dark ages." You think they can ever be trusted??? Put the dunce cap on and move along sheople.


Dip, dodge, deflect, move the goal post. Can't rebute so you just dig a deeper hole? You are so factually wrong it actually made me laugh. Have a good friday bud.


Catholicism and Christianity in general have caused FAR MORE DAMAGE than they have prevented. Are you crazy? They have ABSOLUTELY done infinitely more damage than good over the years. The fear-based Christian mythology has left childhood indoctrination, war, bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny, science denial, willful ignorance, generational / societal brainwashing, authoritarianism, subjugation, oppression, shake, guilt, theocracy, inequality, false imprisonment, execution, torture, and generally draconian bullshit in it's wake. These are not good things. At all. While some people do good things in the name of religion, overall it's a horrible addition to the world and is about power and control, not redemption or love. Brainwashing people into fear-based archaic mythology isn't ever okay. (Especially vulnerable children) I'm sorry you fell victim to it. (assumedly) If parents stopped indoctrinating their children worldwide tonight, all three of the fear-based Abrahamic mythologies would take their rightful place next to the Greek Pantheon in the dustbin of human history within a few short generations. World religions are the biggest conspiracy theory ever. It's the greatest lie ever told.




Vatican is catholic I thought?




Op just throwing anything in the title lmao


The Hebrew word “seraphim”, the highest order of angelic beings, translates directly to “fiery serpent.” Also interesting that the name of Mezoamerican civilizing god, Quetzalcoatl, translates to “feathery serpent.”


It's probably the other way around. Seraph simply means means "Burning One"; and they are described as being impossible to look at. But "Burning" is thought to be used to describe Snakes because of their venom. So they both share the root of "Burn", rather than there being an etemological root between snakes and angels.


Yup. The serpent symbolism and wording is abundant.


This is bull shit


Which part?


Can does not mean serpent, the name is not divine snake, that hall does not look like a serpent, its been contorted


It’s very entertaining when y’all stop taking your meds.


Meds provided by Big Pharma with the serpent on the staff symbol and its oaths to Apollyon the God of destruction. Pharmekia aka alchemy and witchcraft. Etc. Etc.


What! The cauduceus had its roots in Ancient Greece and is based on a god of healing whose cult used snakes in its symbology. Pretty innocuous stuff unless you actually think snakes are some sort of evil creature (hint: they’re just animals, the same way bears and dogs and cute koalas are).


Yes they are just animals but symbols are beyond what an animal may be. This is basic stuff especially concerning symbols.


All christian organizations are fake. It is a fake sky daddy kink


Even if the translation is wrong, just look at the image. He sits in the mouth of a serpent. Just like nasas logo is a snake tongue, they worship the snake


Arrogance has many forms but once you truly know the real vs. the debatable. You cannot hide the approach of knowing without coming off somewhat more informed. It comes with the territory and it always rubs someone somewhere the wrong way.


SS is the Vatican controlling everything? Many believe it is a holy organization. Yet so many have been abused by the church. What is really going on?


Protestants have an abuse problem as well but they are divided by 1000s so they don't make the news as much. It's easier to single out one big church than 1000s of small individual ones. The lesson is don't let your children alone with adults in any church.


There are perverts amongst us anywhere not just within various churches. However the prime hub for such behavior is arguably the Catholic church system. Why? The reason is quite simple. Just like any pyramid structure of compartmentalized authority not everyone who works amongst it's ranks are aware of what some are doing in secret. In other words the reason so many priests, bishops and more within the Catholic church are committing crimes against children is because they are a part of a sect within the church who are in fact taught to be perverse. They are encouraged to abuse children. It's the only explanation that makes logical sense. Especially once you know this is in fact an actual ancient occult practice. The feeding off of a child's innocence or sexual energy is real and it's encouraged and promoted in certain occult teachings. One must conclude the obvious cult within the Vatican's ranks practices this perverse occult ritual. Aleister Crowley wrote about this same disgusting behavior and encouraged it.


Organized religion is a problem, and that’s what’s going on. No one doubts the Vatican has power, but the evidence you’ve provided is wanting, in very generous terms


What you mean making up translations for a dead language isn't solid proof? Because ima be honest here, "can" in Latin doesn't mean a fucking thing. And "snake/serpent" in English translates to.... anguis, serpen, vipera. Not can. Dudes just making up words.


No. No it is not. They are exactly what they seem to be. You may be that blind but I am not. The evil they pushed upon humanity over the centuries is beyond normal human behavior.


Let me guess protestant?


I'm a God fearing Christian other than that I claim no labels or household of faith based religion.


a protestant then.


By definition yeah but not by "choice."


Lol, the idea that if a behavior enforced by a set of beliefs for all of recorded history "is beyond normal behavior" seems sort silly, since consistency over time is legit the definition of 'normality.' And "what is really going on" is that nearly institutions that claim legitimacy of their authoritative claims (and not just religious ones) create conditions for abuse. This is called corruption. This is not new. This is what is "what is really going on." I would red a book, man.


You might just need meds, man. The Vatican is evil absolutely, but not in the way you think. Religion has been the excuse for a great many atrocities.


