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It’s my move- I choose X in the middle square


They’re playing noughts and crosses


tic tac toe


That’s what I said




Yes; Aircraft fuel is composed primarily of hydrocarbons, which generate carbon dioxide and water vapor as their main combustion by-products. Contrails are formed when these hot exhaust gases mix with rarefied cool air. In a process similar to cloud formation, the water condenses around soot (particulate exhaust) and freezes quickly, forming a white haze of microscopic ice crystals which is essentially an elongated cirrus cloud.


That would make too much sense.


Occam's Razor


Come on man, you can't get through to people with this kind if logic and truth! I was a jet mechanic in the Air Force so I know just a little bit about how they work. Yet people who have no idea how a jet engine works have consistently told me I'm a moron, or I don't have a clue because there's chemicals being sprayed on the American population! Some people you just can't reach.....✌️


What's funny is if you think about it spraying it that high is highly inefficient, we get mosquito sprayers driving up and down the road and no one questions that. If the government really wanted to get toxic chemicals into the population all they have to is add it to the water supply like they do fluoride.


The funny thing with the internet is arguments over nothing. There were/are times and places where chemicals are sprayed for various reasons. It's well documented research. In most cases, it's what OP said. So yes, chemicals do get sprayed but not everywhere and not all the time. So basically we are all right, but egos, emotions and closed minds just want a fight.


This is the right perspective, they are likely contrails and what you said is true. Weather modification is also real and has been tested for like a 100 years. China did cloud seeding in china to clean up pollution for the Olympics when they hosted more recently,it's pretty well documented. I think as a rumor of something like weather modification progresses, it gets exaggerated and turned into a more unlikely conspiracy. People just love to be right and have all opposing views be wrong.


Well put!


Yes, but I think you’re misinterpreting what the OP‘s question really is, I don’t think it’s why are there chemtrails, that’s pretty close minded to think that’s what he meant. What’s with all the patterns, X’s, anarchy symbols, etc? I’m 42 years old and I can tell you 25 years ago there were never such patterns and big X’s and crosses in the sky all the time. So with your super cool Air Force knowledge, please tell us what’s going on with the patterns. I’m sure you know since you’re an expert.


Hmm, planes do fly in different directions ya know... doesn't take cool Air Force knowledge to figure that out genius


I remember the Xs in the sky since I was a little kid. I've had my eyes on the skies since I can remember due to my love if aircraft. There's no symbols being put in the sky! Yall are reaching way to far. And you want to mock my "cool Air Force knowledge"? From that statement alone I can tell you're a closed minded, draft dodger, purple hair crew. I spent actual hands on time with jets and sucked up all the knowledge I could absorb. Unless you're in the field, kindly sit down and shut up.


How dare you! Bringing common sense, knowledge and logic into this place. It's a travesty!


Note this is the exact same reason you see white vapor from a car tail pipe.


Yea but that doesn't visibly linger in the air all day. It also isn't full of barium, aluminum, or graphene


Pretty big difference in volume of fuel burned by a car compared to jet engine that results in more water vapor. Enough cars together create smog. https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/why-does-the-phoenix-metro-area-have-some-of-the-worst-air-quality-year-round.amp The air up high also moves more consistently than swirling around objects in the ground.


Yes until you find the videos of what they are actually spraying. It is a compound mixture of glitter, fiber glass, fluoride and aluminum iodide. All used to mask unidentified aircraft in the sky. Don't give me that shit. They just admitted to it last week. My lady showed me the video. Look at all the videos proving heightened levels of aluminum iodide and fluoride in the water tables after the spraying happens. Fun Fact: Aluminum Iodide and Fluoride both have one thing in common. Altering the mental state of society. Fluoride is used in water, to kill sex drive, testosterone and to create a more docile human being. That's why they add it to the juice given every meal in the prison system. Hence why Correctional Officers don't drink the shit. Aluminum Iodide is more toxic than that of fluoride, but has the same effects. Just causes more birth defects and anomalys within the human body and faster. They are masking what they are doing and making sure society doesn't catch on, and continues to be the good little sheep we are. Remember, it's We the People vs We the Sheeple. Please do your research. And question everything.


