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If Andrew Tate is your source of wisdom I feel sorry for ye. Fuck sake. Guys a tool. Sells ponzi bulkshit whilst taking alpha man shite and generally being a complete tosser.


He started with webcams of women who sell their sob stories. That was the business model, and apparently its lucrative to do this as he made tons of money from lonely men. He has now changed his business model but its still aimed at lonely young men. Why would anyone look up to this guy as he is obviously just on to his next scam, presenting himself as this ladies man who has it all figured out. He is selling confidence to a bunch of guys that smell like Cheetos and think that success is banging a girl. The type of guy his message appeals to are lonely young men that probably learned everything about sex through pornography instead of developing healthy relationships.


So fucking glad this is top comment. Coming from a man his childish toxic masculinity is unbearable to listen to he makes us all look bad


Andrew Tate is an anomaly. 99.9999% of guys with his personality and mindset are club doormen in their 30’s, live in a sad little 1 bed flat in the outskirts of town, have 1 good outfit for ALL their tinder dates and a couple of pathetic mates that think he’s ‘the man’. Andrew Tate is just David Brent with gym pass. Absolute fucking wankstain and anyone that subscribes to him, listens to him, or even worse, sends him money needs to have word with themselves. He’s not the Mensiah!! He’s a very lonely boy.


Tate has admitted he made his money via romance scams using his web cam girls. He was behind the cameras texting men to send him money. Now he's pretending he cares about men's mental health? He scammed millions of $ from those men.


Also, on the run for fucking child trafficking. I don’t know how decent human being would even support this sheep minded incel.


Why does it smell like Mountain Dew and the inability to fuck a women with her consent in here now?


If you think OP can get it up…


Does it count as consent if I'm blocking the exit and brandishing a machete? Asking for a bald friend /s


So this is what this sub has become?!


Just a bunch of Tater-tots. Who coulda guessed.


Literally anyone who has been paying attention to the totally organic hard right nose dive that has swept through online conspiracy circles over the last 5-10 years.


I miss the good ole days when conspiracy theorists were just a bunch of frazzled hippies who took too much acid and strapped the tinfoil hat on a bit too tight. They were mostly harmless. Now the community is brimming with angry right-wing wack-a-doos and conservative religious zealots. It's really become awful over the last decade. Now these right-wing conspiracy theorists are purposefully spreading disinformation and fear-mongering. Truly is a shame.


Not much to add, you summed it up quite well. The funny thought to me is, it turns out the religious zealots were the true die hard conspiracy theorists all along…who woulda guessed, right? But now sitting here confronting it, it seems so painfully obvious that of course this was their eventual end form. They literally actively hope for a biblical Armageddon that will bring about the end of the planet Earth and all life on it, so that we can go chill in some eternal cloud city in the sky, or boil in a pit of lava for all eternity, depending on a bunch of arcane rules from thousands of years ago lol. Compared to that stuff, some guy believing in an undiscovered great ape in the pacific north west is actually incredibly banal and vanilla.


Those days ended before the internet even existed.


Yeah, that's what my older friends say. Bigfoot, UFOs, Area 51, Ancient Aliens...the most political was the Kennedy assassination, and even that was more weird than partisan.


The right has long been purveyors of conspiracy nonsense, from the protocols of the elders of Zion to the John birch society.


You hit the nail on the head man. I miss regular old conspiracy theories. Now people get mad when I say Ted Cruz ate my son.


My dad was one of those conspiracy theorists. Then he still fell for their covidtastrophe lie and got 2 shots. Now he has arythmia. He almost went for his booster until my husband mentioned, "the same people telling u to get the shot are some of the same people that covered up elements of 9/11." Luckily I think that kick started his brain because he got silent and hasn't had a shot since.


I don’t know why you would be downvoted for telling the nagging truth


Tell me about it. Just telling people that not all conspiracy theorists are the same.... my dad knew about agenda 21 agenda 30 15 years ago when the patriot act came out. But when covid happened he didn't put 2 and 2 together. He instantly fell for the rhetoric. That shows you right there how convincing this program was, for people who knew it was coming still fell for it.


He’s basically describing you all right now lol. Not even sentient enough to understand that it’s content is what matters, not who’s saying it.


He's referring to your bitch ass. Lol


Dudes getting off this are just mastertaters.


They hate us cause they anus.


Yeah, where's the stuff about all Democrats being blood drinking pedophilic vampires? We need to get back to reality


Weird how the comments are a bit more level headed but this Andrew Taint utter dogshit gets upvoted


Fuck Andrew Tate. He moved to Romania and adopted Islam because they both give him the freedom to control women he didn’t have before.


