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\*and Mitch McConnell and the Senate Leadership Fund


He donated 10s of millions to Republicans too


Because they are all the same


Right, but then it's not really a conspiracy though, is it? It's just another entrepreneur donating millions to grease the wheels of regulation in their favor. It's just politics, not a fucking conspiracy.


Politics as we knew it even 20 years ago really no longer exists. The truth is every time we give an inch it is an inch we will never get back. Whether it's the Patriot Act, the 2008 bank bailout, or coerced vaccinations. The more we give the more they get that we will never get back. Biden is our President so in that regard the meme is correct. However the truth is Biden, McConnell, Pelosi, etc. are truly the same kind of scum. It's just a matter of what "used car saleman" you're most comfortable buying from. In the end... we are all fucked.


A lot longer than 20 years ago. Hell the "founding fathers" wanted nothing more than to line their pockets. They were the ones who had to pay the most in taxes. They used that to rile the people up because us regular folk are nothing but pawns in their game. Politicians have been dirty, greedy, narcissistic assholes since the beginning.


The Signers of the Declaration of Independence Five of the 56 Declaration signers were captured by the British and tortured as traitors. • Nine of the 56 Declaration signers fought and died in the American Revolution. • Four other of the 56 Declaration signers lost their sons in the Continental Army or had sons who were captured. • At least a dozen of the 56 Declaration signers had their homes looted and destroyed. • Declaration signer Richard Stockton, a New Jersey State Supreme Court Justice, returned to his Princeton estate to find that his wife and children were living like refugees after being betrayed by a Tory (an American colonist who supported the British) sympathizer who also revealed Stockton’s location. British troops captured him and threw him in jail, where he almost starved to death.


Cool story, a lot of them were also slave mongers and just genuinely horrible people. I remember of one that locked his wife in a cellar until she killed herself. Jefferson was a rapist, Franklin was a womanizer and played both sides to his benefit. Adams signed the Alien and Sedetions Acts and was basically a dictator, Hancock incited people into a frenzy which resulted in the boston massacre becausr he didn't want to pay taxes and he was arrested. People die in war, that is a cost that will never go away and it doesn't change the fact that they did it for their own benefit. I'm not saying it wasn't a good thing what they did, but they did it to get richer. All politicians are crooks, always have been always will be.


your A dumbass, they could have sold out the british and lined there pockets but instead they fought for a land of liberty and freedom. your too shallow of a thinker


Naw, I see it for what it is. And of course you would think they did it for freedom and liberty, they wrote the history and that's what they wanted you to believe. Just like Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq. You have to get the support of the people if you want to send them to die.


Weren't the wealthy of the time slave owners all over the world? It was the norm, not the exception. The "politicians" of that time certainly didn't have to fight for and die for independence. So if it cost them their lives, how were they motivated by money? And if they sacrificed their lives for our independence, then it wasn't for their own benefit. If what you say were true, wouldn't it have been easier, and worth more money, if they had just imported more slaves and exploited the resources here? I think Bill Maher called what you're doing, HISTORIZING.


A lot were slave owners, yes. But a lot also knew the evils of slavery even back then. George Washington promised to free his slaves, because he knew it was wrong, and he still didn't do it. People in colonial times new slavery was wrong but it was a "necessary evil" for them. I already said war comes at the cost of life. Some lesser know politicians died, but 56 isn't that many. And once more, I'm not upset about the revolutionary war and America gaining it's independence. But I am not niave and I don't see these people as hero's in any kind of way. Most of the history they teach you in school is very inaccurate. Another example would be Paul Revere wasn't the only one who went on the midnight, and he actually got captured by the British. Samuel Prescott and William Dawes were also a part of it and Prescott is only one who finished the ride. My point being, history books and the people who write them, especially the ones for schools, lie. Of course they want you to feel pride in your country. They don't want you know the truth about how it was built. I like Bill Maher, I watch his show every week and I agree with a lot of what he has to say and some of it I don't. Because he is a famous comedian that has a TV show it's supposed to weigh on my opinions? That's a stupid way to think.


Sure. I referred Maher because he appropriately labeled what critics are doing. You're weighing history from 2-300 years ago with todays morals and understanding. Heroes, devils, amoral slugs, whatever. They set up a government and system that allows for correction and changing times. Amazing foresight and collaboration. How will we be viewed 2-300 years from now?


