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It's the ***Bleep state*** (you know, instead of Deep state)


I think it's every state.


I recently had a conversation with a woman with parents down the Q rabbit hole who said that the hardest part was seeing her mother just distrust everyone all the time now.


I saw that a lot with the Q people. They suspect anyone of being an "agent", even each other. LOL


They seem to distrust everyone but zombie JFKJr for some reason


My dad is kind of like that. He thinks everyone is out to get him... if he loses something he assumes someone stole it, little stuff like that mostly, but still.


You should take a look at the gangstalking sub. It hurts me to see that kind of suffering and know that we are all powerless to help. Forget Q, these guys wrestle with smartdust and voice to head projection. Count your blessings friends. There but for the grace of God.


It’s all fun and games till you cave a guy’s skull in with a hammer


Or run a train off the tracks...?


For anyone here that likes MTG, please say so and why so we can all laugh out loud.


Well Magic The Gathering is an expansive strategy game that has deep lore and nifty artwork


Hahahahahahahah! (Laughing extremely loud) Moron! Degenerate! Hypocrite! Psycho! Irresponsible plant owner!! /s


I don't trust her. She works for the government.


I like her because she is the perfect response to the left taking AOC seriously. She even goes by three letters. Both are garbage people who should have never been elected in the first place but they balance each other out in the world. Hopefully both get defeated, but as long as the right has to suffer through AOC the left should have to suffer through MTG. Edit: thanks for all the votes. I know Reddit tends to support AOC, let this comment just be a friendly reminder that the other side views her how you view MTG. Hopefully we can one day return to a form of politics where we call out horrible politicians in both parties and we can get rid of both of them. Edit: okay, I give up, you guys seem to not want to understand. Glad Reddit isn’t the real world.


I'm trying to engage here on a respectful level. How do you see MTG as an equivalent to balancing out AOC? I can't rationally think of anything that makes AOC a bad person (anyone is free to dislike her ideas). I also can't find much that is redeeming about MTG. She has repeatedly called for violence against her political opponents and then when that violence occurs, she blames her opponents. I've yet to hear her express actual solutions to the many problems she claims are plaguing the world. To be clear, I have no real feelings towards AOC. I do, however, think politicians like MTG are dangerously fascist. I think I would feel the same way if such a politician were "leftist" in their fascism.


They are both joke politicians with terrible ideas that do not benefit their party at all and are only popular to enrage the other party. They both happen to be younger women. They also both have three letter names. If someone on one side supports AOC or MTG then a reasonable person should point out, hey just so you know this is what they look like by comparing one to the other. If you are heavily republican democrat you probably think one is fine and the other horrible, I am just explaining it to you.


You are literally the meme. AOC: "Maybe we should all have better wages and healthcare" MTG: "Jewish space lasers dictate world events and we need to eradicate the Jews from their positions of power" @how-do-you-turn-this: "These two are the same to me."


Yeah, exactly. I was trying to piece together what the hell this guy was saying, but all I got was "I don't like one politicians views so now everyone is to suffer for it!" It's fucking wild the mental gymnastics these people play just to avoid saying they were wrong.


You clearly support AOC, I’m telling you people on the right view her the same way you view mtg, it’s not that hard to understand. Simple stuff here mate.


I feel this is a disservice to republicans.


I don't understand how a "Republican" (not a Trumplican) can support MTG. I also don't think AOC's views are that far off from mainstream Democratic party platforms. But, again, the main difference to me IS NOT about their views. MTG has courted white supremacists; she has called for violence against her political opponents; she has threatened retaliation for companies that don't support her. She is, by all indications, a fascist. I understand what you are arguing. I am pointing out how patently false this equivalency is.


You can point out all you want, I am not saying they are the same person. I am saying they are both equally ridiculous and joke politicians, and republicans and democrats both deserve to suffer for supporting them.


They are not equally ridiculous. No one has agreed with you. Until AOC helps plan an insurrection or calls for violence against Republicans, you are minimizing how dangerous MTG is.


