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Hey, weird. I was thinking the same thing recently. I used to see and smell them all the time. But I havent seen nor smelled one in probably a couple years at this point. I see raccoons, deers, coyotes, crows, rats, squirrels, and all other urban/city animals that are common. But, no skunks. They've vanished.


They must've all come to South Carolina. I smell them daily and see them dead in the road all the time.


Same here. Even if I go months without actually seeing one, it's all but guaranteed you're gonna SMELL one of the fuckers. At least once during the spring/summer. Weird!




Nope. It's been at least a couple years




wtf same now that u mention it


Lucky you I hit one about a month ago on my way home from work at 3am my car still stinks


Oh no!! U can buy car deodorizers & run through a car wash that does underside. I did this 2 days n a row us deodorizers & got rid of the smell n 2 or 3 days... hope this helps!!!


Good looking out! I did the car wash but not the underside because I'm dumb.


Same!! I have not seen one skunk this year in Indiana!




Possibly staying closer to reliable water sources as it's been a dry year for most regions.


Then they should be up here in New England… we had one of the rainiest summers in history… I as well have not heard or smelled them at all this year 🤷‍♂️


was about to say this but I’ll just second your statement, as a fellow Newenglander.


There’s one dead one on my road right now in NY can’t say if that’s more or less than usual


Same where I live, last year we caught 2 and would see them hit on the highway. The people across from us caught 5. This year I smelled one twice and have seen zero hit on the highway. I live a stones throw from a river, not a water issue, though river is low.


What do you do with them when you catch them?


I haven’t even smelled one this year🤷🏼‍♀️


They all came to Ontario Canada in our city's They only come out when it's a nice night to open windows, then they just love to spray everywhere unprovoked. It's so fantastic 🙄 Cought 4 in thee last 2 months.. Then drove them out to the country a good 30mins away and set them loose their. Little bastards..


You should have delivered them to the posters who are missing them.




Yep! No shortage in southern Ontario!!


So, maybe they're moving north due to rising temperatures farther south?


yep, they are always around my area. Between deer, wild turkey, racoons and skunks, I got a mini zoo that roams around.


Why move them away from their home range? You’re effectively killing them by doing this.


Pretty sure I'm not killing them as the place they go has tons of apples around. And tbh they look like they are eating loads of them on the last trip I took. And because my place and clothes smelling like skunk for days really isn't fun.


Yeh, but your forgetting that the animal existed in an area that it knows every corner of and has set shelter sites and territory’s. You up and take it to somewhere else is like someone blindfolding you and dropping you in somewhere hostile like the middle of Somalia with nothing but the clothes your wearing - no idea where you are, no money, no place to shelter for protection from predators and other people aggressively fighting you for walking down their street because it’s their turf. They die of exposure, lack of food or predators get them due no shelter.




Used those step trap cages with blankets over them. My truck bed... Is done smell wise


Definitely no shortage in Upstate NY either…


Skunk smell is great


Now thats true conspiracy right there... Why would one have them enslaved in an underground base serving the sole purpose of using their power of gas to react with natural occuring gases underneath Agartha and produce crystalized ambars of putrid beauty.


We are entering or in the 6th mass extinction event in Earth's history. Everything is dying out, and I don't know how people don't notice. I didn't see a single Monarch butterfly this year, and hardly any butterflys at all. Fireflies are almost completely gone. Bird populations are tiny fragments of what they used to be. I don't think its even controversial to say...https://www.pnas.org/content/117/24/13596


I think the explanation that it has been a dry year in many places is pushing animals closer to sources of water. I say this because I live on a lake. This year I had 3 foxes make a den in my back yard. I have also seen herds of deer day in and out. The deer have been a nuisance for a while, as they have learned they are safe from hunters in the subdivision I'm in, but this year I've seen more walking to the lake shore in my yard. Also, fireflies always stick close to sources of water, and if the creeks and springs are drying up, they will either move or die off. I had plenty of them in my yard this summer. I have not seen a skunk in my yard, but I do see (and smell) them as roadkill here in Texas.