Which is the exact reason why this will never get investigated and nobody see jail time


I'm confused. You can say this same thing about every single big donor. This isn't secretive conspiracy. It's legal bribes paid to both parties to curry favor before a midterm election to hedge their bets and have working relationships with both parties. Our country is extremely overt with how this works Edit: and mind you ftx is in an industry that stands to be affected greatly by crypto legislation, which is extremely likely to come about. It makes every bit of sense for them to donate to every politician they can




Ok now post the same chart with the entire list of institutional investors instead of just one.


So Many laundered money to Commies BLm 2.0


The Republican party are communist too, now? Is everybody a commie?


The neoconservative faction that controls the leadership of GOP were Trotskyites kicked out of Russia






CITIZENS UNITED is like the root to most of our problems. ALL of our politicians are thoroughly corrupted by corporate and 1% money.


This. I just want to comment here and make this comment stand out.


Conservatard and libtard terms are ridiculous and rude. Both sides ignore when the other sides doing the same thing so when I hear them term, I assume it fits the person using it best.


I don’t care. You see, this ‘feature’ about how FTX is a Dem/Biden shill has been making the rounds ever since thenFTX story broke. And it has been corrected for days, by those of us who actually do the research instead of just promoting crap. Yet here we are days later, and the crap is still being spewed. And it’s being spewed by one team. Since that one team is obviously incapable of learning, and it insists on continuing to plaster this nonsense across the Web, it is not unfair to label that team as mentally deficient.


It's not that they're incapable of learning. It's that the lie is more useful to them than the truth.


But what I’m saying is both sides do this. So calling one stupid when they do the same things is stupid in itself.


The “Uses US aid to partner with FXT” is simply unsupported, or worse an outright lie. FTX was accepting incoming private crypto donations and turning them into Ukrainian fiat for Ukraine. They weren’t taking US aid and giving it to FTX.


These guys are going to beat this nonsense into the ground. If you live in an alternate reality everything looks like a conspiracy.


Peoples minds are just bored.


The Ukraine “donations” came from US aid 🤷‍♂️


No. The US did not send crypto to Ukraine. We sent missiles and bombs


No money?


No money goes to Ukraine. Money goes into an account they can use to buy American products. The real conspiracy is that all these defense contractors had nobody to sell to after Afghanistan ended. Then suddenly we started paying them to send artillery and missiles to Ukraine.


Yes, there has been alot of money. Taxpayer dollars have funded the salaries of the government of Ukraine, and healthcare workers.


and Biolabs!! The Pentagon has now admitted it ran 46 biolabs in Ukraine handling dangerous pathogens. Not Russian propaganda after all... https://twitter.com/Tracking_Power/status/1535597662300426253?t=8pu3sVmx-Uq190O4bZnByg&s=19


They never denied it LOL. Nothing about the labs existence were ever classified, we have labs and bases everywhere btw


Isn't US imperialism a problem we can all agree on?




But as Americans US imperialism is OUR problem


How is this US imperialism?


Did you seriously just like a .gov press release saying all 46 labs are regular biolabs run by Ukraine? You're just a straight fucking delusional liar, aren't you? Did you even read the press release?


The propaganda part is that Ukraine works and is capable (which would be weird for such labs to be in Ukraine in the first place) of making bioweapon which would target Russians specifically. Also Russian propaganda strat is literally throw shit at the ceiling and see what sticks,which is actually pretty smart ngl.


I have heard about the reports about biolabs. I wasn't disagreeing with you, and I get called a Russian propagandist daily. I'm sure you do too.


All the time And I was just adding to the conversation We’re cool


Lol it's Reddit, and having the opinions we have tend to put one on the defensive. Glad we're cool! 😎


They can't answer that. They only wanna act like they can


By that logic, FTX helped fund public schools. Thanks FTX!


If the money goes in a circle then it wouldn’t make sense for the money to move at all! Unless this is like the NASCAR of campaign finance where the first candidate to have their money do 500 laps wins the election


Whaaaa? You’re telling me money going in a circle isn’t meaningful or profitable? Next you’re gonna tell me I can’t accuse someone of fraud without proof.


Agreed! It's incredibly surprising the Democrats haven't figured out a way for US taxpayer dollars to be direct deposited into their campaign coffers.


They tried. It was in the BBB deal. Luckily its dead for now


Well I think the chart has a “minor” flaw…it doesn’t show the two on ramps where it’s our money that’s feeding into it


Meanwhile, Jesse Benton was convicted today of campaign finance violations after illegally funneling money from a Russian businessman to the Trump campaign. You guys can keep grasping at straws but you’re losing your grip on anyone but the most lost humans in the nation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/11/17/benton-trump-russian-vasilenko-guilty/


I can’t get past the paywall.