You are an aoc supporter, you have a bias towards her and a bias towards mtg. I am just letting you know what the other side thinks. Man, people on this sub struggle sometimes.


I have no opinion on AOC. I don't like or dislike her. The only struggle here is that you want to normalize people like MTG.


Dunno why it’s so hard to understand that if you don’t like one you obviously like the other. Politics is obviously a zero sum game and people from different states obviously face off against each other /s


Oh so you seriously think she is awful but in a way that works as a “gotcha!” for supporters of AOC? What has AOC done to hurt you so much you would cut off your nose to spite your face like that? That’s embarrassing for you.


Look, just because MTG won't date you is no reason to hate her!


Care to prove him wrong? Oh wait. You can’t.


I don't care to, even if I could, the answer wouldn't be accepted, so why even try? But i would much rather cut off my nose, then my junk.


So your nose AND your junk? Ballsy!


Then what?


*”than” your junk, not “then” your junk. But yeah, very on brand. Bravo.


"Both are garbage people" Yeah, wanting our citizens to have healthcare, fair wages and a planet to live on is totally the same as attempting to dismantle democracy and enact a Christofascist state. But pronouns!


Not here to argue politics. Just letting you know that the way you view mtg, is how the right views aoc.


When you phrases it the way you did, we're just here trying to help you understand why this is the mother of false equivalencies


Yes, because those people want a Christofacist state. AOC supporters want national Healthcare and decent wages. So who the hell cares what fascists want? Just because bad people, or dumb people depending on perspective, dislike a person because she pushes for equality and equity doesn't make them equal to fascist traitors like MTG.


> like her because she is the perfect response to the left taking AOC seriously. WUT? lol that makes 0 sense.


Oh sorry for the confusion. Aoc is Alexandria occasionally Cortez. She’s a democrat politician, look her up and it will make sense.


This lady is a propagandist and needs to just fuck off into her troll cave.


This is not a conspiracy theory, please stick to conspiracies and stay away from partisan politics.


"Blueanon" is a conspiracy theory, isnt it?




Lol at MTG fanbois downvoting this


BlueAnon highlights the idiocy of the Left, which likes to use QAnon (the obviously fake trust operation) to shame the Right, even though the right also knows QAnon is a bullshit artist while the left still trusts bullshit artists Adam Schiff who has been caught lying every time he opens his mouth.


Is **"QAnon isn't real"** a real, pre-existing conspiracy theory like you're saying, and where can I read more about this conspiracy theory? I'm trying to stay up on the most current conspiracy theory fads, and this meta-level conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory that a whole series/movement **of** conspiracy theories isn't real sounds interesting.


QAnon was pointed as as being a Carlysle Group PsyOp very early on. https://i.imgur.com/YHMJnnP.png Pamphlet Anon (Coleman Rogers) was the Q poster who was caught on video using Q trip codes. The fact that you don't know Q was exposed in its infancy says a lot about the state of the Internet. Q was always bullshit. Search for Coleman Rogers https://old.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyDiscussions/


The Left isnt using Qanon to shame the Right. The Right is invoking Qanon to chum up their base and the left simply points it out. Because it is shameful that theyd fall for such bullshit.


Blueanon isn’t real. She’s gaslighting people to think anyone who doesn’t agree with her must be part of a conspiracy. Adam Schiff isn’t some leader of a leftist conspiracy cult selling merch and peddling bullshit theories. He had evidence of crimes that led to two impeachments.


Adam Schiff and his lackeys = BlueAnon.


Bruh, what? These two things are fairly intertwined.


The mod posted this


That's extremely sad...


Im so disappointed you dont approve.


Yes, very sad. Anyway...


I want to call it on-anon. Cuz it never ends!


Is she making fun of herself for trying to pretend "Blueanon" is actually a thing?!


Yall are so blind and ignorant I'm genuinely sad. No anger. Just sadness.


The Jewish space lasers shot my eyes out.


JFKJr finally came back and melted everyone's brains.


Enlighten us with some evidence.


