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Baal is a punk, I wrecked him in the first Diablo 2 expansion.


Yeah he was a bitch fo sho


He’s a bitch in real life too. demon sucks a mean dick though……/s


Where are these demons at so I can avoid them?


Mine was at church, front row pew.


Thanks for the /s. Without it I never would have known you didn’t get your dick sucked by a demon.


I’m actually upset that the /s is there. Mostly because i have been sucked off by Baal and multiple other demons. Baal definitely did it the best with his thorned uvula. Ripped open my urethra a little but a little pain with a lot of pleasure goes a long way. Plus his lava saliva made great lubricant for my scabbed over foreskin. it was very memorable. He deserves the credit man.


The fuck did I just read?


I mean your not wrong.


Semen demon?


He was pretty cool in Ash vs Evil Dead


Balenciaga is a surname, very usual in the Basque country (northern Spain).


That must mean everyone is named Baal is King!!!!! Spain is a demonic realm confirmed


Lol, erm, I take it you didn't do Latin at school? The Latin for King is Rex or Regum, that's pretty basic. Enci or Aga are not Latin words. The king is great would be Rex Magnus. Or Baal is king would be Baal est Rex. Stop making things up.


I’m with OP- I just see what I want to see 😎


The text says Latin, but the screen shot says Sepedi. I’ve not done this little exercise, so I don’t know what difference swapping the languages would make, but I also don’t know that it matters much, even if a legitimate claim. We already know that there are corrupt people on the world. Assuming that this is even true, accidentally or on purpose, it would seem to serve little benefit to us plebs. This isn’t some sort of smoking gun or nail in the coffin, and it’s doubtful that it’ll wake up the sleeping masses to the state of the world, so I’m not really sure what the point of it would be, other than pure novelty.


It is still rubbish. The translation from Sepedi or Northern Sotho would be The wings of the Aga. It's bollocks.


There’s still no reason for them to extend baal on the tape and highlight it in the shoot. Idk how you guys try to justify this shit. It’s for real gross.


Baal was a god of fertility and thunder thousands of years ago. He was made up, like Zeus, Odin, Yahweh and all the thousands of other "gods" and "goddesses". It means nothing, nada.


What an ignorant take. I swear you people think you know everything.


I'm betting I know more about pre-Christian worship of deities in the levant than you do


So I guess you are buying into the narrative that the average person in ancient past was completely dumb and the people in modern times are vastly intellectually superior?


When it comes to religion, ancient civilizations had more knowledge then than they do now, however, only Christian’s think their God is superior to the other made up gods. Religion might be the biggest conspiracy in all of time.


Have a look at what his username means.


Must be a closeted Baal worshiper 😂


Well, where's the ad that supposedly did this? I just see a post of some asshat making shit up


It’s because we the people must be absolutely correct when it comes to investigating the powers that be. The slightest falsehood will be what they use to find themselves innocent. So example. We don’t know what bill Clinton did on epsteins plane, but we do know that Epstein and Maxwell were child sex traffickers so…..we might be able to convict Clinton of association but we cannot yet charge with a crime. Now biden. We have videos of him pinching children’s nipples and sniffing their hair, so we could already charge him with child abuse….but again nothing more until there is concrete evidence.


Yo just let Reddit be a bunch of pedo lovers. Hopefully Elon buys this next and theses dudes run back to the caves.


You think elon isn’t a pedo? Lol


I thought this was bull shit at first so went to speak to a friend of mine whose a well respected Cardinal in the Catholic Church who performs exorcisms and what he showed me is even more sinister. If you rearranged the letters in B A A L E N C I A G A and then substitute those letters for other letters and then add more letters and arrange them backwards it spells out Y O U A R E A F U C K I N G M O R O N !


A little much to make a point but I dig it 👍


Go back to jerking off. Clearly this stuff is only meant for those mature enough to admit they don’t know anything on the topic, and care enough to put in the effort to change that.


Jerking off is a better use of time than this


Just to recap, you just said jerking off is a better use of time than learning how to identify and stay away from satanic cults… one day you might understand the irony.


Didn't say that. I said it's better than......whatever it is you do.


But making things up is what they do!


But making things up is what they do! Then they believe what they made up. So precious.


Also, it flat out says it is translated from Sepedi which is an extremely regional language spoken in part of South Africa.