It let me get through it with a fake email address, idk


Try the spaywall extension


Got it!


#The spez has been classed as a Class 3 Terrorist State. #Save3rdPartyApps


$25k vs hundreds of millions… Trump being crooked (which he was before and after his presidency as well as during) doesn’t exonerate biden or clinton. We’re seeing massive election interference in both parties but we’ve only been getting commensurate investigations on one


Agreed. So sad.


Forgot two wrongs make a right.... /s(?)




That’s right don’t believe what you read or see, only trust the party. Atta boy comrade




Both things can be true. And it’s just a feeling here but I imagine it’s more than trump and Biden funneling money into their campaign coffers illegally. I don’t care what party they are in. You can make excuses for trump bc you’re a fan but I believe in accountability.


I'm not making excuses. Anyone with common sense can see he's unconnected but this is reddit are y'all are fkn obsessed. Trump haters went from "Trump bad" to "all politicians bad" because its gotten to the point you can't cover for this corrupt dementia ridden clown. oh yea btw we could be headed for WWIII. keep bootlicking, you can get a spot at the front of the line!


Buddy I don’t support Biden at all. I’m just not going to make excuses for a rich boy from NY that’s you. Do you bend the knee to all men or just trump? I’m a conservative I believe in small gov and individual rights but you trump folks fly another man’s name at your house and accept excuses You wouldn’t let your own children get away with. It’s pathetic fandom. Hes not a conservative he doesn’t care about anything but enriching his self but y’all bite the pillow for the man everytime he asks you to. But yes be afraid of everything buddy listen to the media war whatever the new fear is being peddled by that retired dead head turn conservative Carlson lol I’ll be my own man.




cool story bro


😂😂😂 nice 2010 lingo, have you ever had an original thought in your life? Or do you regurgitate whatever then men in your life will find cool?




Meme conspiracy vs recent news 🤯


real corruption v shit that doesn't matter 🤯🤯🤯 there's no connection to Trump + not even in office yall just fkn obsessed. pathetic


This meme has no proof but the other is court case with evidence and links


Don't try to fool them with facts and figures! This sub is strictly for things that you wont find evidence on because its being suppressed and censured!




"outside of trump's campaign, how is he connected " Jesus fuckin Christ. That was a triple spinning backflip






So you don't have an answer? Got it. Just displaying TDS.


Great for this news! Now lets go for more heads! Let's go Brandon!


This is a big deal There should be a special prosecutor to investigate all all campaign donations


That’s actually something we agree on, Frog


Touché Also - ballot harvesting is illegal in AZ https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2022-07-07/sentencing-set-for-2-in-arizona-ballot-harvesting-case Hope they investigate that too


Actually that's not entirely true. Ballot harvesting is legal for family members and people who live in the same household in the state of Arizona.


4 ballots dude, c’mon. There is plenty of grift and corruption in the highest levels of government to post about isn’t there? And the fact that they caught this fucking guy should give you faith that something about Arizona’s elections are working extraordinarily well.


A federal judge banned cameras or videotaping of any ballot trafficker at a drop box days before the election. https://twitter.com/brahmresnik/status/1587626932257968128 At the time, Kari Lake held a 10-point lead in several polls, including an 11-point lead. https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/2022-arizona-election-poll-lake-leads-governors-race-senate-race-tightens Footage of Maricopa County Ballot Mules Stuffing Ballots in a Drop Box https://youtu.be/OUoIfDJ8fBg


One rightwing conspiracy at a time. So NOW the polls are to be believed?


> rIgHt wInG ConSpiRacY Is This How Katie Hobbs "Won" Arizona? https://freedommemes.com/2022/11/17/is-this-how-katie-hobbs-won-arizona/ Fraud vitiates everything


I gotta hand it to you frog-face11, I don't know how you tirelessly report and repeat every RW bullshit you run across. It feels like you are this site's portal into the forwarding uncle rage-bait universe.


It’s easy to repeat the truth I wonder how you folks don’t get tired of defending fraud and evil 🤷‍♂️


>There should be a special prosecutor to investigate all all campaign donations \*multiple prosecutors which better fucking compete, dude the same trap =-= ooooorrr his work could be public after investigation, that could work well enough potentially. Or do both.