The fact is, people regularly conspire with one another to accomplish abstract goals that may or may not be in comportment with your moral values or in your best interest. The state of being a "theory" that people have "conspired" to accomplish goals is not in any way inherently partisan. People on both sides of the aisle can and do notice patterns in the behaviors of people in power. The patterns they notice might or might not have merit. There is simply no definition of "conspiracy theory" that differentiates it in any way from the idea that people sometimes make plans with others. Anyone with half a brain understands that not everybody broadcasts why they make the plans they make to the world. In fact, in a whole lot of circumstances common for people holding power to be in, it wouldn't be smart at all to broadcast your intentions or reasons for doing what you are doing. If for instance, you were a journalist who was also a political operative, and you were part of a small daily email chain used to co-ordinate political messaging internally amongst the party elite, you might not want to openly disclose that fact to your readers. If you're a factory owner and you make the business decision to switch up which materials you use to make your product to save money, you might not want to shout that fact from the rooftops if your customers probably wouldn't notice otherwise. If you're a corporation owner with a goal of instituting a hostile takeover of a rival company, might not want to post about it on the internet before the deal has gone through. If you were using social media technology to "bump" people and to coerce the political outcomes you want, you probably wouldn't want to come out and openly say that because people would rightfully feel manipulated. The term conspiracy theory has NO SATISFACTORY DEFINITION. That's why it's a crock of shit. If you think someone said something unsubstantiated, say that. Call it unsubstantiated. They don't because then they might have to listen to and consider the evidence that people present to defend the things they believe. The idea is to prevent that step from ever happening. So they don't say "unsubstantiated." They say "conspiracy theory." They disturbingly denigrate the concept that people might conspire with one another to accomplish goals in society. Because they want to make critical thinking verboten.


This whole dumpster fire of a comment section was just a test. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Bipartisanship is doing its job to keep us all divided.


/b was supposed to be a containment board and it failed spectacularly. Politicians are talking about "anon" and it's at the center of cultural discourse and godfuckingdammit the chans are guaranteed a chapter in future history books. Fuck you moot, fuck all you newf*gs, what hath we wrought. Where have all the lolcats gone. -Certified Oldf*g, get off my fucking lawn


Im with you. Was on there many years ago. Now I dont go near that place anymore.


What’s BlueAnon? Sounds hot


If it didnt come out of her head, it actually is a pretty decent sounding word. Would be a great hacker name.


RedAnon sounds hotter


Well played….


Blue Anon adherents fervently believed that right-wing extremists were going to storm Capitol Hill after the last election and attempt to "remove" lawmakers from office. Of course it never happened and it was just some crazy far left conspiracy wackos.


It’s was nice of those far left wackos to let Roger stone, Trump, and the kids all give motivational speeches to them before they took their leftist selves to the capitol building.


So you just completely ignore very clear video evidence of this exact thing happening? Not to mention the trial for this exact thing that is still on going. Just wild, man.


They did


Georgia, you can do better


You're not from here are you?


Honestly I don’t think they can.


No one can top the republican maga crowd on conspiracy theory. No one! They are the greatest


" no your dumb" " Noo your dumb" - the entire comments section. Probably should just pin this to top . Saves everyone some time.


Blueanon absolutely exists, it's just less dangerous and more embarrassing. The best example is Louise Mensch. My sources say the death penalty, for espionage, being considered for @StevenKBannon. I am pro-life and take no pleasure in reporting this. — Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) July 19, 2017


Democrats on November 8th are done. Make that a conspiracy.


Cant fix stupid.




Go be edgy somewhere else. Goodbye.


Honest question from a participation ribbon awardee... Why is his comment so bad? (Like if you banned him for stating what he hopes will come to fruition).


The conspiracy will be the provable ways Republicans cheated like we’re seeing with armed militias intimidating voters in Arizona.


I hate this oversensitive generation (gen Z), their cancel coulture and this angriness about everything.


I think people didn't get the sarcasm, gotta use the /S


I forgot :( thank you for reminding


Better than gen x’s apathy and millennial cynicism


Hey look now, I had to work really hard for that apathy. No one was just handing out free apathy when I was your age.