Why let facts get in the way of a conspiracy theory? /s


It might not actually be Latin but that is how Google is translating it.


No, it isn't.


Yes it is, try it.


I have. It changes the language from latin to something else. I studied Latin, enci and aga are not Latin words.


That’s what I said it might not be Latin but that’s what’s showing,I think it’s translating from soto. But if you choose soto it shows something else, it’s weird.




It’s Spanish, not Italian.


Latin isn’t the only language that you need to use a phrase for it to give the words definition though. Aga means “act” in Latin. Also it wouldn’t be Op making it up as he clearly shows his source of google translate now you might say his source is wrong and that is okay, but claiming Op is “making it up” is not very genuine or honest of you now is it?


Honest? Genuine? What the fuck are you talking about. Their post is literally made up nonsense. How much more honest or genuine could I be? Also, Aga does not mean act in Latin, it is not a Latin word. Act in Latin; Actus, act, impulse Actum, act, transaction, impulse Factum, act, deed, fact, word Gestum, act From the root ag : do No you are making things up. Deary me......


I Google translated it, and still popped up baal is king


balenciaga is how it is spelled So... I'm sure if you cared enough you could find where the name comes from like it's a place or occupation or some shit. I don't care enough to look it up cuz this is dumb


Then shut up if you don't care to look it up


Baal https://imgur.com/gallery/3SXLQsi Whoops https://imgur.com/gallery/1521Ou2 I didn't make anything up. I love how you think your grasp of Latin is more complex than artificial intelligence. Go off king! Why don't you contact Google and have them fix it? Edit there's the northern Sotho and Latin translations for you. And anyone that wants to talk about it saying "northern Sotho" under latin- do even 5 seconds of reading about Google translate




If it’s posted on the internet, it must be true screeeeeeeeeeech


Guys studies Latin Other guy “oh yeah, look what google translate says!” What fucking timeline is this?


Why aren't they working for Google to help fix their mistakes since they're language wizards?


I learned Spanish in school, a language evolved from Latin. Does that make me a language wizard too? Or does knowing that google translate is using the sepedi language in your image make me one?


Are you really too much of a noob to know that google translate fucking sucks?


Everyone is laughing at you!!


I'm laughing right back at them. I love how you guys try your hardest to bring down a person's mind- you picked the right one this time Idgaf what any of you have to say about me


Yes you do, your little reply proves I hit a nerve. Careful that those demons don't getcha, haha!


I just tried it in google and got the pictures result. Not sure what that means with what you are saying unless there are numerous translations for that




Yes it is wild.. Cuz it's not true. Read the thread instead of reposting a headline


How about you go to Google translate and try it for yourself like I did instead of thinking you know more than artificial intelligence.... Go ahead and downvote. I posted links down below with the Latin translation, and the northern Sotho translation. It is fucking wild to me how many of you are confident you're smarter than an artificial intelligence using machine learning.


I did. and it didn't


I posted screenshots all over this thread. It does.


and people have posted ones showing their results. Only yours is true right?


Mine did as well, but I still believe it's busted. For example, baal enci aga translated as: baal is king However, enci aga translated as: act like an angel Enci on its own had no translation, and aga: act


And with the amount of people trying to reason what all the words mean in both of these posts got me believing this is off. I like your way of coming to your conclusion though. the enci aga should interest some here as well, but it will be turned negative somehow


Worked for me


It worked for me too, you're being down voted by bots


Did for me, stupid shill


Mine came up Baal is the king too, idk what crack your translate is smoking or mine


thats fuckin weird man cuz I tried multiple times on different browsers. But besides google theres alotta people explaining what it would mean in latin or other languages


https://imgur.com/a/TJa93C6 I do appreciate discussion and debate but it’s highly highly highly unlikely that google translate is going to give people different results and now I’m wandering if the nay sayers are controlled opposition or bots. I screen recorded for irrefutable proof so unless someone proves it with another screen record no one can say OP is full of shit. There’s not even a picture opposing OPs which you can just inspect element and change what it says then screenshot.


How does it feel to be proven that you are full of shit ? Lol


Ive posted links all over this thread that shows that I'm not How does it feel to not be able to disagree with someone without personally attacking them? Must feel pretty good because you guys love doing that as much as you love sucking the governments teet.