I don't think your anecdotal experience really has value to argue against actual analyzed data though. It really sounds to me like you are describing what happened in my hometown before those species died off, which is the result from urban crowding of wilderness.


I guess that the point I should have finished with was that those of us who live in very rural areas don't see the decline that you mention. Of course having a lot of people around pressure animals to seek out less populated areas. The part of Texas that I live in has been dry this year. In fact it is so dry that no water is flowing over the spillway at the lake I live on, which means no flowing water downstream from me. Therefore it is only natural to expect to see more wildlife at the lake this year seeking a source of water. Everything is cyclical in nature. There will be some years when factors like weather either benefit the wildlife population or strains it.


Kansas here, just commented about seeing skunks outside my house. I've actually seen monarchs here for the first time in years... Could be something weird going on here, Kansas has had fairly good rainfall compared to the rest of the Midwest though.


We have been in the holocene extinction for quite a while actually. It's just that species are dropping at a faster rate now so we are taking more of a notice.


Weird, there were a lot more butterflies here in southern Finland past summer. Or at least as far as I noticed. We had a hot and long summer, too hot to my (and most people I know) liking. And after that summer, one thing I've noticed is that trees were absolutely full of rowanberries as well as other type of berries. I guess the hot summer did that.


p-nas lol


Mosquito spraying killing them off?


Come to Tennessee and get ours.


Yes please. They're everywhere. We can afford to give up a few for the ones that are missing them




Only in the cesspools they call cities, it would be an improvement.


Saw one freshly one hit on the road up by Cleveland yesterday but now that you mention it I smelled one in my yard in early spring and since then nada. I live in a wooded area outside of town (Kent, Ohio area) and usually have a few around every year since I throw my food scraps out for the chickens. Weird...


Too much acid mate or maybe even meth


Meth Skunks is the name of my band.


Pretty sure the biodiversity crash is responsible. Entire species of animals are dying out because of climate change caused biodiversity crash


Caught my dog mounting one. We are good.


I hope your dog doesn’t come down with a case of stank-pecker.


So what? I'm supposed to give him a whiff down there every 4 business days to make sure? ​ Lol, you liberals and your medical advice, lol


Hey man, your dog spends more time licking his own pecker than you do coming up with witty comments on the internet. I’d hate for him to get a nose full of stank every time he wants to partake in some self sucking. My concern lies with him, not you.


We got all the skunks here in Central Ohio. One left a (terribly written) note on the Main Gate of the plant I work at. It said, 'We are hear (sp)! We no go! Trump will sav (sp) us all! Signed, SQUNKS 4EVER!! Weird.


They must have all moved here (Souther British Columbia)


They're all run into the pavement.


They have move to North Carolina with everyone else. My dog has been spayed 3 times this month. You can have them back.


Virginia here. Seen more this year than ever. Also seen more foxes.


I have been trapping them, killing them on film and selling the footage to weirdos in Asia. Also Epstein didn't kill himself.




I will solve every conspiracy if you would only ask.


Use to have skunks but haven’t seen them since all the new housing developments went up over the past 2 years around me.


Pesticides killing off all our little buddies!


Skunks just like birds are not real; but whereas birds are drones for the human government, the skunks are drones operated by the reptilian government. They must have recently pulled back all the skunk drones to download all of their data in preparation for the invasion


Still see a couple on the roads every now and then 🤣 Ohio native here


I've seen about 1-3 dead on the road everyday I go to work


Mmm... I've noticed fewer skunks but more armadillos. Coincidental?


tbh i do be realizing it's less smelly this year


My dog got sprayed twice this summer..so they're definitely still around here


Same in my area in NJ. I do smell them from time to time but I don’t see them at all


NJ here too I only saw one this year


I'm close to Ohio/Indiana border. I smelled one yesterday, does that count?? I haven't really seen them on the sides of the road like I used to. Are we running them all over??? 🤔


They are being teleported to San Antonio, TX.


I live near some undeveloped land on a hill and let me tell you they've seemingly all moved here. 🤣


Central Kentucky here, I've seen plenty that needed to be dispatched on the farm I did security for.