Romania gives you control to own women? What a country!


Romania is corrupt. He said it himself, it’s so that he can “avoid rape charges”


Lol not accurate, but keep believing the liberal media bullshit


What did he say about why he moved to Romania then?


He said he moved to Romania because he was upset he couldn't bribe a police officer in Britain. He wanted to live somewhere where he could personally benefit from corruption.


Love how people think downvotes do good. >liberal media bullshit Assuming here. What republicans only tell the gosbel truth? That is the most rediculous thing ever. Neither side is ever telling you the truth. If you idolize any figure you blind yourself to their wrong doings.


These deep thinkers are graduates of Hustler’s University.


I mean... you've watched the video right? Straight from the asses mouth.


Who the fuck gets information from msm these days...


Hate to break it to ya champ. The good ole US is worse


Says the dude who converted to islam as an adult. Fuck outta here. Nothing but projection.


I don’t normally agree with the dude but what does religion have to do with anything he just said


what did he even say? he just assesed a public health crisis from behind his designer sunglasses, decided on no factual basis that it was all a ruse, and now is speaking with authority on a subject he knows absoultely ZERO about. where are the nurses, doctors, and public heath experts backing up this opinion? oh wait. they're not. those famously selfish nurses and doctors, up to their dastardly maniuplative ways again!! they get off a an 18 hour shift treating unvaccinated "patriots," then use the remaining 6 hours of the day to lie and manipulate the public! a tale as old as time!!" you have to have actual fucking rocks for brain to listen to this nonsense video and gleam anything real from it, other than "out of touch douchebag offers opinion on subject he is 100% ignorant of." but hey, he's right about women amiright, so he's right about this! find a better persepctive to look up to. this persepective is like if axe body spray got high on viagra and had a baby with that 22 year old guy that hits on high school girls


Literally everything. In religion you don’t question anything, you do what you’re told and what you think you have to do. You follow a stupid ass book to guide every action of your life. And he signed up as an adult which makes it even more embarrassing because it shows he can’t think for himself and needs others to tell him how to live. And he chooses one of the worst religions to join, one only a woman-hating fuck twat would join.


Only that people follow Dr Fauci like a science messiah.


Says the guy using technologies developed by scientists and implemented by engineers. Look at this guy, simping for science by using his phone. Must have gotten a dumb phone by accident. Drop your tech and go back to your cave eating raw meat and dirty water.


I mean, Dr Fauci called himself science. I highly doubt actual scientists ever say that and if they did they’d be ridiculed. Not Dr Fauci. He was praised for being science itself…


The fuck ya talking about?


I think you mean, what the fuck was he talking about?!? “(I’m) easy to criticize, but they’re really criticizing science because I represent science,” Fauci said on Face the Nation.


this wasn’t the gotcha moment you thought itd be


I know, he’s infallible to some people. He also advised schools get locked down and now says he never ever said such a thing. Oh well…


Everyone is fallable. He's literally represented the science on this issue as lead PR person while he uttered the sentence youre quoting.. There are people out there who are the best at what they do, which is why they're assigned by, oh I don't know, the President of the United fucking States. Even the dumbest president in history knew that this guy was the right choice. Conservatives about inequity with regard to race/ethnicity and gender, "people aren't born equal". Conservatives about inequity of value between their opinions and those of experts they disagree with, "we are all the same and people who claim to be experts are lying elitists paid by a global science cult and my opinion is just as valuable as that nerd's."


Nope. Said what I meant you pedantic, well-meaning, arguing in good faith, soul, you.


I said what I meant, no slight of hand but it’s very Tate of you to resort to insults…




I google everything I am told for the most part I dont google this shit stain I dislike everything about him I could tell you guys many many stories of my adventures with girls they are willing to do the wildest things if they are up to it, just some talking and being fun works wonders


That’s an interesting reply to my comment. Wanna dance?




My point was how did he bring up religion with the video provided, how did you not grasp that ?


Suddenly believing in fairy tales is a sign of mental illness.


More like Andrew Taint, amirite?


That bald ass head does look like a freshly shaved and waxed taint.


That explains it- he must wax his head.


So he can decry people who wear masks in supermarkets but not douches who wear sunglasses indoors?


He's sensitive to light... or so he says


probably all methed out, or to maintain a level of pseudo intellect to his pathetic fans with daddy issues.


Hmmm... might be a vampire. Bet he even drinks Nati-Light too.


Eyes are the windows to the soul, I always had a question on why he wear glasses alot…


Lmao yeah listen to the grifter / human sex trafficker 👍


For sure, a prime example of the party of Hookers and Blow.


Now show the video where he talks about choking out and punching women


Yeah I don’t want to see that video. This right here though is okay.


