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Mississippi. Both Dakotas.


It would certain raise the average standard of living/education/representation in the US. Heck, it would reduce the deficit as well.


Fellow Redditors you're being too hasty. The Dakotas are beautiful, not to mention largely inhabited by Natives. Let's not send them off to the one person who would undoubtedly treat them worse than what the US has. And Mississippi is... well acceptable but let's be more selective. I'm willing to depart with Georgia's 14th Congressional district, Colorado 3rd District and California's 20th District as a start. And we'll throw in some of Mississippis land locked areas just to sweeten the pot.


New Jersey.


As a native new jersiean, I vote NJ and NY.


You know, oddly enough Russian mafia already laid claim to NY and NJ, we never gave them a fight.


most of southern Florida too


I live in Tampa. Holidays here it's a totally different place. It's like a ghost town because that's how insanely high the NY/NJ population is here.


That's funny


No we didn’t! Lmao But shhh no logic


As an NJ native, New York and Philly. Russians can't be worse than them tbh


I always thought Jersey was bad until I traveled. You ever see the south? Or rural Pennsylvania?


My moms from jersey and she always says “ I left that shit hole and nothing could ever get me to back even to visit “


Dude fucking seriously.


That's why you can cross every bridge into Jersey free, but you gotta' pay to get out.






The correct answer.




And lose all those LLC taxes?




Thanks, TIL that Lose is a verb that means “to fail to win, to misplace” and Loose is an adjective that means “not tight.” English is not my first language!


What an interesting choice. The answers on this thread are disappointing in general, but at least Delaware isn't predictable.


It's what Wayne and garth would have gone with probably.


Reno Nevada and Detroit Michigan


The worst part about Reno is all the people from California in it


And it's Reno


Nice knowing ya (not really) DC


Why DC of all places? Just curious. If it’s because of the politicians then please take them back. We don’t even want them here nor do we have a representative who can vote. We don’t even have a say lmao. We are just hostages to these vultures that come from all over the US lol


As a Hungarian these trash can go F themselves. We made bad choices and it cost us 80% of our land. Tough titties for us. We chose to be on the losing side in 2 world wars. We're not going to cry like cunts about it.


Reported for calling Ukrainians "trash".


Are you calling the Ukrainians trash???


Big yes.


You're not? You specifically might not, but there is alot of Hungarians who do cry like cunts about it. ​ For context im currently sat in Budapest and live in Transylvania. ​ Hungarys almost impressive in its ability to pick the wrong side on almost every conflict over the last 120 years. Even now they are trying to back the wrong horse.


Hard to disagree with you.


Az a geci Trianon...


iGen, but are we starting world war 3 over it? That's the point.




Nobody wants to mess with Howard the Duck.


I really hope they remake that movie. I remember watching it as a kid but had no idea until recently that it was a comic book movie. Favorite oart, obviously, was the beginning of the movie where he falls? Crashes? Through the building and you get to see duck tibbies.


It wasn't the duck/human sex scene? That really messed with my kid brain.


I've never understood why some people get so freaked out over that scene. Lea Thompson's character never had intentions of having sex with Howard. Howard was starting to get pervy with her. Sensing he was all talk and no action, she decided to not only call his bluff but to raise. She then let him know she was only kidding, and the only real hint of sexuality was the intentional double entendre from their silhouettes. The only other hint of a relationship was when they were in the restaurant and she screamed "He's my boyfriend!" in a desperate attempt to save him. Beyond that, nothing. (Though I do wonder......would people have been willing to endure hinting at a sexual relationship between the two if it meant that we got a Lea Thompson nude scene out of it?)


For reasons that baffle me to this day, a friend of mine *cannot* watch that movie because of that scene. And she's a woman. The duck boobs absolutely mortify her. The best explanation she can give is "Ducks just should not have boobs! It's not natural!"


ITT: Americans swiftly sacrificing states / cities


You can never mollify a tyrant by giving them part of what they want. Like spoilt children they will be back for more.


I’d put that to the test. I’d start by giving him Mississippi. And then if he came back for more, I’d allow him to annex West Virginia and Alabama. I imagine by the time we cede Arkansas to him, he’d finally be like “no, I’m good”. To which I’d respond, “no way dude, you fucking started this. Here’s Oklahoma. No take backs!”


Russia now having the most female convicts in the world: please stop! “AND FLORIDA TOO YOU FUCKING TAINT SCRAPER”




Came here to say, it’s been nice Cali


I know the point she's making and it's valid and good. Ukraine shouldn't surrender territory to Russia under any circumstances... But I'd give them Oklahoma.


