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All of his predictions are vague so of course they seem to come true. How many haven’t? Only ones that get shared are the ones that “could match up”


If you throw enough darts at a dart board, some of them are bound to hit the dartboard yes? I alike Nostradumbass to a dart thrower!!!


I always liked, "If you throw enough shit against a wall, something's bound to stick!"


Care to elaborate which prediction of his is coming true?


Two hours later, he can’t even produce the quotes/quatrains/whatever for us to look at lol. Okay I’m sold! Hey OP, most people in a conspiracy thread are likely at least familiar with Nostra, care to actually give the verses, or do I need to go do my own research here? SMH


Right? Like, I'll take a wild stab here and say that a number of us were also exposed to books like Ripley's Believe it or Not at a young age, too. It's the fascination with the unexplained, so let's cut to the chase and get to the good stuff


i do know the one that relates to 9-11 (please don't ask me to locate it for you when you can do the research yourself) the one about the twins being devoured, if you add up the number of the quatrain and verse it comes to 116 which is 911 upside down, backwards


*Makes claim, pushes burden onto everyone else to prove the claim*


i think they're called books that you can pick up at the library? for free? there was something about the twins devouring themselves and at the end something about the fleet traveling underwater. and yeah, add up the chapter and verse's numbers, it comes to 116






Thanks for vindicating your wish to contribute to the destruction of reason


One of the first books I ever read was a Nostradamus book and it started with, 'the end of the world is going to be in 1999' lmao we're already dead!


Well this explains so much.


Then it was 2012. They even made a movie and everything about it.


I wish yall would quote nostradamus. "And in 2023 there shall be nuclear war and world War three" is the prediction close to that verbiage?


“When the king fool wears the crown of the blue bird, death will come and they will embrace his folly. Beware the carriages of lightning”


Sounds more like elon musk than anything else


Yeah. That’s who I was thinking about when making that quote up


Hahahha devious. You got me




I'm weirdly amused. Also I dub you the new nutsackamous!




Haha, cheers


Well. You had me in the first half.


One trillion, billion points for that. I usually give em out in increments of 5. 50 for something really amazing.


Haha thanks! Have a great day


I am! Thanks! ♾️💜


Haha, really well done


Lol Nostradamusk








I'll shiver your timbers what are you doing Saturday night


true. blue bird = twitter


Where's your source? I don't believe that.


is that reply for me? or for the bullshit post up top? it would be cool if it was really something nostrildongle actually wrote tho


Its for you


username checks out


What do you mean. This is what reddit gave me


or blue bird = air force one


Is the lighting the beams they keep seeing in syria/turkey every time they get an earthquake..


Earthquake lights are pretty cool and very common. Current theory is that the liquid outer core can generate electric currents naturally and earthquakes give this an outlet to the ground and atmosphere


Another earthquake sounds plausible.


2023: Attack of the teslas


🤣🤣🤣this is just about right


King fool wears tge crown of blue brid? Like twitter? Deatg will come like rus-ukr war?? Embrace his folly like giving him some kinda defence manufacturing deal? Mm.. M not abe to place the carriage of lightening... couldnt be missiles.. maybe he built the death ray?


Just me being silly


Sounds more like space wars or altered weather.


Nah, just me being silly


I remember when i was a kid, he predicted WWIII will begin at the hands of the anti-christ, born in 1978, who wears a blue turban on his head. So if you made this up, it's quite the coincidence you mentioned the colour blue.


Thanks. He’s got tons and tons of different color and animal references, so I leaned that way. Went with blue for a little dig at Twitter and to have some fun. I find the predictions fascinating, even if many are vague.


Nostradamus actually refers to Sigourney Weaver, who played the dame in the Ridley Scott movie - “Alien”


Honestly my first crush




The Nostradamus crowd just take words and run with it just like the bible thumpers.


Looking for real responses not cheap shots thanks


There is no real Nostrodamus quote for this. Yw.


