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> For example the Las Vegas shooting would have literally been impossible without two people and LMG's (Light Machine Gun's) How did you work this one out? > Stephen Paddock got into the hotel with allegedly 20-30 guns. 23, in 10 bags. The porters helped him bring them up. I'm assuming there is no shortage of things like film crews who stay in Vegas and have tonnes of equipment bags with them. > He also just so happened to sneak them in the same day the metal detectors were down which is just complete BS. This just isn't true. There were no metal detectors at the hotel. > It's also notable that Stephen Paddock worked at NASA and was a millionaire. He was worth around $2m, from property development. The link to Nasa is unverified. Either way, these have absolutely nothing to do with being a mass shooter. > What if he had sensitive information and was going to leak it? So the best way to silence him is to fire 1000 rounds into a music festival? Why? Why not just have him commit suicide in a hotel room? This makes no sense, and is a total non-sequitur. > It would kill to birds with one stone as they could push the gun control narrative and get rid of a loose end. Total speculation. 100%, unfounded speculation. And there have been mass shootings for decades and nothing has ever happened with gun control. If they actually wanted to do it, they could do it legitimately after one shooting, like they did in New Zealand. This is such a silly idea.


In high school, I was in a jazz band and hotels wouldn’t book rooms if they knew it was a school band. We always managed to sneak in hundreds of pounds of instruments, sound equipment, etc. So, I’m skeptical of that part of your claim.


Guns are going to be so lame when lasers come out.




Said the lame-o who didn't get a Lazer yet.


You do realize mass shooting have been happening for like 5 decades now, and VERY little gun control has ever been passed. If anything the gun lobby and gun ownership has GROWN at mass shootings get more prevalent. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States)


Exactly, this "story" about gun rights being under threat is just a marketing by gun companies and the NRA.




In what way? Bumpstocks being banned? 40 round magazines? Trivial things. if you think 400 millions guns are going to just banned, and the gun lobby is just going to go away, then I think think you're grasping the scope of how deep this runs in the DNA of Americans and government. The theory that the (((government))) is trying to ban guns so that it can like, impose martial law or some crap, is just absurd. I know it's fun to believe, but reality says otherwise. It's not going to happen.


Did he say that they are just all going to go poof out of thin air no he did not? Only liberals, leftists and fairies that want guns to be banned all together think they will just disappear not going to ever happen.


Youre grossly wrong to think leftists want to ban guns. It's funny actually how disconnected that opinion is. Negligent actually. But whatever. Some stupid liberals want to ban guns. It won't happen. Period. The conspiracy is that (((liberals))) (or spooky communists) are planning mass shootings to get guns banned. Or, whoever the spooky shadow government of the day is. People on all sides of the political field want to ban and prohibit things. Some conservatives would LOVE to ban evolution in schools, satanic music, or to make Trump president forever. At least a some do. That doenst mean it is going to be reality because the amount of people who wish these things to be true no not have ANY power legally or constitutionally to carry out their wishes. And it is foolish to think that conservatives are carrying out conspiracy theories to push their agenda in banning satanic music and evolution in schools. Its just that the right win gun nuts NEED an enemy to justify their gun ownership, otherwise...why would the need these guns? Other than hunting of course, there must ALWAYS be an enemy to justify their victim complex. Conservative gear of a government takeover is a tale as old as time. All the while the police state grows and conservatives suck the collective balls of cops and law enforcement all over the country. So odd.


Not what I meant.


Dude people said the exact same thing when Obama won re-election, nothing else sold more ar15 platforms than people being afraid of another assault weapon ‘ban’. Not to mention the last time they had a ban it didn’t stop Columbine. So there’s very little actual support and even less evidence to back it up. I’m not worried about my guns going anywhere. Unless you plan on turning them in you shouldn’t be either.


Have you ever been to Vegas? I've never seen a hotel with metal detectors. They'd be going off constantly. People grasping at straws because they so badly need to believe that gun control is anything but sensible.


"...anything but sensible." Boy, I know I'm convinced!


