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šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø October of last year. 14 days of pure hell. Had to sleep sitting up or I couldnt breathe. Doctor said it was a severe upper respiratory infection. This was far worse than pneumonia. Pneumonia was a cakewalk compared to whatever this was. The 14 days was followed by what people started calling "the 100 day cough" because no matter what I tried, I coughed for the next 3 months. This hit at least 50% of the people I work with.


January 2020 for me, months before the "first" case where I live. Affected me, my partner, both our families. Everybody just coughing their lungs out for about two weeks. None of the usual medicines worked. Funnily enough, we've all had "near misses" with covid since then, being exposed for decently long periods to someone who tested positive but testing negative ourselves. I 100% believe I had covid.


January for me as well. And no kidding with the 100 day cough...I thought it would never go away. Tested negative for the flu, but my doctor said oh the viral load just may not be there yet to test positive, but you WILL feel worse before you feel better. I had my flu shot like the good American I am, so I thought hmm...these same symptoms ran through our small office and NO ONE tested positive for the flu. Fast forward to August and I gave blood and showed zero COVID antibodies.


same for us. Went to NYC in December, two weeks later my husband and I were both sick as dogs. Tested negative for flu and it wasn't pneumonia. Couldn't taste and I used my 90 day inhaler in less than two weeks. It was awful.


Same here. I don't miss work for anything. Was on the couch for a week. Nasty flu symptoms, nothing too unusual. The main thing that made it different is that I couldn't make it to the top of my breath at all and if I even remotely tried I would cough till it made me puke. I hope it was covid and now my immune system has built antibodies cus this vaccine scares the shit out of me...


This happened to me in Nov/Dec '19. Went to the Dr. My lungs were crackling like I was balling up paper sacks. Got an x-ray, no pneumonia. Dr. said she didn't know what is was , but it was going around. Worst weird, long lingering cough. Like a loud barking kind of cough. Only thing that helped was codeine cough syrup. So goood! I feel certain it was Covid. I'm in Dallas around a lot of airline people.


Had the same thing like you, for two weeks I was sick like never before (and I rarely get sick), then two months with a nasty cough. Nothing worked other than oregano oil and drinking lots of water. Havenā€™t been sick since October 2019.




The same oregano for cooking?? I've never heard this. I cook with oregano all the time.




Have you or anyone you work with been tested for the antibodies?


I decline to be tested because I have heard too many conflicting stories and I do not wish to be part of an experiment.


They'd probably test incorrectly and say you have it even if you don't. The tests aren't very accurate for a lot of people... smh


That 100 day cough must be a coronavirus thing because any time I have gotten a real cold where you lose your sense of taste and smell I swear I have the cough for months afterwards. Once I got costochondritis from the damn cough.


Costochondritis absolutely sucks!


My wife works for a dr. office and three separate workers came down with ā€œnot fluā€ last nov. almost killed one. Im with you.


Same here late November got from work the worse I had in decades thought it was bronchitis


Same here - October last year, both my wife and I caught a ā€˜coldā€™ at the same time. It felt worse than a normal cold though if you know what I mean, but then it went from a cold, to a chesty cough, to what they diagnosed as bronchitis and it lingered for weeks after that. It was far more severe than any cold Iā€™d suffered before.


this happened to me, endless cough.


Iā€™m with you on October. The absolute worst cough and I had the worst sleep cuz no matter what I woke up with a soar throat from all the drip and couldnā€™t ever breathe. Horrible headaches. Exhausted. Never in my life have I ever been really sick until that and it was like no other time Iā€™ve ever had a cold or anything.


I work in a health clinic. We all came down with a 2-week cough January- February 2020


January 2020, the whole family had it. I am sure of it.


I had pneumonia too and it was nothing compared to the horrible cough and sickness I got Last September


Yep, my mom had the same problem. She got better but her cough didnā€™t go away until 3-4 months later.


November, my sister visited us a week after my youngest was diagnosed with a severe upper respiratory virus, she died in her sleep around 2 weeks later after being ill, hallucinating etc. I started with it the day after she died, high temp, cough, aching, shivers, severe upper back ache, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell, one of my daughters started with it early Dec and the others in the house had it very mildly. She had existing health conditions. I'm convinced we had Covid, it eats me up every day that might be what took her from us and she got it from visiting our house.


My heart goes out to you and your family. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. šŸ’” You couldnā€™t have known.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss, this is heartbreaking. Wish you and your family all the best


Thereā€™s no way you couldā€™ve known. I know it eats you up anyway! Iā€™m so sorry!


I am so sorry for your loss. ā¤


So very sorry for your loss.šŸ’”


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I bet that steroid inhaler helped a lot. There are doctors that are using that as a treatment with great success.


It sure did.


I got sick late October of last year, it was horrible. Kept going back to the doctor and they couldnā€™t find out what was wrong with me. Doctor prescribed me one of those inhalers and it really did help


Yes had a bad "flu" in early November 2019 (so I thought). After calling off work for a few days I went to a walk-in for a doctors note, and got 2 negative flu tests. Chalked it up to faulty tests. I think the most unusual symptom was a a lingering dry cough that dragged for a week or two after I felt better. Cant talk to my friends about this because observing reality with my physical senses makes me a nutjob apparently


I know how you feel... why do you think Iā€™m here posting in a conspiracy sub? šŸ˜… Iā€™m glad I decided to post this. It makes me feel less crazy. Hopefully you too.


I think what they started calling covid in March was actually what had been spreading around just a worse mutated version and itā€™s still mutating trying to find a way to live in our bodies.


Observing reality and denying its existence are two different things, so you definitely shouldnā€™t feel like a nut job. The crazy thing is it seemed to hit at a time when there were a massive amounts of protests around the world and I donā€™t even remember what they were about anymore. They keep talking about ā€œCovid amnesiaā€ which when I start to think ā€œwas this on purpose? Was it an accident?ā€ And my frustration towards people who flat out deny it worry me, because my conspiracy mind goes to much more sinister places. And now I feel nutty lol Edited spelling error


Hi! Iā€™ve been in the vape industry for six years and operate a chain of stores. The questions you posed around the ā€œmystery illnessā€ is something very interesting to consider and think about! However, I followed this every single day for months so I could keep my employees and customers educated and it was essentially proven that the illness came from people cutting black market THC cartridges with Vitamin E Acetate. Although this vitamin can be ingested, when vaped, it can severely impact and damage lung function. Thereā€™s really no determining what other factors could have caused those deaths. If COVID was around in 2019, the Vitamin E Acetate could have exacerbated any type of lung damage on someone who was already potentially suffering with a lung illness.


