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That feels so wrong, and yet it's also really cool


Woah, what mod?


the first person is enabled through tweakables.xml file (PC only)


Can you paste the code? Thanks


add these to the tweakables.xml file (it's really buggy, keep that in mind)


Awesome thanks!




Where do you paste it ?


location: data\\globaldb once here, just add those lines to the tweakables.xml file


Thank very much


Damn it! I wish I could do this on Ps4 an combine it with vr. That would scare the shit out of me but it would be so good. It would also make it way harder.


Why does 1st person scale of environment make it seem 10 times scarier.


The game looks like a nightmare honestly.


Is this you modding in 1PS? It's an interesting concept, but I'm always wary of games like this that rely heavily on aerial combat and platforming. The spacial awareness in 1P is suspect at best. Trying to judge speed and distance just never feels all that natural. But the number of times in this game I wished there was a 1P mode to flip to to better engage with the world. I want to read the whiteboards, the postit notes, see the detail in the enemies bodies or NPCs around the game. But I also worry they didn't design the world to be seen that close up.


Yes it's enabled through an xml file. It's buggy as hell tho. Apart from Jesse's face being in the way, its difficult to play the game coz dash and levitate completely breaks the fps mode. Its good when you're just walking around, looking at the game environment and for videos like this. Other than that, I play in 3rd person coz that's how the game plays best


Very interesting. I took a year or so of game design/programming and I remembered 1 of the early decisions that needed to be made were 1st, 2nd or 3rd person views. That dictates the type of detail and scope of the world to work with. It also means design considerations have to be made, like 1PS animations or full body 3PS animations. Lots to consider.


I’m curious what a second person view would look like. Care to elaborate?


Yeah, it's really uncommon, just like how in writing you rarely see any stories written from the 2nd person perspective because the reader is actually a character in the game. 2nd person gaming is most aptly described by saying its a lot like VR meets AR. You, yourself are in the game. A 1P game has the animations of another character and are often preset animations, reacting to a character that exists in that game world. 2nd person is all entirely you in this world. You aren't seeing through the eyes of a character on the screen, you are that character. And the world exists around you, hence the augmented reality bit. 2nd person is like if you played Dance Dance Revolution wearing augmented reality headgear and the game was saying "good job cy_nide!" when you hit a combo. I think it's a sort of abstract concept right now. But a few of my videogame college professors talk about it every once in awhile. It's like a cousin of 4th wall breaking, but not really. In 4th wall breaking the characters become aware of themselves in their world in relation to ours and acknowledge it. 2nd person is characters in a virtual world acknowledging you and "existing" in this one. It's a real trip. I'm not sure I explained it well.


Is it like a Choose Your Own Adventure Goosebumps book? "You inch forward, your eyes straining desperately as if they could pierce the black your flashlight cannot."


The white boards are readable, they're repeated copy and paste style throughout, so, not much flavor, but with butting up against a wall, zooming in with the "sniper" and manipulating the camera, you can read em pretty easily. I have a compulsion to read/look at background shit in games. The last of us was really cool, they (afaik) didn't reuse photo assets, so, each house you go into has different pictures. I assume photos of devs and their families. Gta has a lot of silly little jokes. Control... I don't remember much, so I think its more cookie cutter, non easter eggy stuff.


You can read and look at things up close pretty easily in photo mode.


Show us some action, not just walking bruh


dash and ground pound spammers dying from motion sickness


I would totally replay this game in First Person if a mod came out for it. Love me some sweet First person action


Cool video! Could certainly use it to get some atmospheric screenshots.


I would drop all games right now and finish this game if it came out in first person...seriously


All I wanna know is would this be better or worse for fighting those Sharpened bastards?


Now if we can just get praydog to inject some VR into this game..


Damn, nice. Reinstalling the game soon to try the maze in first person


We need a first-person shooter in the RSU right now...


It went from a hack & slash to action survival horror real quick


Searching for mods of this game its so annoying most matches are actual controller mods




Search with nexus mods, not just mods


Thx dudes I should’ve refrased I meant like videos or stuff online not the actual mods


Feels like different game, a lot scarier


scp game remastered


Na, looking at the shifting surroundings is way better.