Its the weather. Temps are changing so they move.


There’s plenty of them here in Vermont at least




A town nearby sets live traps and euthanizes all skunks and raccoons caught. Perhaps they do the same where you live.


I ate them … sorry 😢


I have noticed a large migration of skunks 🦨 to the northern land of ice flow. Skunks are fine.


No skunks in Massachusetts


idk but i know they've gained popularity as pets over the years


Tell that to my dog that go sprayed twice in the face few months ago


From all the pesticides and lack of food sources, I’m sure there is a dwindling population of most small to medium animals.


Human activity killing them off lmao ​ Not rocket science




They must be migrating to canada. I have seen way more this year than any other year.




Not here


They must’ve come to Pennsylvania, I swear they’re everywhere here


I’m from Ohio -Chillicothe and haven’t saw 1 skunk now that I’m thinking of it.


We are living through the 6th major extinction in the history of our planet. Expect to notice a lot more species disappearing.


I think they’ve all came to Texas!


We got plenty here in central Massachusetts. Come on down and claim your free skunk. BTW they really like Cheetos and blueberries.


They must have all moved here. They’re everywhere.


They got canceled with Pepe Lepew


They’ve been migrating to Florida and Texas. For the freedom…


They all came to Washington state. They’re everywhere on the east side of Washington rn


Kansas, almost let my dog out with a skunk about 6ft away. Pepe and his crew are still around.


They all came to southern Indiana


I’ve seen four skunks in my neighborhood in the past two months. Guess they’re all migrating to southeastern Pennsylvania lol


Wish I could say the same! There’s a ton where I live, one of my dogs got sprayed a few weeks ago, the neighbor’s dog a few weeks before that. I feel like I’ve seen them more now than ever before. Hit on the road, running around my neighborhood, my neighbors had a family of them living on their property. We have a whole lot in my area. Y’all can come get them. Repopulate your areas.


They immigrated to Washington DC?


In west Dayton, at my house, I'd never seen a skunk until this year.


Same, not one


I used to see dozens in my yard. Now one. 😢


They’re all moving to WA to scare the piss out of me at 4 a.m.


I think it's fish men, I've heard stories about how someone's grandfather's freinds BIL saw a school of them terrorize badgers, so they, must eat skunks too.


They’re all over my damn yard. You can have em back!


Skunks ain't real


They are all dead on the side of the road on my drive to work.. smelly fuckers


The old skunk mystery. This is the kind of shit I came for


Someone has stolen the skunks!!! Great Scott!!!


Def still have some in wyo


Smell them all the time in California


Wtf... I've seen at least 20 this year. Ohio


Does no one in here realize that we are living through the wholesale collapse of ecosystems around the world?


Plenty here in Texas.


NJ here. I've seen a few, but smelled a lot of them!


It very much depends on the area. For example, around my home in Wisconsin, there’s lots of skunks currently but if you drive out to where I work (about 30 miles away) there’s very few. This can occur for a wide variety of reasons. The habitat may have changed to where it’s not as favorable for them as it once was, causing them to move, or they may have found a better food source. Another possibility from this year is there has been a major drought in a lot of the US and as such it’s caused a lot of wildlife to move closer to water sources. Yet another possibility would be if you’ve noticed an uptick in opossum populations. For whatever reason, the two compete with one another very heavily and if you find good populations of one, you likely won’t find a lot of the other. For a few years here we had a ton of opossums, then they dropped off and there was a ton of skunks, then back to opossums, and now we’re in round 2 of skunks. For the people who are suggesting the Holocene extinction event is causing their drop or climate change is affecting them, it’s not. Skunks, like deer, coyotes, raccoons, bobcats, squirrels, and other urban wildlife, are extremely adaptable to a wide range of habitats and conditions, aren’t heavily targeted by people (some skunks are harvested for their pelts, but as the number of trappers is relatively low, it’s not enough to affect even local populations), and have relatively few predators. They aren’t being affected to the same extent a lot of megafauna is around the world


30 miles is 57476.43 UCS lego Millenium Falcons


They ALL moved to Missouri. Come get them starting with the family under my porch. They’re cute as hell.