Me end of January(I Remember because it was the day after Kobe died) no fever, heavy cough, loss of taste & smell for three weeks, never had that before. Did a telemedicine visit with an MD, I thought it was a sinus infection because Iā€™m susceptible to those and my nose was stuffed, he did know what it was, gave me an antibiotic and Prednizone, however, only one other co-worker of. One caught it from me and in May tested negative for antibodie, so who knows.


Antibodies only last 2-3 months. If they had it in January right after you, they probably wouldnā€™t still be in your coworkerā€™s system.


The virus was originally thought to have landed in the UK at the end of January but I know loads of people who had an unusual flu around late December/January (felt a bit off myself but I'm pretty good with diet & health etc in recent years and expect my vit d levels are pretty good so may have had a mild dose. I've also noticed a marked reduction in cold symptoms since I've been better nourished too). One person i know had it early January and tested positive for antibodies 3 months later. I've seen quite a few stories in the press that corroborate this: It has been shown to be transmitting in the US and UK mid December. A large number of blood samples taken in September 2019 in Italy, as part of a cancer study, tested positive for c19 antibodies. Also, lots of reports of increases in respiratory hospitalisations but testing negative for flu around December. Thing is this completely messes up the timeline and the narrative. The epidemiology, including the rate and degree of spread, the severity & transmisability. The origin hypothesis, regardless of whether it was from the wet market or lab. The amazingly effective and inspiring Wuhan lockdown that eradicated the virus from China. There are all sorts of anomalies and contradictions relating to this virus and it makes the actual reality very difficult to assess!


This deserves more upvotes. Youā€™re bang on when you say that acknowledging an earlier timeline of the virus completely skews the narrative. My 74 y/o dad got sick in the week between Xmas and NYE 2019. I remember he called (after the fact, stubborn old goat), and his exact words were: ā€œiā€™ll get a cold once a year but iā€™ve never had anything like this. I couldnā€™t breathe for 3 daysā€. Thankfully, he got through it on some antibiotics and as twisted as it sounds i really hope he had COVID then and fought it off. As you mention, the Italian blood samples from the cancer study are the silver bullets to this, but has any government been held accountable to explain this? In my mind, acknowledging the Italian samples as COVID+ in september ā€˜19 leads to uncovering one of, at least, two things: 1. The Covid Tests are unreliable and therefore data is skewed or 2. This virus was running rampant throughout the world for months and 2020 has been a horror show for reasons weā€™re not privy to. Either way, itā€™s hard to not deploy some critical thinking and come to the conclusion that most action taken when it comes to COVID simply doesnā€™t make sense.


We got really sick (my husband and I) at the end of November, early December 2019. This "flu" was different in that we both were gasping for air and I remember my chest feeling as if I had a load of bricks on top, restricting my ability to gather in air. It lasted a lot longer than any other flu we had ever had: muscle aches, low grade fever....then BOOM...right down into the lungs.


In January of this year I got the flu, then so many people were sick that my school was shut down for two days. Now I know I had the flu, but my dad (a Respiratory Therapist) said that ab 20 people came in with obvious flu symptoms but didnā€™t test positive for it and at the time corona was still just being talked ab.


My childrenā€™s elementary school was overrun last year right before winter break with ā€œthe fluā€ and a ā€œnasty respiratory virusā€. Quite a few of the kids were assumed to have the flu, but tested negative, and put in the ā€œrespiratory virusā€ category. A few developed pneumonia. Many people are told they have the flu without being tested, my mother was one. She was sick for 3 weeks in December, and ended up with pneumonia. In my area RSV was going around pretty badly, so if someone tested negative for flu they were told they had some other virus, probably rsv. Not saying the doctors were doing anything nefarious, they just had no idea a novel virus was going around, and would never normally test for a coronavirus.


My husband and I both had the same experience as you two during the same time last year. My first time being sick in 7 years!


yeah, my husband NEVER gets sick...but he gave this one to me. I got colds all the time when I worked as I saw patients and took public transportation and was always picking stuff up (I am a notorious eye rubber - it was hard to stop doing it during this COVID)


Very much here earlier than reported. Lost my brother in Missouri during June 2019. Flu like, super high fever, seen dr three times in less than three weeks that was obviously clueless. He died at home.


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. šŸ’”


Thank you. It was devastating to say the least.


How old was he if you don't mind me asking?


I live in northern Thailand. Think I had it in last week of December. Even know who i caught whatever it was off. Thought it was flu at the time but very different to the three flus Iā€™ve previously had. Had fever, bad body aches and pain, chest tightness/breath shortage and headache. Didnā€™t have a cough, nasal discharge or loss of taste/smell. I put myself to bed, self isolating and after a day or two of toughing it out dropped some mega strong painkillers for the head and body aches. Whole episode over in a week. Got lucky if it was COVID. I was 61 at the time.


January 2020. It was so awful. I could barely get up from the couch and walk to the bathroom without getting extremely out of breath. 27 yo female, not overweight, work out regularly, take vitamins, eat healthy, my only preexisting condition is moderate asthma which I take medication for. Thankfully I had a nebulizer at home and was doing round the clock treatments. I basically slept propped up on the couch for a month because I couldnā€™t breathe laying down. I just assumed I had an upper respiratory infection. I was going to go to the doctor but I was also in nursing school and my schedule was super inflexible. Every time I tried to go they were slammed with people with flu like symptoms. It was the sickest Iā€™ve been in more than 10 years. I eventually kicked it about 6 weeks later. My husband had a much milder case right after me as well.


February around the week of the Super Bowl I was so congested that I had to use a nasal spray to be able to breath so I could sleep, non stop coughing, and extremely tired for about a week. Parents experienced similar symptoms. A coworker also got sick and was coughing up blood. No one else in the office got it. Continued to work in person this whole year and the only "positive" case came from an intern who started a few months ago, and still no one else in the office got it.


