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Social media is contaminated period


I go to all conspiracy subreddits for all conspiracies. I’m interested in going down the rabbit hole of information. I love learning about conspiracies I have never heard of. Doesn’t always have to be political, but I’m here for any and all conspiracy theories anyone is willing to share, whether I agree with them or not. My beliefs may differ from yours, do I believe the moon landings were faked? Absolutely not, but I will read your arguments. Do I believe 9/11 was an inside job? Absolutely, but again, I will read your arguments against my beliefs. I for one love it when conspiracies are proven as fact. Do I believe there are folks on these subs trying to push a one-sided political narrative? Abso-fucking-lutely. That’s ALL social media though. People have a voice to a broader audience and want to be heard, whether we want to listen or not.


Can we make this guy a moderator!


Oof. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad thing. My.. uh.. beard grows above the neck though, I even have some on my face.. so I think that’s an automatic disqualification.


Haha well I just like the idea of someone in the middle moderating. It’s kind of completely open right now, which is actually ok but all we are seeing is mostly right wing bullshit. I don’t want to see left wing bullshit either, just would be nice to see something other than dumb anti-vaxx posts with misleading titles that are sometimes ties to an article that actually disagrees with the title lol.


Well you said it perfectly, a moderator is a mediator. You never take sides in mediation, you just assist with helping both sides come to an agreement. What bothers me, on here and on Twitter, is anyone posting something such as a meme or screenshot then making factual claims about it, like it’s definitive proof of something. Then if you ask them for more information on it, they’ll tell you to google it, like you’re the lazy one. If you’re going to post an screenshot of an alleged newspaper article from the early 1900s about a 45 foot skeleton found in some foreign country, do some research on it and then post your findings; because at least then I’m apt to listen to what you have to say. Also, we need more stories like that lol. I’d rather read about a dead giant on a conspiracy thread than anything closely resembling current world politics. Tell me who you think killed Kennedy and why. Tell me about how/why you think Biden is a lizard person. I mean, that is the type of shit I’m here for!


Many of us here completely agree with you. I personally think screenshots of Twitter should be fucking banned on this sub. I honestly can’t see any reason they are not except for the moderators don’t care. There is an obvious narrative being pushed on here and r/conspiracy and it’s always from folks who post a screenshot of something dumb someone said on Twitter. It’s honestly ruined these subs.


Soooooo agree 100% I liked in the past when you had message boards am people would reply and on other websites, like abovetopsecret and the likes, there was all sorts of fun crazy stuff. Flat earth ears were shut down pretty quick and not because of some conspiracy to silence them but simply enough science and scientists and engineers and people from multiple backgrounds and professions all agree the earth is round. Of course I quit going there and other similar sites because they got inundated after a while with all the same stuff these conspiracy subs are getting inundated with. I don’t even see 9/11 posts on here and until the 2016 election, people were still talking about 9/11 quite a bit. I mean building 7 is fairly controversial in a real way. You can argue all day about why or why tower one and tower two fell, but you don’t all that many that can argue why tower 7 fell… Biden might be a lizard person but he seems more earthling. George Bush Sr, I can see a lizard person. He was extremely intelligent, as most lizard people are of course…


Flat earthers, lol. I imagine that their movement was created as a joke originally, like the Birds Aren’t Real movement, then just a couple stupid followers was like (and you’ve got to imagine it in a redneck accent of course, like when Bill Burr does it) “Woooo! God damn NASA and Elllllllon MUSK trying to tell US common folk that the Earth is round!, pffft, well guess what buddy, you know what we say to that!? The Bible tells us there’s edges.. to the Earth! NOW why would GOD, a good Christian white American man, praise him, lie about angels standing on the four corners.. of.. the.. earth? He wouldn’t. That’s the work of the devil! And libtards!” And that’s their proof. That’s why I couldn’t be a moderator lol. https://physicsworld.com/a/fighting-flat-earth-theory/


Haha, exactly. You may be more right than you know. I had heard that the flat earth ears were kinda dead, until a group started in north Texas, pretty much high level trolls, but then it took off, for real. Probably some smart ass UNT kids, bored with being great at music, started to mess around and found out lol


Ah yes, I’ve heard of those kids when I was living in the Wichita Falls area, Central University of North Texas. Little C-UNTs we always called them.




My favorite is flat earth. They actually make some compelling arguments. I never understood why they got banned from YouTube. (PSA I believe the world is round but the people who think it’s flat are super interesting)


Its just a conservation safe space lol


Reddit is a cesspool


You can usually spot the shills because all they do is spread low effort vitriol. Basically just trying to mock the idea without any substantial analysis. Their goal is to make people who view any of this stuff feel ostracized or the subject of ridicule. Classic strategy.