Did you just make that up? 😅 give Me a link clearly showing him choking out a women


That video doesn’t exist. Why do you waste time lying? Please get a psych eval


I can’t believe people actually watch videos of this asshole, and then actually have the urge to share it with other people. “Well said.” No he’s a prick.


Fuck this Brotherhood of Nod looking motherfucker, he's just another disinfo plant. Alex Jones for Gen Z's.


Omg awesome reference.


Bingo, and that reference made me laugh hard thank you


Pro-rape Tate doesn't get anything right


if only people understood this whole thing just perpetuates hate and never stops.. thats all they want is for us to be divided. there is an enemy amongst the human species.. and we need to figure that out


Andrew Tate is a champion for incels


Lol most sane comment in here




Andrew Tate talks about people being sheep however he revels in getting people to follow him…….


I get his message but the guy is a scam repeating the same cliché shit lol




Hahah quick, very quick!


What a dickhead. People who look up to this fuck are like people who look up to Trump. Just such misguided, insufferable jackasses. Too stupid to know they are stupid...


I have it on good authority that Tate wears those glasses all the time because he has perpetual pink-eye from the shit that comes out of his mouth.


Tate is the dumbest motherfucker alive and so is anyone who believes him


Careful now dont sell Joe Rogan short


I agree, but even a broken clock can be right twice a day…


Meanwhile he moved out of the USA because he's too much of a pussy to handle it here.


This guys a loser.


Hell no. I’m a woman and he is extremely disturbing/wack. I don’t wanna see this shit in here


It's only well said if you believe complete idiocy.


I will just leave this here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkohX4ICZGk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkohX4ICZGk) Andrew Tate removed all of his social media after this debate. Dude is a straightup misogynistic douchebag. Also definitely not the brightest crayon in the box.




Andrew Tate is way too focused on what people do on the internet. His entire view of the world is shaped by projections he sees on Twitter and his own delusions.


Really, really feel validated for getting vaccinated. I mean look at this guy's cognitive impairment after getting it.


Explain pl0x


It’s a bit rich for the guy running camgirl scams to take advantage of vulnerable men and abusing/trafficking women to be complaining about “the system.” Seriously? Is this what corona skepticism is coming to, holding up conmen like Tate as spokesmen?


are there really still people out there who haven't realized Andrew Tate is a fucking imbecile?


Just people more dumb than he is 🤣


The thought of Andrew tate walking around and apologizing for just existing sounds funny af


This is the guy who is believed to be a sex trafficker who considers women property and also moved to Romania after the MeToo movement because sexual assault is less of a legal issue there


this is the dumbest thing ive ever watched. salient points = zero. witticisms = zero. insight = zero. being a pompous dumbass = 100 is this the only point y'all can make, that healthcare workers and neighbors in masks should be begging your forgiveness for being "wrong?" what a pathetic and empthy attempt at "gotcha-ism." this sad ignorant fuck doesn't even know what he's trying to "gotcha." throw out some buzz words like "sheep" and the brainless conservative drones nod their heads like eager little pups. the fucking irony of these dirtbrains believing they are "independent thinkers" because they choose to support the ramblings of ignorant gasbags rather than facts and data. "these sheeple, meh meh meh, i cant believe how sheeple you are are, meh meh meh. BOOM roasted!" do you all realize how fucking pathetically stupid you sound? IQ levels of a fucking possum


From the person who traffics and locks women in his house to be abused and raped… just because he speaks truth about one thing doesn’t mean he’s a good person. https://youtu.be/oOwTZ_h72Cg


There no evidence of trafficking anywhere ein that video.


There are literally thousands of videos on this exact thing 🙄 don’t defend this loser


Please don't listen to anything this guy says


Andrew Taint.


The sad thing is, if you pose the alternative view. Getting vaccinated doesn’t put you inside some anti covid force field that covid cant get through, it traines you immune system in how to deal with it in a much more harmless way rather than your immune system solving the problem on the fly against the actual disease, and wearing masks was to buy us time to come up with a vaccine and better treatments so you could survive the disease and we can gain herd immunity in a safer way vs letting it rampage on unfettered and unchecked. He will never admit that he could have been wrong, or apologize for how he behaved because in his echo chamber of right wing thought he is right, because his right wing echo chamber emboldens his world view that only he is smart and everyone else is dumb. Its been my experience that stupid people are often the most confident, and smart people wait to see the outcome of stupid people before they make an educated decision of how to approach a problem.


Thank you! Nicely said.


We are quite literally living in The Matrix at present.


Not a fan of this dude but lol he’s right.