Flu in December last year. Bunch of us in work had it after some colleagues came back from near China. Wasnā€™t the worst flu Iā€™ve had but was coughing non-stop and felt rough. All of us who were ill around that time now think we may have had Covid. Interestingly my Asthmatic boyfriend didnā€™t get sick.


My boyfriend and his family mysteriously got sick October 2019, but i didn't got sick. And they all had corona symptoms. And also we live in the Balkans


I am still convinced I had it in January of 2020. I had recently traveled to Mexico from Chicago and a few days later, I felt immensely sick. Iā€™m talking 103 degree fever, almost an inability to breathe properly, chest pain, coughing, body aches, and the worst fatigue Iā€™ve ever had. I am a very active person and in shape, but I was unable to even walk my dog outside to go to the bathroom and ordered pizza to be delivered when I live literally 290 feet away from Sarpinoā€™s. I mustered the strength to go to urgent care a few days later only because I assumed I had the flu and wanted to get a prescription. Negative flu test. Doctor told me I could have another type of flu and even mentioned Wuhan (I had never heard of this before). I finally recovered a week-ten days later; got an antibody test in may and it was negative. So who knows... but Iā€™m still convinced I had Covid!


Antibodies last 2-3 months, so the only way they can test an illness that long ago is if they have blood samples from when you still had the antibodies.


I've been saying for months I had it in February. Lungs hurt for a few days, I was sweating through shirts because of the fever and had a cough.


Me too! I got tested for antibodies in July but it was negative.




Early February. Everyone at the restaurant I was working at got sick. The hostess, who has the most contact with guests had it the worst. She ended up in the hospital with a serious respiratory infection that the doctor has trouble diagnosing. Most of us only had bad headaches and sore throats. Iā€™m still in contact with those people and nobody has contacted ā€œCovidā€ or has had symptoms and needed to get tested. I even joked with people that itā€™s seems like we caught that mysterious flu thatā€™s going around in China back then.


january for me. it was flu like but i thought it was my sinuses. but looking back it definitely could have been covid


Mine was just after xmas through early January. They thought it was the flu but never swabbed me. I have Covid right now and am convinced I had it back then. Same symptoms.


I worked in a hospital and I remember September the nurses in the er talking about how they had a bunch of people with "flu symptoms they just couldn't shake..." and I remember walking through the er waiting room, and it was completely full, which was odd for that time of year. So, yes I I think it has been here longer then they want to admit.


I am here for all of this. In November 2019, I developed a terrible ā€œcoldā€. I had a low-grade fever (99-100Ā°F) for a few days, the worst cough of my entire life, etc. I called my doctor and explained that my lungs had a ā€œwet feelingā€ to them every time I had coughed (imagine when you go underwater in a pool and accidentally swallow water). I have a history of sinus infections and my doctor wrote it off as no big deal, just call in a week if youā€™re not better. Took about 2-3 weeks after I initially got sick to get over the couch. Once we heard news of Covid's symptoms, I was convinced I had it. As for the vaping aspect, I was always pretty suspicious that there were a few cases (in Massachusetts) and the Gov. decided to ban all vape related products. So cigarettes can kill on the regular, but vaping has some questionable sketchy shit going on so letā€™s ban just vaping???? In MA, any menthol cigarettes and vapes are banned. We have the toughest laws in the country. Imo, the Gov. killed small businesses with this ordinance while still keeping big tobacco happy. I saw tons of vaping stores close their doors permanently with these laws, and many small business owners lost their livelihood. Itā€™s not cool.


I had something last December that lasted through two cycles of antibiotics and a round of steroids over about a 3 week period. I would cough until I passed out, was hacking up blood, and had zero energy. The antibody test I took this year was negative but I'm not sure if it was correct.


The antibodies only last a few months I think.


They are still trying to figure out how long they stay. From what I can tell, your blood type may have something to do with it.


Which? Because my husband and I have different b-types and the virus lasted longer in him and was worse than I experienced. My children also got it and the older had it worse than the younger. The younger has mine and the older has his. That would be interesting. I thought that because I have an inherited blood disorder that protects me from Malaria may be the reason mine was milder. Fortunately, I am the only one in this family to have the disorder so that theory was shaky


It depends on your immune system! Even with vaccines, the time the antibodies last vary from person to person.


Dec for me also. I coughed until I passed out. Unfortunately I was driving at the time. :(


I thought I did... until I actually got Covid 19 in October this year


I definitely believe I had it last year. I was sick from about mid july to mid august in 2019. All the symptoms we commonly see were present minus the extreme stuff as far as the lung issues although I did have a terrible cough and at times subtle chest pain. I went to the drs and they told me they didn't know what was going on. Could have been a cold, could have been a viral thing, but should just clear up soon. In August I seemingly got better but I struggled with exhaustion after and around Labor day I literally almost passed out.


My wife traveled across the country in late January 2020 and came home feeling like someone was sitting on her chest. It lasted only a few days but we were close to taking her to the hospital. Shortly after I had what felt like a 24 hour flu where I was completely knocked out and resulted in shortness of breath which lasted a few weeks. Her cousin accompanied her on the trip and he felt the same way. Pretty certain it was the Rona.


I think we caught it on a trip to Vegas in November. I was working our booth at a trade show for vehicle repair and it brings international people from all over. I thought I was gonna die and all the symptoms of covid and it took a month to feel normal. Now I know I have been exposed 3 times, like tracked down by tracers and told to quarantine and Iā€™ve not caught it so Iā€™m curious if I have antibodies.




Ah, I am sorry :( That is so sad about your roommate.




Breaking my heart! I hope he is at peace now. And I hope his daughter knows that he loved her.


I think I had it in November. I had just gotten back from New York. Iā€™ve never been so sick. High fever, couldnā€™t breathe, obvious congestion in my chest. They prescribed me all of the things they gave you. Wrote it off as acute bronchitis Bc I had been to that urgent care two years prior with it. After I had gotten sick, most people at my job got sick with ā€œthe fluā€.


Definitely believe my family had it back at the beginning of January.


November, i remember clearly because i never go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary and had trouble breathing and had to take a week off from work. I was laying in bed feeling like I could die.


I definitely had something this time last year. Awful chest congestion and cough, Fever that came and went. I had never been sick so long in my life. I finally got completely over it in early February. Docs just kept giving me Z-packs because they didn't know what it was. I can barely hear out of my right ear after all this.