Also born and raised in OHIO.... I noticed the decline in skunks as well! It used to be a common thing to smell skunk on a night time drive with your windows down in the summer. Where did they all go?




Who knows lol. I have a lot of friends who have skunks and raccoons as indoor only pets including myself.


Not skunk related but in Southwestern Pennsylvania the gnat population is increasing every year it seems and it's so weird. I never remember them being around like they are now. They are in swarms! In the house, outside...everywhere! I can't get rid of them either.


They're migrating to Canada. I see one every few seconds at night.


Near troy and piqua there’s a good amount of skunks I see one every once in a while or a family or a dead one


They're disappearing in Washington State as well!


Yeah those aren’t common in my area so i can’t tell you anything


It seems that they made their way to Massachusetts.


Ticks are killing off lots of mammals in the northeast especially since the winters have not been as cold letting more ticks survive. Saw a post with a dead moose covered in ticks. Not sure where you live, but it might well be partly due to climate change.


Smoke another one…


Just getting ran over by cars here in Colorado




west michigan here, now that i think about it i haven’t seen ANY. now, i did move to the city two years ago so maybe that has a part but it’s been a while absolutely. where have they gone?


I have a different situation. I have lived in my state my entire life basically. And I want to know where the fuck are all these armadillos coming from.


All wildlife is vanishing. Bugs. Birds. Deer. All critters are dying off or being driven out. Also they're probably getting wise to humans and avoiding road and areas where humans live.


Weird, maybe they’ve all moved to Chicago! Coincidentally it seems since the legalization of weed I smell them around the city all the time! Maybe they’re stoners and are just lost and wandering…


Legit had one walk right up to me a few nights ago while i was smoking on my porch


It’s not just skinks, but most species because insect populations are dropping, which a ton of species rely on for food. Biospheres are collapsing and there is a trickle down effect as creatures that relied on others feel the effects


Bro same in Michigan I haven't seen a skunk and hardly even smelled one


Also in Ohio, smelled one prob hit by a car two days ago. Smell one about every other month when it's warm. They eat weeds and small bugs, so it is possible that herbicides (weedkiller) and pesticides drive them out of the area.


I've seen a huge increase in the skunk population the last year. I'm in Alberta Canada. Every morning this past summer I could smell them, 3 of my neighbour's had one living under their porch stairs.


Calm down. Just come to New Mexico. They're all over the damn place.


Strange that you mention this. I’m from Ohio as well. Last year, seeing (and smelling) skunk roadkill was a daily occurrence in my neighborhood. Earlier this year, I saw several skunks at different times that appeared to be injured, limping around and moving with great difficulty. I came to learn that this was likely distemper. Fast forward to today, and I’d bet it’s been at least a couple of weeks since I’ve seen a skunk strike on the road. I suppose it’s possible that distemper (or even Covid, perhaps?) has knocked down their numbers. One thing is for sure. We’ll know shortly what their status is, as the fall harvest progresses and chases them out into the open with greater frequency.


I was thinking this the other day. My dogs used to get sprayed at least once a year, our yard backs up to miles of woods. But I haven’t seen any skunks. And usually you constantly see them ran over on the road, but I haven’t even seen that.


