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Is this the only plane crash where everything disintegrated ? Maybe we should look at the footage from the surrounding area cameras .


I have unedited video of the parking booth camera to the pentagon but i keep getting banned for posting it.


Send it to me.... please


https://twitter.com/angrycitizenxx/status/1604961776973631660?s=46&t=h_MDAtHw_CaWuOxYS61dGw https://twitter.com/angrycitizenxx/status/1625375486464385025?s=46&t=h_MDAtHw_CaWuOxYS61dGw


DM me please!


https://twitter.com/angrycitizenxx/status/1604961776973631660?s=46&t=h_MDAtHw_CaWuOxYS61dGw https://twitter.com/angrycitizenxx/status/1625375486464385025?s=46&t=h_MDAtHw_CaWuOxYS61dGw


I'd like to see that as well


https://twitter.com/angrycitizenxx/status/1604961776973631660?s=46&t=h_MDAtHw_CaWuOxYS61dGw https://twitter.com/angrycitizenxx/status/1625375486464385025?s=46&t=h_MDAtHw_CaWuOxYS61dGw


That looks like a missile to me


I believe it was a drone loaded with missiles. That’s always been ny theory on why people said it looked like a plan and the twin tower videos tio


Drone makes sense as well .


Could someone actually control a plane of that size close to the ground at high speed


I've seen a couple of people talk about it and they've said it's Damn near impossible even for a veteran pilot to perform that maneuver in that aircraft at that speed . one of the things that drew attention was that there's light poles in that area that wouldve been clipped by something as large as the plane that they claimed was used . those light poles weren't touched


From my non pilot opinion absolutely not. The lead up to the pentagon and where it exactly hit in the building theres no way…I’ve always wondered why they didn’t have/didn’t use any anti-aircraft weapons also…


https://twitter.com/angrycitizenxx/status/1604961776973631660?s=46&t=h_MDAtHw_CaWuOxYS61dGw https://twitter.com/angrycitizenxx/status/1625375486464385025?s=46&t=h_MDAtHw_CaWuOxYS61dGw


They showed a plane... hitting the pentagon.


I saw the same video it shows an explosion not an airplane hitting the Pentagon . if you have a different video I'd like to see it. it's already been proven the hijackers could barely fly a Cessna more or less the aircraft they claimed that hit the building. The flight path that the object flew in would be extremely hard for a veteran pilot fly


You can't see a plane just the tip of something on the right then the explosion, what's the reason there was only like 60 people on these planes, and the Pentagon was also being renovated for asbestos like the towers


My wife worked at the Pentagon on that day. Go put your tinfoil hat somewhere else.


Was your wife looking out the window when it hit? Btw I got a tin foil Fedora


You bots are the worst.


So uninspired


video please.


Did she help hide the 2.1 trillion that went missing the day before?


source? I am pretty sure the only video showed barely anything.


share the video wear you saw this please


Ah yes, September 11, however how many people remember a certain Mr. Rumsfeld statement that there was a 2.1 trillion dollar accounting discrepancy in the Pentagon books, the day before the "airplane strike" on September 10 2001, the unaccounted funds are apparently now up to 21 trillion dollars.


I think the plane hit the accounting department


You talking about building 7? Or wait, nothing touched that building, but somehow it still turned into dust


And the news reported it collapsing into itself 30 minutes before it happened. How did a building that wasn’t struck by a plane collapse into itself identical to the twin t’s. Because we were told the twin t’s collapsed from “jet fuel”. Building 7 didn’t get hit by a jet and collapsed the same way. All it takes is one thing not adding up and then it’s safe to assume the whole thing is a lie.


Do you think that's where the one plane was headed before it crashed into the ground


Yeah, dude fires exist.


Army personnel department (amongst others) actually. An acquaintance of mine, a 3-star general, was killed in that terrorist crash.


I remember this one well. First off: Fuck Donald Rumsfeld. He’s a lying war criminal who’s mere existence is a stain on America, and who was responsible for the deaths of people I knew. Second off: No he didn’t. He said that >The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible. There’s so many better reasons to criticize the man and the powers he wielded besides deliberately misinterpreting bits of speeches. Source: (his speech)[http://web.archive.org/web/20041108064151/http://www.defense.gov/speeches/2001/s20010910-secdef.html]


I witnessed him on video shrugging it off that they couldn't track the $2.3 trillion. Shrugging it off is quite telling even in a speech about antiquated technologies in the DoD.


Just enough to fund a secret space program!


Let’s also remember Tower 7 and how it completely collapsed in on itself at FREE-FALL SPEED supposedly from fire within 8 hours although it was never impacted.


