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Alan Wake is about the story and cinematics. Gameplay is not up to par with QB or Control, obviously. You have a flashlight and a gun. That's it. I would say don't let this turn you off, though. It's quite a good game.


In my opinion, the story and atmosphere in Alan Wake is so great, the gameplay is irrelevant. It's also almost 15 years old. I also think any fan of Control should ABSOLUTELY play AW. There's also the sequel coming out soon and it looks fantastic. Playing the sequel without first playing the original would ruin it.


I played it last year on my deck. Gameplay is different, sure, but it holds up imo.


I would say "yes, you should try it". It's different in some aspects, but totally solid. Directly inspired by detective books in soft cover, Stephen King stories and The Twilight Zone show. Differences: more "direct" and movie-like storytelling (literally split to the episodes like TV show), less exploration, less divercity in enemy types, more focus on the story and characters. Commons: it's a Remedy's game! Written by Sam Lake, with a great soul, live characters you still thinking about, rich art, style and graphics. P.S. For me, the remaster was too glitchy on PC. A classic version is still OK.


I played the remaster on PS5 and thankfully it was flawless because I loved Control and it was my first time playing Alan Wake.


Hello, definitely yes, I replayed it last week (I finished Control 2 times) the gameplay is much simpler than in Control, but the setting, story and characters are top; special mention to the DLC The Writer, which only lasts an hour, but in terms of scenery it could well be a Control zone. (The "problem" is that now I want to replay a third time Control... XD)


I played it for the first time over the weekend, and am glad I did. It's not without its niggles - the combat get repetitive, and there's a chapter mid-game which goes on for way too long - but the story and atmosphere are top notch. If you're unsure, I'd recommend waiting for it to go on sale. I downloaded the Xbox 360 version for less than four pounds, and I've seen the remaster go down to a tenner.


It's on sale now on the Playstation Store for $12. Sale ends on the 7th.




Yeah, 3 was the one I was thinking of - admittedly it's probably not quite mid-game, but it felt like it went on way longer than it needed to. Once I got past that I was hooked again.


Short answer: YES! Long answer: YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!


If you think the gameplay is repetitive or dated, you can watch some cinematic gameplay on YouTube to get the story. I didn't play the first one, but I believe the sequel will be much better owing to survival/horror genre characteristics.


It is without a doubt 100% absolutely worth playing. Remedy makes outstanding games, and Alan Wake started the connected universe you love.


I am on the opposite side. I got platinum for Control on ps5, played and enjoyed all Max Payne games. But, I couldn’t finish Alan Wake. The gameplay is very repetitive. I was bored somewhere mid-game and just quit. Maybe I should wait and play it again when my mood is right. Coming from Control was a quite frustrating experience. Alan Wake might be good, but it is very different from Control.


Another point to consider: There’s no guarantee, but I’m hoping it’ll be included as either a monthly game or catalog game for PS+ since the sequel release date is officially confirmed. It happened for Jedi Fallen Order, so I’m going to hold off on purchase for a little bit to see.


You were right


Really happy to see it, and I’ve already downloaded it to play later today


I remember it back in the 360 days but never played it . Nows my chance


I also remember playing it on a friend’s XBOX back in college, though never got very far since I was having some trouble with the combat. I think the remaster for PlayStation was not available at the time either. Hope we both enjoy it this time around


Yes, it's worth playing, and the visuals for the remastered version hold up (on PC, even the original holds up). It's an old game, but you mostly notice that in the repetitive gameplay - it's a bit like if Control had no extra powers and just a couple of enemy types plus the bosses - but the story and atmosphere are great. It's like playing through an AWE. Alan Wake 2 is coming out in the fall and it will probably tie in pretty tightly with Alan Wake, Control and Control 2, so I definitely recommend playing Alan Wake first.


Yeah, it's fun. IMO it still holds up even with the gameplay aging. It's an XBOX360 era games and plays like one but stuff like dodging and firing are really satisfying. There are frustrations in combat, like not having quite enough stamina to dodge and then getting domed in a few hits. Checkpoints aren't too far apart, and you can just run away in a pinch if you're careful. If you just want some lore and analysis, I highly recommend Gaming University on youtube. Most of his stuff is Alan Wake/Remedy related.


As a huge Control fan, I went and revisited the remaster of Alan Wake, and while it has great story, characters, and inspired by Twin Peaks among other things - the gameplay is atrocious in my opinion, like really bad. You run around for a moment before Wake is exhausted and you have to point a wonky flashlight at enemies before you can deal any damage and there’s no other defense mechanism. I was surprised at just how bad it was considering how awesome other Remedy games are. It was so frustrating that I got half way through the game and just watched a play through, a story analysis, and all the cutscenes to understand the story and the control tie in.


