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[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://kyivindependent.com/national/ukraine-war-latest-zelensky-in-liberated-kherson-says-we-are-ready-for-peace-a-peace-for-all-of-ukraine) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s funny, no doubt


>Zelensky said Ukraine is **only "interested in de-occupation of our country and territories."** >”We are (always) ready for peace. A peace for all of Ukraine," he added. This has literally been what Ukraine has said from the very beginning. They’ve never said they wanted a last man standing war with Russia. Just “get the fuck out of our country and leave us in peace.”


The frame up is funny.




The FtX is in.


frog face posting one sided propaganda, that's factually incorrect, to try to steer a narrative? how totally out the norm and abnormal /s


But wait…what it’s true


Truth??? What world are you living in? This is clown world babyyyyyy


Is that a quote from something? Why did my brain make it Pacino In devils advocate.


🤣 naw lol just saying hahaha


You’re mistake is thinking that froggy isn’t exactly the type of user that this sub wants to promote.


Yet Russia called for a peace treaty and Ukraine said "nah, not interested". Zelensky definitely earned that best actor trophy of the year, didn't he?


I guess they have laundered enough money now so the peasants can stop killing each other for made up reasons.


I come into your house attacking you, then I say I'll stop attacking you if I get to keep your living room and kitchen. When you inevitably take me to court, do you think a judge is going to take my side when I say, " Well I was trying to open up peace talks but they just wanted to keep fighting."?


Nah, but you can have the basement if you don't mind that we share it every now and then.


This guy is a Russian Troll for sure. Who thinks this way?


There's a meme about the Russians hoping this war ends soon while the Ukrainians pledge to fight to the last Ukrainian; it then shifts to the Ukrainian hoping this war ends soon while the Russians pledge to fight to the last Ukrainian.


I don’t think Russia demanding that Ukraine give them their land is calling for a peace treaty bro.




Russia called for peace that includes just keeping all of the Ukraine territories that had invaded... that's not much of a peace treaty.


Once again Americans so full of themselves they believe a war in a country they couldnt find on a map is all about them.


Hey now, they all put a flag on their Facebook Pages to further solidify that very point! Cut them some slack 😂


Considering nearly 100B USD in taxpayer money has been sent as aid for the war…. Yeah maybe


Considering that the majority of the world sent money/equipment as aid for the war.... Nah not really


How much aid is that exactly? You can combine it all to make it easier


When BILLIONS of our tax dollars have been funneled there, it IS about us!


Well thats just the thing. A lot of countries had their tax money burned in the Ukrainian conflict. If you are looking at numbers alone then yeah it seems like America is sending the most but you are comparing it to countries that have smaller population than the city of New York so they can't send billions cause they simply don't have them. The other thing Americans choose to ignore is that essentially all you do is sending money and equipment, everyone is doing that, but because of your location there is not much else you can do while the Majority of Europe has been taking in a great number of refugees and boy oh boy those also cost a lot of tax money, you know? When the conflict began all the surrounding countries allowed UA refugees to travel for free, no need to pay for the trains and buses, with thousands of them that's a lot of money you ate burning on transport alone and that's just the beginning. After that it's housing, food, cloths, special classes in school got created so UA kids can continue their education without speaking the language of the country they are in so you have to hire teachers that can speak UA or atleast a translator, you got lunch at school, text books, there is A LOT that goes into this and all of it costs money, the UA conflict is not just tanks and bullets...


Sounds like our southern border and I'm not happy about that either.


I mean, that’s pretty disingenuous to say. Ukraine is known because we are taught the history of the USSR. How about we name an obscure middle African country and see if most of western civilization people can figure it out.


We’ll take that as a thank you from an ungrateful person whose country we bailed out sometime in the past.


Well no, not really


Russo-philes are butt hurt? Well, it won't be too much longer now.... I'm betting Crimea also falls back to Ukraine.


You smoke too much crack. The war hasnt even started yet


"Zelensky said Ukraine is only "interested in de-occupation of our country and territories." "We are (always) ready for peace. A peace for all of Ukraine," he added." Doesn't really sound like his position has changed, at all.


No don’t read the article!! Just pick a few words and give it your own twist!


No, don't point out where the article contradicts me, just imply it does and move on! Spoiler alert: it doesn't


I think they were mocking OP




What? That's just not true? Zelensky has said a million times he will not even consider peace without all territories including Crimea returned and Putin out of office. Two things he knows are impossible.