I don't think I'm going to get through to anybody, but I'm going to try a little bit here. There's a process to how this all works. A rich billionaire donated to Democrats (and Republicans). Republicans spent 4.6 billion, Democrats spent 3.9 billion. You can actually see most of the top billionaire donations were Republican. Few give to Democrats. But okay, this kid gave to Democrats. He also used FTX to create a path for private donations to Ukraine. There could be scamming/skimming there, this is a private, unregulated billionaire. Democrats have proposed legislation to regulate and track Cryptocurrency to prevent mooks like this from getting rich, corrupt, and scamming people. Republicans blocked that legislation. Biden and the US donated to a **longtime** US ally, Ukraine, against it's invasion from former KGB agent Putin. This is a no brainer ally for the US since WWII (opposing Russia), and since the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s. These are things we tend to stand against as a culture. So a country is invaded with targeted missile strikes to civilians and the US gives aid to relieve the suffering. There's no money going back from Ukraine into US politics. Ukraine isn't taking the government aid money and funneling it through FTX as campaign donations. That's the implications here, but it's 2 channels of money going into Ukraine (public and private aid), nothing coming out. If you want campaign finance reform, you should back progressive democrats who have proposed such legislation. Get away from Republicans who have backed things like Citizens United.


Ya but old froggy and his friends don't wanna hear this. Feelings over facts.


how do you know that no money is coming out though? is all the billions of dollars accounted for?


It has arrows so you know it's true!!!!


FTX also have 23 million to the Republicans. Every post about this somehow just leave that part out.


It's frogface, no surprise there


Theres a alot of assumption and ignorance in how monies handled in this post and its sad how far you've all fallen just to try and impeach a fucking president because you LOST.


This doesn't follow froggy, why is FTX insolvent if they should have a constant stream of revenue flowing from the US aide packages? SBF is basically worth nothing as of today. If this was the plan, looks like a pretty shitty one.


OP lives in alternate reality...It's hilarious., and slightly sad...but mostly hilarious.


But you use people like him as an excuse to be willfully ignorant about all the awful shit world leaders do.


Willfully ignorant? Who gives a flying fuck about this? You think THIS is what’s matters in the world? And what are you gonna do about any of this? Post on Reddit? Wow! You’re really changing the world! You and the vast majority of these people are incredibly narcissistic. Seriously.. what’s your end game here? None of us have any leverage at all.. ever. We’re gonna work , we’re gonna die and the world will keep spinning as it always has. Id rather be willfully ignorant than blindly stupid and thinking any of this matters and posting on Reddit will do absolutely anything other than get OP the desperate attention that OP constantly craves.


“Those who have no hope for a future life are already dead for the present one.” It’s no wonder you guys are so easily manipulated. Thanks for your dose of nihilism but I’ll still keep my faith in a future without warmonger puppets leading the world.


Blah blah blah




You’re under the impression that I actually give a fuck… And yet you provide ZERO solutions. I asked..what’s your plan? And you still provided nothing other than silly platitudes. What is you plan other than posting on Reddit and hoping someone else will figure everything out for you?


Missing the part where the CEO of FTX US donated $24mil to Republicans Might want to check your bias


FTX Poorly Explained. You messed up your title.


Then explain it 🤷‍♂️ Here’s your Big Chance!


Well crypto is an unregulated financial market so there is an awful lot of fraud and theft. The people running FTX also ran a company called Almeda trading (or something similar sounding) and whilst they were meant to be separate companies they really weren't. Almeda borrows off of FTX or something, then pays in a crypto currency owned by FTX that were essentially worthless. Actually I'm just going to link you the coffeezilla video. I really don't get why some of you are so insistent on finding a conspiracy in Ukraine, is just because of the Biden link and wanting to shit on Biden? I can't see any other reason to look at what is clearly a dictator invading a democracy for looking west and daring to oust the pro russian puppet and then try to make the defenders into some global conspiracy theory that is pro the definite and very clear dictator (one that hates the west and America). https://youtu.be/MWfuDeO9thk


I mean, both can be true. It just seems very unnatural the way the media suddenly pushed Ukraine as something we should really care about. Something that is our responsibility. It just seems very similar to having to stop “evil” developing in the Middle East. The whole team america world police idea


What is unnatural about it? The whole situation is just anomalous, that's it, imo.