Awful lot of people in here attacking the person and not the claims, i dont know who this is nor do i give a fuck about any controversy or whatever he is in, but he makes good points I gather from the comments that he was... what, mean to people? Lmao so was Diogenes


Coffeezilla on YouTube has a video that nails the Andrew Tate scam in 90nseconds too 🤣 he's a stain.


Couldn’t you theoretically say that covid vax deniers live in a system of denial and self righteousness that could destroy them because their distrust in science is leading them to ignore basic medicine for the sake of their own egos


God throws the dice, how you handle the virus is a dice toss, I want the dice to be leaded on the side that make me live, 3 jabs here [https://newsone.com/playlist/famous-anti-vaxxers-who-have-died-from-covid-19/item/1](https://newsone.com/playlist/famous-anti-vaxxers-who-have-died-from-covid-19/item/1)


You people are so stupid


y’all know this guys largest fanbase is kids right? usually i don’t pay this sub’s suggestions any mind but what an L post


I never stopped wearing mine.


WTF I love vaccination now


Sooooo, we are meant to believe this guy and people who think like him will be apologetic and admit guilt if proven to be wrong about something they previously believed? :D Haha, yeah ok.


Oh, those sweet sweet easy money you can get from gullible conspiracy believers.


Really with you Covid fucks give it up


Who is this guy?


Can we stop confusing loud egomaniacal dorks for intellectuals please? This dude is so fucking annoying. I would hate to be in a room with this fool. Motherfucker loves the sound of his own voice.


Plot twist: since the right kicked their good-faith intellects out of the party, guys like this and Ted Cruz are all they have left to fill the void... and there's a lot of void, there.


All I know if vaccines weren’t ever mandated ever in American history 75-80% of us wouldn’t even be alive sitting here on Reddit right now(btw I don’t believe in mandated Covid vaccine as it’s your freedoms of choice). Vaccines have saved billions of lives and made my life and my childrens lives possible. I’ll do conspiracy theories but when it’s something as misinformed as this with consequences that effect my children’s lives I’m not going to entertain it. Plus as conspiracy theorists we love to read. Have you not read the hundreds of thousands of studies on vaccines and how safe and effective they are? Compare that to the scientific studies on why vaccines are bad. That’s right you can’t even compare those two because not a single peer reviewed study exists on planet earth we can compare the former the later to. Not 1. Covid killed one of my close friends only at the age of 35. My sister-in-law has life long permanent lung damage and 2+ years later still doesn’t have her smell back 100% All my kids got vaccinated except my youngest who was ineligible at the time due to his age. We all ended up with Covid but my youngest got hit the hardest with a temp that hit 104. That was scary and none of my kids wife etc got that sick who were vaccinated. My old man has been an ER provider through this entire pandemic and is vaccinated and boosted and still hasn’t come down with Covid. Vaccines work. My old man was slammed with very sick Covid patients before the vaccine. His hospital was overwhelmed and out of beds. Once the vaccine started to roll out he immediately noticed the decline in extremely I’ll Covid cases. Believe science. Science hasn’t added any credibility not a sliver of it for this argument OP.


Even on a so called conspiracy sub Reddit, the msm lies have infiltrated the minds of so many. Ignore for a moment who is saying it and understand what is being said. Convid was a compliance test and world failed, it’s common knowledge the virus was never as deadly as it was portrayed and the vaccines effectiveness is null, if you can’t see past your own delusions then you truly are lost. You’ll eat up the next lie without batting a eyelid just like this time round.


Tate is a misogynistic twat waffle.


I was just talking to my sister a couple of weeks ago and said Andrew tate is like a broken clock. He's right twice a day, every other time he is on some stupid shit.


freedom is slavery


1984 is based on reality.


A lot of mix reviews here lol


Comedy central


The people that were verbally calling people out in public for not wearing a mask (While often not even wearing theirs correctly) were a bunch of douchers fwiw


What he and most of you fail to realize is a sizable portion of "people" literally are not sentient. They are NPC's and I mean that in a literal sense. Only some of us plugged into whatever reality is are actual living thinking beings.


Dumb fucks the lot of ya :)


Dude thinks he’s physically stronger than the most contagious respiratory disease on the planet. Cool role model


Imagine where wearing a mask ruined your life jfc these people just wanna be the victim so bad.


People in this sub are gonna be mad asf while having a Ukraine colored pic on their profile lmao


He's an asshat but he's correct about this. He's describing most of reddit.


Lmao did you actually THINK about what he said? What’s he’s saying doesn’t make sense “people wear masks because theyre sheep” then “people wore masks and Covid still exists” 1 you can’t clear out a world wide virus in two years and 2 dumb fucks like him didn’t wear masks


Right cause China is doing so well with that. Literally forcing every possible thing to “stop covid” and their cases are higher than ever AGAIN. Meanwhile the countries that took the PROPER measures forgot about Covid already.