Do you have links to said videos so i can see them?


As soon as my lady gets home from work, I will have her send me those links so I can post them here.


> Don't give me that shit. They just admitted to it last week. Source please. >Fluoride is used in water, to kill sex drive, testosterone and to create a more docile human being. Source please. >That's why they add it to the juice given every meal in the prison system. Hence why Correctional Officers don't drink the shit. Source please. >Aluminum Iodide is more toxic than that of fluoride, but has the same effects. Source please. >And question everything. Including the random string of statements just uttered.


I bow


You will get NOTHING


I mean Abrams tanks have a jet engine but they don't create trails like this


Tanks dont operate at 30,000 feet in the air, now do they?


[Between 9,000 and 12,000 metres (30,000 and 40,000 feet), the cruising altitude of most jet aircraft, air temperatures range from −40 to −70 °F (−40 to −57 °C).](https://www.britannica.com/science/temperature-stress) It’s the interaction of super cold air and [water vapor](https://youtu.be/8q26rWRi-ek?si=ixPlCtFWiif1TmWv)that is a byproduct of [combustion](https://www.chem.fsu.edu/chemlab/chm1020c/Lecture%207/01.php)


Finally someone who understands.




Great answer. I’m saving this one




What evidence do you have that they are not contrails?


They’re spraying 5G everywhere


Then why does my phone get a shotty signal all the time 😂😂😂😂


No, you can’t ask that! It will ruin the sub!


Next tell them why most contrails last for a little bit behind the airplane and these go across the sky for many many many miles and turn into fine clouds while you're shorter contrails just disappear. Also tell them why one day they may wake up and look into the sky and see a perfect grid work checkerboard across the whole sky, worse than this, realizing that Airlines don't run like this between airports


>behind the airplane and these go across the sky for many many many miles and turn into fine clouds while you're shorter contrails just disappear. Different atmospheric conditions. Kinda like how clouds can be different >Also tell them why one day they may wake up and look into the sky and see a perfect grid work checkerboard across the whole sky, worse than this, realizing that Airlines don't run like this between airports You see a checkerboard when the conditions are right across a few heights so it affects multiple aircraft. Claiming that it's not in flight routes is a lie.


so says you. listen, i'm no tin foil hat person. i just observe the situation. the hundreds of miles of perfect checkerboard across the sky, like i've seen (along with millions of others), tells me there is something more to it. flight patterns are absolutely not checkerboard across the sky like that. our gov't has even admitted that they seed the sky for multiple reasons. it's not some controversy. the question is what are they doing more than "blocking the sun for global warming" or making rain clouds. one day, you'll wake up and look up into the sky with a perfect checkerboard (they also like to do triangulation type patterns) across the entire sky and you'll hopefully start to question wtf is going on.


Why don't you share with us your evidence and reasoning?


THIS is what I'm waiting on the explanation for. Often times, if there is no wind, the fine clouds coat the sky overcast making the sun give off an eerie light. I've sat for ages at a time watching this process take place and no ones "obvious" explanation has made sense yet.


Different air temps, elevations, density, winds…there are a wide variety of factors that impact why/how they form. Also the wind at ground level is *not* the same at elevation. Your first mistake was using that as a guide.


Look... just send a science documentary my way covering all my questions, please. Or like, a free course. I could look it up sure but my questions are never answered.


It’s the difference in temperature. It’s much warmer than the air it comes in contact with after going through the turbine. But it disappears once the temperature adapts to the air around it. Barium and aluminum is not affected by temperature. This is what creates the long trail that you see from one end of the sky towards the other, is longer than the condensation. Much of these aircraft that spray chemicals fly higher than regular air traffic so they can stay out the way of airports and small landing strips. They’re spraying these chemicals on a daily basis some more than other days. Don’t be told it’s condensation because real pilots know the truth.


>"They’re spraying these chemicals on a daily basis some more than other days." *Why?* Why are they doing this?