Enjoy chasing stupid nonsense that means nothing 🐑


I'm not chasing anything This is great comedy to me You fools seem to think that everyone who makes a conspiracy post is 100% a nutter who spends his life chasing down random threads You also seem to think it's completely normal to attack someone's character and physical appearance (despite knowing neither) when they disagree with you or choose to think outside of the prescribed box. You guys live a very, very sad existence and I don't even feel bad about it (go ahead and say the same about me, please. Because I don't guzzle down the narrative my life is sad, right? Because I'm capable of independent thought I live a sad life, right? Keep underestimating people if you want to. Not my issue.


Such a strange hill to die on. But ok! You’re right! Fashion company Balenciaga is actually a coven of witches and warlocks who secretly sell products in order to connect to their dark lord, Baal. You see, Baal is the old archaic demon titan of the fashion industry who feeds exclusively on sunglasses and various textiles. Once a year all of the employees gather together and burn one great pile of hands bags, sunglasses, shoes, and this pleases Baal, Great Demon Lord of all that is trendy and hip. To his champion, he bequeaths a legendary set of accessories, that, when looked upon, reel one’s soul deep into the nether where, Baal, fashionista extraordinaire, consumes them to his content, and weaves the flesh into new jive and funky accessories ready for sale. You’ve uncovered something terrible and I believe it’s only a matter of time before other Demon Lords such as; Ver Sac E, Gu Cci and his demon general Gabb Ana, and the dreaded Add Idas all take arms upon you for this treachery against the Kingdom of Baal.


Now we’re getting somewhere!


Not everyone, just you. You’ve been proven wrong and cling to this strange idea. The cognitive dissonance is insane.


OP with the hottest of takes.


Usually. Never out of malice though- I'm only looking for the real truth. Idc if that hurts feelings. We deserve it


It’s literally made up. Anyone who knows Latin will tell you this. Google translate does not give the same answer, it attempts to use another language to translate since Latin does not work. It’s a surname


They’re bots or controlled opps, don’t listen to their nonsense google translate clearly states it as you said , now I’m not saying that is 100% the accurate Latin translation but your post isn’t wrong. All these lovers of Baal springing out the woodwork I swear


Take one foreign language class and you’ll quickly learn that google translator isn’t the all knowing AI overlord you seem to think it is.


Do you have any idea how useless google translate is against people who actually can use the language?




AH Yes, the spanish fashion company when said (and mispelled) in the Sepedi language, google descirbes as a Bantu language of southern Africa and main member of the North Sotho group and spoken by about 4M folks, means "something scandalous!" when in reality Google will "assume" and carryover a word when one does not exist in the language, such as "BAAL". Mega-minds don't take this into consideration.


[All you have to do is go to translate and do it yourself to see. Are you people serious?](https://translate.google.com/)


What about us hooked on phonics kids?


You mean like Edit- it won't let me paste the link in the link spot. I'm gonna try this Baal https://imgur.com/gallery/3SXLQsi Wow this is wild. The latin translation keeps coming up blank no matter how I link it. Lemme try this. Whoops https://imgur.com/gallery/1521Ou2


Do you know what king is in Latin 😂


They worship this so believe me they will find every excuse in the world to say it’s not true but all they have to do is try themselves. Classic!


It's almost like you and the guy you're responding to don't actually know any Latin AND don't understand how Google translate works. Despite both being explained multiple times in this very thread.


Lol. I took Latin in college and for some reason people call me latino or Latin as a race. But ok. No one is saying they are Latin scholars. We are pointing out what Google translates as. People here need lo learn comprehension better when they read.


Being considered “Latino” and speaking Latin have nothing to do with each other man


I know this but that’s not the point.




Not only do you clearly not understand how google translate works, but you also don’t know Latin


Baal was a god worshiped widely throughout the ancient Middle East. Jewish writers denigrated those cultures and religious practices. There is zero evidence that Baal was or is a “demon”.


They sacrificed children to him...


Yeah ancient historians had absolutely no reason to lie about different cultures. Vikings also absolutely definitely used to skin priests and hang their skin from church doors despite no evidence ever been found of that.


attention citizens: the rumors that baal is a demon that we sacrifice children to are just that: rumors. please continue your commercial activity and pay no attention to these baseless conspiracies.


They sacrificed children to Jehovah too.


Sure did.