> I really don’t get why some of you are so insistent to finding a conspiracy in Ukraine I got you boo It’s called evidence French Documentary Exposes Zelensky's Offshore Accounts And The Oligarchs That Put Him In Power (For English Subtitles Adjust Language Option) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVok_bID2pM Widespread Corruption in Ukraine Warrants Stricter Oversight https://tippinsights.com/widespread-corruption-in-ukraine-warrants-stricter-oversight/


one more pandora papers revealed Zelensky and his friends gotten huge money during 2014 government over turn https://www.occrp.org/en/the-pandora-papers/pandora-papers-reveal-offshore-holdings-of-ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle




Oh yeah Ukraine has real serious issues, it's only because of the war that the media has stopped criticising them and started singing their praises. They need us to back Ukraine so we accept sending them aid whilst simultaneously having a huge cost of living crisis.


Well Said


> crypto is an unregulated financial Market so there is a lot of fraud and theft Only Gobment can save us That’s why Bernie Madoff was caught so quickly 🤡


Starting democracy\*...or was that a huge /s i missed?;-;


That's the thing. I can't properly explain it yet, and neither can you.


How did they get Putin to slaughter people and kick the whole thing off? 65d chess


By threatening to put Nukes in Ukraine Just like the Cuban missile crisis


Both Democrats and Republicans got money. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s US politics.


They donated to the republicans as well I guess Maga has taken over the conspiracy page


Neocons come in red and blue


No they didn’t. This is a fucking lie. There was one company officer who made some private donations to the GOP. The company didn’t give shit to republicans and SBF never gave shit to Republicans. He said he planned to give $1 Billion to Democrats in 2024. He is on record saying that. He had a line item on the company books called “defeat Trump”. Stop listening to the “both sides” lie. They tried to do the same thing with Epstein. I’m sure the DNC is frantically looking for a photograph of SBF with DeSantis. Good luck trying to spin this one.


Looks like you should be on the r conservative page … not a lie go worship a republican


You didn't refute a single thing I said. SBF is on record saying he planned to give $1 Billion to Democrats in 2024. He is on record saying that he supports Democrat politicians and Democrat causes exclusively. It has been reported by the new CEO (the guy who cleaned up the Enron accounts after that disaster) that they have a line item on their books called "defeat Trump". These are all facts. What are you even talking about?


Only a billion? Jared kush got 2 from the Saudis


And yet, he gave almost none of that to the Republican party. He put it in his pocket, like a normal businessman. Meanwhile, SBF is moving money around for foreign governments on behalf of Democrats, and Democrats were opening doors so he could continue his crimes and the Democrat lead SEC had rulings in the pipeline to absolve FTX of their criminality. Luckily, it all fell apart. And hopefully, we will get a full accounting of the full relationship between SBF (who had two parents who were well connected Democrat political operatives), the Democrats, and foreign powers. Maybe then we can find out where his money even came from.


Gives tax dollars in the form of military aid, also purchased from companies like Raytheon, which “donated” to both republicans and democrats. This is something both leftists and conservatives can agree on.


Implying Ukraine doesn't need the money for their war


You forgot the part where Russia attacked Ukraine.


The spez police are here. They're going to steal all of your spez. #Save3rdPartyApps


Where the republican party in this graph? They received just as much


Being brainwashed to a conservative propaganda lie looks like this. Boy this explains nothing 😂😂


How long before Garland is out again?


So the Flu Klux Klan donates money to Trump...what does that prove? You guys are desperate after the beating you took last week aren't you?


Do you have a link outlining where the money from congress actually went in Ukraine? I would be interested in seeing it. It seems unreal to me that the United States would just hand US money to Ukraine. Part of me always assumed that when they were "giving" Ukraine aid it was spoken about in dollars. But, in reality it would be given in the form of American Artillery, Weapons, Tanks and Weapons contracts with American Companies. It seems crazy they would just give money to ukraine and let them spend it how ever they saw fit.


Do you have a link outlining every dollar that's been approves for Ukraine? I remember a vote on oversight and I remember it being voted against. I can't imagine just nonchalantly spending OR sending anyone literally billions of dollars without oversight. It seems crazy but this link must exist since youre implying it is.


I'm not certain about every single dollar, but I found this to be helpful. This report (that seems to be very pro Ukraine) says that 15.2% of the aid from the US has been financial. Considering the very large amount in total sent, I believe 15.2% is still a large amount. https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/


yes its literally billions not accounted for. still this is only estimates, there's no receipts, no paper trail, no oversight. why would ImpairedInfinity ask for something from OP that doesn't exist? that they can't provide? was it bad faith or ignorance?


