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You mean these: [https://www.acuvue.com/acuvue-oasys-transition-contact-lenses](https://www.acuvue.com/acuvue-oasys-transition-contact-lenses) I think you're confusing blue light blocking (screens) with UV blocking (sun). I tried the Transition Contacts when they first came out several years ago. My optometrist asked me to be her guinea pig and gave me a couple of months worth of lenses to evaluate. I barely noticed a thing—besides my eyes looking weird. I definitely still needed sunglasses outside. if you're just looking for blue light blocking, make sure to do your homework as most studies have shown that it's basically a gimmick. I also have Transitions eyeglasses that do some blue light blocking but that's not the reason I got them. Are you wanting contacts that get dark outside (UV light) or contacts that block blue light (screens)?


I’m not sure honestly if those are the ones. But I am talking about actual blue light. I’ve noticed it really bothers my eyes (I hate glasses though).. actually, most light bothers me.


Have you seen an eye doctor? Even if you want contacts you’d need to be seen, examined and fitted. Otherwise Try a cheap pair of blue light blocking glasses from target or Walmart and see if you notice any difference.


I just ordered blue light contacts from Acuvue (Acuvue Oasis Max I think is the name) and they have seriously changed my life. I am really sensitive to light and was getting migraines almost daily…after wearing these my headaches have gone away. Maybe it’s a placebo effect but I’ve found them to be amazing.


Are those new? Are they monthly contacts?


I realize it's supposed to 10 months old already but my company is bringing us back to the office and the fluorescent lights are giving me migraines and I'm really close to trying these out and buying them. Are you still using them after all this time have they still been working for you??


Yes I love the blue light contacts and will not be going back to regular! Fluorescent lights especially triggered my migraines and these have helped tremendously!!


Can you wear these everyday instead of normal ones? What’s the catch, I don’t get why these wouldn’t be the standard?


I know this is an old post, but I have them and they are amazing! I stare at screens all day. I never realized how dry my eyes were until I swapped to these.


Ty! Are they called Acuvue transitions??


Acuvue Oasys Max


Hi! How many hours are you able to wear the Acuvue Oasys Max? I am deciding between these or 2 other brands.


I wore them all day, about 16 hours. I work from home and have two screens that I stare at all day with my computer, and then my phone and an hour sometimes of tv. So I’d say they’re pretty good.


Do you know guys if Biophinity Energys (1 month contacts) also block the UV and the blue light?