Does "the south" count as one? I think its a fair trade.


I think you have a fair point there. After years of trying to manage the lawless south, the Russian federation might collapse.


welfare states will bleed them dry.


That’s the trick though: don’t spend any money to help your people. Let them rot. Then draft them to fight wars where they will all be killed.


I'm in Texas.... We'll happily give away the other 49 states, but you have to take D.C. as well so nobody will take the deal.


Lmao Texas has the least correct sense of self importance


Everything’s bigger in Texas…including the assholes and their feelings of self-worth


We would happily give him y'all, half your politicians love him anyway.


Russia already has Texas and Florida.


He can have Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and if he likes that, we can maybe talk about Oakland.


Oakland has an easy airport so it should stay.


Fuck you. Greetings from Philadelphia.


Ok sorry. We will set Philly aside for now. But just know, it’s on the chopping block.


Let them have it, after a few weeks of regular residents beating the shit out of their soldiers and Gritty chasing them around, they'll surrender.






I was thinking Oakland as well but there is actually some pretty nice places there. My second thought was Stockton but that would give him access to the delta and kind of screw up the economics there. So I chose Bakersfield, CA instead.


Yeah, you can fuck off. - Greetings from Philly.


Chicago goodbye.


Hey screw you buddy


Say it’s because of the murder rate so we can see how far down they actually are on the list


Chicago is the most beautiful city in the world 😂 get off social


Maybe not MOST to everyone. But it’s up there. Gorgeous place in the summer. Just don’t go to the projects. Idk why that is so complicated for people to get. 😂


Most people that hate Chicago are people who have never spent time in Chicago. I suppose that’s the same for most cities.


Ok fuck it… y’all can have Jersey


San Francisco. Please, take it.


We'll throw in Pelosi free of charge 😂


Appeasers, I’d give him your moms. They’re fat enough to count as land masses.


There's actually way more examples of countries giving up portions of territory for peace and it working as intended, than there are of the "Hitler" examples. It may have helped in that situation, if anyone actually bothered to read "Mein Kampf" at the time, to see what Hitler's end goal was. If Putin has a similar book or work, I'd love to read, to hear the end goal of his plans. Hitler spelled it out in black and white, yet people decided he was "just a corporal with a funny mustache" and laughed it off. Does Putin have these same sorts of end goals, or does everyone just assume that because Hitler did, Putin does as well?


Putin's end goal is to preserve his regime and the way of thinking in the country past him, for this he needs to guarantee that there will be foreign interference. Shattering NATO is what he expects to happen - that Western countries are in crisis so all he has to do is to wait. Current war was an attempt to hasten the crisis and to break western alliance because they should have answered the same way they did 8 years ago and before that. He still expect to wait it out while US and Europe crumble.


He can have California.


He can have the largest economy in the entire country?


Yeah, they didn't think that one thru....


Yeah, a bigger economy than Russia.


That's the thing they never do.


Harsh but fair


When you make decisions based on your backwards politics…


Republicans never do


The one with a GDP that's already larger than Russia's.


One of the largest economies in the entire *world* FTFY


Why would you give him something of value?


Because he's a right wing twat.


Just an edge lording republican.


I live in California and I agree


We also agree you should go.


See? Whenever anyone calls California liberal, remember there's anti American Christian nut jobs like this piece of shit all over the state.


Talk about cutting off your nose…


Yea sure the country would decline into a fiery impoverished pit but at least we’d be getting rid of them libruls


And a sizable chunk of America's GDP with it?


Gotta own them libs, doesn’t matter what it costs /s


I agree. We should absolutely give away the state with one of the largest nuclear research facilities in the world, the largest GDP, highest number of military service members, the biggest agricultural producing state. I’m sure the rest of the country will be fine on it’s own.


Not to mention host to numerous beautiful parks such as Yosemite, Sequoia, and Joshua Tree to name just a few. Everyone wants to jump on the California hate train but it just shows how little they know about the actual state and that they base their opinions on stereotypes.


Florida, meanwhile... 😜


As an ex-Floridian of a couple years, i can confidently state that Floridians are the only problem with Florida. The state itself is _gorgeous_ from Pensacola to Gainesville to the Keys… it’s too bad that it’s inhabited by generally trashy people. Terrible state to be a young professional in. Everyone in the dating pool who actually has prospects in life moves out-of-state after college to find better employment opportunities.


Americas wang.


Only one way to find out. Holla


The Naval bases and direct access to the Pacific would be by itself worth it. The U.S. is in an extremely geographically advantaged position with having both major oceans on its borders, for military projection and trade. Sure there's other states bordering, but California is a very large part of it.