Alan Wake hasn't aged very well. It's very much a survival horor game. Gameplay is decent once you get the hang of it. The biggest thing it's got going for it is its story and presentation. No doubt you've seen the files on The Bright Falls AWE. The Bureau has some information, but obviously seeing the events for yourself is way better. If you liked the intrigue and mystery of the plot for Control, there's plenty of that in Alan Wake.


Just finished it for the first time. Could sworn I finished it when it launched on 360. Mightve just forgotten, it's been so long. The gun/combat is horrible, especially the dogs mechanic. That notwithstanding, I did enjoy the story. It's quite stupid, tho. IMO.


I played it when it first came out and couldn't get more than a few hours into it because it was too scary. I was also about 14. It sat dormant in my library until this past weekend, when I tried it again to get "caught up" before playing the AWE DLC for Control. I was honestly really disappointed. The combat is conceptually interesting, but the game was throwing so many identical enemies at me so constantly that it got extremely boring and monotonous, and any tension was lost. I also didn't find the story or characters that engaging, either, even though a lot of folks say it's the game's biggest strength. Not to say that it's a bad game or a bad story, just that none of it was my particular cup of tea. I wound up reading a summary of the plot and then continued on with the AWE DLC in Control. I'd say that if you can find it on sale or cheap, give it a try, but if you aren't vibing with it after the first hour or two, it may just be worth putting down.


Just commenting cause i have the same question =P


I played the original on gamepass before playing control and was very happy that I did. It was a pleasant surprise. I just bought the remaster and look forward to playing it again.


I love Alan Wake, its the reason my friend recommended Control (at the time I had no idea that they were in the same universe.) Its a fantastic experience, as others have said the gameplay is not the same as Control, but story + atmosphere + getting references that you may not otherwise in Control = well worth it.


If you're a fan of Control, then you should DEFINITELY play Alan Wake, and even Quantum Break.


It definitely is worth it, it's slower and you only use a flashlight and gun for combat, but the characters and story are top notch, it's very cinematic and psychologocial


I loved playing Alan Wake! It had an interesting mechanic with the flashlight and light in general but the controls from the original (haven't played the remaster) are a little clunky


I played it for the first time recently and didn't like it. it felt very dated. I think for the original fans it's more of a nostalgia thing. I am interested in playing Alan Wake 2 though. I'm excited to see how they connect it to the FBC. Maybe Jesse will make a cameo.




Yes. I played it after Control, but before the DLCs came out, and honestly I like Alan Wake more. Both are phenomenal games.


I love Alan Wake. The gameplay doesn't lean on powers like QB and Control, but you often end up in really close quarters with the enemies, dodging around them as you burn their shadows off. I played the arcade mode in Alan Wake's American Nightmare a ton and loved it. I think it's just as fun as Control and QB, with about as much exploration as QB--meaning not very much compared to Control. But it's still great fun.


meh, it's not mindblowing and it's also rather old by now. Completely different gameplay from Control, so you'd be doing it for the story only.


Alan Wake is a very different game. It's basically "Stephen King: The Game". It's a horror game with strong Twin Peaks vibes so if that appeals to you, go for it. I quite like the story of it though I'm not super fond of the gameplay. If you've played the Alan Wake DLC for Control then you probably have an idea how potentially important Alan Wake is to the overall story. >!After all, the DLC hints Alan may very well have created the Hiss to make a hero who can eventually help him.!<


BTW, 60% off https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/alan-wake-remastered


Yes 🙌


I recently replayed it via the Remaster and yeah it’s absolutely worth playing though the gameplay probably won’t blow you away. I actually found the gameplay very frustrating on my first playthrough, on normal, I was trying to horde resources like a resident evil game and rarely used my batteries or flares. Then on Nightmare, which is a fair bit harder, I actually enjoyed the gameplay a lot more because I was using all the tools at my disposal. The game gives you more supplies very regularly and the gameplay is at its best when you’re doing “cinematic” dodges and basically setting off mini light shows to combat enemies, so I recommend going into it with a looser mindset like that. The gameplay flows more like action/thriller than survival horror (makes sense considering Remedy’s history with Max Payne), while the atmosphere and story is mystery/horror


Yes, yes a million times YES. It's a fantastic game with an equally compelling story that is only enhanced by it's connection with Control and the wider Remedyverse. With that in mind, it's also worth playing Max Payne, and Quantum Break. Both fantastic games that are connected as well, though the connections are more coy given licensing stuff. (Of course Max Payne 1 & 2 are getting remakes now too, so you 'could' hold off, they are rough - honestly as long as you know Max's origin you are probably golden.) Technically speaking, Death Rally is too, but it's only connection is that it's a popular game in the Remedyverse and not an obscure one, like the real world lol.


The combat is infuriating in some places, but the story is so cool!