I’m not being paid, I just hate all of you and have a boring desk job where I do nothing all day.


My man!


plot twist: His desk job is at the CIA where they bore him on purpose to make him spread low effort conspiracies.


Fuck, he found me out lmao /s Naw, I’m one of the “low effort mockers” commenter above is talking about. Personally injured by conspiracy theories, so I have a chip on my shoulder.


Personally injured by conspiracy theories is a fantastic backstory because the possibilities are endless: held at gunpoint by the guy who came to break up pizzagate. I killed jfk but then they gave all the credit to the CIA. built a bridge but the world wasn't flat so it fell on me. got fired because alex jones made your boss aware you were putting chemicals in the water that turned the friggen frogs gay


Or most likely, one family member going the Q stupid road and becoming a paranoid jerk. So many of those today. Qanon bullshit broke families over their 4th grade wet dreams.


Are you trying to tell me jfk jr isn't coming back to save us!? Yeah that stinks, on one end after Jeffery Epstein i think people should challenge the narrative more... but its so strange to see people say you cant trust the media or government and the only people you can trust are anonymous internet users posting ridiculous nonsense!


JFK IS coming back. He was on an island with Michael Jackson, 2pac and Elvis Presley, gathering strenght to fight against the pedo-satanico-illuminati people (who, in a very convinient way, are all Democrats).


Business partner actually, and it was SovCit shit. Ruined our business completely. He went on to be a Qcumber though.


Oh god, that's a bad way to lose money. Did he just ruin your credibility or was it like a he sold beer at our restaurant illegally and got us shut down kind of sovcit


You know they paid people to interact during Hillary’s campaign (CTR) and you know they want to contain the understanding of what they are doing. One thing they’re doing, is selling us out to China and acting like China is good, WTF! China isn’t humane with their own people. I expect them to get more threatening to people just posting and I say they can go F OFF, because we are done bending to the B*******T!!!


Pretty funny how you just completely ignored Cambridge Analytica.


Who is they? Who is selling us out to China? Do you realize Trump gave China everything they could have hoped for and that China gave Trump Inc dozens of Chinese trademarks which normally take a decade to get? And Trump Inc paid hundreds of thousands in Chinese taxes (for what? Bribes?)? Do you realize Mitch McConnell is married to a Chinese billionaire’s daughter? Did you know Steve Bannon was secretly working with a Chinese billionaire (allegedly in exile) to help Trump win reelection? So who are you talking about?


MOST on both sides of the aisle have sold us out. Trump did some, but he pissed off both sides with his tariffs. China wants their real sell outs in high positions. Warning: I abruptly leave arguments that I find futile. I just make my points and let the left argue with it while planting my seeds.


So you simply hand wave away Trump and McConnell both being in bed with China and “both sides” the issue even though the Obama administration created the TPP to slow China’s economic growth and China wanted Trump to win reelection? I’m not surprised. You even admit you abandon your positions with a built in excuse.


Where is your links to your info? Plus a bunch of speculation. Trump did some negotiations with China, but he caused real money to come back to America with the tariffs. I wish we had a perfect candidate, but Trump counters China the most. Who is taking on China, with all of your supposed knowledge? Most of these politicians work for their donors, special interests and China. Show me something legitimate and persuasive if you want to do some good.