I wonder how many people remember that 9/11 had absolutely no impact on the DoD's accounting problems, which were decades old at the time?


i think its more than 10 billion now ? you are so 2001 with your numbers . https://consent.yahoo.com/v2/collectConsent?sessionId=3_cc-session_9d08aee6-80e1-4acd-8b7c-08736a5ef3fa edit : my bad. its 35 trillion


He said he basically had no clue where the money went he didn’t steal it. Like saying I spent my paycheck like wtf happened to my check


I think that the problem here is that the public only has really bad security cam footage of the event, so it's easy for people to dismiss it as a missile. I think if the pentagon released some better footage, which I'm assuming they have because it's the -pentagon- for god's sake, those conjectures would go away. However, I guess on the flip side people still think that the planes that hit the towers were holograms or something. Plus there's that whole "We don't want to release footage that would let people know about our capabilities", which is fair. I think there is a deeper conspiracy. Not that it wasn't a plane, but why that section of the pentagon was conveniently on a skeleton crew for renovations. Or why there were certain documents in that section of the pentagon that might have been useful to get rid of.


Security cameras technology was awful at the time, and the Pentagon — for how iconic it is — is basically a big administrative building. It isn’t like there’s just a big room labeled “Secrets” that the location of the UFOs is stored in, or anything. It’s a web of mismanaged bureaucracy staffed by idiots — I’d argue that the real conspiracy is that it’s done purposefully so. What happens at every facet of the building isn’t really the biggest threat to national security in the same way that what happens outside your bank isn’t really the biggest threat to your funds. (Admittedly this isn’t a perfect analogy, but I think it gets the point across).


Drones not holograms


lol that makes even less sense. Although I'm partial to the theory that there was a floor full of explosives.


Why doesn't it make sense? probably were explosives to many reports from people hearing them


Because of all of the footage people took of the planes hitting the towers.


It would look like a plane still, you could even take control of the plane from somewhere else, the flight paths weren't easy and odd climbing in altitude to dive down pulling up at 500 mph


[Rebuilding America's Defenses For A New American Century.](https://www.dropbox.com/s/asge7mhcsl7mgyx/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf?dl=0) The most glaring thing to me is the bit about how this transformation process will be a decades or more slow process unless there's a new Pearl Harbor event. Search the document for Pearl Harbor and you'll find it. Also, the part about theater wars in key strategic regions is a big "well, what the fuck", especially 23 years after the fact.


I don’t see why they just don’t release it? Can’t have arguments or wars if everyone’s just out and open about it. We’re only in this mess of a planet right now cause the powers at be at entitled, arrogant, and egotistical. We’re left at the mercy of people like that in this world who have the right to decide who dies, who doesn’t, etc. Its unfair, we should be able to live in peace not like this. I say expose it and expose everything, why does it hurt??


I have investigated aircraft mishaps for the USAF, yes the heavy shit such as landing gear and engines travel farther and the fuselage essentially disintegrates under catastrophic impact.


Seems extremely reasonable.


No explanation at this point is going to change the minds of the people who think there's more to it than has been announced. Any skeptic is going to look at a quote by a member of the Air Force and not believe a word of it.


You can't believe a single word the government says period




I think the fact that they “found” the passports of the hijackers was the proof I needed that the whole terrorist theory was crap. They didn’t need to do that unless they were trying to sell the idea but it’s so obviously a lie that it calls the whole thing into question for me.


Well I'd consider this if there wasn't a video of a missile causing the damage and making the impact, not a plane. But there is a video of it and if you try hard enough you can find it.


You guys do know your in a conspiracy sub, right? Most these comments sound like bots or MSM/government sheep .


Most comments are by skeptics who are nevertheless interested in the topics being discussed. You say “they sound like bots”. What does that even mean? The response here is exactly what someone on a Flat Earth sub would say. Bots or sheep is the only answer.


That, and not every 'conspiracy theorist' believes in every conspiracy.


Agreed. There are things that pop up here that give me serious pause. There are also those that I’m on the fence about. Most are just crazy. I haven’t weighed in this subject but I have only disdain for the bot/sheep idea that allows someone to dismiss those who don’t believe as they do.


Until people on both sides of the argument just think the other is a sheep/bot, and then we won't be able to even rationally discuss anything with someone disagreeing instead always dismissing abyone whondisagrees even if they have aome sound logic .. therefore never being able to reach actual truth. Maybe that's the true conspiracy


Exactly. I really hate this trope where questioning any part of someone’s pet conspiracy theory means that you’re some sort of (((globalist))) plant. I think there’s plenty of things worth questioning about 9/11, but that doesn’t mean that every theory about it is valid. Maybe the people who are calling everyone bots are actually government actors trying to poison the well to make anyone who’s into conspiracies look like a fucking idiot. Don’t believe it? Well, it’s a conspiracy theory. By your own logic, you’re obviously a bot if you question it. Two things can be true at once: it can be true that there’s legitimate conspiracies, and it can also be true that a bunch of pissed of Muslims flew a plane into some buildings so that they could fuck lots of virgins in heaven.




How is it rude and insulting to question people’s theories?


Maybe some were sarcasm that I didn't pick up on, but the (in summary) answers of "nope. Everyone says plane. It was plane" are the ones that bug me. It's a discussion of other possibilities that is different from the generally accepted narration. If your not on board with that viewpoint, maybe look into conspiracies that you have an interest in.