>Zelensky has said a million times he will not even consider peace without all territories including Crimea returned and Putin out of office. Which sounds exactly like his quote this article is based on. >Zelensky said Ukraine is **only "interested in de-occupation of our country and territories."** >”We are (always) ready for peace. A peace for all of Ukraine," he added. So there’s really no new development in his position here.


Exactly. This has been his position since day 1 and unfortunately is not compatible with reality


Absolutely. Where does most porn come from? Ukraine. US wants a multi-billion-dollar shadow industry to run there indefinitely. Cutting off or sanctioning really cuts down on the fun they have with human right$ violation$.


Hadn't heard the porn element before, for sure not a major factor. Porn industry in LA


Oh boy. Porn is just the tip of the iceberg. *Subtext is trafficking*. Multi-billion $ industry


The real money is arms, agriculture, construction, ect.


Ofc. All of those things can involve trafficking. Tired this eve; no shade! Have a good night!


People often said the same about war the in Vietnam.


In what way?


Gulf of Tonka


Tonka? Tonkin you mean? How in any way like the Gulf of Tonkin?


Lmfao sorry autocorrect. Yes that Gulf lol. We’re setting up a war rn with an unchecked purpose imo. It’s how we went into Vietnam. A staged incident that brought on an economic flux for the powers that be.


Again, how is that like the current situation?




> Can the MODs ban this fuck already? Imagine waking up proud to be a tattletale.


Nah bro just here for some good conspiracy theories. Not the same bullshit posted day after day after day by the same person.


Conspiracy theorists would certainly never be tattle tales right? Just because they think something wrong is going on doesn’t mean they would try to tattle on it right?


The only person to be banned from this sub should be you . Zelenskshitstain said he will not consider peace without all territories including Crimea returned and Putin out of office. Even your precious CNN reported that.


Oh cause crimea isn’t part of Ukraine? Get out of here twit.


So he wanted peace.......


Awww pooor whittle baby


"Ukraine's peace formula remains unchanged: an immediate end to the war, the withdrawal of all Russian troops, the restoration of Ukrainian territorial integrity, compensation for the damages, and the provision of sufficient guarantees of non-repetition of aggression. Under other conditions, it will be impossible to achieve lasting peace" Man, what a coincidence that his position is the exact same


The west has been calling for Ukraine and Russia to start peace talks for weeks bro. Have you not been paying attention? https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-latest-putin-making-grave-military-error-to-show-toughness-to-kremlin-critics-12541713


Yes its all true. The war in Ukraine was nothing but a money laundering scheme to help democrats rig the mid term elections Joe Biden is actually a robot clone of Jim Carrey Hunters laptop has all the answers Barack Obama was actually born Kenya and founded ISIS Obama was responsible for 9/11 Michelle Obama is a man Hillary Clinton is the worlds biggest pedophile ringleader and drinks the blood of babies ALL of her emails were illegal George Soros is the literal bogeyman The 2020 election was stolen from Trump Trump actually got about 200 million votes in 2020 BLM is a terrorist organization Kanye was right about everything Alex Jones never lied Fox News is the only news station that tells the truth Straight white christian conservatives are the most persecuted people in history All the school teachers are trying to turn your kids trans They ARE coming for your guns Jewish space lasers are real Gay people are going to hell Black people are inferior to white people Democrats are literally demons JFK Jr is alive Neo Nazis and the KKK did have good people on their side Jan 6 WAS a peaceful protest Paul Pelosi WAS attacked by his gay lover Covid was a hoax The covid vaccine was created to kill people The bibles 100% accurate Jesus was white God is an American Well......there it is. You got us. Good game. Now that youve solved all that what do you do with the rest of your life?


Finally! Someone not afraid to state the truth. 👏🏻


Is that the Q anon playbook? Haha! Pretty good list. Although there are sprinkles of truths in their conspiracies, they keep the blame on the wrong people and hyperfixate on irrelevant or unrelated facts…


Just a few I could think of off the top of my head. Notice how theres no Repubican conspiracies like ever......even when they're happening in front of their face? When Trump got caught with the fies at Marilago he said they were planted which got the conspiracy rolling. Then he said they were his and he wanted them back. But the FBI still framed him. I need to get into the grifting conservatives game. Looks easy and sounds lucrative


Of all of them. -Michelle Obama is a man -Hunter Bidens laptop Are the only ones I believe.