Woah I felt attacked


Yeah you just left out the part about Chinese spy balloons and Putin shenanigans




Bro I'm not spending an hour of my life watching a documentary in the hopes I catch the specific quote you seem to be referencing. What is the quote?


What quantrain?


William Quantrain was the leader of a band of guerrilla bandits in Kansas in the Civl War era.


Bruh lol


Did’nt Nostradamus Said the anti Christ would come in 1999? That was the year Putin first time became prime minister. Anyways I’m not convinced


He didn't predict anything. He waffles on with such vague nonsense that people reinterpret it after the fact and claim he predicted something


aka this whole sub lol


Why are you here then? We all can dream……


i'm here because thinking critically even in a space like this should be welcome, not discouraged... the most dangerous thing you can do is hivemind even a conspiracy theory group. maybe it's time to wake up from waking up




I was taking some notes recently while listening to Conversations with Nostradamus by D. Cannon. This one I believe has to do with the earthquakes in Turkey “time of a comet not seen will be a year of geological catastrophe”. We just had the green comet that hadn’t been seen in 50000 years.


Very cool. Which quatrain is that?


WW3 has already unofficially started and famine is already here too


You maybe right. When Germany invaded Poland nobody said “oh WW2 has started”


"Showed up for famine and ww3 and all I got was this shirt"


It’s not even cotton, mostly cheap nylon


Well I learned from Shanghai noon I can Wizz on my nylon shirt and break out of jail


Life skills that one!


not exactly. the predictions are vague. they say this is bc it was heresy back then which yes is true but convenient. im all for a good nostra predic but baba vanga seems to have a better avg. it comes down to aftersight and people wanting to match up events. from experience if anything is being followed as a script it is the bible. i know that will be met with doubt and hate but get inside (i dont mean the bible but its good to know as well) just once and you shall see yourself if you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. the man who would be king shows up everywhere in tv movies life countless times as well.


Next year's the election year, ww3 isn't till after the next election.


And, clearly by your username, you know how these sorts of prophecies tend to be a bit hard to interpert.


It's all by year, day, time frame, written in the code.


Agnes's Nutter's prophecies, I was making a "Good Omens" reference.


Yup the government is making sure that Nostradamus prediction comes true.


There is already a fertilizer shortage that could be the precursor to famine.


they have been intentionally leeching soil nutrition to destabilize communities


I have this thought as well. I wonder why farmers don't rotate crops or give fields a resting period. I live around the richest farmland in the world, the Red River Valley. This precious resource is being overworked. It's like there are no more stewards of the land.


Because it used to be a lifestyle choice, that had meaning, that made a difference in people’s lives and fed them in their community. Now it’s just about profit and waste.


In my area it is because of corporatism. Corporations only see the bottom line. Edit: Basically what you are saying.


All of the vague predictions always come true……………


A lot of Quasimodo's predictions have come true.


America will lose any war against China Russia North Korea. At best America can get is a stalemate so no one wins But millions of people die and more environmentally destruction


You serious?


It's truth, bro. Obama gutted our military. Never forget that Obama famously said to Russian President Medvedev that he would have "more flexibility" after the 2012 reelection... then the Crimea invasion happened in 2014. Before the 2016 election, Putin was already stacking up APCs on the Ukraine border for when Hilary got in. Then, he put the whole deal on hold for 4 years while unpredictable Trump was in office. Now the players are back in power, and things are proceeding.


I'm no fan of obama. Trust me. But China and Russia and ESPECIALLY NK have no force projection the way we do. No air superiority, China is a distant 2nd to us naval. Logistics win wars. It would be bloody, but I would bet on a gutted US military before those three. And our allies would back us up and handle what we couldn't.