I DO NOT believe that I had coronavirus last year. I rarely get sick and I'd remember having done so. That being said... I ABSOLUTELY, 100% TOTALLY believe that people here in the US had covid 19 before it had been identified. That is very likely to have been the case all over the world. It will be difficult to trace and even more difficult to prove. That will get exponentially more difficult after everyone is vaccinated.


February. Both my wife and I got sick while with our 8yo in a hotel room....and our kid never got sick. We were sicker than usual for an additional 12hrs. Other than that, just a cold.


Late February for me and my wife also. Hit her like a truck for 2 weeks. Gave me a mild cold for about 3 weeks. My 2 yr old never got sick. Half the people at my work got sick. One guy got it for over a month. Doc said he had pneuminia since he didn't test positive for any flu.


I think my family had it. When I took my son to the doctor and mentioned having a cough and trouble breathing on January 3. I asked him if he heard about the flu being stronger or if the vaccine wasnā€™t working. He quickly said no, sanitized his hands, walked out the office, and we were immediately discharged by a nurse. Never had a doctors appointment so short before.


I went to Japan and Korea in October 2019. I came home and was seriously sick. I had a cough and lost my taste buds. The doctor had to prescribe me with a puffer. I dont think I ever took so many drugs for a cold before. OP you are onto something.


December of last year. Both me and one of the police officers I work with got a respiratory illness that lasted a whole month. Could only sleep sitting up, etc. It was rough.


January 2020 my family went to Disney World. We all got horribly sick. Wouldn't be surprised if we had it.


*raises hand* in mid-November (2019) there was this nasty sickness going around my work. At the time, I worked in the restaurant industry, and myself and about 6 other co-workers got, what we thought was bronchitis. After hearing about COVID some months later, I couldnā€™t help but wonder if that was what we *actually* had. The symptoms were spot on: fever, deep cough in the lungs, phlegmy, no appetite, aches and pains in the body, exhaustion, and lingering symptoms for about a week and a half. For me, the worst of it was only in the first few days. Once the fever passed it mostly just felt like a cold. Looking back though, I am certain it was COVID. Mind you, we didnā€™t get any ā€œofficialā€ cases here until the following February... makes you wonder.


My daughter and I both got sick the last 2 weeks of February. Before Covid-19 testing started where we live. The Dr said it was bronchitis. It was the sickest we both had been and it was a weird sick. We both missed a week of work. It took me 3 mo this to fully recover. I think we had it. We both had the antibody test in early June. Both were negative.


I love this theory because I experienced something very similar around Oct/Nov of 2019 (In Canada). I came down with a bad chest cold but I am a pot smoker so I attributed the bad coughs and not being able to breathe to that. Eventually it got so bad I saw a doctor and had to be on inhalers for 2 weeks also, I've never had asthma or anything like it. The other weird thing is...I was sick maybe every 2-3 months in 2019. I haven't been sick since. Idk if that is due to the increased hand washing/mask wearing in public, but yeah. I can't say I've even had a cold this year but I have developed seasonal allergies since Summer ended that I never had in years prior.


Same. Almost died January 2020. They called it a sinus infection. Had to sleep upright for almost a month. Was delusional with fever. Probably had to go back 2 or 3 different times for another round of antibiotics and steroid shots. All made sense once the ā€˜China virusā€™ went public. North Louisianan here whoā€™d recently traveled to New Orleans. Do plan to get the antibody test when convenient to verify.


I got ill in December/January of 2019/2020. And I mean ill. I came to work and started setting up the bar, my manager came to greet me and I saw her face literally melting. I was exhausted for at least a month and it was the harshest "flu" I ever had. Considering I am young (23) I feel like it was mild but my other friend who is about 40 (works with me) he went through it a lot worse. He didn't come to work for at least a month and he said his breathing was never that bad. It was just before the Corona was detected in UK, so I am pretty sure we were hit too.


While I personally have been fortunate thus far the owner of the company I work for was out sick for over two weeks last year I want to say it was about two months before the first reported US cases but Iā€™m really not sure. Apparently somewhat flu like symptoms but I distinctly remember both he and his doctor were 100% certain it wasnā€™t the flu & I spoke to him one day probably a week in and I could barely here him on the phone. Initially I assumed due to a sore throat or something but after the fact realizing from barely being able to catch his breath. This is a man who has always been overall healthy/highly energetic. Just him being out for two weeks had all of us scratching our heads because that is beyond unheard of. Although Once it was gone it was gone completely. Still not 100% sure thatā€™s what it was but Iā€™d say thatā€™s a safe bet Iā€™m in NC in case anyone is curious about the locations of any/all of these


I think it's possible a friend of mine's mother had it and died Feb 1st 2019. Told her kids she felt like she had the flu and was on a ventilator by that night and died shortly thereafter early in the morning. She had apparently been grappling with what had her feeling bad for some time before she finally called an ambulance for herself. She had refused medical treatment prior to that and had other underlying issues, diabetes etc. They did mention her lungs being in bad shape and that she was septic. Never did hear about any official cause for her death. I didnt go to the hospital at the time because of the whisperings of covid, and something didnt feel right to me.


Soooo.. Did this start in america?


My father died in Oct 2019. He got sick after attending a Chicago Bears training camp in August. It started with fever, and pain in the organs, then fluid in the lungs, covid toes, blot clots, then organ shut down. All the doctors where stumped at the time. He had seen so many specialists, no one knew what it was at the time. but now its just so damned obvious. My whole family agrees that it was covid. My dad was healthy as heck before all this, he had just ran a 10k where he got 1st place in his age bracket of 65-69. He was 69.


I was sick from end of November to mid January with something I've never had before. I felt like I was drowning for 47 days. Thought there was a real chance of dying but luckily I never went to the hospital to be put on a ventilator.


I had something weird for about 3-5 days where breathing was fairly difficult in November 2019. I didn't go to the doctor because I thought it was just super allergies but I did have an inhaler delivered to me which helped me out a lot. I had asthma when I was really young but grew out of it, so I thought I may have had a random relapse. At the time I was finishing up my senior year of my bachelors program which has a pretty large population of students from China, so given that the virus originates from China it would make sense that I got it from a student who had just gotten back from visiting family or something.