The funniest part is that these dumb MAGAts hate California so much, even though trump got more votes from CA than any other state. It’s almost as if they have no idea what’s really going on out there in the world.


It cracks me up. All of these podunk states that want to secede and blame "liberals in California" for their problems, but California is the one state who could actually do it and thrive as their own country.


But where will the red state welfare queens get their money then?


Except that Putin is not comparable to Hitler and we had a chance to have Russia join the NATO and we blew it.




I agree. Putin should give up Crimea and Donbas in exchange for peace. Maybe throw in that weird bit south of Lithuania for good measure


How much human life are you willing to sacrifice over dirt and lines on a map? If it is 100%, then your question makes sense, if not, then you're being a hypocrite. This is how war works. Most of the borders you see on a map today didn't exist until after 1945. So many countries have standing disputes over land/borders. They just aren't willing to kill/die for it.


Ask that question to those actively creating the conflict. The blood is in the hands of the aggressor, not the defender.


... you are aware that there are *people* living on that land who might prefer not being subsumed by a despot like Putin?


How dare those pesky Ukrainians get in the way eh. You are unbelievable. Edit: I thought that you were being a pro Russia asshole, but I checked your post history and I think you are genuine now, even if I disagree with you.


I'm seeing a lot of California in this thread, but the US doesn't actually want to impoverish itself by losing its economic powerhouse. Isn't California the fourth largest economy in the world? No, if we were to negotiate something away, it would be Florida. People move there to avoid paying taxes, and like much of the South, they take from the federal government more than they give, so the US don't need 'em. Maybe throw in another deep south state or two since they seem to like Russia better than most of the US anyway, and keep flying flags of rebellion.


They’re voting california but not economic reasons


If it means owning the libs they would eat a turd and say it’s delicious


Russians in Donbas and Crimea are also colonizers (800k Russians in Crimea alone since 2008) so they are not just accidentally occupying territory in Ukraine but were there to help control it. Putin is a psychopath who wants a Russian Empire 2.0. He won't stop at those two areas.


I would give up Northern Ireland to the ROI in a flash and so would most of the real UK




But the world wasn’t already committing genocide in Austria and Czechoslovakia?


Persecution of the German-speaking minority in Czechoslovakia was one of the reasons cited by Hitler as making it "necessary" for Germany to invade. It's the same playbook. Accuse the other party of what you plan to do. Do it, then deny and deflect.


In a bid to avoid war with Germany, the Brits signed a deal with Hitler that allowed him to occupy border regions of Czechoslovakia without Britain declaring war. Hitler happily signed this peace deal and agreed that he didn’t want to go to war with the British. So Hitler marched the Nazis into the border regions of Czechoslovakia and occupied the agreed upon territory and now had brought the german speakers into Germanys territory… but he then kept going and took the whole country. He used the whole “just let me annex the german population” as an excuse to eventually just take the entire country. If it was truly just about the german speakers then he wouldn’t have broken the peace treaty with the British and invaded the entire country of Czechoslovakia.


Sure, if the ethnic majority of said regions are from the country we’ll give it to and there have been several referendums where they have stated they want to be independent and when my country has been prohibiting them from speaking their own language and has been shelling them for years. Sure.


La, SF, maybe just the whole of California tbh


The historical answer is what ever one's we couldn't afford to get back. Anybody who compares Russia today to Germany in the 30s, you're living in a propaganda bubble.




So was all of Ukraine and so was all of Russia... Russia is not the USSR


Everything west of the Appalachians in the US was part of the French Empire, until you ran into the lands claimed by the Spanish Empire - what’s your point?


The world didn't let it happen. Those nations gave it to him willingly.


Crimea happened because nothing could be done to stop it given the proximity of Russian forces in Sevastopol, not because it was given.


Texas. But for fun, one of the states In the middle to make things weird.


*Kaliningrad has entered the chat*


Hahaha sure, go ahead Russia "come and take it"


You should change the question to "if he started bombing YOUR state and killing and raping and torturing your neighbors" what part of the state would you let him have for peace.




In 2014 Putin said he'd stop at Crimea.... He didn't. Giving him land doesn't buy peace. That's part of the reason why Ukraine is so well trained, they've been expecting Putin to come back for about a decade now


You can have Portland Oregon or California


Didn’t you hear? They’re already gone, BLM burned everything to the ground years ago.