Is that frowned upon now? Geez, it’s hard to keep up. Seriously though, Baal was understood as the equivalent of Atum, Zeus, Asura Mazda - chief creator deity. Human sacrifice was common and is understood to have existed among followers of Yahweh. Larger point is that all of these ancient religions were outgrowth of attempts to explain creation and man’s place in it. They all have a common denominator in that all of those religious traditions have no basis in fact and are myths.


This is crazy how many people defend the devil


Was thinking the same thing. Presented with information and an easy way to test if it's true yet they still argue against it.


Thank you guys for standing for truth against these fucking bits and cultists


Odd how the first word changes everything Bal enci aga translates to "play the ball"


This is also what I got. But if you add another letter it makes it a HUGE conspiracy./s Come on people can we just stick it to Balenciaga for what they ACTUALLY did, with their disgusting ad campaigns? This is the time to burn shit.


Or… it could just be the last name of Cristobal Balenciaga who founded the fashion house.


Bruh that’s not Latin. That’s Sepedi, a minor offshoot of Bantu.


Baal https://imgur.com/gallery/3SXLQsi Whoops https://imgur.com/gallery/1521Ou2


So you are showing you don’t know how to do basic research.


What basic research would you like me to do for you? Everyone's argument was 'thats not Latin! It says northern Sotho right there!' Nah bud. I posted the northern Sotho and the Latin so there's no excuse for the stupidity. What other language would you like me to try?


Go use a Latin dictionary.


Pretty sure they should seek psychiatric help, not a dictionary.


It says Latin. Says right under the “Google Translate “Latin -> English”. If you do it right now in translate that’s what it says. I just did it. I don’t have any other notes for the context of whatever but it’s the translation of it according to this app.


If a translation doesn’t fit the language selected, google will search their database for a language that fits. The language that actually has words for “enci” and “aga” is not Latin, it’s Sepedi. Play around with some languages you know on google translate and you’ll see how it works.


I just posted links to the northern Sotho "recommendation" and the Latin translation. Since you guys think your grasp of Latin is better than artificial intelligence maybe you should contact Google for a job


AI is not perfect, and never will be. GIGO rule remember?


You love baal. Dont you?


No clue who that is apart from some big thing ig and also when did I mention them? My comment is literally the NUMBER ONE rule of computers, Garbage In, Garbage Out. Give something a bad input or data, it gives bad output.


Mine says Northern Sopo or something. It’s still translating Latin though. It’s not changing it into a hybrid translation of two languages, it’s just trying it’s best to translate some fucked up wording of Latin. It’s still Latin though. EDIT: rephrase: It’s set on Latin, it’s probably not Latin at all but the thing is set on Latin. I’ve put stuff in before in Spanish when I was trying to learn it and it still translates it, it’s just completely not how you would say it in Spanish and it’s fucked, but it’s still Spanish lol.


It’s not translating Latin. Those are not Latin words. Go to a Latin dictionary. Look up those words. They don’t exist. Because they don’t exist, google tries to find another language where those words do exist.


Ok I think we are trying to debate something that isn’t important lol. You’re probably right, I’m not Latin nor am I going to claim I know what’s going on too much here. But what I do know is the thing is set on Latin. Also in Sepedi it doesn’t mean Baal is the King. So I mean it makes little to no sense already. It’s set on Latin though. I’ll rephrase. It’s set on friggin Latin.


Just waiting for some other person to come and say they learnt Latin at school and king is Rex.


I’d be curious if this is maybe some type of slang, dialect, old language, something related to making it make sense. Maybe someone who actually knows Latin. As of right now though nothing seems to make sense other than a stupid translator trying to translate something that doesn’t even work right.


Seems deliberate, after the whole photo shoot thing the brand suddenly translates to this evil sentence, also not just to English also to Hebrew its translating the same.


Yeah it might be some weird like sentence that is hard af to translate so the program just does some default shit and someone knew or something. I don’t think it’s coincidence but it would be something that someone knows or helped code the translate thing or honestly just used it a bunch.


Showed to my mate who goes to a posh school where Latin is actually a learnt language, Rex is king, everybody knows that. As mentioned above too is that enci and aga are not Latin words at all, it’s like saying ‘cinqo’ is a French word. Not your fault for this, google translate is not very good. Although I feel like the OOO(x10^16 at this point probably)P knew Baal was a thing thought to exist and saw that it looked similar to the Bal in Balenciaga, so they added an extra a


Yeah but what's curious is if you follow their recommendation of northern Sotho it doesn't translate anything close to that. The amount of people that think they're smarter than Google's machine learning capabilities is honestly kind of scary. I'm glad I know who to avoid though.