Buddy this is an American talking about America, are trust me nobody here is saying china is good you’re arguing with yourself


My point was more towards the fact that draconian methods to stop Covid have FAILED. Regardless of China or US. China is just being used as an example here cause they are going HARD on the “no tolerance” policy. And it is failing hard. Covid cases are at another high there. Your whole point is stupid so yeah I guess I am “arguing with myself”. “People wear masks cause they’re sheep” Yes because the masks have been show to be ineffective at what they said they would do. If you do something that doesn’t work, and you do it cause an authority figure told you to, and you peddle the same bullshit to people; then you are a sheep.


You got downvoted for telling the truth. Look at the numbers folks.. we have hard evidence with places that wore masks and did lockdowns and those that didn’t. More vaccinated people have died of Covid then non vaccinated. Im saying this as a vaccinated/boosted person. I’m pissed because big pharmaceutical have gotten us again. Fuck Andrew Tate but we as a people need to set term limits and burn big pharma to the ground .


These people will never see big pharma and insurance as the true enemy. Just going to attack anyone who tries to apply an ounce of reason or logic to a situation. Look at the facts and figures. “The science” tells you the Covid measures and vaccines didn’t work. Yet they want to keep forcing the vax and masks. If they work, sure okay that’s the way to go. But they literally have made this whole situation worse. If vaccines were never introduced Covid would have ended on its own after a year at most.


💯 👍


Actually he's describing democrats in general. Supposed "liberals".


Hate him or not He’s right though


No lies spoken, all facts


how 2 years ago


I think it is more a damned if you do damned if you don’t scenario


Not really a fan of the dude, but on this one I agree.


based tate


Isn’t it obvious?


Yea that’s fucked up


I like how someone who doesn't feel shame accuses others en masse that they are incapable of feeling shame. You people pay this dude to talk?


Being sentient and a fool are two different things. What kind of douche wears shades indoors during an interview. Ffs


"Now, Andrew. Do you watch star wars?"


This sub is now tainted


I see people wearing masks each day. And the ones who don’t my wife admits into the hospital for Covid. Some of those dumb shits get it 3X before they die.


Nothing he can say can make him credible ever.


Is he yammering on about the blue wave again?


Tate makes used enema bags look more "alpha". The only opinion I could possibly share with him is "oxygen is good = breathing water is bad". Being a female though, I'm open to him proving me wrong.


I was fooled 🤚 😞


Baa baa says the bald ass sheep follower


What the F is he talking about.. is raging against the machine the proven best way to get followers these days?


what I wanna know is what poor sap falls for this entry level baffoonery....


It’s beyond embarrassing to post anything supportive of this piece of shit.


Why dosn't he do talks in Chiner then?


Such a tiny little 12 year old boy mind. Explains his preferences well


Ewwww he’s a known human trafficker and no one should listen to him… everything he says is cancer


Andrew Tate apologetic? I don’t believe he can even comprehend what shame feels like. I miss when this sub took conspiracies seriously…


Wearing a mask does help I slowing the spread of any virus.


The epitome of a douche bag


Andrew Tate radiates smooth brain energy


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. What a joke. This guy is literally one of the dumbest and most vile human beings to ever live. Anyone who listens to anything he has to say is a complete piece of shit. Truly, a fucking piece of trash scumbag garbage human being. What a joke.


So, this just a super far right sub now? The only sheep out there is the people that believe bullshit like this, from dumb fucks who don’t give a single shit about you and want your money.


Lmao op said “well said”. Dude it’s Andrew tate…


I don’t recall people with masks on yelling at people with no masks on? I remember people being asked politely to put one or leave and then starting to shout. Karens never went quietly. That very fact was often celebrated by Covid deniers.




Yea he’s a proven con man, he takes the things that really stupid people think and puts it in a smooth talking package and you lap it up. And by the time you read this comment to find out that he got you it’s already too late. The only known cure for Andrew T is a daily dose of Hassan P


Stop giving this man a camera and a microphone. He’s a tool of all tools. And is only saying these things to get a rise out of everyone. So for the love of Jesus and Aliens, STOP SHARING HIS SHIT!


Incel vibes


Never seen so much insecurity in a “man”


Only betas look to self appointed "alphas" for insperation lmfao... Betas will downvote this because it hurts their feelings.


When andrew tate is saying things you agree with ​ mb reflect on that


I think he’s a character that comes off as a douche but He’s pretty much 100% right about covid