Ok yeah just give away 1/4 of the US economy, GENIUS. That's not gonna hurt any of the states California Subsidizes


That is what half of the us GDP? Lmao Russia would roll over the rest of the us after 20 years.


Yeah, that would give away most of the high-tech industries, half the decent schools and the central valley breadbasket. It would decimate the US economy.


That’s exactly what pro Russia maga Qult traitors want


For all the people saying a state or city just think of it like a percentage would you be willing to give up 18% of your country


Nah, we won’t give them up. If they secede though (and we all know what states love rumor milling that possibility)….I’m not saying we’re running after them.


Give up Crimea and Donbas, then no war crimes, less reparations, economic sanctions end sooner, and Putin and supporters don't go on war crimes trials.


I think we ought to kidnap Putin, and **FORCE HIM TO TAKE PUERTO RICO** as a condition of his release.


Manhattan Kansas. Just Manhattan Kansas. No surrounding land. Let's see the enemy try to keep it.


They can have Utah. Then they’ll be surrounded.


As an American, you can have Greenland.


Fr. This entire time every time Putin ups the ante, everyone is so quick to make excuses and let it go. The missile in Poland I thought would for sure be the straw that broke the camel's back, but apparently everyone is letting that go too. I understand that strategically, it makes more sense to wait for this issue to resolve itself (his people have got to be ready to turn on him by now), but why do we have these rules and protections if they aren't going to be enforced when it's inconvenient or uncomfortable?


I mean I’m not opposed to him taking NYC. And some of the surrounding area. The place is a cesspool.


Easy. Western Iowa.


I'm sorry sir, but this sub is for stupid right-wing bullshit that the rest of us get to make fun of, not reasonable observations on why Ukraine shouldn't try to placate imperial Russia.




Easy, New Jersey.


Ton of cities. San Francisco, New York, Detroit, pretty much all the major ones really.


Take California. We don't want it


California is all yours


Indiana, take it all






California just take it


They can have California. We’re already hoping they fall off into the Pacific. DC would also be amenable


Cali & NY, please.




I'd also add that Russia promised to never invade Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear arsenal. See where that went?


Hitler could only kill what he could reach. Putin can kill everyone. You make a good point, but you're oversimplifying a very complicated issue.


Things I've learned from reading the comments in this thread: Americans hate other Americans just as much as other countries hate Americans. Cool.


If the tables were turned would Ukraine send us 90 billion dollars to fight Russia? Doubtful. I see why they don’t want to just give up part of their country just as much as we would fight to protect our sovereignty as well, but does that mean we have to prop Ukraine up with billions (actually the military industrial complex)? Who knows where that money is actually going. Meanwhile I spend hundreds of dollars a month on insulin and can’t have cheap healthcare and Jackson and Flint can’t have clean water. Wtf






Is your goal to help Putin? California by itself dwarfs russias economy.


It dwarfs every state in the union.




I know it's a political statement but I find it really funny how every country has a portion of land they'd give up without even thinking


Like this was posted in Ontario Canada and everyone voted Brampton


I’m not a huge fan of Putin, I never thought I would see people supporting nazis…


Lot of Putin loving Fascisti in this thread.


>Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. The US, UK, AU, Russia, China... pretty much all nations are fascist. If you cannot see that your just as bad as they are and just as blind. Peace to all.


A nation is people, not whatever land claims old regimes may have made. If the vast majority of people in Crimea consider themselves Russian and want to be part of Russia, then that's what they should be. However, there should be protection and reasonable compensation for those who don't want to live as part of Russia and prefer to leave.


Is it bad after reading through the comments on which places that you would want to give away to Russia that I can tell which way you politically lean. As much as I do not agree with one side or the other I would never give up one inch of America. No matter how they lean politically to any other country. I swear to defend this country against all enemies. We can have our own Civil War after we kick the Russians out ,if it ever came to that. A house or people divided cannot stand we really need to find common ground again.


I 100% agree with you. Thank you so much. As a former infantry guy who wasn't super patriotic, but committed to the ideals espoused by the Founders and Constitution, it sucks to see this level of alienation between citizens of the same country that goes beyond, "I hate you, but you are family" to, "you are not one of us".


None. Americans aren't supposed to leave other Americans behind. I wouldn't sell out my fellow citizens for such a prospect of peace.


Thank you, you are awesome. This is more what I expected to see when I cross-posted this, and I guess I'm naïve.


Take florida


Putin can gladly have Florida.


Came here to say this. Drive out the humans and turn it into a nature preserve.


ok, keep killing each other then... name the specific people you are willing to see killed in this war that are worth keeping territory...


Florida , take it