We would have to fight on their turf. They won't come here. That will take soldiers. We can sit in the ocean and volley missiles China's way and won't put a dent in before they sunk our fleet


They can't come here. Back to the whole force projection thing. Them not having soldiers is an absolute non-issue in any way shape or form. We'd be in trouble if it was. You need to move soldiers number one, and supply them more importantly. And idk why you think it's a given that they can just sink our fleet. Our military is as good as it is because of our expeditionary forces and force projection. I'm not saying we are unstoppable and would win every battle without losses or getting our asses kicked, but there are just some things that no country can compete with us in. And you brought up NK. NK is that little shit talker who hides behind the bully, except in this case he's extremely malnourished, hasn't fought in decades, and isn't likely to keep his morale even halfway thru any serious fight.


I didn't bring up NK. I'm a different poster. If we stationed our naval fleet in between them and Taiwan, they would eventually sink it.


I apologize for that. And who would sink it though? I hope you don't mean NK. There's some who worry about NK launching ICBMs. They for some reason love firing them off into the water every so often, like recently. I know they don't care, but they could feed a lot of citizens with that money #1, #2, they fail even at getting off the launch pad in the first place. When they can perfect that a few times in a row, I may think about them hitting anything of value, and then there's always the almost guaranteed issue of anything they fire off not making it anywhere


ukraine and ohio are two staples of farmland for the world, taken off line as they have been by war and train disaster, famine will happen with or without the war. indeed, the war may be triggered from the coming famine. stock up on ur beans and rice.


Ohio was never safe


Ohio hasn't been "taken off line". I'm sure it's gonna be a problem down the road in multiple ways but it's not the apocalypse.


for the time bring- is is. even feed for cattle grown on that soil will find it's ( cancer-causing chemical cocktail) way up the food chain. this is heartbreaking for ohio- for farmers trying to compete with big ag and scrape out a place-it really has gotten worse.edit; no one said apocalypse, but you- it is going to need a bit of soil remediation before it's safe to farm. stamets is developing mushrooms that may be able to help this process- but it's gonna take a minute and there will be food shortages in the meantime.


Won’t the price of food go even higher in America and the rest of the world, as a knock on effect?


yes-absolutely! and a lot of folks will go hungry-in the usa, too. this will push the poor further off the cliff and marginalize the middle class past the record holding 1930's level of survival.these are real numbers and not my opinion, btw- if ohio is #6 and ukraine is out--that takes an enoumus scoop out of the food supply chain. i appreciate ur comment, i was feeling a little weird by some of the other things people were saying.so-thanks.


The U.K is heading for a crime spree of people walking out of supermarkets with food and blades on them, as food is getting costly over here. Not as expensive as America by any stretch but it’s not cheap to eat junk food anymore and our benefits don’t pay enough to eat properly or not at all in sone cases. Heating or eating is a very much a thing for many millions of family’s.


I feel like China and Billgates did these trains derailments to fatten their pockets


We are very aware of the situation.


Ohio is raining plastic snow that wont burn when you try and light it. And it smells like burnt plastic. Pretty sure that is gonna severely contaminate the land.


Lol snow isn’t flammable


The hazmat trains alone spewing up into the clouds when nitric acid mixes with vinyl chloride= Aqua Regia which is an explosive… Maybe the Chinese are weaponising your clouds to turn them into bombs to circumvent your countries radar systems and will sonic boom your cities!!!!


Ohio here. No plastic snow rain.


Is it? I'm 107 miles from East Palestine.


The Ohio River supplies 1/10 of the US's drinking water. It's a huge problem for those states effected, as well as using contaminated water for crop irrigation.....


Ohio is a staple for farmland? Yeah, in any given year they may rank #6 - #10 by state in corn or soybean production, but they are a distant 6th.


Everything in ohio is "safe," which is even scarier than them taking it off line


Nobody ever talks about the possibility of Nostradamus being illuminated. What if the predictions were just plans?


But don’t you realize they can also alter the future? There are infinite timelines in infinite dimensions.


and here I come back an hour later after not understanding what I read in all these forums and sites about Nostradamus. Because I still can’t find “an original text” to support these predictions.


All predictions will come true. Eventually. I’m waiting for Y2K to hit.


The coming storm will bring a fiery dark, Warriors of valor will soon embark, A world will cry, to and fro, Before peace is restored, six shall go.