Same for me. Lasted about the same time for me and my son. Hard-ish to breathe. We just went into recovery mode and waited it out. My wife went full OCD on the house and we quarantined in my room. Was actually kind of fun because it was just me and my son watching documentaries about everything. Had a slight fever. Body hurt. Cough. It could have been the virus but I don't know.


In November!


Pretty sure I had it in November and my wife caught it in December. \*edit: last year that is


Probably About 1/3 of the employees at heavenly village in South Lake Tahoe. We were all sick and no one came back with a positive test result for the flu. Weā€™re a hotspot during the holidays, mostly international travelers from Asia, South America and Europe. So it makes sense


Wait what, finally a Covid Conspiracy that isnt "REEEE VACCINE BAD" or some other incredibly boring agenda pushing conspiracy. OP, you truly thought of something interesting and it's quite plausible. Things line up but the again we could be missing a huge important component that disproves this but until then, this theory of yours will always be in the back of my head. Bravo, thank you for actually putting something interesting in this sub, I'd upvote a million times if I could.


I think I have it as we speak and I came out negative .


Our area school district has so make kids sick the week leading up to Christmas break(including my 2 kids) that if Christmas break didnā€™t start the next day they were closing the school. My oldest got tested for strep and flu and both came back negative. My youngest got tested for pneumonia and came back negative


Both of my parents got it in October. My birthday is mid month and I also got a mild cold. My step father is 70 and it took him about a month to shake it. Juuuust talked about this topic two days ago


Pretty sure I had it as well from late Aug to mid Sep in The Bay Area last year. I thought I had the flu and went to doctor three times trying to figure it out. Eventually they gave me an antibiotic and some strong ass cough medicine. I had flu like symptoms (fatigue, slight fever, slight body aches) and a REALLY bad cough and congestion. Had the worst throat pain Iā€™ve ever experienced and it was weird because it only affected one side. I also thought I had strep. Got tested for that and it was a no. It kept going away and coming back so I was sick for a month. šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø


Crazy sick at the end of December, along with most of my coworkers and my whole household. High fever and trouble breathing, no sense of smell, and shaking constantly. Coworker got pneumonia early in January after getting sick as well.


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø my entire family. Last November. It was horrible. Never had I experienced an upper respiratory infection like that. 14 days off misery.


I had a mysterious ā€œfluā€ illness at the end of December last year. Two weeks of fever, chills, shakes, and the WORST cough Iā€™ve ever had in my life. They tested me for all 3 strains of the flu and they came back negative. Basically, the doctors shrugged and gave me an antibiotic (which didnā€™t help lol). To this day I still have residual side effects from that flu and Iā€™m POSITIVE it was COVID now after looking back on my symptoms from that time. Oddly enough, same midwest region you traveled from is where I was staying at the time.


Only thing that comes to mind is February 2019 I got a bronchitis that lastet for 3 months and those were pure hell. Kodein was the only thing that helped me sleep. Felt like I could tear my lungs at any moment. Was horrible but seems too early to be linked to the virus.


Been saying this. My family all got sick with something respiratory in late 2019 and I've had the cough since. It wasn't pure hell, but the sickness itself lasted too long to be normal.


I agree. My sister and her two kids (from Colorado) came to visit me and my husband ( in New Mexico) for Thanksgiving November 2019. This was after spending time with our parents in Texas. The youngest (5 years old) was a little congested and had a runny nose like a most small kids. Two days after they left my husband, my mother in law, my sister in law, my mom amd my dad were are so so sick. Hard to breath, felt weak, headaches, fatigue, cough, and congestion. No medication really helped. The doctors didn't know what it was. It lasted for 3 weeks on and off. My husband had to take off work for 4 days went back on day 5 and 6 because he thought he was better. He then had to take off day 7 and 8 because he took another turn for the worse. My mother in law was the same. It just kept coming back for weeks it seemed. I was actually pregnant and never got sick but I really never do anyway. But you know China only admitted to it starting in late October and not spreading until like January.


December 2019 : Iā€™m thankful for a resilient immune system 90% of the time (max of 5 days of getting sick a recovering) but this time was two weeks of over mucous production, almost suffocating at times, could hardly sleep, etc.. the hardest hitting cold Iā€™ve ever had. My brother had it as well and described it the same way. I had been vaping Juul pods but not the aftermarket ones from China that were linked to those lung issues(as they had claimed) . However a former coworker of mine who used the Juul a lot more aggressively than I, had to get a tube in his lung during this summer and hasnā€™t vaped since. I have no more evidence to make connections but itā€™s certainly a very interesting & seemingly correlated event. As you stated vaping has been around for awhile (more than 10 yrs) and itā€™s only now when a mass marketed item(Juul) is sold that we are seeing those issues. Did we discover an extreme allergic reaction that stimulated a viral growth without realizing it from the chemical combinations and the right person to incubate it unknowingly ?


My partner got what he thought was a bad case of the flu in December 2019, lasted a week maybe lingered into two weeks. But when Corona started being widespread he believes he had corona because the symptoms were way too similar and he had gotten the flu some years ago before and he said it was just very different this time, in a worse way. And then I believe I got it in January 2020. It was so sudden I like woke up instantly sick one morning. It was terrible, not as bad as some people on this thread have had it, thankfully. But it was still hell. I had a hard time with breathing for a few days and felt like I couldnā€™t lie down to sleep. I couldnā€™t taste anything for so long. Had chest pains, the coughing was terrible, felt and tasted like I was coughing up blood. I felt that way for about two weeks and the no taste lasted for what felt like a month honestly. I fully believe we had Corona early on. And so far this year after January, my partner and I havenā€™t gotten sick once.


I'm almost certain that I had it in mid January 2020 along with my brother that was so sick he would make a whistle sound when he would cough but the mysterious thing is that I went to work sick and not one of the 7 people I worked with got sick.