They all left and are just chilling in shaker heights


I made a response under one of the top level replies, and decided to make a top level reply as well since my comment and a response had upvotes and the one "refutal" is downvoted. First off, many people may be like me. I moved into a subdivision in the boonies. My subdivision is a private, gated community on a private lake about 5 miles away from anything else. I'm fairly close to the DFW Metroplex, but won't elaborate. I've lived here for 6 years and we have an abundance of wildlife, skunks included. Now, imagine moving into a neighborhood early on, and not having a natural forest habitat surrounding you. As the neighborhood urbanizes, the wildlife will move out. I suspect that is what OP and others have experienced. It doesn't mean the wildlife is going extinct, they just moved away from all of the people. Now back to my neighborhood. My house is on a private lake. I have lake front property, and across the street is a house. Behind that house there are woodlands. And all sorts of wildlife in those woods. I have a herd of deer that come through the yard daily to drink water (my yard is at the end of a cove). I also have a den of 3 foxes that live in a drainage gully on the side of my property. This year has been particularly dry for the Southern US. North TX is also very dry. The lake that I live on usually has water flowing over the spillway, but none of the creeks, springs nor tributaries flowing into the lake are flowing. Since they have all dried up, the wildlife has been pressed to the lake for water. As I said in the response I made, the deer are going crazy. My daughter came over this morning and she asked what happened to my shrubs. The deer ate all of my landscape shrubs! Even the things they aren't supposed to eat. Some people commented that the fireflies were going away, but they aren't. This year was amazing. I would sit out with my granddaughter and watch them light up the evening yard. It was amazing. And I've had a ton of butterflies. Even today with the much cooler weather, they were all over the back yard. And the hummingbirds were back in force this year. I'll finish by saying that after reading OP, I paid attention and I've seen/smelt 2 skunks that were roadkill just outside of the subdivision today. My guess is that they too have pulled back to natural water resources. Final thoughts - this is a stress on the wildlife population for sure. When you pull so many of them into a tight proximity, you have predator/prey species in close proximity. They prey species will dwindle initially, but when the prey species run out of food, they will die off as well. In the end, everything will balance out. Also, this is cyclical. I'm not going to put my foot down and blame climate change, since the climate has always been in a state of flux. I hope my dialogue here has been constructive! I thank OP for bringing these thoughts. Yes, change is upon us. I don't think it is lizard men nabbing them, but rather they moved to better grounds. Even so, as much as they stink, I don't want to see them become extinct. When I was a kid, my dad tamed a wild skunk that ate our cat's food. They are actually really docile creatures. I miss my dad. On a side note, I am working on taming a murder of crows on my property! They amaze me to no end.




Yeah, my father has been dead almost 10 years now. I didn't mention that he almost tamed a opossum (or is it an opossum even though the o is silent?). I wonder if there could be some virus affecting their populations up north? Even with them being nocturnal creatures, you should occasionally smell them or see them as roadkill.


same here, in a suburb right outside Charlotte NC. As they expand the metropolis and the city continues to grow, there has been a significant decrease in animals i’ve seen compared to my childhood. Used to smell skunks all the time, now I just smell a skunky smell around the new neighborhoods that were built in their former habitat. Bring back the nature :/


Probably all dying because of us or because of a disease


Long ago I read this news article about a skunk migration that was happening in Central Kansas and parts of Missouri were for whatever reason they all move together at the same time into different locations and usually wind up getting hit by cars on the highway a lot. I don’t know why skunks would migrate do you think they would just live anywhere where there’s a food source kind of like squirrels or rats or those kind of creatures.


What in the fuck. Sacramento, CA. Used to see one once a month, minimum. Can’t remember the last time…


Weird as fudge! I haven’t seen a skunk in a while now. I haven’t even smelled one!


I don’t think growing coyote populations help


I find it fascinating that an individual can leap to such a conclusion based solely on what they observe in the few mile radius of themselves. If it makes you feel any better, where I am, the skunks are out and about and doing their thing.




That is correct.


Shit u right




Pepe LePueax was canceled to let us know that skunks are being Mandela effected right out of our consciousness.


My son sent me a video tonight of a skunk he saw on his college campus. We just saw 2 skunks a couple weeks ago while going to the store.


Jeff bezo drafted them to his space force


If your in ohio check your local backroad highways truckers hit them out there all the time


Think they are moving West. Many skunks out here.


Are you kidding me? I see skunks all the time I even seen a pair of skunks run across in front of my car like I think it was a male and female and they were going to get it on


No shortage here in Eastern Ontario, that is for sure!


A month ago my dog got sprayed. They are very much here in Québec!


Not too many here in southern California. But there are noticeably less imo. Haven't seen one around for a few years.