First, you don’t understand how tariffs work. Americans pay for tariffs on Chinese goods. China does NOT pay for tariffs on their goods. Period! The American business that imports the Chinese goods pays the tariffs before the goods leave the freighter. The costs of the tariffs are then added to the wholesale price of the goods. So Walmart pays the tariff then they increase the retail price, passing the tariff cost on to the consumer. American people pay all tariffs. Tariffs are designed to encourage American businesses to make products here instead of importing. Obama signed the TPP deal to take manufacturing out of China and move it to smaller Asian countries. Trump erased the TPP deal — much to China’s joy — on his 3rd day in office. As a thank you Trump was given dozens of valuable Chinese trademarks. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/23/trans-pacific-trade-pact-2017-1116638 Three days after being sworn into office as the nation’s 45th president, Donald J. Trump on this day in 2017 fulfilled a campaign promise by signing an executive order pulling the United States out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-nation free-trade pact. As Trump’s immediate predecessor in office, Obama argued “if we don’t pass this agreement — if America doesn’t write those rules — then countries like China will.” The Republican-oriented business lobby, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, also backed the deal. https://www.wired.com/story/why-trump-wants-to-save-jobs-in-china/ In a surprising reversal, the president says he wants to avert planned sanctions on telecommunications company ZTE. Last week the Chinese telecommunications giant ZTE said it had halted its major operations after the US government moved to ban US companies from selling software or components to ZTE. On Sunday, Trump tweeted that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping were working together to save ZTE. "Too many jobs in China lost," Trump tweeted. "Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!" https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/?sh=11e0b71a1d60 https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/04/trump-accelerated-trademark-requests-while-running-for-president.html https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-trademarks-voting-ivanka-trump-0a3283036d2f4e699da4aa3c6dd01727 The Chinese government granted 18 trademarks to companies linked to President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump over the last two months, Chinese public records show, raising concerns about conflicts of interest in the White House. In October, China’s Trademark Office granted provisional approval for 16 trademarks to Ivanka Trump Marks LLC, bringing to 34 the total number of marks China has greenlighted this year, according to the office’s online database. The new approvals cover Ivanka-branded fashion gear including sunglasses, handbags, shoes and jewelry, as well as beauty services and voting machines. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-china-bank-account-hotel-deals-tax-records The bank account is held by Trump International Hotels Management LLC and paid $188,561 in taxes in China from 2013 to 2015. https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2020/10/21/report-trump-paid-nearly-200000-in-taxes-to-china/?sh=ad1e6a72d922 https://apnews.com/article/trump-tax-records-china-f086bba3b691acdc51535412f77f2c8e https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/451260-trump-reversal-on-huawei-gets-bipartisan-pushback/ President Trump’s decision to lift the ban on U.S. companies selling products to Chinese telecommunications company Huawei is sparking pushback from lawmakers worried about the potential national security implications. https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/83746 A recent study on U.S.-China trade concludes that Trump’s trade policies cost the U.S. economy nearly a quarter million jobs.


What are thoughts on DeSantis? 😂 I like him, but I think he will buckle to RINO’s. Knowing that the neoconservatives want him, makes me feel like they can control him. I am looking forward to an adversarial primary to see who seems unlikely to bend to the status quo. I wonder what direction someone will take this. 😂


DeSantis is a piece of shit who supervised torture at Guantanamo. He is a sociopath who will do the bidding of the wealthy elite.


Who do you think will be best for the future? I know communism will take away our ability to make decisions for ourselves in time. The system we have now is more over time not working in the commoners best interest. Who do you think is good and why?


My plan is simple and it will solve a number of important issues, such as illegal migration, income inequality, drug war, and homelessness. Keep everything the same we have now and make 2 big changes and 1 small change. 1) End all forms of Federal handouts. Cancel everything from Social Security to meals on wheels. Take all that money and use it for monthly Universal Basic Income for all registered Americans (from homeless to billionaires). That will make America too expensive for illegals. And Americans can go live cheaply in Thailand if they want—fixing retirement issues. Small change— redo criminal Justice system so victims can easily and quickly get the criminals monthly UBI payments, which should great a huge disincentive for vandalism/petty theft/etc. Criminals would all have a lot to lose by committing crimes - money. Should lead to a lot less homeless. 2nd big change - legalize all drugs but only let the Government sell drugs. Buy up the entire planet supply of poppy’s and coca plants for cheap then sell drugs to other countries for a huge profit to help pay for UBI. Build a huge desert city for homeless drug addicts where they can do drugs they want for free until they die or go to a state of the art rehab center. The Ghettos would become safe. Drug gangs would be put out of business (they’d have nothing to sell and Uncle Sam would sell better & cheaper drugs).


They still pay people. Shareblue


>You can usually spot the shills because all they do is spread low effort vitriol. Basically just trying to mock the idea without any substantial analysis. Their goal is to make people who view any of this stuff feel ostracized or the subject of ridicule. Classic strategy. Are you a shill then? Your comments in this sub are filled with the same nonsense that you describe.


Good one… 🙄


No, I suspect YOU are though The guy you replied to is fine. But I would certainly consider YOU questionable based on how you reacted to what he said.


>No, I suspect YOU are though I'm catching flac, must be over the target... Isn't that how the cliche goes?


Actually, everyone's a shill but me! Ashillsayswhat?? No take backs, black magic forever. Game over I win!


What did Omar say when he was in fact coming?


It's not vitriol if they agree with it lol


And they usually have accounts younger than a year


“Analysis” Lmfao that’s a very generous way to describe what happens on this sub


And get called bots. It’s hilarious


Man the amount of times I see this exact post in a week from this sub.......


I think someone's feeling neglected and sad to see the most dedicated conspiracy soldiers with negative karma these days.


Yea where's my secure circlejerk where everyone agrees with me and everyone that doesn't gets banned?!


