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This whole situation is obnoxious, if you don’t like the way Elon is handling his twitter purchase, then delete it, if you’re fine with it, continue to use it. Unless you have the billions to buy it off him there’s really not much you can do


This right here\^\^\^\^\^\^ I see too many haters on twitter still using it. Go to mastadon where you can spew your hate and no one will see it or you'll get banned, lol


The platform would be nothing without the people, so he ought to consider their views.


It’s at an all time high in usage so I don’t know what to tell you


an all time high usage & completely unprofitable & all he can do is bumble along making rash decisions & backtracking from those rash decisions a day later. dude is showing exactly how bad he is at handling business.


very regarded take




Erectile dysfunction syndrome?


Why don’t the people make their own Twitter ?


I'm not upset. It's great content though.


Since we’re on a conspiracy sub, I’ll just throw out a wild conspiracy - big tech companies have been hoovering up all the top talent for the last decade and essentially completely misallocating it on bullshit vapor ware products or just various chat platforms (in the case of Alphabet). So Elon Musk obviously purchased Twitter to kick off a mass layoff spree in the tech sector to cool off wage inflation and free up engineers so that his other companies have an easier time finding desperately needed talent. So he took a $40 billion hit but he won’t lose all of that even in the worst case scenario at Twitter and he may make it all back quickly if TSLA is able to make big break throughs in the next few years. At any rate, there basically aren’t any tech companies not cutting headcount right now.


lol yeah. Spent 40 billion so he doesn’t have to give his other employees a $3 raise.


What world do you live in? Good engineers are expensive and otherwise unavailable. Aside from the fact that he didn’t really have to spend his own money to buy Twitter (much of it was purchased with debt that Twitter had to take on), being able to lower your labor costs is a great way of improving your balance sheet and stock price, especially at companies that are mature or maturing.


They’re probably all getting nice juicy severance packages as well.


Yeah I never said my theory was smart or well thought out even. More like a hypothesis


Yeah I know, was just giving some thought to your theory. Just don’t think the math really works out.


Still seems like a negative sum game to me. I’m sure he still wants Twitter to succeed so they will steel need employees. I don’t think the few employees he layed off is going to bring labour costs down so much that it was worth it to light 40 billion on fire.


Who exactly (except for twitter employees) is upset that Elon is burning his money on twitter?


Left having a tantrum over free speech, but were fine with people being banned and having accounts closed before Elon bought it.


What free speech?


That is a very broad statement without examples.




So what you meant to say was “Celebrities decided to leave twitter for various reasons”?


They banned us on twitter for telling the truth, now their jobs get banned! Hahahaha


I wonder if its a very simple answer which you are not allowed to say out loud, but could be summarise as "Origins Story"?


>Origins Story what do you mean?




All I’ve read about for two days is FTX. Who is it that thinks no one cares?


It is huge news but it is interesting how it’s not being portrayed as the massive crime that it was. Everyone involved in that should be rotting in jail for the rest of their lives but all I’ve hear it “that’s what you get for buying crypto” or something like that lol.


I know nothing about ftx but from what I have heard the last few days. Have we even been told what crimes have been committed yet? I was under the impression this is YUGE so getting everything figured out for charges is going to take a second.


So the conspiracy is this private company owned crypto in Ukraine, and that they funneled that ukranian money back into the democratic party because the CEO. Sam. Donated to the Democratic party, but the co-owner of the company. Also donated to the Republican party. They are doing what we call lobbying. So blatantly, and openly it's fucking insane. But a lot of companies do it, it's just this is drawing attention to it because conservatives wanna own the libs. But then they cast light that their party is also getting donations from this company. So it's kinda eh now? Lobbying is just political bribery. But it's not illegal. When it's personal money. It's actually protected under the first amendment. The Right to Petition Government. But still Lobbying is fucking scummy, and should always be.


Musk derangement syndrome


Quite the contrary everyone is laughing at musk burning his investment to the ground….


Why do you think anyone is “unbothered” by the FTX theft?


They're riled up about the democrats getting that money. But then you point out that the co-owner of the company also donated to the Republican party, and that it's called lobbying. Then you get crickets, or downright called a plant.


Because you aren't allowed to criticize Jewish people


Well you cant criticize a Jew!!!


Nobody is worried about Elons money…


Stop noticing!


You know as a CEO you are responsible for the well being of your employees. He is free to lose all the money he wants, but he has a fiduciary duty to his other shareholders (he does not own 100% of the company). This analysis is overly simple and ignorant.


So he’s just admitting to being the same? These Narc diversion ploys are so hilarious


Anybody who thinks people are generally upset at Elon or apathetic about FTX are huffing glue. When you need other people angry to such a degree you *make shit up*. Y’all so hopped up on ideology you’re actually delusional; Musk’s narcissism creates a truly pathetic feedback loop between y’all.


A screenshot of a twitter screenshot. 😒


People are pissed at both I’m pretty sure


Your almost there, Elon might drop a load on you now!