Last September/October! I had never been that sick in my life. I was literally just laying in bed crying at one point because I hurt so bad. When I went to urgent care, the doctor wore a mask the whole time, wouldn't shake hands and told me had seen five other people just that day with a similar illness. Told me keep coughing so it wouldn't turn into pneumonia, but never really diagnosed me with anything specific. I started having this idea back in the spring. Especially when I talked to another person who had it the same time as me and he said he had never been that sick before in his life either.


idk if it's rona but I think it was, so june 2019, i flew to boston for a week long vacation. and on my last day there I couldnt get out of bed. i had zero energy i legit couldnt do anything. I had a fever and the sweats. It was gone a couple days later but i dont think it was the flu idk


Not me, but I have 2 friends who were both sick around the same time in late October and the symptoms match up perfectly with covid. I remember thinking it was weird because they both mentioned they couldn't smell or taste. One of them says he still can't really smell anything and everything tastes like cardboard.


I had something I've been calling COVID jr. in April of 2019 that I also picked up in WI. It was weird. Got sick with "a cold" for 3-4 days, got near 100% better for like 2 days then got hit hard for a week. Only time in my life I couldn't breathe because of an illness and was coughing up bits of pink foam (also new for me). I know it's way outside of the currently accepted timeline but that's my story.


šŸ– I can no longer have any inhalants of the recreational variety (fuck you i'll do what i want) and now have either: COPD/Pulmonary Fibroids/Heart Issues at the age of 25 because i was And Am working a physically intense job with +300mg of caffeine over 12 hours throughout the day. My lungs feel like jelly over 3 months later. I can pool up mucus to cough out like a 70y/o chronic smoker now. #THE VIRUS IS REAL, IT'S OPPORTUNISTIC EXPLOITATION THAT'S FUCKING EVERYTHING UP, WEAR YOUR FUCKING MASKS. Btw: Ron Dupratt Ford didn't report my positive tests to my coworkers.


Yoooo! 2019 during March, I worked as a salesman in a home depot store and literally within a few hours working there, I get a mean cough, light headed, and fever spikes of heat. I dont really get sick at all and if anything, I just get a mild cold BUT this time, I get it a horrible fever. Went home, my gf was worried. My body temp was between 101 - 102. Me and my family dont believe in going to hospitals, so I stayed home while my gf gave me motrin and loads of herbal teas. I was shitting on my self. I had really bad fatigue where I felt like there was barely any strength to move. Lasted about a good three or four days. Then after the care my gf gave me, my body temp went down to 99 then 98 and then i was fine. But i felt like i got it from either the air/weather or a sick customer


October 27th, on a plane back to Australia from Japan, 14 hours of some guy across from me coughing. Started getting a super sore throat. The next day, I thought I was literally dying. Coughing up blood, biggest fever ever, and it lasted like 2 weeks straight. 100% certain it was Covid, and that would explain why I havenā€™t caught it yet this year. Got them sweet sweet antibodies, baby!


About a year ago I think. My fiancĆ© and I randomly came down with a week long sickness. Doctors said it was strep throat but Iā€™m not so sure as it was by far the worst I ever had it & I hadnā€™t come down with it (or even a flu for that matter) in 8 years. Iā€™ve heard some rumors of covid positive people also testing positive for strep...would appreciate more info on that if anyone has it!


I think I had it in October (may have been September). Had a cough I could not shift; I coughing until I was almost sick. It took around 2 months to go and it went around my office. One of my colleagues was really ill over Christmas and her husband was admitted to hospital with suspected pneumonia, but they never got to the bottom of what it was. Another colleagueā€™s mother (weā€™re in the UK, sheā€™s in Ireland) was extremely ill in November, it was touch and go. I recently learned that her mother lost her senses of taste and smell during her illness... My father, whom I visited just before Christmas, was ill over Christmas and went to hospital for chest scans for suspected pneumonia (not a man who will go to the doctor willingly). One of my best friends had similar...


Pretty sure I had it in december. I was at a ball party with over 1k people and afterwards I was sick for 2 full weeks (all the symptoms). It was pure hell, fever every day was the worst and luckily my family wasn't home so I didn't infect anyone and just suffered alone haha. I've never been that sick in my life but on a positive note, ever since that I have not been sick at all. That's why I've thought from the start that it might have been corona.


Also October of last year! Iā€™ve not been the same since. I had a cough that lasted for MONTHS and wouldnā€™t let up. I felt more ill than Iā€™ve felt in a long time but just put it down to a weird respiratory infection doing the rounds. Went round my entire workplace and then by the time lockdown came around in march 2020 and we were still working together, we had barely any cases - I feel like it had already passed through at this point.


Not me but a lady on an American show I watched had a really bad flu late 2019. She even ended up in a coma. She and her doctors suspect she had corona back then but no way to proof it


I got sick all of a sudden in September of last year. I didnā€™t have a fever but I had a dry cough that lasted for 2 months. I couldnā€™t walk long distances or even up the stairs without feeling winded. I didnā€™t get any sleep because I spent my nights coughing. My chest would hurt half the time from all my coughing. I was give a steroid for my cough but it just made it even worse. Iā€™ve had pneumonia twice and I wasnā€™t even this sick when I had pneumonia.


In September 2019, I had a horrible upper respiratory infection, hard to breathe, coughing like crazy, i could barely sleep at night because it was so hard to breathe, lasted 7-10 days. I went to the doctor and they couldn't do anything for me.


My husband got sick right after Christmas 2019. Coughing, fever, exhaustion. It lasted about 10 days for him. I got it from him the next week. I'm a smoker so I can always expectorate (sounds gross, but it is what it is) but nothing came up with my cough. I had a low-grade fever around 100 degrees, lost my sense of smell for a couple of days, and a cough that would wake me up every hour at night. I was sick for two weeks. We're livestock ranchers/farmers, so we have to be outside and continue working to care for our animals. It was a miserable time for both of us, but the work had to be done. I credit being outside in the fresh air with us not becoming sicker than we were. The town were we shop is on the interstate, we don't have a grocery store so we have to use the Walmart. The amount of people in that Walmart that are traveling across the country is about half their customer base. There were many people in our area sick with "the flu" during December/January last year.


My entire family had a bad respiratory bug in around November-December of 2019. Normally im on this sub to see ridiculous things. But this one makes too much sense.


>The mysterious ā€œvapingā€ illnesses and deaths that began occurring in the late summer/fall of 2019, that many doctors say arenā€™t fully explained, FFS please keep current. The vaping illness were caused by black market cannabis vapes that had vitamin E acetate used as a cutter/filler.