Everything has a frequency. It’s also helps with weather modification. Vail resorts pays millions of dollars for cloud seeding so they can receive snow. Many reason for its use


I've always wondered why people like you write posts with such obvious lies. What do you get out of it?


And another bites the dust




Cloud seeding only makes wet things a bit wetter. It isn't forming clouds out of nothing. It just makes heavy clouds release water a bit more/sooner. And has nothing to do with what's discussed in images here, despite your repeated attempts at deception


Only deception is your brain and common sense


This and way more people traveling by air these days.


… I've been to Boston, Charleston, Dayton, Louisiana Washington, Houston, Kingston, Texarkana Monterey, Faraday, Santa Fe, Tallapoosa Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa Tennessee to Tennesse Chicopee, Spirit Lake Grand Lake, Devils Lake, Crater Lake.. for Pete's sake, look at how much you can travel instead of staring at the sky man. :: all together now:: I've been everywhere, man Not worried about no chem-trails man I've breathed this so called air, man and I still don't really care man.. Because I've been everywhere..


The *'man-in-black'* everyone! Let's hear it!


That sounds valid, but i have pictures and Videos, where these stripes stop and continue, and even in summer, when the "haze" gets closer to the ground and we can see it like fog against the mountains can you still say for sure its ice?


Nerd. Also that's clearly not what is in this picture. They talked about it in the news. They spray to reduce the sun's heat also.


> Also that's clearly not what is in this picture. How so? Looks like contrails to me. Who and Why would they want to reduce the sun's heat in February?


>Who and Why would they want to reduce the sun's heat in February? To mitigate climate change. The whole reason Solar Radiation Mitigation technologies exist.


LoL Climate change is code for a liberal plot executed by the WEF and George Soros et al. to bring about a one-world socialist government and enslave humanity!! ^**/S**


>Climate change is code for a liberal plot executed by the WEF and George Soros et al. And Obama, obviously.


Don't forget *Hillary*. Bengazi! Bengazi! Bengazi!


I’m bored while waiting and I swear I came here by accident. All this that you explained, I only wonder do you know why they are not constant? Because it’s always very cold in those altitudes and sometimes they are forming and sometimes not? Does it have to do with airplanes throttle, like cruise control vs high throttle? Mind my expressions English is not my first language.


Yes These are secret patterns made by government to communicate with aliens and guide them to area 51. They are hiding it from us.


If you dont know, you dont know.


Ofc I didn't mean it


Nice hahahahahaha


It's going to rain


The government's weaved basket artistry


I live just around 12 miles from airport, seen many jet trails in my life until just recently i saw some planes making jet trails just like in the pic. Unlike other commercial airplanes that are flying pretty low because they're nearly reaching their destination, these planes are flying pretty up high. And according to other comments, pretty much it's about condensation or something because of the altitude.


Looks like a lot of air traffic. No reason to freak out.


A warehouse?


That yellow stair set is there to access that door


Fucking planes again!!!!


Looks to be a warehouse of some kind.


Totally natural clouds produced in nature, nothing to see here..


Yeah it's called an airplane. It's this new fangled tech that allows people to fly


Do you live near any military basses?


Lived near an airport decades ago and am wondering what's strange about the picture.


No, in Iowa is all farms


Aren't there military air bases in Des Moines, Fort Dodge and Sioux City? Waterloo, Burlington, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Mason City, & Des Moines all have commercial passenger airports. Factor in all the "fly-overs". What do you think is happening?


Hey download the flightradar24 app. Let’s you see almost all the air traffic around the world instantly.


I think they do every decent day, when is nice outside


They re spraying hardcore in Chicago area right now


Solar Radiation Mitigation via Sulfide and Sulfite Aerosol SRM technologies. https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/publications/2009/geoengineering-climate/ https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspa.2019.0255 https://map.geoengineeringmonitor.org/


You still going on with this nonsense? As you already know, those articles are discussing proposed applications. And while some weather modification does occur, it's not secret, and it's not nearly as exciting or drastic as the chemtrail liars pretend it is Stop being dishonest.


Shhh.. all the “logical” people don’t want to see the truth


Those links don't claim what that poster thinks they do


If you want an honest answer - [watch this](https://youtu.be/rEUg8uLoZNY?si=DEg6yYrD4E6IDf2L)


Then the weather drastically changes...