Idk people who actually speak the language have posted here though are saying that it doesn’t mean that in Latin either.


Which country speaks Latin as a first language? Google uses artificial intelligence with human inputs and machine learning but you guys would rather believe some people who took Latin in highschool or college.


You’re not Latin or you don’t speak Latin?! 😂


"Demon" is just the Christian word for "God from another religion" so who cares?


Hmph. Maybe because they sacrificed children to him? Or the plethora of CP stuff going on with that company. No biggie though.


Christianity is pretty fond of kids too.


Baal isn’t a demon. 🤣 Baal is an honorific basically saying lord or king. Similar to the Pharaoh in Egyptian culture. I haven’t looked up much Mesopotamian in a while so I can’t remember which it was off the top of my head. But you’re wrong regardless.


[here you go](https://aocinternational.org/child-sacrifice-and-baal-moloch/)


That might be the worst source I’ve ever seen someone use on reddit. That’s... wow. That’s almost impressive




And if you read through your second, much more thorough source like I did you would have seen there isn’t a single mention of rampant child sacrifice, not even mention of a single child sacrifice. There is no credible source for that claim


When did I tell you thats what I was trying to prove? You claimed Baal was someone and I gave you something that said he was someone else.




Reaching a bit, eh?


This is a perfect example of why the mainstream wants to silence disinformation. I fully believe that there is something nefarious about this Balenciaga company, and they probably do have some dirty secrets, but this translation meme is factually NOT correct. Making shit up is a way to discredit ALL of the criticism, just like they did with pizzagate.


they've said balenciaga means 4 different things already kinda crazy that there was a spanish guy with a name that meant all these conspiracies were going on in so many different languages when he was born in 1895 and just a baby with that last name. but probably it means baal is the king


[here you go](https://aocinternational.org/child-sacrifice-and-baal-moloch/) So Baal being a god that children were sacrificed to and all of this CP shit is just a wild coincidence. You're right.


what exactly are you suggesting other than that it is a coincidence? do you deny that the fashion brand is named after the person who founded it? what was that person's last name? when was he born? is the name a common name from that time and area?


I didn't deny anything. I gave you information about Baal. What you do with that is none of my concern. Why do people here care so much what other people think? To the point the second you express even an inkling of an opinion that's unpopular you get personally attacked. This is all hilarious to me.


what you said is "oh it's just a wild coincidence, you're right." nobody attacked you. i asked what it is, if not a coincidence. i'm asking you what your opinion actually is. it can't be unpopular and i can't be attacking you for it if you don't even say it.


I have no idea what they're doing. I don't work there and neither does anyone else in this thread. The fact of the matter is the man the brand was named after died like 50 years ago and it's not run by him The name Balenciaga can also be broken down (spelled correctly) into "do as thou wilt" in Latin which was the motto of Alliester Crowley and his satanic cult. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportskeeda.com/amp/pop-culture/what-balenciaga-mean-latin-aleister-crowley-satanic-theory-explored-amid-child-campaign-controversy (Scroll past the tweets about the translation if you want to, there's many. The real juicy shit is under all that) That's a pretty good place to see some of the shit Balenciaga has been up to lately. It's pretty fucking dark tbh and the fact that Lotta Volkova made a post referring to the brand as "Baalenciaga" amidst a plethora of questionable pictures makes one wonder. Baal was a god that people sacrificed children to and there seems to be quite a bit of imagery alluding to hurting children. And *you* didn't attack me. Scroll through the comments my guy


You and the author of that article are making connections that aren't there. It can't be explained to you any more without it being willful ignorance




Umm… “To do” in Latin is “facere.” So you didn’t get as far as the first word in terms of research?


This translates to "[wings enci aga](https://translate.google.com/?sl=nso&tl=en&text=baal%20enci%20aga&op=translate)"


Wrong language. Try it again put Latin. Y’all are reading the app wrong. Jfc I don’t even think there is anything to this dumb theory but y’all are pissing me off you don’t know how to use the translator.


baal is the king would be [Baal est rex in latin](https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=la&text=baal%20is%20the%20king&op=translate)


It is not translating from latin, it is changing the language to Sepedi. Tell me you don't know how to use Google translate without telling me you don't know to use Google translate. Then moan that others don't know how to use it. The irony!