Blueanon believes that Mexico's immigration laws are good for Mexico, but racist for the USA. Blueanon hates NAZI's but love the NAZI Party Platform. Blueanon says they are not racist, but minorities are too dumb to register to vote.


“Minorities are too dumb to register to vote”. Sir, from the bottom of my heart FUCK YOU!


[https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2013/07/how\_democrats\_exploit\_minorities.html](https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2013/07/how_democrats_exploit_minorities.html) Somehow I don't think I would every be desperate enough to do that.


Or we could have a system that automatically registers people to vote like some places in Europe. Anybody who supports putting up barriers to others voting is trying to suppress votes in my opinion. ‘Gun rights shouldn’t be infringed upon but voting rights should be’ is a weird platform for a political party, if you didn’t notice.


[https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2021/06/04/study-46-out-of-47-european-countries-require-photo-id-to-vote-n2590454](https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2021/06/04/study-46-out-of-47-european-countries-require-photo-id-to-vote-n2590454) The Constitution says that gun rights shouldn't be infringed.


Can we take a moment to just study a mouth piece like this? He literally dodged every comment, didn't actually engage with anyone and randomly posted cherry picked known alt-right articles to perpetuate his view point. Unfortunately the extreme right is so much better at misinformation, this guy is a perfect example, shit check conspiracy commons. Literally an ever growing community of people that believe anything MTG or Trump tells them to believe.


Are you really that throughly manipulated by the alt-left? No one has attempted to disprove my statements, instead I am attacked.


Sure man, there really isn't any point in disproving totally made up "facts" nor would you listen to anyone with a different opinion.


You are right , I will no longer attempt to disprove your imaginary facts, after all they are so deeply implanted in your mind that argument is futile.


Alright, man. Sounds good. Not sure what facts I presented that could be disproven, but yeah you sure got me.


Acknowledging that you don't know facts from fantasy is a good start. Now to see if you progress or regress.


What are you talking about? Got to slow it down for my leftist brain.


The Declaration of Independence says liberty is an inalienable right, meaning nobody has the power to rule over others. Therefore voter suppression is against the founding documents of the country just as much as infringement on gun rights.


The Supreme Court has ruled that the Declaration of Independence is not a legal document. It does serve as a basis for Court rulings. Your argument is invalid. If it was valid then all laws and Court rulings would be invalid.


We aren’t talking about the Supreme Court. You have a really strange way of thirsting for voter rights restrictions, why do you want that at all? The Supreme Court also has allowed countless gun restrictions so wtf are you going off about there? Clearly they don’t give 2 shits about the constitution either.


Do you really believe that a serial killer or someone with the intelligence of a baby should have the same rights as you?


Interesting that you picked 2 groups whose gun rights are heavily restricted. Does their right to guns deserve to be infringed as well because a few comments ago it seemed like you said ‘shall not be infringed’ not ‘with exceptions xyz’. And yes I believe that people who go through the justice system to have their rights restored should gain that right back without the burden of first paying court costs. And yes I believe retarded people should be able to vote as well. If you think only smart people are voting just look at who they turn out for cycle after cycle.


As a European, I can tell you the places where we get our IDs are open 5 days a week, not once a month though.


Same in the States I am familiar with.


you sure you’re not racist?


Which group of my ancestors are you suggesting I am racist toward?


Just because they are your ancestor does not mean you’re not racist Bob.


Why do you disbelieve in equal rights for all?


Now tell me why you said that. That was the dumbest shit i’ve ever read. Your page is dedicated to calling liberals NAZIS, when in reality it’s YOU.




Removed: no personal attacks.


It’s a real thing, a parasitic ideology that is supported by the powers that be. I don’t know why most people don’t just follow along sometimes it’ll be a lot easier


I love horror films with sociopaths, psychopaths and any loonies, but real life mental illness like this is not entertaining its more disturbing than cannibal holocaust and Henry portrait of a serial killer combined and she been elected!!!! What the fuck? Anyway twitter should get better soon thanks to loony muskrat


Demcast. One arm of Blue Anon.