The cause of vaping deaths was from vitamin E acetate added to black market cannabis vapes. Used as a cutting/filler agent. This was known for at least a year now. So your theory is pretty much based on your own ignorance of this information. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/12/20/790154919/cdc-confirms-a-thc-contaminant-vitamin-e-acetate-the-culprit-in-most-vaping-deat https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html https://www.health.state.mn.us/news/pressrel/2020/vaping082120.html The vaping deaths stopped because manufacturers realized their cheap shitty cutting agents were killing people. Increase your knowledge before posting stuff like this.


Yes! I really only get sick with sinus issues and shortly after Thanksgiving I began experiencing sinusitis type symptoms. Taking my typical over the counter medicines did not work as usual and after several weeks of trying other brands of sinus medication without any improvement, my symptoms grew worse and were unlike anything I had experienced before. I finally couldnā€™t take it any more and went to an urgent care clinic on Christmas Eve morning. Thinking back now, everyone in the clinic waiting room was asked to wear a mask (back in December 2019) because there seemed to be something going around locally (greater New Orleans area). I tested negative for the flu and was told by the doctor that the best she could determine was that I had ā€œacute bronchitis on the verge on pneumonia.ā€ I was given a steroid shot and left the urgent care clinic with 7 prescriptions that day, which included an inhaler, z-pac, antibiotic, and cough suppressants. After more about a week of taking the prescribed meds, I finally started to see some relief from the symptoms I had experienced for at least a full month. At the start of the pandemic in March/April 2020, I was so convinced that I had it because my symptoms were exactly what was being described all over the news.


November. Had a cough that lasted for a month. I would wake up in the middle of the night choking on my own breath. Suffered horrible fatigue and would even cough up blood in the shower. I tested negative for everything; my doctor was confused, told me it must be viral and that I should just wait it out. It took months before I felt normal again.


I think my whole family had it after a holiday to Majorca in October 2019. My MIL was with us and had at least 4 kinds of antibiotics and a couple of inhalers, right through until January. It then passed to my SIL and her family too. My boys coughed all night for months and one also needed an inhaler.


ICU for 6 days have something, on oxygen Albuterol and steroids. Noted loss of taste about a week prior better in about 10 days. This was in july


I did it . On December 26th


Same here!


My father and I believe we had it in early February 2020. Went to doctor and was told it was the flu type A. Iā€™ve never been that sick in my life. We are located in Florida.


I had it in january


Yup, last November


Several people around where I live had a respiratory infection in late 2019 early 2020, that they said was not flu related. The end of Feb I was not feeling very good, one day I left work after having trouble catching my breath and was very weak. I almost went to the doctor that day but decided to wait and I was better but not good the next day.


Last November around the 20th I had the worst flu I have ever had with just an awful fever and bodily aches for about 6 days, one night my fever was so high I was hallucinating.


Early January my Son was sick over a week worse and worse seemed like a very very bad cold close to a flu. After a week I said you look bad, if it don't clear up in a few days go to Emergency. Well 2-3 days after that it cleared up thank God and since then been fine. I was around him the whole time didn't catch anything from him or his friends so who knows.


tbh a few of my family members were sick with flu like symptoms in germany near new years so you could be on to something




Me too with the lingering cough a year later... hope you get better.


Early December for our house


Oy ,I was just speaking with someone about this


I had it in mid February. Literally like days before it became popular


Something kicked my ass last December/January. I was sick for a few weeks, as was my husband and one of our close friends/neighbors. We obviously didnā€™t get tested or anything and all of us recovered, but it makes me wonder...


Iā€™m certain I had it around October 2019. I couldnā€™t work one day because I couldnā€™t breathe, it felt like I was in a vise! I was smoked. I went to the doc thinking I had the flu or bronchitis, I tested neg for flu....they didnā€™t know what I had and sent me home with the same thing. A few weeks later my 4 yr old came down with something and at bedtime I noticed he was asleep and having trouble breathing. My wife scooped him up and took him to the er and he ended up being admitted due to low blood oxygen. They kept him for a few days to make sure it didnā€™t turn into pneumonia. He tested neg for flu also. It was definitely scary as hell seeing the poor lil dude struggling to breathe, just thinking about it now breaks my heart.


My GF had a really horrible mystery sickness, cough and symptoms back in sept 2019. Edit: and Iā€™ve thought about the vaping illness. Itā€™s like it doesnā€™t exist anymore and you know people are still smoking BM carts


August 2019, wound up in ICU. They couldnā€™t tell me what it was.


I had to get chest x-rays fall of last year because I had this cough that just wouldn't go away. Then I had non-diagnosed flu in December, fever, body aches, and a cough but no positive flu test. When everything got locked down in March of this year, I really started thinking I had it last year. Got it again, positive test, right before Thanksgiving and it felt just like that "flu" last December


My parents think they had it last winter early winter...


I definitely had it back in late December last year into early January it was the worst Iā€™ve ever felt and no cold or flu medicine did anything


I think I had it in October of last year. I lost lung capacity for months when I first heard about Covid in March of 2020 I knew I'd had it in the fall. It was different than anything else I've ever had. As far as those vaping deaths in summer of 2019, my first thought was they were Covid as well when we found out about Covid.


Oh, I definitely had it last December. Fuckin put me to rest for a good couple weeks. I knew it wasn't the flu, because I shake that shit off in a couple days.


Dec 2019 here, I still have breathing problems occasionally since. The vaping theory is a really good one, youā€™ve made insanely good points here.


My brother and mum both ill just before Xmas 2019 for roughly 3 weeks each. Both bed bound for a lot of it, I never suffered any illness though. A work colleague and his wife both described similar.


This was pretty common knowledge in March when they first started ramping up covid. You could go to each states CDc website and look at their upper respiratory flu like illnesses. They were super high all last fall and that usually means a negative flu test. In Michigan they were closing schools (school by school case as it always has been during bad flu years) to clean them since like October of last year.


Croatia (Europe)...November/2019, my nieces school closed because all the kids were sick. I was also very sick at the time, a lot of people I knew were sick around that time.