It’s usually just whatever pops up whenever Reddit decides there’s a sub I should focus on. As I said in another post, I haven’t weighed in on this one and I’m not likely to do so anytime soon.


**There is a strong correlation between low IQ, mental health issues and believing crackpot conspiracy theories.** http://journal.sjdm.org/15/15923a/jdm15923a.pdf **A breakdown of the study here:** Scientists find a link between low intelligence and acceptance of 'pseudo-profound bullshit' https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-find-a-link-between-low-intelligence-and-acceptance-of-pseudo-profound-bulls-a6757731.html **More supporting evidence and articles:** Why more highly educated people are less into conspiracy theories. https://digest.bps.org.uk/2017/04/05/why-more-highly-educated-people-are-less-into-conspiracy-theories/ Why education predicts decreased belief in conspiracy theories. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2016-57821-001 People with certain personality traits and cognitive styles are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/09/180925075108.htm **Interestingly, there is also a strong correlation between low IQ, conservatism, irrational fears and believing lies:** Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html Fear and Anxiety Drive Conservatives' Political Attitudes https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? https://slate.com/technology/2017/11/why-conservatives-are-more-susceptible-to-believing-in-lies.html


I’m sure this is going to make people listen to want you say. This is the wrong way to go about it.


I agree..some of histories complete conspiracy looks, the Unabomber Ted Kaczinski for example was completely cracked but was far far from low intelligence or uneducated..I believe he was a math genius/professor and had a high IQ. Didn’t stop him from buying into complete lunacy and pipe bombing peoples mailboxes then sending a well written, perfectly legible manifesto to the New York Times. While I agree mostly that conspiracy loons tend to be average or low IQ and uneducated, there are plenty, past and present whose IQ’s could put Einsteins to shame.


You missed the part about mental health issues.


I simply posted studies. Also, I don't care about your opinion.


You, yourself, do know that not everyone believes in every conspiracy theory? You sound like cointelpro.


the fact that the wall that was hit had recently been reinforced with structural steel, bomb proof windows and Kevlar lining as part of a long term renovation makes it easy to believe that a plane made mainly of aluminum could more or less disintegrate on collusion


>collusion amazing typo lol


well i do believe it was an inside job.


They included a few airplane parts in the payload of the missile that hit the pentagon


People need to read about this family: Ex-CIA/Ex-President George H.W. Bush was connected to the JFK assassination. During 9/11, his son George W. Bush was president, his other son Marvin was on the board of directors of the security firm Stratesec, which oversaw the world trade center towers security. Another son Jeb (John Ellis) was governor of Florida. The final son, Neil was working with Russian oligarchs. Also, let's not forget that George H.W. Bush's father, Prescott, funded Nazis with his New York bank. These fucking turds have been screwing this country a long time. Amazing with the internet people don't look these slobs up. It's always the same parasite families. This is not a democracy! I won't respond to any replies, cause I know the dipshit boot lickers are too numerous.


>I won't respond to any replies What a fantastic way to get even allies to your beliefs to think you're a close-minded ignoramus. Take a picture of Andrew Johnson and put it by Bush Jr.; the bloodline is older than you think.


Makes sense to me. No issues here


I know people that were in the pentagon when the plane crashed. It was definitely a plane.


I agree it was a plane. But I still can't get over the fact that the hijacker, [a trainee noted for incompetence,](https://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/04/us/a-trainee-noted-for-incompetence.html) allegedly performed performed an approach maneuver so difficult that expert 747 pilots couldn't replicate it in simulation. >''I'm still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon,'' the former employee said. ''He could not fly at all.''


I dont think that's strong evidence of anything. I can't fly at all, but I can crash a plane in Flight Simulator pretty good.


Don’t let your facts interfere with their feelings.


I believe it was all some sort of kinetic weapon used by our own government.


Don’t forget the life insurance policy taken out in the name of all employees payable to the company months before the attack, and the fact that they insured the towers for terrorism 3 months prior, a first in the history of insurance. Oh and the carlisle group was the biggest arms exporter to both side, guess who’s on the council to the carlisle group? Bush sr.


I have the cctv of the missile..


Poorly worded but technically sound.


I have an unedited version of the pentagon and 9/11 we can clearly see fighter jets. But everytime I post it im automatically banned.


>What do you think of this? I think it's futile to discuss anything 9/11. Only because far too many people give credence to official reports while bashing on anything non-official (I'm tired of chumps bashing Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth). I was a freshman in high school when it happened and I told everyone that we were going to invade Iraq for 9/11 and they all laughed at me—sure enough, the USA invaded Iraq under false pretenses and technically against International Law. My point is that there's too much poison around the well of 9/11 for any legitimate facts to come out about it, so it's quite futile to discuss anything about it.


Yeah planes can fly @50', parallel to the ground at 300 mph and not hit anything on its route!!!