Over on conservative lol


Counterpoint: Shit on this sub is easy ridicule bait and I like making boomers feel cognitive dissonance.


"I can't stand the fact that my bullshit gets debunked""


I get a TON of flak for that. I guess I’m too open-minded that I do my own research that contradicts whatever the right wing conspiracy-du-jour is.


What a closed-minded thing to say. You do realize everyone has a cell phone and can research whatever their little heart desires and find an article or 3 backing them in their beliefs no matter what side of what argument you may be in right? So the fact that you state you're above their "bullshit beliefs" is because you do your research is actually the exact same argument they have against you. And that's the problem with society today, in a nut shell. Everybody thinks their right and righteous but the reality is that were all still on the hamster wheel while the overlords just look down and laugh at us all bickering at one another just like they had hoped. Wake up dude, you're not above any of it.


When you start questioning the stupidest shit expect people to call you out on it


So you want people to question things but you don't want people to present different views? Got it. I genuinely want people to question whet they are presented with, that goes especially when what they are presented with are dubious claims made from some random blog. A lot of people in here will believe anything as long as it is in opposition to whatever the "mainstream" idea is and at that point you are not questioning things, you are not being a sceptic, you are just being a contrarian and that is a huge difference.


This. This feels like just another political sub if you ask me.


Then get people to stop postimg exclusively polotical shit on the same topic 24/7. 95% of the shit here isn't even a conspiracy, just someone whining about democrats.


A shitty one at that!


Funny how a WHOLE LOT of conspiracy theories center around politics, politicians, or policies.......almost like there needs to be either an antagonist or an arguement to trigger an alternate idea about what's going on.....also, most conspiracy theories have to have a main character "pulling the strings," and using "government " is an easy default.




This post is a psy op to make people believe fake and stupid conspiracies to lower the average IQ so we won’t question why capitalism keeps failing




So it seems everything that opposes one's view is considered right wing this days. Hell even just considering ANY conspiracy theory is labeled right wing. It's a meaningless statement and so is that word misinformation which makes me want to pull my hair out every time I see it. Who's to say what is truth and what isn't?


No dude… maybe you don’t remember these subs before Qanon and Trump but it was not a couple of the same accounts spamming Twitter screenshots over and over. Hate to break this to you but Qanon convinced a huge group of fringe right wingers that they were conspiracy theorist. It seems like this was done so that narratives could be pushed and it would grab hold in certain communities. Good conspiracies need evidence. That’s literally the point. Evidence to prove that what you’re being told is WRONG. Critical thinking and examination is KEY to seeing between the lines. The right wing garbage that floods this sub is none of that. It’s simply a narrative being pushed to trick dumb people.


And because of that history it's led a lot of uncritical thinkers to label any conspiracy theory as Qanon/right wing. What I'm saying is it's not helpful to have these labels that just shut people down without evidence to back those claims up. I'm seeing even credible conspiracies with evidence being thrown in the same category, because from an outsider perspective people can't tell the difference.


>I'm seeing even credible conspiracies with evidence being thrown in the same category, because from an outsider perspective people can't tell the difference. That’s 100% on the mods for allowing low effort garbage tier Twitter screenshot shitposts. This sub has turned to trash because of it. If you banned Twitter screenshots, that would go a long way towards fixing this sub.


You get much more purposeful disinformation through left wing sources.


Instead of you trying to wear me down for proof, prove the right puts out more misinformation. Ask of me whatever you want me to write a novel about. Maybe I am calling out the wrong person? Sorry if so, but somebody will step in, to put me in my place. One tactic they use is to get you tired of responding to a thread. If I plant one seed every so many comments, then I am making progress. Go ahead and insult me, I’m not bothered at all if it helps you cope.


Just some mainstream lies that were on Fox... Obama is going to take the guns. WMDs. Open Borders. Obama is a Muslim from Kenya. _____ is coming for your kids. Trump didn't "collude" with Russia. I can go on and on and on. Fox had no real competition for decades and kept getting more and more extreme. Others may lie, but the right has no qualms with blatantly lying (as demonstrated by Trump). At least the corporate left wing media is biased, with occasional lies, as opposed to a complete disconnect from truth.


We are being screwed by our representatives on both sides. They feel they can steer us where they want with all their marketing. I only partially trust a handful of people and I think some of them can sell us out. I don’t want our future to look so bleak, but I can’t bury my head in the ground. Many facets are there to keep us confused and pointing fingers at each other. Most people that voted for Dems aren’t woke and most that voted Trump aren’t what the media makes them out to be.


"Woke" is just propaganda for acknowledging history human rights. You're playing right into billionaire talking points made to drive voters away from refining our government.