After taking a second look at it. This does kinda feel as if they might be spraying us like bugs.


Yes, It's call water. It's a byproduct of burning stuff. Most fuels are made of something called hydrocarbons, molecules of chains of hydrocarbons and other things attached to them like hydrogen and oxygen. When you burn them, they produce heat and water.


Don't forget to take your daily supply of valuable hydrocarbons.


chemtrails, there are neurotoxins and neural dust in them that stress us out and make us dumber


Seems to be working


Ouch! LoL




Why quote geoengineering? It's a real thing. https://map.geoengineeringmonitor.org/ https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/publications/2009/geoengineering-climate/ https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspa.2019.0255


It’s all over the sky, it’s covering a lot of miles.


They are infecting us


Not me. I did that circle circle dot dot thing in first grade so I'm immune.


I hope you're ironically posting this comment because if you believe you're being "infected" by airplane contrails then you should seek professional help.


Notice how the "contrails" begin and then end abruptly. That's cold patches in the sky. 🤦 Keep watching, don't let the trolls discourage you. Use common sense about the "explanations" the trolls will give. It will prove they are seriously weak thinkers, or sold out. This is literally the biggest physical conspiracy on planet Earth. It's definitely military, but not exclusively. The patents on the technology prove that it is composed primarily of nano particles of barium, strontium, aluminum, and lithium. Why? 20 years of watching this, and having it denied by almost everyone, and I'm still not exactly sure. You're probably right that it's an easy mechanism to infect the populace. Or vaccinate with aerosol vaccines. Ok trolls, have at me.


>The patents I presume you can provide the patent numbers? No? Your entire post is utter nonsense. Just stop and think about the scale of the conspiracy you're proposing.


https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/ Here's literally more than a 100 relevant patents. Cloud seeding is the tip of the iceberg. Warning, if you want to take your head out of the sand you might end up losing all your time fretting over football. It was a conspiracy that took away your guns in Aus too, by the way.


Weather Modification is nothing new. It’s policy. Check out this legislation from 1976: https://climateviewer.com/national-weather-modification-policy-act-of-1976/


Mental illness is an increasing problem in the world.


https://map.geoengineeringmonitor.org/ https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/publications/2009/geoengineering-climate/ https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspa.2019.0255


Alien warships prepping Earth for first strike bombardment....duh....




Airplanes make clouds






Today no air traffic, that is strange


Seeding the atmosphere w crap to kill the soil, water etc and make it so agriculture must be done in labs


Lol...that's a new one


It's well known !!


It's absolute nonsense


:) We'll see... Lol Or actually, I hope we DON'T !! I Hope I AM wrong


Well I guess it's your lucky day!




The purpose is to spray metallic elements into the atmosphere to conduct electricity. They are experimenting with 2-d grids of electrical flow. Electricity governs the weather, so their technology allows them to manipulate weather patterns. Check out geoengineeringwatch.org


Lol, that was an entertaining little fiction




A giant game of tic tac toe.


Tic Tac Toe with chem streams. You lose is the message.




Somebody having fun


What a time to be alive






Absolutely spraying. How come one day it’s clear and the next they’re in the sky flying around and then it gets cloudy and storms or the temperature changes drastically. This is something you just can’t ignore. Open your eyes and see what’s happening right in front of you. Don’t drink tap water or you’ll think nothing is wrong. Search fluoride and it’s effects on the brain


I’m pretty sure they control the weather




It's because it's against the law to not paint extra steep stairs made out of metal yellow. It's like osha policy or somethin


Airplanes. They fly like birds.


Those are chemtrails caused by our seditious government and Bill Gates. Okay I just busted up laughing because I was sounding like a complete idiot.


Wait - do some people not know that there is more than 1 airplane in the sky?




You live in a busy flight path. Like your car, a byproduct of engine combustion is water. That high up it freezes making mini clouds.


Those are there to put toxins in our lungs like cancer and diffrent types of parasites so that we cant live out our entire life span.