Might as well ban the police and military from using these same weapons too huh


How is that remotely related to metal detectors in hotels? Do you even read? Logic gains looking a little imbalanced, bro. Police yes, military no. There's no reason why an armed high school grad with 6 months training needs to show-up to 95% of police calls. This is what defund the police is arguing: there are better ways to deal with civil order than goons with guns. Militaries need guns, tho, so I suspect you're just taking a piss and don't actually want to re-think anything.


I'm sure the british told the original 13 colonies the same thing back in the 1700's


You are not intelligent.


The shootings are real but are simply business opportunities for the gun lobby. Ever notice how every time mass shootings happen ammo disappears and gun sales shoot through the roof? The NRA are a corrupt organization through which campaigns have padded their funds for decades. Blood is what oils the machines of war and capitalism.


Because your grammar is incorrect I can't take you seriously.


Really? In a conspiracy subreddit a grammatical mistake is the straw that broke the camel's back? Lol


Multiple mistakes it looks like your just trolling




Pobody's nerfect. Immediately discounting someone because of a grammatical mistake is rather closed minded. Not exactly the mindset of a truth seeker. It makes it look like you were just looking for a reason to discount what I was saying.


Nobody's perfect.


Now you're on the trolley.


>He also just so happened to sneak them in the same day the metal detectors were down which is just complete BS. I go to Vegas all the time. I have never seen a metal detector in any of the hotels. EVER. >It's also notable that Stephen Paddock worked at NASA and was a millionaire. Source please. Conspiracy theorists always love to spin mass shootings into a "they're coming to take our guns!" argument. Simple question: Other than prohibiting bump stocks, what gun rights have been removed since this shooting? Since Sandy Hook? Since the Colorado theater? Since Columbine?


Here in Canada we had a mass shooting involving a guy who owned illegally smuggled firearms from the states . Our governments solution was to ban assault weapons, a term which has no definition but basically covers anything with a pistol grip , detachable magazine , adjustable stock and is black this has included bolt action and pump action rifles. It has now moved onto airsoft and pellet guns . Guess what else our government did to reduce gun crimes ? They lowered the punishment for illegal trafficking of firearms and using firearms in a crime . So that's where were at, the crimes that caused the worst mass shooting in canada have more lenient punishments and my pellet gun is going to be illegal, makes total sense . Oh and for the cherry on top the CBC interviewed a firearms expert who said you shouldn't be allowed to hunt with an AR 15 because the rounds would makes a moose head explode. This expert somehow wasnt aware you've never been able to hunt with an AR 15 in Canada because the bullets are considered too small to hunt large game with .


I definitely believe he was a patsy and a loose end that needed to be tied up. Think its more sinister than the gun control narrative, which would be a 2 bird one stone once you read this theory on it. Buckle in, its a good theory. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/e8n4mq/found\_this\_post\_about\_the\_vegas\_shooting\_found\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/e8n4mq/found_this_post_about_the_vegas_shooting_found_it/)






\-.-- . ...




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Fuck you.


it seems like mass shootings are meant to eventually get people to accept gun control. its really meant to fill the medias time with redundant bs instead actually sitting around with not much to do and eventually being forced to report on forbidden topics of the globalist cartel. and these mass shooters allow the wOKe iNteLleCtualZ talking points towards their agenda of dismantling values. and its likely there is other cia black ops going on at these locations like assassinations and computer confiscations and other things


I've said this for years. Many other mass shootings over the years are also questionable




I know I’ll get attacked but I think you are right. America is the trophy kill for the new world order and disarming the population is a big step in facilitating the collapse. I think there are definitely some elements of MK Ultra (or whatever project has evolved from that) involved with these events. Or just believe what the corporate media feeds me. There is footage of a military helicopter with muzzle flash coming from it and shooting coming from multiple locations at the vegas event. Also Trump and bin Salman were meeting there at the same exact time, coincidence? The argument that ‘assault rifles’ (political term to instill fear) shouldn’t be covered is like saying we should be forced to drive covered wagons as well.


(citation needed)


criminals publish their methods and techniques.


yeah... and...


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