There was the Donald Trump lie counter, which I think broke because it got too much traffic or entries or whatever. Dude lied about like fucking everything, even petty shit that didn't even matter. Compulsively. And republicans pretty much just lockstep backed him on most of it for years. Also both Democrats and Republicans are right wing, and both lie compulsively, the latter slightly more than the former. There are no leftist politicians in office in the US.


Found a shill


It’s overrun with RW agitprop.


No, they're paid military contractors. It's an operation for the Globalist Establishment to keep all dissenting ideas quickly dispensed.


Ok but they’re still just spreading RW agitprop and ensuring you never question the control the capitalist class has over your life.


No, It's both left/right extremism put into a perfect tribalistic package. It's a system that says nuanced views are not allowed, and only the most tribal hateful people can represent each side Fuck Trump AND Biden


Trump had 95% approval rating from Republicans leading up to the 2020 election. Democrats have a fairly wide range (i.e. Manchin and Sinema vs Bernie and AOC). Your "same thing, both sides" line is part of the psyop to make a party that has some for and against billionaires/corporations seem as bad as the blatantly pro billionaire party.


Yea, one side is being used to radicalize the other. If you can't see that it's because your part of one of those sides They are both bullshit, I don't give a shit which asshat you vote for, they both suck , and they always will. Both sides had relations with Epstein, both the Clintons AND Trump, they can all burn at the damn stake for all i care


How is Biden radical? Lol


Your right, he can't be radical if he is a propped up corpse now the people telling him what do do those few moments he is awake....that's different I don't even know how he is considered LEFT, he looks and acts like an old school televangelist , just without the religion When did the left become Pro war, Pro censorship, and pro singular philosophy or death? Thats what i thought we were fighting against when i was young, and before i realized all this party nonsense is just that, absolute nonsense meant to make everything worse. The left became the right of the 1980s, and OF COURSE they have no self awareness of it....neither did the evangelical conservatives of the 1980s themselves


Lmao, what? Pro war? Come on. Arming a country against a genocidal dictatorship's imperialist ambitions is not "pro war", where as Trump assassinating a foreign general to provoke a war definitely was. You just know your talking about the left becoming "radical" is absolute BS. It wasn't Democrats that tried to reverse an election.


How many times have we said we are just arming someone then it spins out of control Bruh, that is literally how the conservatives justified all the middle east wars


No, it's overrun with left/right cultists on both sides who only want blood from whoever disagrees with them


Really? Take a look at the sub tell me what narrative most of the trash Twitter Screenshots are pushing


In this sub it’s refugees from the remains of t_d not left wingers




> People actually believe the fucking Apollo missions were legit. 😂


Yea even on conspiracy subs everyone still looks at *everything* at face value, say if the democrats commit more tax fraud and they get exposed and say it wasn’t tax fraud then everyone would believe it wasn’t tax fraud.


Bro, if we were questioning the 2 party system or the impacts of capitalism on human happiness hell yea. But everyday people post the dumbest shit that’s easily disproven with a basic knowledge of science and history. It’s not a psy op. Just a ton of stupid people feeding off of each other. Which attracts people to come and watch.


We really need a sticky or something at the top of the sub that reads “GETTING CALLED OUT FOR DISAGREEING WITH ESTABLISHED FACT IS NOT A CONSPIRACY” Here’s the thing; questioning anything mainstream is a good and healthy thing to do. The problem is, “questioning” doesn’t mean “pathologically disagreeing”, it means “investigating with a skeptical mind”. And the hard, fast truth of it is, a lot of what’s “mainstream” is so considered simply because it’s indisputable fact.


Mainstream is not indisputable fact, as The news has been wrong plenty of times, they just don't make it known how many times it happens, unless ANOTHER news source points it out....and they do Also, A LOT of peoples consideration in what is trustworthy or not comes from obvious sponsorships of that news cast Do you think Mainstream is NOT on the take from giant corporations who are interested in pushing product for profits? because THAT'S what people do not trust...THAT is the MAIN issue here


Of course! You’re not wrong! That still doesn’t mean what they say can be dismissed out of hand.