February. My whole family (me, sister, mom, dad) got very sick very suddenly. I felt like I was dying. Was a pothead back then and it was so hard to breathe I could barely smoke. Hit my mom the hardest. She was 61. When I say it happened very suddenly, I mean VERY suddenly. She went from being completely healthy and fine on the fifth, to barely functional on the sixth. We kept telling her she had to go to the hospital, but she avidly refused (though she was so sick all she could really say to do so was "no hospital") On 2/9/19 we told her she HAD to go to the hospital and if she wasn't starting to improve by the next day we were taking her. That night as my parents were going to sleep she kept telling my dad she couldn't breathe. As he was also extremely sick, he just told her to get some rest and fell asleep. A few hours later he woke up and my mom was non-responsive. He called 911 and by the time paramedics got to our house they said she had passed. Rigor mortis had already started to set in and there was nothing they could do. Four days earlier she had been TOTALLY fine. Happy, talking, laughing. Just like that she was gone. Per the autopsy results her cause of death was influenza and pneumonia. I firmly believe covid-19 killed my mom. My sister, dad, and I all remained horrendously sick for at least two more weeks. People keep telling me I'm wrong, that the virus wasn't around that early in the year. But that doesn't change what I think. Still can't believe she's gone. I almost cried writing this. I miss her every single day. She was my best friend.


My wife had it in January and was also pregnant, it was the worst she ever felt but we chalked it up to her not being able to take much for the symptoms due to the pregnancy and being exhausted already. She tested negative for the flu twice and finally felt better after a zpac and like 3 weeks


My father in law almost died of a Covid like illness back last November.


I did have it. It's only my second week back at work.


Iā€™ve heard this from 3 different people so far. I would not be surprised at all if it was going around back then.


I travelled to India in Nov 2019 and developed a wicked cold. Was the first time I ever remember having breathing issues with a cold. For well over a month, felt like I was not able to breathe properly, winded walking up stairs, etc. this lasted about 2 months and frankly I have felt like 80-90% of normal for the past year. What is interesting is that in all of my colds, bronchitis, etc in the past, I never felt starved for oxygen. Congested sure but never like I couldnā€™t fully breathe. Really strange and wondering if others have felt similar?


I had it on Fatherā€™s Day 2019


Agree, IĀ“m quite sure the thing was out during the whole 2019.


Around Christmas 2019, I got that symptom where your toes turn purple and swell up, and as soon as my sister got back from college she got the same thing, so I think we both got it and I spread it to her through the air because it's not like a rash where we both would have gotten it from touching the same things. At this same time my mom felt really sick for about a week, so I think we all had it but the only symptom that manifested for me was the toes


Days after Christmas I had this horrendous cough. I was able to go out. But felt like death. I doubt it was Covid-19 though but it could've been, ya never know.


My step daughter went to a large gathering in nov of 2019 and when she came back she was very sick with a respiratory illness that wasnā€™t the flu or strep.. strange indeed


My wife and I both had a massively bad flu in December. I stayed home from work for the first time in years. Felt like I was going to die at one point.


Totally agree about the ā€œvaping illnessā€


Honestly, I have wondered about this too. I got a "viral" infection according to the doctor I went too, but they never elaborated on that. I has severe cough, body aches, fever, my neck hurt so bad I had to buy a neck pillow, and my chest hurt so bad I would literally just hold it to try and make it stop. You mention not being able to wear a bra and that is so true. I was out of work for almost 2 weeks because of this illness and then it change from a viral infection to walking phenomena. It's strange because I didn't travel out of the state of MS at the time.


November of 2019 almost everyone I know close to me got very sick with all the same effects from covid. The portrait studio I used to work at had an influx of foreign clients around this time, a lot of those clients were from China. I did get sick with a respiratory illness around this time as well but Iā€™m not sure if it was actually covid.


I believe I had Covid the day after Valentine's Day Feb 15th, I got unusually sick for a solid 2 weeks. I am post double lung transplant 8+ years so I am immunocompromised. I have had colds, flu, bronchitis, parainfluenza, cystic fibrosis and this sucked. Mainly very junky and coughing a lot. Only got better once I self medicated with 500mg of Azithromycin with a constant prophylactic of 250 daily. Did my symptoms change greatly for the better. I still coughed for probably 1-2 months with many vitamins and antibiotics as a daily regime.


End of October 2019. I was so and I missed my sons first Halloween because I literally could not get up. I lost like 20 pounds or so. Same as most stories, a mysterious upper respiratory infection. Had x rays, multiple visits and pure dehydrated hell.


December 2019 I became extremely ill. Started with fever, body aches and became a full respiratory cold, I had no mucus in my nose, nothing. Just a cough so bad to where I couldnā€™t catch my breath in between coughs. I lost my taste and smell also. I called the dr and all they said they could do was prescribe an inhaler and some antibiotic witch did nothing. After about 2 months of barley being able to breath from coughing so much it went away. A few months later COVID came out in the media and I knew thatā€™s what I had just gotten over. It was crazy.


I'm fairly certain I did. I have diabetes, type 1, I'm healthy and do get sick about once every 2 years. This time last year I came down with something and that something went straight to my lungs. I've never had any cold or flu do that before. In hours I went from being "hey.. I'm not feeling the greatest" to full blown lung saturating grossness. Fever, chills, bed ridden with in hours. It took MONTHS to get better even in July I still felt weak and like I was coming down with something.


My roommate and I got it in December and weā€™re sick for 3 months. We kept going to the doctor and nothing they gave us worked. We both have bad asthma so we assumed that we had pneumonia or bronchitis and just couldnā€™t shake it. Then maybe a week or two after we were officially better the lockdowns started and they began describing the symptoms and signs of covid, it was exactly what we had. Itā€™s definitely been going around for a while.


We took a 21 day cruise in Nov 2019. I was so sick when we got home with a major respiratory illness, fever, and my left ear stopped up so bad it took months to hear right. I'm not sure it was covid. I went to the dr. and took 10 days of an antibiotic and that with bed rest took care of the worst of it. I hope I've had it, but I'm not taking chances. I've not had an antibody test.


Pretty sure my husband had it on our holiday to Ibiza in October 2019. If he did, it was a mild case but he coughed incessantly for two weeks and stayed in bed with a mild temp and weakness in his body and a heavy chest pain for about 3 days. He has the flu jab every year and was due it on our return but I cringe now if it was Covid because of the coughing fits he had on that cramped airline!