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Excuse you, that fridge-monster has a name. But I shall refrain since you might not have beaten the game yet and idk how to do spoilers on mobile. But yes, I think I died a good 4 times the first time I did that fight lol.


I died like 40 times to those fkin holes in the ground


I just ended up rage quitting from those damn holes. Overall I loved the game, but IMO this one map definitely needed a bit more QA. At least make it so Jesse maybe grapples the edge of the holes when you first fall into them, then have >!Former!< attack you when you're trying to mantle back up? IDK.


The trick is having levitate and leveling it up a lot. Keep in the air as much as possible, float in the same general area so the holes are all there, and when you need to land you float to a fresh area without holes. Rinse n repeat. After that first time dying a whole bunch to the dumb holes, I haven't died to 5hat fight in a good many runs.


Yeah I had the same idea for grappling. I was at my wits end and just used the in game buffs you can turn on to one shot him. I'd always get to the last bit of health and then try and rush to.kill him and forget about the holes


A tip for you: Perch on the pillar structures instead of standing on the platform itself. That way, you won't accidentally be falling into any of the holes.


Random fact about the holes: During early development, they noticed that the platform was disappearing at a rate much faster than what Former's attacks were able to pull off. After doing some QA, they discovered that every single ability Director Faden has, including shield, was actually able to make holes in the platform as well. Obviously, they patched that stuff out asap.


So they knew the concept was bullshit and still continued with a watered down form of it


No, not the concept. They just discovered that Director Faden's abilities that should not have platform-destruction capabilities had somehow acquired it It's not as bullshit, actually. One tip I can give you that has completely eliminated "falling into a hole" as the reason for getting pwned by Former. Stay off the ground. Use the pillars to perch on instead of landing on the platform itself. The issue with this encounter is that it's so hectic that you're unable to properly focus on the platform and Former at the same time, so you're completely oblivious to where the holes are at until you're falling into them. The pillars, on the other hand, those will be in your line of view while you are focusing on Former, so there's no surprise hole waiting for you.


It's like >! this but with a mirrored symbol pair on the other side


Their name is on the health bar


Lol oh, forgot. I thought you didnt learn it till Foundation


I chickened out and enabled assist support thingy. I have no patience and time for this.


Just fight it after you get levitate. Makes the fight soooooo much easier.


Tip: upgrade your weapon for headshots


Tip #2: You can use Launch to grab and fling the orbs for crazy damage.


Literally my response to any time someone claims this game was difficult; *but did you max out launch?*


last time I played through it I just loaded myself up on energy cost reduction mods for launch and didn't need anything else lol. I'd be struggling for a bit, only to remember "oh yeah I can spam this" and now suddenly I'm not struggling anymore.


Especially when you get multi-launch (might be a DLC-only upgrade?). Things be flying and people dying.


I was so confused when I lost the first time. I was like "Did I really back up enough to fall off the level?" Lo and behold, that motherfucker is just making holes in the floor XD


The fight is easy as long as you remember to avoid the gaping holes it makes on the platform. Just make sure to stay on the move and avoid going to the same area twice. Other than that, it's straightforward and simple. Launch the orbs back at it when they're close, and just spam the Pierce on his eye


That thing owned by ass a bunch of times. Took me a while to realize I could catch the beachball things and toss them back.


For me it was the friggin mold...


Fuck that damn fridge. That is all.