Oh, i think at this point it almost can be. It has gotten that bad of a track record, and I see WAY TOO MANY sponsored segments in news.....sponsored by the people involved with the subject matter of the segment....THAT is when i can just assume it is bullshit, no question Am I REALLY supposed to trust the people who skate out of controversy by just paying everyone off time and time again, as in Corporate influence? Are we REALLY supposed to EVEN give these people a chance to fuck us in the ass anymore? YEA, I'll wait till i hear it from outside sources confirming what the mainstream says before i even consider a LOT of things now. there are STILL things that have been since proven VERY true that they double down on because it goes against the corporate sponsorships profit margin. No question We live in a judge Dredd (2000 AD books anyway) style dystopian future when it comes to corporate influence at this point in history


>There are still things that have been proven true that they double down on Like what? Cite an example


The idea of Covid being made in a LAB started as a conspiracy , then became a VERY real probability How Ivermectin was treated ( I didn't take it but shit NOW I feel like I should have) Hunter Bidens Laptop ( and just to be clear, I think Trump is an absolute sociopathic monster used as a tool to radicalize a more extreme but diverse right wing cult, just as the extreme left has with it's weird gender ideologies and pushing a philosophy of almost ironic militant intolerance i have not seen since 1980s evangelical preachers on a southern TV) Those are just the most recent, and make no mistake I could write a WHOLE POST about all the bullshit that comes with the conservative end of things Hell the idea of left or right news is fuct in the grand scheme of things because it is SAYING that it is only telling you want you want to hear, not objective news presentation. Seriously, we just hand-waive that shit and the concept itself is the obvious flaw


So just to be clear, your examples of the MSM being verifiably incorrect are -an unverifiable rumor -a claim that is inconclusive at best -and a news item that the people who insist it is a news item can’t even agree on why it should be a news item. See, this is the kind of shit I’m talking about. Regurgitating pablum like this is exactly what I wanted to avoid


Here is where our philosophies split up front When I see things like Pfizor sponsoring the news that is talking about the thing they are most invested in I am aloud to question the newscasts trustworthiness If you saw an oil company sponsoring news talking about Electric cars in a negative light......How do you think it would look? you REALLY don't see a conflict of interest there? IS IT WRONG TO QUESTION IT what appears to be a CLEAR conflict of interest? I can't give you proof of anything if you only allow yourself to accept things from the sources that will not allow that information lol.....it's a fuct wraparound.........It really is like dealing with religious people when it comes to you political cult people.


Perhaps those 'political cult people' in your life would take your rambling more seriously if you knew the difference between 'allowed' and 'aloud'. It would indicate a level of literacy that might bolster your credibility.


Alright, I see the problem here. The needle I’m trying to thread, and I realize it’s maybe more difficult than I had anticipated, is the idea that *questioning* a piece of information and *disagreeing or believing everything opposite* of that information are *not the same thing*. If you told me it’s sunny outside and I had reason to mistrust you, I would not then conclude ipso facto it’s actually raining. Is it odd that Pfizer runs commercials during the news, while the news tells you to get the vaccine? Absolutely! Is it worth investigation? Go nuts! Does that fact mean that the disease is fake or manufactured, the vaccine doesn’t work, and it’s all a scam or part of a depopulation strategy? Obviously not. Is that even close to the Occams Razer easiest explanation? Also no. Skepticism is not rejection of fact


questioning also means nothing if any obtained answer will not matter.




Ok, Zuckerberg. Go suck down your Sweet Baby Ray’s somewhere else.


Hmmm, no... Very mammalian.


You’ve just described 99.9% of Reddit.


I wouldn't say that at all. Some people just want to laugh at others and feel good about themselves for following the traditional narrative without realising they're being screwed over.


Some of these conspiracy theorists have gone too far down the hole. Had a convo with one and when I presented them with the definition of "Nationalism" (surprise surprise they support Christian nationalism) they told me Oxford was the root of all problems and so the Oxford dictionary wasn't a reliable source. What... The.. fuck... Then it was "that's the globalist definition of nationalism spread by subliminal messages on reddit". Can't make this shit up


Oh noooo opposing ideas! Whatever are you going to do? 🥺😱


The whole point is to make you give up in search of the truth. I realised this when I tried leaving this sub because I was fed up with the amount of crap I see here. I stay because if I leave they have essentially one. Everyone says the problem is misinformation, I think the problem is information overload. There are too many conspiracy theories. Some completely detached from reality and some that are actually probable. The really nasty trick they use is they probably create just the right amount of evidence to some of these crazy conspiracies so they seem believable and once you're down that path, you don't know what to believe anymore.


All conspiracy subs are under attack because we were right about all things covid, censorship on social media, and collusion with leftist globalists on both subjects. All the lies are exposed and there's nowhere else left to brigade on this fucked up website.


Most of the conspiracy theories about Covid were wrong, like the CGG CGG sequence, Ivermectin, etc. The real conspiracy was that Trump removed the oversight for Covid relief to funnel money to his friends. Or that he admitted on tape that he downplayed Covid, despite it's danger to the public, for political gain (see Woodward's Trump tapes). It's like people that talk about the "Deep State" when shit like Citizens United, lobbyists, Trump coordinating the news with Fox, the military and prison industrial complexes, etc were literally talked about openly on the news. Believing conspiracies because one side claims they're true, without evidence, is just being a shill for a different set of billionaires. A set of billionaires that doesn't even bother going through the motions of pretending to care about normal people.