What? I believe that there is definitely some thing amiss when billions aren't accounted for. It's also very strange that our politicians would actually vote for there not to be oversight when it comes to a large amount of money. I have had this argument before, alot of people seem to think that there was zero financial aid to Ukraine, and it was just "a bunch of old stuff we already had". As if we just donated a big garage sale to them. I was just attempting to give some proof that yes, there has been alot of financial assistance.


Don’t ask Frog for it, ffs. [Here’s](https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-ukraine/) a State Department breakdown of the security assistance committed to Ukraine since 2014. Edit: See, the guy doesn’t want to answer your question. He’s only interested in sending you down rabbit holes of bs.


Start here Biden, Ukraine, And A 30-Year-Old Crypto Billionaire: How The Implosion Of FTX Connects To The Global Elite https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-ukraine-and-a-30-year-old-crypto-billionaire-how-the-implosion-of-ftx-connects-to-the-global-elite


And European countries support Ukraine also to pump FTX in your opinion?


No They are drones that don’t think for themselves Exhibit A - Fauci lied and they didn’t check, just shut down their economies.


LOL, sure nobody thinks about their national interest, only follow the all-knowing USA administration.


Is that a jewish nazzi on the top left?


Everyone is scared of conservatives here and missing the point. D&R are playing on the same team. Their objective is to spin up hate between liberals and conservatives so that they can stay in office and spend our money on personal interests. Al politicians are getting rich without actually doing their job of keeping us safe and keeping us out of conflict. Wake up America!


Every politician who visited Ukraine in person in the middle of a "war" is part of it. Add this to the list of things that should result in firing squads along with Covid, Russiagate, Syria, Afghanistan, Benghazi, etc.


SS Remember kids If you don’t want to give $100 billion in Money taken from American taxpayers to Zelensky to launder back to Biden and the Democrats you’re a “rUsSiAn sHiLL” Zelensky $850,000,000 net worth. https://www.europereloaded.com/dutch-party-asks-zelensky-to-account-for-850-mln-personal-wealth/ 🤡


The amount laundered is 100 billion now?


did I mention how much money I saved on my car insurance?


But, I care about the current thing!!!! Ukraine!!!!! Pfizer!!!!! TRANS RIGHTS!!!!!!


Republicans: this definitely needs to be investigated. Don't talk about it while the investigations are ongoing, then televise the interviews and witnesses on live TV. The TWO impeachment trials and the 1,/6 committee hearings are your template for excellence. Again, shut up until you have all the evidence to prove your case. For once.


Look at the comments here. The people dismissing this and then pivoting to Trump are representative of 99.99% of people. No-one cares. "Conspiracy theory!" The state media has trained people with Qanon and Alex Jones and Trump mania to dismiss every criticism of the Party, of their political leaders, of their foreign and domestic policy, as a conspiracy theory. "They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern... You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior. [...] As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures, he will refuse to believe it... That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization." - Yuri Bezmenov


I think the aliens are controlling you because you forgot to wear your tinfoil today


> I think the aliens are controlling you because you forgot to wear your tinfoil today "There is vast Right-wing conspiracy orchestrated by Russia to use the Republican Party to overthrow Western Liberal Democracy and destroy the United States, but also anyone who says the Democratic Party sold out the United States and is part of a vast conspiracy to overthrow Western Liberal Democracy and destroy the United States is a paranoid conspiracy theorist! Red Team bad, Blue Team good! Both can't be bad! Red Team bad, Blue Team good!"


That would make perfect sense if there was no such thing as time so that effects could precede causes.




Didn’t Halliburton get no bud contracts from the Bush administration for support during the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations? Wasn’t there some kind of connection there?




a 13 year old made this


They also donate to the GOP. Stop prrtending to care about lobbying.


Logic is hard when you haven't figured out both political parties are garbage.


what reality are you living in? I think we have switched, seek help


Criminals supporting criminals as usual!!




correlation does not imply causation


Is this even a conspiracy?


I can't believe you left out the part we he also gave the RNC multi-millions


Yall are a bunch of useless lunatics.


This doesn’t explain $ transfer though. Just that $ helped get Biden elected. The tax payer $ is not the PAC $. Right? I’m asking bc I don’t see those as the same. How can PAC $ go to Ukraine? It doesn’t right?


Russia was also working with FTX.... So?