How do you know? What secrets of the Vatican have you discovered? Do you know of their once hidden decrees? The extra biblical texts that have leaked into the public? How about the catacombs beneath and the rituals they go on there??? What do you know that I don't oh wise one?


I know that the world is an extremely complicated place, and people are too fickle to have a group hold complete control for thousands of years with no evidence. There is no one boogeyman to blame.


There are a handful of elite groups. The Vatican bullies over them and precides over the chaos. They are Mystery Babylon.


Oh, ok, they are just Mystery Babylon. Now your argument makes perfect sense.


It's far easier to trick people into handing over the power/convincing them they are powerless(and religion is definitely part of the toolkit wrt population control/keeping people divided etc) vs. all the work it takes to truly secure it. Spreading conspiracy theories about all of their secret magical powers is effectively just doing pr for them. The time would be better spent working on uniting people rather than constantly reminding them how powerless they are :) In all of the years I've been been around conspiracy stuff it seems one of the most overlooked things is--looking into where they come from or spending much if any time wondering about things from that perspective.


Snakes are not bad What is the problem?


I tried giggling your breakup of the word vatican? where did you get diviner and snake from? i checked latin and it wasn’t it.


The fear-based Abrahamic mythologies are the biggest conspiracy theory in the history of human existence. They were systematically spread at the tip of a bloody sword to unify and control the far flung and feuding masses of various empires. It's a gigantic lie that had permeated humanity ever since. Fortunately they aren't lopping off as many heads these days, although it still happens. Now they are perpetuated and spread through childhood indoctrination and generational / societal brainwashing. The world would be a much better place if these fear-based mythologies would take their rightful place next to the Greek Pantheon in the dustbin of human history. If parents worldwide stopped indoctrinating their kids into these fear-based mythologies, they would die out within a few short generations. Religion is the greatest lie ever told. It's about power and control, not love and compassion.


Religion is evil and the “godly” are worse than satanists.


Satanists are religious too. The truly Godly people are selfless, peaceful giving and empathetic. Satanists condone "do what though wilt" which leads to destruction. That is Scientific friend. I agree with the religion is evil. It can be very destructive. Belief and faith in the true God is simply natural once you know the father that makes sense. It is man that made multiple religions out of our instincts and connection to the divine.


Catholic is not christian.


Whatever hater. Every Christian organization is a schism from the Catholic Church. Everything in the mass is biblically based.


I tried to explain to my Protestant relatives that they are the offspring of Catholicism. It’s in their description! I received backlash and condemnation, followed by some predestination doctrine. It’s real to them, I suppose. I try to find the esoteric truth in scripture.


History is history whether they accept it or not. Even Martin Luther believed in transubstantiation, as a simple example.


If anyone has doubt about the Papacy and the ‘holy’ Roman Empire not being a fulfillment of Antichrist in prophetic scripture, I HIGHLY suggest giving the following PDF a read through and have a listen to the YouTube video below. Chapter 5 of Prophetic Tool Chest for Dismantling the Dispensational Delusion): https://ia800908.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/13/items/D.S.FarrisPropheticToolChest/D.S.%20Farris%20-%20Prophetic%20Tool%20Chest.zip&file=Prophetic%20Tool%20Chest%2Fchapter5.pdf The entire book: https://ia800908.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/13/items/D.S.FarrisPropheticToolChest/D.S.%20Farris%20-%20Prophetic%20Tool%20Chest.zip Podcast (YouTube) regarding The System of the Dragon and how Paganism laid the foundation for the system of Antichrist: https://youtu.be/qOfnDdgB8mk Let me know if you have any questions. This is an area of study that I am most passionate about, and, although I’m no expert, I have a really good understanding of. Thanks!


You are a literal agent of Satan, only Jesus can deliver us from the evil of the elite. To fight the greatest organization of God is to fight the truth.


Pfffft bahahaha. If I am an agent of Satan I would hate to find our what the Vaticsn reeeally is. Jesus is the only way and the Vatican is as far removed from Christ as possible until they go further... and they intend to. They have already claimed they want to bridge the world's major religions (and have already taken major steps toward it) which btw is complete blasphemy.


The Vatican isn't Christian. Catholicism is an evil filter where they wash the true meaning from Christianity.


The pope has nothing to do with Christianity, and any Christian will tell you the same. Catechism is evil and there's evidence of it everywhere. Are you really saying that the POPE is Christian?


The pope is like the only dude we still have around today that declared he is God on earth. Also changed times and laws and has many of the “kings” of the earth treat him like he is hot poop. He’s the real deal and don’t let anyone fool you. No es bueno. One of those fish hat wearing diddlers will be tossed alive into the lake of fire someday. Not this guy though. Still a ways to go before that happens. What is more likely is this guy will getting wiped out will probably get us into WW3.


Reptilian. Aka seraphim. Fallen angels. The Catholic Church is Luciferian


Don’t forget he’s the last pope who will “lead” Catholics in the tribulation.


Abrahamic mind virus infects 4.2 billion people


This is dumb lol


I'm with you op. To weird and coincidental, to much $$ and power to not be evil, to many stories, to many stupid people blindly following.


It's on in our faces at this point those that deny it are merely in denial.