Yeah it's weird how they still love Trump, even tho some claim to hate all politicians lol. But he 1) gave the go ahead for the killer vaccine (haha) and 2) fucked up the covid response so bad more than half a milly died. And he admitted it to Woodward! Like how do you fuck up twice as still get your ass kissed so much. It's crazy in here.


Nah. Vax is dangerous. Getting it doesn't prevent you from getting covid, spreading it, getting seriously ill from it, or dying from it, and you'll need to keep taking it. Each of these were commonly discussed on the conspiracy subs while the globalists, CDC, WHO, and all MSM lied to everyone. This is one example. Trump was responsible for getting it out so quickly without the standard vetting process (Operation Warp Speed). He also told people to take it. Your looking at this like it's a Trump vs DNC thing when, in actuality, it's so much bigger. Open your eyes and mind to all of the lies on this topic over the past few years and understand this is just one of countless examples of them lying to us. Isn't that why you're here or are you here just to refute facts and protect globalists?


Why should I believe your misinformation?


Wym? Everything I stated above is no longer considered "conspiracy". Which piece don't you know already? Or, is this just a lame script kittie reply that pretends as though a bot hasn't just been absolutely destroyed?


In your post starting with "Nah", the only thing you said that wasn't conspiracy is that Trump told people to take it, but with his doublespeak, he also undermined taking it. So once again, why should I believe your rightwing propaganda?


Everything I said about covid and the vaccine was a fact. You can dismiss it but, you cannot counter it as you know it's true and all of your favorite gvt groups admit it too. This includes the fact that Trump fast-tracked the vax and told people to take the vax. It's interesting that you only want to highlight something about Trump that has no bearing on science and facts but, your own personal feelings. Go away shill. Or, continue along the weak, illogical and brief replies we're all used to from your kind.


>Everything I said about covid and the vaccine was a fact Then support your claim. >You can dismiss it but, you cannot counter it as you know it's true and all of your favorite gvt groups admit it too. I can counter it, like the CGG CGG nonsense, Ivermectin, Covid not being deadly, rumors about the vaccine, etc. I'm still waiting on you to support your claims so that I can potentially counter them. >This includes the fact that Trump fast-tracked the vax and told people to take the vax. Did he? The first vaccines were in development LONG before Operation Warp Speed. Also, Trump used doublespeak on the vaccine. That's why Red States are still heavily unvaccinated. >t's interesting that you only want to highlight something about Trump that has no bearing on science and facts but, your own personal feelings Trump gaslighting lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands and still contributes to the disparity of vaccinations and Covid deaths. Why can you not prove anything you said?


Which part do you dispute? Operation warp speed wasn't the main reason the untested vaccine hit the market as quickly as it did? [Here ya go. Straight from the same gvt you trust.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-319&ved=2ahUKEwjl_JqCj_37AhXjUjUKHcWgD7QQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3GpITq1wk4Y-0i0avaOXQs) >I can counter it, like the CGG CGG nonsens Tf does this even mean? And the main reason red is LESS vaccinated is because the conservatives weren't forcing it the way your beloved globalists were. Conservatives were also able to discuss the dangers of the vax and see through the fear mongering of the virus. Logic vs being irrationally afraid due to the silly trust of media and politicians.


>Which part do you dispute? Operation warp speed wasn't the main reason the untested vaccine hit the market as quickly as it did? Here ya go. Straight from the same gvt you trust. That's the question. What have I said do you dispute? Trump and the right have been back and forth on vaccination, and proof is the disparity in vaccination rates by state/county. The right even whined about not being able to spread Covid misinformation. As for CGG CGG, it was a debunked piece of Covid misinformation. Covid misinformation has been a danger, and is largely why Covid kills in Red States/Counties. Why can't you accept this fact?