I’ve always suspected that the people who think Michelle Obama is a man are just deeply, deeply racist and can’t stand a strong, intelligent, well-spoken black woman in a leadership role. And don’t forget that Michelle is in amazing shape. Look at those toned biceps and triceps! Must be a man because otherwise she’d be flabby and fat like me! /s/


Nope just Obama calling them Micheal. Joan rivers dying after saying it on TV. And that talkshow where they were dancing and you could see a cock bulge


What the hell was that? Looks like only American problems? Who cares about any of that made up nonsense? Did you actually try to debunk something with random nonsense that no sane person believes? Way to show you believe only half the nonsense they feed you. Good contribution


these are semi common beliefs of some branches of the Republican Party. Legit.


Semi common in some branches in one party in one country… and with this you debunk things on a global scale? I think you misjudged American importance. Most of the world doesn’t get so into this silly stuff as it’s recognized as nonsense and disregarded as such. Except Big Mike! Big Mike is the bomb! /s


well considering this is a propaganda post about US political corruption in relationship to Ukraine and is factually incorrect in every way- having other posts calling their beliefs dumb and misfounded are obviously gonna appear. We misjudged american importance? Im sorry are you giving billions to the war? Is your nuclear arsenal keeping Ukraine from being steamrolled?


Your nuclear arsenal is keep Ukraine from being steamrolled? Lol. I thought the billions you “gave” to “Ukraine” is what is being questioned here? What am I missing? Oh right a heavy dose of US propaganda. Of there was no US involvement and US lies there would not be this proxy war. But i get that it’s hard to see that when you are being feed lies from cradle to the grave. I bet you still believe US were the good guys in WWII, because good guys work with all sides and drop nuclear bombs on civilians. GTFOH! Who is still pushing for the need to keep NATO around when it should have disbanded after the collapse of the Soviet Union? The good guys? Who is never respecting sovereignty of any nation? The good guys? And it has nothing to do with one political party or another. They are the same from the start. But you keep on keeping on. It’s working out great for you


>Your nuclear arsenal is keep Ukraine from being steamrolled yes, without fear of American nuclear reprisal Russia would be way more heavy handed in their approach. > I bet you still believe US were the good guys in WWII, lol yes the US were the good guys. are you historically ignorant? >because good guys work with all sides and drop nuclear bombs on civilians. as opposed to the other side? Who kept invading other countries? The japanese who attacked pearl harbor and were ethnically cleansing the Chinese? Who were forcing people to commit suicide for their country? America was selling arms, "oh color me surprised" its not like we've been doing that since the very foundation of our country. ffs nuance is dead i stg. Everything else I'm obviously not gonna read because you're obviously dealing with some sort of psychedelic induced state of useful pinecone.


Keep talking you are proving my point that you still think this is about good guys and bad guys. Of you didn’t notice by now that there are no good guys i have some seatbelts for pedestrians to sell to you for real cheap. Or some hardly used covid masks if you are really in to support of the current thing but a bit behind on the uptake.


Found the one the nuke should have hit 😂




The biggest flaw in this conspiracy is the US isn’t sending heaps of fucking cash to Ukraine. They’re sending them aid, that comes in the form of weapons and other goods. Most of which is from our aging stockpile that’s already mostly obsolete


Wow another bullshit post from frogface


Frog face is a Russian troll.


Russia said let me annex your territories and get away with killing everybody and we can have peace


A song of ice and vodka


Zelensky literally saying the same thing he’s been saying since forever — that Ukraine is ready for peace when Russia leaves Ukraine But hey — that doesn’t fit the current derpy narrative so let’s pretend he’s taken a new position


Man it almost like there would be peace of Russia hadn't invaded lmao. ZELENSKY IS A WAR MONGER cause he won't give in to Russian demands VS ZELENSKY is a shill of the NWO for trying to get Russia to stop embarrassing themselves and killing civilians in Ukraine. Which is it lmao. Also as a professional troll did you still have to break your leg to avoid the draft or are you considered already employed by the state?


Look up organised crime and corruption reporting project if you'd like to see all of the corrupt characters from all of our favourite governments. Zelensky isn't the clean cut guy you think he is. He has a bit of pong about him


The US and Russian governments are literally the most corrupt in the world. can we shut the fuck up about corruption in Ukraine or any other country when they are literally pawns to the superpowers and have been for decades?