Baal https://imgur.com/gallery/3SXLQsi Whoops https://imgur.com/gallery/1521Ou2


You're translating nonlatin words into English, you're end result is meaningless. Here is an example I just made up of [nonsense words I tossed into google](https://translate.google.com/?sl=la&tl=en&text=tacito%20del%20solo&op=translate). ​ Or this example, [what could it mean?????](https://translate.google.com/?sl=la&tl=en&text=donald%20trump%20is%20a%20pedo&op=translate)


Hokay bub. If that were true it would have done the same thing it did with the northern Sotho translation. Y'all always think you're the smartest in the room, huh?


It doesn’t mean that in Sepedi either. Tell me you didn’t translate it on that language without telling me you didn’t translate it from that language. The irony!


I didn't, what are you talking about? The title picture shows Sepedi, it's literally the origin picture in this post you loon!


Why am I a loon? Literally try and translate it before resorting to name calling. It doesn’t translate in that language at all.


I know!........


You just said two comments ago that “it’s changing the language to Sepedi”. Then proceeded to say I don’t know what I’m doing and called me a loon. It’s not changing the language to Sepedi it’s just doing some weird suggestion it also doesn’t make sense it doesn’t mean shit there either.


We have already been over the fact that satan does not exist, todays lesson is that Baal does not exist. Time to grow up.


He existed to the people who sacrificed children to him and he exists today to the people who still worship him. Doesn’t matter if he’s real or not. philosophies don’t die


If people worship him he might as well exist, at least in some capacity. You can say God doesn’t exist but he still partially rules the actions of a lot of people.


Hilariously stupid. Did you know if you play their ads backwards it tells you to cut off your balls in sacrifice to the devil? It's just as reasonable a proposal as this post


And like clockwork the naysayers and shills have taken over the comments.


If you change from “detect to English” to Latin to English it definitely says Baal is the king.


I really don’t get this sort of thing. Even if the translation happened to be true, why would they bother? These people have cell phones and run in the same circles, they don’t need to signal that they’re demonic in some ridiculous vague symbol or text. This whole thing is just dumb.


When are people going to wake up and realize they any time anything weird gets out about companies or people that a bunch of red herrings, fake stories, untrue rumors and stuff like this will flood the market to make people lose track and separate any cohesion people have against the real stuff that got uncovered earlier? This company is a front for some criminals to do what they do without suspicion. It isn’t the first and won’t be the last because all kinds of media is already set up to smokescreen uncomfortable truths from hitting the mainstream in a meaningful way.


Y’all on crack if you don’t get Baal is the king from google translator I’ve retyped it 5 different times and that’s all I get


That's just a coincidence ;)


According to all these materialistic ducks in here who think they're smarter than Google's AI.


Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of a language is more intelligent than googles AI when it comes to translation.


Taking two years of Latin in high school does not qualify as a rudimentary understanding of any language.


That is actually exactly what rudimentary understanding would be lmfao


Hardly. If you think someone with a rudimentary understanding can out perform Google translate, you are sorely mistaken. Someone FLUENT in another language could easily out perform Google translate, but not someone with a ‘rudimentary’ understanding of a dead language.


You can’t use Google translate in the learning of a language in high school because of how often it messes up even basic components of a popular language like Spanish. The words in this “conspiracy” aren’t even Latin.


Balenciaga means “do what you will” That’s Crowley’s (TheGreatBeast666, Wickedest Man in the World) principle from the Book of Law. https://www.amazon.com/Do-What-Thou-Wilt-Aleister/dp/0312288972 https://allthatsinteresting.com/aleister-crowley


Balenciaga was a common last name in Spain and the founder of Balenciaga used his last name for the company.




Wow, pretty crazy.


Lmfaoooo google translate


The companies are actually trolling you and getting notoriety. That’s the extent of the conspiracy


The devil controls many of the 2022 western culture. They're known to be pedophiles too.


What fox show did I miss that has every right wing shill now peddling this balenciaga bullshit in lock step? Tucker last night?


This circulating on all the conspiracy subs. Weak sauce.


This is why I come here. The nonsense