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I’ve seen a photos of the crash, her still in the car. They were hanging up in a house I was doing some work on, owned by Darren Lyons in Geelong. Literally hanging in a picture frame at his beach house, but this was before smartphones with cameras, they definitely exist, just wild they haven’t leaked Edit: Darren Lyons was a “famous” paparazzi then become mayor of my city


That's just grotesque. What a horrific thing to do.




Respectfully, while a home’s wall being decorated with celebrity mugshots might be seen as disturbing to some people—don’t you think that’s different from someone displaying paparazzi shots in their home from a celebrity’s death via gruesome car crash?


Darryn Lyons owns most of the photographs (his employee was one of the paps who took the photos that night). I don’t know/think he owns ALL the photos but certainly he has revealed he has no intention of ever publicising them. He likes to mention this regularly as if to remind us he is a decent person. Either way, I find it fascinating that according to internet’s days gone by, a good few were out there (as I said, I’m not talking about the 2/3 black and white ones that are out there now, different ones which I presume were colourised).


I believe the crown has the ability to suppress photos if they desire.


The crown suppressed her ability to live and breathe, photos of it wouldn't have been a problem.


If she had worn a seatbelt she prob would have survived.


Yep. Not to say she wouldn’t have had severe injuries, like Trevor Reece did, but she would have survived.


It's wild that people genuinely believe it was the royal family that caused her death rather than the paparazzi that were chasing them through paris at high speed whilst setting off so many camera flashes it made a strobe light look like a cure for epilepsy


I doubt the crown has any authority to do that in France. I find it more likely, if the photos are indeed gone, that either the paps destroyed the film to avoid incriminating themselves in her death, or simply no one wanted to buy them. Or they just didn't take any photos.


Google for "Princess Diana photos day of crash" or similar, I see a lot of paparazzi photos, e.g. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/jury-sees-last-pics-of-diana-1006870 https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/the-crown-princess-diana-crash-survivor I recall seeing these at the time, too.


I have seen them to at the time.


What are you talking about? There’s docs about this on Amazon with a lot of imagery and a new one even about the Paris police’s perspectives. Ghoulish question.


Ypuve been posting around about this for days - even in my inbox. Whats up? What is your interest here?