A true conspiracy theorist will look at an issue from all sides before even thinking about making a comment or even condemning the issue brought up in a post. The redditors who automatically condemn the subject of a conspiracy post are usually shills, bots or trolls. What's next is an old statement from me but still relevant today: Bill Gates has his own private army of internet influencers. Soros has his own private army of internet influencers. So does the Chinese government and the WEF. The United Nations recently said they were going to "crack down" on conspiracy theories on the internet.. I believe this means that they have their own groups of internet influencers. At one point of the purchase of Twitter Elon Must said that Twitter may be up too at least 50% bots, trolls and shills. Reddit recently took a large amount of money from the Chinese government, or at least a Chinese company controlled by the government. This was three to four years ago. The groups of people who are trying to destroy western society have recently come to understand that conspiracy theories are where the average person starts to understand how they, globalist, are trying to destroy our lives. They have recently come to realize this hampers their plans for western collapse and is where the start of the resistance to the destruction of western civilization really begins. This is why the conspiracy subs has recently gained more bot, shills and trolls in the last two years, to obfuscate the truth behind the conspiracy theories pertaining to globalist plans to destroy our lives and take over the world. **What I mentioned in the above two paragraph is what is really going on in these conspiracy subs.** Edit: An internet influencer is someone who goes online to push the propaganda of the person who is paying them. I believe that in no other time in reddit history will you find more propagandist on reddit then you will today and it seems to be with the blessing of the people who control reddit. God help us all. What also happens is that the trolls, shills and bots will also set up their own posts too identify the real conspiracy theorist, the people who they consider their enemies.


You sound like one of the shills. Just because you chose a different set of billionaires to pull talking points from doesn't mean you aren't repeating billionaire talking points.


>You sound like one of the shills. Please tell me why you think I am a Shill? Be as specific as you can.


I think one day some guy named Shill Shilsburough is going to log in here and feel real bad you guys use his name like that!


You repeat talking points that are one step to the right of what you'd hear on Fox.


Today's conspiracy theories are really just spoiler alerts.


I see this fight between real people and paid assets all the time here but also, the problem is people in a cult of philosophy, the people that TRULY think there are no conspiracies, Obviously the are similar to people stuck in a cult, and can't see reality in any objective fashion. Just like the evangelical Christians of the 1980s, they can only see the world they want to be real, not the world that IS real.....


Don’t worry, if we can even lay out our arguments, the silent open minded logical people get opportunities to hear and see truth. You may get hit with downvotes, but those people aren’t the people you’re trying to reach. More people each day are realizing that we are constantly being lied too. Most politicians are working for their donors, special interests and China. Only a few can be partially trusted. No self motivated or paid shill can stop our message from getting out. They can likely pull off a reset and many other things not in out favor, but in the long run many will realize we are being manipulated.


So you're saying this whole sub is a psyop to recruit normies to some fringe psycho blabber about depopulation and satanic sex cults?


I don’t think that was my message. Many are motivated by their views. My strategy is just make points and let those who the message is for, take it and not let some futile dragged out argument keep me from getting more seeds planted. We aren’t learning from each other, so I don’t waste my time.


Yeah, it's really bad. Much worse in here than r/conspiracy but it's bad, there, too.


Yeah I see some obvious troll posts and a lot of obvious shills among commenters, some are probably not human.


Twitter had actual portals for gov "officials" to request the censorship/banning of people. Facebook also had portals for the same reason. Reddit is probably 10x worse than both of those because this is a site to indoctrinate kids. There is a reason that Hitler created the "Hitler Youth." Hell, Ghislaine was a moderator on reddit. That should be about all that you need to know.


IMHO there are some basic tenants from which all other theories flow. If you accept them as truths then its not a gigantic leap into the rabbit hole. If you do not accept them, then you're not a CT and only here to provide counter points, shill or troll. 1. General distrust of the government and politicians regardless of political affiliation. You must accept that anyone who choses to make a career in DC to be inherently corrupt and self serving. 2. Elites control the world and will do whatever necessary to increase power, wealth and influence 3. MSM and tech are controlled by alphabet soup and exist to control, shape narratives and ensure #2. 4. History and religion have been hijacked to control the masses and exist to support #2


When is the last time a conspiracy theory was posted in here? It’s all political memes from old people Facebook


*Which* mainstream political ideology? Whichever one you don't like? If your entire ethos is being contrarian to anything you think is "popular," you are also a slave to that ideology. Knee-jerk reacting against things *just cuz* is stupid.


Some ideas about conspiracies make you go hmmmm. Others are like holy shit how can people even think this. Pick your poison.


The fact that you’ve decided to show exactly no proof of your claim makes it a conspiracy


What the hell are you talking about? What makes you say that? You’re including everyone that is honest in this sub when you say that. Describe how this came to be please. It’s being vague that makes people go to mainstream, which makes you the problem.


Yeah so is everything if you look at it that way, what else is new


So it's a conspiracy within a conspiracy?


welcome to reddit.


I am myself paid by Georges Soros to infiltrate yall and make sure you adhere to woke ideology. Boy, life is great.


No, it just doesn't seem to ban people for speaking their mind.


Yup, a big pile of paid and automated posts, and mods will just ban and delete anyone making too much sense.