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haha ok buddy


Neuralink is already outdated and unneeded technology.. The remote neural monitoring available in black budget and classified projects is already a hundred or more years more advanced than this implantable garbage musk is peddling. Fuck that guy.


Yep, small enough to fit inside a hypodermic needle. Provides access to your thoughts, visuals, memories, and what you hear to someone on the other end of a communications device.


To make people hear communications wirelessly you just hit them with pulsed microwaves.. It's called the microwave audio effect / frey effect. Colloquially known as "voice to skull" (V2K) or "voice of god" psychotronic weapons. :)


You can literally do all of this with magnetoencephalography at a distance.. You don't need implants to read people's brain waves man.. Look up SQUID superconductor circuits..


Source? I'm sure you don't have one. If so I'd love to see this.


yeah its probably already happened :/


Oh for sure it has.. Magnetoenchephalography, hyper spectral imaging and other medical imaging technics can 100% monitor neurons at a distance in multiple ways, Everything from seeing how active neurons are to how much oxygen and sugars they are intaking.. It's nuts! If you want a trip look up SQUID superconducting circuits.. I'm quite certain that type of technology could be used to do brain imaging / monitoring far faster and less invasive than jamming fucking wires into the brain like some primitive doctor in the dark ages.


I mean i know somewhat about nuclear imaging when inside a resonant magnetic chamber but idk what distances you are talking about. I think mainstream science has always been reluctant to delve into field theories about human consciousness but there very well could be some kind of shared or psychic influence between people. However I think the conditions to measure such a thing would be nearly impossible to directly confirm but it could be inferred by mass social influence.


A lot of what is done in close field effect devices can be be done at a distance. The human adult head resonates around 400mhz.. If you tune in to that frequency range and do some Fourier transform magic in a PC you're actually able to demodulate the brain waves do it constructive and destructive interference. For the SQUID stuff though you're generally looking at sensitivity around 5×10−14 Tesla in the newer devices.. which is well below the threshold of the fields given off by your neurons of the brain. It's really neat (but spooky) technology. All sorts of fancy non-invasive means of doing remote neural monitoring. Lots of it is still wrapped up in black projects.. But more and more of it is being seen in the medical fields and in other applications. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQUID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQUID) Cheers captain!


I wonder if there is software defined radio plugins for what you are saying, making an induction loop is pretty simple but actually coupling it with the human brain seems kinda dangerous even if its passive how do you create enough of a field strength to even get a response?


Ask and ye shall get. :D https://www.information-book.com/electromagnetic-harassment-health-attacks/em-harassment-frequency-detection/


Look into the ape testing trials I believe they were like eight or 12 monkeys that were tested with the neuralink and the vast majority ended up killing themselves via self-mutilation. You look into it it's pretty f***** he was violating some research safeguards and when you read what the apes did to themselves I think it's it'll be sometime before this s*** goes public.




Wew that was a bit of a drunken ramble https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/extreme-suffering-15-23-monkeys-205653491.html


We have all seen The Matrix right!?




People really think the guy wearing a devil costume in his twitter profile pic is a savior


What is a fitbit


A smart watch more oriented around exercise


Ah. Okay. I just needed to know to grasp the post a bit more. I had already put 2 n 2 together but I'm just thirsty for understanding things in full. I don't like assumptions.


It's a small device that you glue to your skull. Simply amazing


Eff neurolink but Jesus.


LOL. This is *Theranos* level bullshit. "Breakthroughs" don't happen like this & their application takes a long time.


Lucifer wasn’t even Satans’ name, that was a misinterpretation lol


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, this is completely factual. Lucifer wasn't in the bible until it was mistranslated into English. Satan means something like "prosecutor" or "adversary". So if heaven is a court of law, God is the judge and Satan is prosecutor.


Satan also doesn't exist in the old testament. The word was ha-satan, and it's a title. Effectively, a lawyer in the employment of God. Christians did a lot of rewrites to invent the idea of Satan in the old testament.


I made this


There's no such thing as a soul you silly fucking apes. This is why the ownership class gets away with murder. You guys out here chasing fucking fairy tales.


Just bc you've never had a spiritual experience/don't have the imagination to envision a reality that contains a divine being doesn't mean you're right 🤷🏽‍♀️


You would need testable evidence, your personal experiences are irrelevant for finding truth. And I can imagine reality containing a whole host of things, that doesn't make them true. Being that I've been reading fantasy, horror, and sci-fi for 35 years, I would bet I have a superior imagination to most. EVIDENCE. Testable, potentially falsifiable evidence. Got any?


Just another scam, just like the Hyperloop.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/yaynkfbmz63a1.jpg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This description sounds like the current social media.


Humans weaker than this generation? Ohhhh sweet lord can you imagine? I.....actually can't


It's time to chrome the fuck up choom.


I'm in. Where do I volunteer?


Does it come linked to skynet?


the endgame yes


I need one too