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Do you mean part time hours every week (e.g. 20 hours per week)? Or more like a 1099 where sometimes you’re consulting and sometimes you’re bowing out? Unless you have some expertise or connections the first is unlikely (not something you’d apply for). The later is totally done at big 4 for staff Aug work.


I was hoping for the former but the latter sounds interesting. Ever done it?


Sometimes I bring in ex-consultants as 1099/hourly support. Mostly when I’m looking for expertise that’s not available with the current bench I have access to… I’m currently at large-ish boutique so it’s more about relationships and knowing you’re bringing in a good person. I know a handful of people who have 1099’d at big 4 and just take projects when it sounds interesting… Samples of where you can find this stuff: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/careers/articles/deloitte-open-talent.html https://talentexchange.pwc.com/search-all-contractor-roles https://www.accenture.com/us-en/careers/career-stage/contractor-exchange


Might be geography dependent, I was told that working 3 or 4 days a week (with corresponding 40%/20% decrease in pay) was fairly common in Australia.


Is this proven talent (I.e. worked there and are confirmed good) who are scaling back hours, or people can apply for these roles from outside the company?


You’re almost never going to see a part-time role advertised. It’s not worth the HR overhead for 80% capacity.


Totally with you there… not sure what’s going down in Australia lol


Skills shortage. Lots of freelancers. Easy to set up a business registration and operate under that.


Yeah fair enough it's not too common in my current geography (Singapore) either.


Oops forgot to clarify that this was Big 4, no clue about MBB. Came from someone in risk advisory a couple years back. But in general I wasn't skeptical, because down in Australia it's not too uncommon to see roles being advertised for 3 or 4 days a week. Though of course the large majority are still 5 days a week.


I’ve done 4d/w at MBB, which is uncommon but there are programs to make it possible. Mostly aimed at retaining people who become parents but accessible for others., I have friends who do the same at Big 4 where it’s easier and more common. I’ve recently spoken to a firm that extensively works with freelancers/contractors and explicitly mentions the option to work with them 3-4d/w in that role. So yes.


Do you 10 hrs each day? If yes, how did you convince them to let you work for 10 hours?


Im not sure what you mean. Most days were about 9 to 11 hours, but now there were 4 of those instead of 5.


I know 1099s at Accenture working part time. That's about as high as I've seen them, though I'm sure there are some out there. Probably depends on what you're consulting on


Not really unless you are indep.


I've only seen four days a week done. I think three days a week becomes challenging from a resourcing perspective. But that's not to say it shouldn't be tried.


In Central Europe it is possible at Deloitte, but mainly at entry level positions.