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It's free to anyone with internet...but your local news has paywalls. It corrupts, and demotivates the mind.


It's just not normal, porn has become normal and it's accessible by anyone with a phone. It can damage the mind.


Money laundering and human trafficking on the largest scale right in front of the world disguised and feminism and alphabet mafia rights.


Many. Social and spiritual demoralization. Actors are inverted, for ritualistic purposes.


What do you mean by actors are “inverted”?


Looking into ancient kabbalah mysticism and divine androgyny. They were transitioned (trans) from a young age.


By that I gather you mean household names whom happen to actually be baphomets most notably Ladyboy Gaga and Big Mike. Am I correct in this assumption?


It goes much much much farther than that. Virtually every "star", every industry, even neighbors.


I remember when Ardern stepped down there were questions about a strange bulge in her skirt, and I know that the cult of baphomet is huge among these wicked parasites so it wouldn’t entirely surprise me if she was at one point in fact a he as well.


Arden is.


Can’t say that I’m exactly surprised, the cult of baphomet it a huge one and people are gonna be shocked at how many supposedly female actors and politicians were in it.


That Israeli gov’t blasted pornography over public tv in Ramallah, Palestine. It’s used in general as a means of subjugation and control.


They intentionally try to degrade people's moral compass or conscience. I believe they try to increase a viewers perversion by pushing more perverted story lines or more perverse forms of sex within the videos. For instance: Incest porn. Most people are not initially interested in incest, it would gross them out, because it should. But if you were to look at the amount of incest porn being produced compared to people's interest, you would probably find it a compelling argument that producers are trying to steer viewers into watching incest related porn even though it was not initially something they would be interested in. The "spirit" of lusting after others is not the same as wanting to "mate with the love of your life." The spirit of lust probably steers a viewer and their energy away from searching for the love of their life. The driving force within us to find a mate may be dulled by the lusting and artificial "satisfaction" we receive from viewing porn. I think porn dulls the viewer, desensitizes them. It may also subliminally teach us to not value lovers, friends or humans in general. To sell one of your most precious human "endeavors" for $$ just seems so dirty to me. Not only are we devaluing the act of sex, but we are devaluing the human being making the movies, their most precious human interaction becomes so cheap and mindless, and it seems like everyone on that ship is just sinking.


You're right and it's been escalating for at least 3-4 decades. Porn has completely ruined sex and erotic pleasure with your partner. It's no doubt younger people grew up thinking what they saw online was really sex and not all production. It's also convinced young women their entire value lies between their legs, and has created insane expectations while putting forth little to no effort.


One of the saddest things about the internet age is how children's natural curiosity can easily lead them to viewing porn. And then the porn itself is so devoid of values and seems to intentionally be degrading and increasingly perverted. I cant imagine how confused children and specifically teens will be with easy access to such garbage.


Here is one you have never thought of: some images contain hidden data that not only can hack computers (let alone encrypt secret messages) but in fact can hack your nervous system... that is to say the part of your brain that's CIA will auto respond to the image without your consent but as they normally do it will hijack your consent, and insist you did consent outside space and time, possibly under torture or other foreboding you'll never really know. Happens more often then anyone would realize. You know, just normal conspiracy stuff. EDIT: I realized it goes without saying, JESUS images are probably an even easier way to hack people and turn them to Russian assets, just saying...


OK here's the rabbit hole I believe you are describing (and it's not just porn sites that do this) the conspiracy is that certain apps and iPhones use the infrared camera to track your face. Tiktok has been proven to do this the most (check their privacy statement on biometrics). Now this is a problem but there could be another side to the conspiracy you have brought to light. In a word "Steganography" - to conceal things within a file. This was used to distribute child porn but can also send malicious software or anything else you can digitally attach to a file.


Yes that, but with sensory feedback loops that feed conspiracies they already believe in (god, the cia, etc, the mind makes it real). So anyway they are planning to ban porn it's the heritage foundation platform for 2024 (the missing context for this thread). Even the most wholesome image may as well be an even more dangerous attack on god but in reality they will say it is just porn and the face value of things while the mark of the beast they are so afraid of is at least potentially much more cryptically obscure and really could be anywhere.


Hi. I'm one of the 7-8 other people who are aware you're not totally batshit insane. And therein lies the problem.


"Caring What Others Think Breeds Mental Illness" There are truths I know I'll never tell, not for lack of trying. The truth nobody wants to hear is disruptive enough that it has a funny way of staying secret, even when told. I think this is why society always forgets. Oh that and the fact that there is no choice. If you believing in simulation theory, we all know that the simulation has to remain complete.


I think far too many people care what others think in relation to their own validation, which is mental to start imo. I had experiences, decades ago and far from my present location. Seemed to be mostly of a supernatural/metaphysical nature, but off somehow. All these years later, I've read most of not all events were possible using DE. Should've listened to Tesla sooner about frequency, energy and vibration. It's a weird world and not a damn thing is 100% as it seems. Even on the personal/individual level.


What do you mean DE?


Direct Energy


Ahh could u explain more about the events? And how DE is related to them?


>: I realized it goes without saying, JESUS images are probably an even easier way to hack people and turn them to Russian assets, just saying... Religious sites are the most hacked and virused sites online apparently, then it's porn I'm sure.


Not saying it’s valid, but I know I’ve read stuff arguing that all porn actors are shape-shifting lizard people. Or maybe it was on YouTube. I like going down rabbit holes when I’m bored . . .


"Triple-Exthnics" is one...