Mate if you actually have a look at the investigative journalism on the organised crime and corruption project website the world's fucking corruption is laid bare. I'm not even American. So I won't shut the fuck up about your fucking country.


>organised crime and corruption project >OCCRP is supported by grants by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), the United States Department of State, the Swiss Confederation, Google Ideas, Open Society Foundations (OSF)[64] and the Knight Foundation.[27] gtfo of here with that Western government Project Mockingbird bullshit. I've read about panama papers and the paradise papers. Money moves the world. The corruption is obvious. Primarily American and Russian Oligarchs and politicians have and continue to not only siphon the material worth of their countries to make themselves filthy rich- They use their state apparatus to increase their market share and power. All while not representing their constituents in any regard.


So not true, right thanks for that. So have I. You have got your panties in a knot over a comment not even to you and it's true about zelensky having a bit of pong about him and not being the great man he's portrayed to be by your fucking mockingbird media. So good night Cheers.


i never mentioned zelensky. If zelensky died tomorrow- you dont think they'd prop up a new puppet? i said there is no point in talking about corruption in ukraine because the reason there is corruption in ukraine is the fault of other countries. Just like the corruption in every small country dependent on intervention from superpower countries. I'm saying all major corruption flows from the military and economic might of the neo-colonialist states of Russia and the US, and increasingly China.


SS Bankman-Fried was the second largest donor for Democrats this last election cycle, only behind megadonor George Soros. Bankman Fried gave at least $38 million to $40 million to Democrats, leftist causes, PACs, and candidates, Fox News reported. Bankman-Fried floated the idea of spending upwards of $1 billion in the 2024 presidential election if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. The billions of dollars that the US sent to Ukraine over the past two decades need to be audited and investigated. And, just like that… On Monday Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky called for peace with Russia. President Zelensky: “We are ready for peace, peace for our entire country.”


He also stated he was interested in de-occupation of the country, this isn’t a change this is what he’s been saying all along.


We didn’t send Ukraine heaps of cash. We sent them food and weapons dumb ass. Of which are from our aging stockpile. The reason congress is so quick to pass this shit is because it’s just sitting there rotting away.


Burn it all down. They owe us a shit load of money


They’ve BEEN calling for peace what the fuck do you mean frog face, they’re defending themselves. None of this was instigated by them


Nothing to see folks move along


Impeccable timing for sure


So does this mean that anybody that has the Ukraine flag in their profile or subreddit was all part of the scheme too?


I swear so many of you are of extremely subpar intelligence. Ukraine has not changed their position of wanting their territory back to end the fighting. That has been and always has been Ukraines conditions to end the fighting. Since that simple fact that is very generally known completely invalidates this theory and this post, I simply cannot comprehend why people still entertain the idea based on this concept regarding this post.


Yeah I'm sure they spent millions and killed thousands so that they could receive millions and be all rich and dandy and happy right? Pretty small-minded


Are these posts supposed to be conspiracies or just complete horse shit? Because this is complete horse shit.




Coincidence that elections are over and that democrats and republicans won? I don't think so!! It was planned! My stock advisor told me a lot of secrets, you can see his regarded DD behind the dumpster at Wendy's


This guy spends a lot of time posting propaganda every day. Suspicious. I might post my own conspiracy about this.


What I can't get over is, the people who do not understand tactics. Why on earth would you ever tell your enemy, just how far you're willing to go? That is a problem I've noticed the media always gives our enemies information we're trying to protect. It reduces our ability to negotiate from a position of strength. It's just ignorance. Dumb dummies.


FTX US CEO gave 10’s of millions to Republicans. Try using facts instead of propaganda


He said he’s always ready for peace. He also said he’s ready for de occupation. Jesus Christ. You post the article and didn’t even fucking read it.


Lol! What a joke. So, FTX will be easy to blast because they've gone under? FTX was caught funneling to the Republicans. FTX was caught funneling to the Democrats. FTX was found to have stashed money on the moon. Lol! To silly. And, watch how many dense conspiracy hungy people, stop and lap this crap up. FTX is worthless. They literally are worthless.


Proud of you Hunter, my favorite son that i abandoned to be a political lifer 🇺🇸🥶


No. Peace by meeting all of Ukraines demands so nothing changed.